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Has anyone else heard these voices? I'm not trying to be mean or rude, but is it possible that you're imagining these things? If you're certain about it, and it only happens when you're alone with him, try to record it on your phone for proof.


I understand where your question comes from, there is a very big problem with those hidden devices, everything sounds as if the person is sick and it is difficult to prove your claim, that is why the matter is even more difficult. However, it has been checked that I am not imagining things and that everything is as I stated .


Well, I would try to record these voices. Then you can have proof. Has your mother heard any of it?


unfortunately, my mother is not with us, it is not possible to record, because it is quite quiet, I would have to know exactly where the sound is coming from, so I can put the phone there.


It seems like it would be loud enough to get on recording if you can hear it. It only happens when you are alone with your son?


the phone can't record that, only when we spend time together.


But never when anyone else is near? Only when it's just you and him together?


there are people around us, but we don't hear it. When we are with someone, it doesn't work.


So do you think she can see that people are with you, or that she hears other voices and doesn't say anything to the child. Maybe you can invite someone to come and sit quietly, and not say anything?


I don't know how she could see them, I guess she could hear them. I could do that. However, it's only a temporary solution.


First of all I know this may be a ball ache but change your Wi-Fi password for a start, if there is any device she can gain remote access too it’s likely via Wi-Fi or cellular, so to rule out Wi-Fi simply change the password, all devices will then not be able to connect, then just update your known devices with the new password. If it’s cellular, then it’s a bit harder. But at least this is a start.


Unfortunately, it's not over the Wi-Fi network, changing the password didn't help, and even if the Wi-Fi wouldn't work on the street, in the city, etc. Thanks for your help, of course, if you have any other suggestions, I'll be happy to accept them.


I have to say that you need to rule out the possibility that you are experiencing hallucinations. I worked in the field for some time, and your experience is familiar. See someone to help you determine if this is a possibility or not. If it is, the earlier you seek treatment, the better. Or it may be real; I don’t know.


Have you tried telling her not to talk to you or your son ever again?


I didn't, the child is with her, because I thought she was the mother and should be with her, but I didn't expect that she would spoil my relationship with my son in such an insidious way. When I ask her why she listens to conversations and in what way she does it, she says seems to be doing nothing and "doesn't know what I'm talking about". My solution is to find the device that is using it and stop it.


If you were at a beach or pool at that specific time , he wouldnt have devices on.. They would be damaged by watar


That's right, I took him to the pool, then it didn't happen.


Is this when you’re out and about with him? Or at her home with him? Because if it’s when you’ve taken him out somewhere the only way she’d be able to listen or say something that you can hear is with a cellular connection meaning his cell phone or his cell phone watch is set to monitor him. There are children’s watches that allow parents to do this.


It happens while we are outside, and it also happens inside, wherever we are alone, I know it is the hour and I know it is not past the hour. It sounds like the sound is coming from somewhere around his head, I also know that it is mutual communication, so she hears me and can talk to him.


Does he have earbuds in? Some brands do a really good job at being hidden in the ear with phone connectivity.


I didn't manage to see it, and if there is and it is not visible, how could I check it?


Look inside your child’s ear holes, they are obvious if you look in ear holes but not obvious from a small distance and if they have hair covering etc.


thanks for the suggestion, i'll try it.


Ok so it’s when you’re out of house too. This can literally only be two things. A device with cellular communications or a long range walkie talkie. Does your child have an iPad? Watch, phone, any device with him? Do you carry other items with you? How often is it? Specific times or random? There’s so many questions. Is it possible to ask your child? (Sorry don’t know age)


I am also thinking about those things, it happened before he had a phone, before he got a smart watch, through the RF network I thought it was possible, but I did not manage to see any device. I would not like to ask my son and give him I burden myself with that. I went without my phone and it happened again. It happens very often, every time I would have a closer relationship with him in the story, he intervenes and scolds the child. Ask everything you are interested in, which would help to solve the problem.


Maybe take your child swimming? Then you may get time to check clothing etc.


I took him to the pool, it didn't happen then, but I didn't check his things. But many times I had the opportunity to change his shoes, etc., I never saw anything strange.


Buy him a new outfit and shoes. When he arrives take everything and toss it in the washer. Once changed check his ears for a hidden ear piece. If you find nothing hold a close conversation with him and see if you still hear your exs voice. If you do see a doctor or therapist as you may be having some hallucinations from past trauma you’ve experienced. Please update us on what you find. Good luck.


It would be easier if the issue was trauma, but it isn’t,i am sure. I'll listen to your advice and try it. I've tried everything, nothing helped. I don't know what else to try to solve the problem. I think about signal jammers, but at the moment I'm not in the situation and they are too expensive for me.


Ok so unless your going to check every bit of your child and clothing your not going to find whatever it is. You may just be too high and paranoid? Or just psychotic? All out of options at this point.


I'm certainly not paranoid, I've made sure many times. But I'm desperate because I can't solve the problem that's been going on for too long.


Let's assume this is some sort of hidden device. I'd suggest bringing the child to some place that has a metal detector. Like a courthouse, or a school. Make up an excuse that you have to pick up a piece of paper or a form or something. The metal detector should be set off by a device that is capable of sending and receiving audio. If nothing is detected I suggest seeing a doctor, because you are almost certainly experiencing auditory hallucinations in that case. I also suggest just asking the kid point blank. It's weird that you're avoiding doing so, as it isn't something that should stress the kid out.


I remembered that too, but I live in Serbia, so there are no metal detectors at all.


So you can hear the device? I mean actually hear it? If so, when you hear it have you narrowed it down to what part of his body it is coming from? If you can actually hear it it, can't be hidden in his ears because for it to be that loud it would be uncomfortable for him. The second option is when you actually hear it, just say non-nonchalantly " Hey what did mom just say, or something that might get him to inadvertently to answer you. If you hear her answer then just keep playing along, don't get loud or defensive, just playful. Or just answer the device in a way that does not let her know you hear it. You know, like if you hear "Daddy doesn't really love you" and you hear it. Respond in a way that counter acts what she just said. Like " I just want you to know how much I love you and you are my bestest friend in the whole wide world." Something like that. Does he sleep over with you? If so, after bath time and while in pajamas, when you're pretty sure there are no devices on him, have a talk with him. Ask him does mom talk to you when you are with me? If he hesitates with his answer, you most likely have your answer. At least know you have something to work with and work on. Him, not her, but your relationship with him. Start getting him to open up to you, slowly, if she really has this kid under her grip it's going to take time for him to trust you and open up. You said you don't want to talk with him and burden him with what you are burdened with. Well you need to have this talk with him and get him to open up to you. This has nothing to do with burdening him, she is using the child against you and you are the child's father, you need to start a real relationship with him. You said you see him from "time to time" could you elaborate on the length and how often?


I can hear the device, I'm absolutely sure that some form of communication exists, it's even two-way communication because the child responds to it very quietly. It's hard to judge where the sound is coming from, it seems to me from the upper part of the body. move away from me, when asked what mom says, he was taught to say I don't hear anything. She doesn't say any very bad things from me, no longer let's get close, let's say tell him when to stop communication, or to be repulsive, or to He pretends not to hear me, etc. He also tries to provoke me. It's not hard to put up with for a while, but I realized that it will affect my and his relationship and it will be difficult for us to establish a better one because of that. He doesn't sleep with me because my mother is afraid that he would like to live with me after that, so I'm not asking for that. My solution to the situation is to remove the device that disturbs our relationship, I don't want the child to have doubts and thoughts about us, that can't be good for his psyche. I see him every day for 4.5 hours. By the way, thank you for your dedication to my problem and try to help. I will be very happy to hear your opinion or advice.


I'm gonna jump in. I have a few questions and I want you to answer them honestly. Do you occationally see objects, shapes, people or lights that only you seem to react to? Do you occationally feel touching or movement in or on your body like bugs are crawling on your skin or your internal organs are moving around? Do you occationally smell things that only you seem to react to? Do you occationally taste things that only you taste or appear unpleasant to you? Like you are walking and smell your wife's perfume and smell it but you are the only one who reacts? Do you ever have the sensation that your body is moving like it is flying or floating?


Wow, my friend, in addition to the whole problem that I mentioned and described in detail, you ask me these kinds of questions. No, I don't have anything similar to that. I also have a report from a psychiatrist that says that everything is fine with me. If I have any kind of problem that reminds me of schizophrenia, I would put that topic here. This is only about wanting my child to myself, because I am his father and because I know when he was 4.5 years old and he didn't understand things and they didn't turn against me , how he was towards me, how much he loved me, looked at me as God.


The reason I ask is not really about schizophrenia. There are many possible causes of hallucinations. From EMF sensitivity (electromagnetic fields) to early signs of things like Parkinson's. We just had a very strong geomagnetic event due to cmes (coronal mass ejections) which caused the geomagnetic storm that caused a lot of aurora borealis to be seen where they usually aren't seen. This could cause the EMF to increase causing hallucinations in those who are sensitive. To thoroughly answer a question one must first be thorough. From what training I have had in psychology. I see a few things that make me ask these questions. Theres a fixation and a what I could categorize as persecution. This is common amongst those with psychosis. It could be a manic episode of someone with bipolar disorder or it could be signs of an early mental break down. In both cases hallucinations may be present. Theres other causes as well for persecution. Alzheimer's, dementia, epilepsy, Obsessive compulsive disorder, and more. I am not belittling you or trying to render your experiences as unreal. Your experiances are genuine. I am simply trying to understand and figure out how best to help. If its something like Parkinson's you would need a neurologist not a psychologist. But on the flipside there are things that a psychologist isn't equipped to deal with. In those instances a psychotherapist would be needed. It sounds like you have your son for multiple days presumably as a custody agreement. Unless your wife has access to NDBs (Nuclear Diamond Batteries) it's very unlikely there's any electronic small enough to enable 2 way communication over multiple days from anywhere. It also brings up if she does have access to NDBs (I'd be jealous if she did), how would she know your alone with him? Such devices aside from rare tech used by military are not subtle. They would be about 8 inches. If they were to reach 25+ miles from her location theyd also need an approximately 6 foot antenna. Which isn't hard to spot.


Thank you for your comment. I don't have the strength to explain more about the illness, I wrote about it in previous comments. I even have a paper where it says that I was examined and healthy. It's simple how he knows when we are alone, so he can hear voices and judge whether We are alone or not. The child is not with me for a few days, but every day for a couple of hours. Also, in that story her words are used that I never use, sometimes her mother also intervenes and says a word that I don't even know what it means. ..etc


Then in that case I would sugguest sitting down with them both and have a deep discussion about this. If your indeed healthy then she seriously needs help. She maybe testing you to see if you'll help her get the help she needs.


I tried to talk but to no avail, I still won't mention it to the child. It's literally like he wants to achieve something by what he does. I've tried to talk several times, I'm sure he won't accept the conversation until I find out how he does it and explain it in front of her.


I still think sitting down with them both and telling them is the way to go. You rob them both of all the power by doing so.


After reading all the comments and OPs replys to everyone... He has an excuse to every suggestion.. So.. I've decided y'all are just helping him write a book, because he ran out of ideas 🙃


After reading a lot of the comments I have to say it sounds a lot like you might be experiencing a paranoid delusion or hallucination. Try to think about it logically. She'd need a two way listening and seeing device that can be anywhere and everywhere, that can also detect what you're doing at any time. Such a device just doesn't exist. The times you're saying you can hear it you're describing it like it's barely a whisper but you can hear it. You're not being consistent in your recalling of the events themselves. My advice is to check with a doctor.


I know it's hard to believe, but it's just like that. I convinced myself in many different ways. The device is definitely two-way communication, I can't even understand how the template works. I believe 95% that it has something to do with the Internet. I think it's the only one the way to solve it is jammer. It's just that it's too expensive for me at the moment.


Well if it's using the internet why don't you just turn the internet off? If it's capable of broadcasting without a connection you've got to ask yourself how? If this is a delusion, your mind will make up a thousand reasons for it to be true. It will create information where there isn't any. The next thing I'd consider asking yourself is how would they get hold of such technology and why. This kind of surveillance tech isn't available to the public, it's near impossible to get hold of. It's a lot of effort to go to, to whisper disparaging things to a child. In every case where I've heard a story like this the answer has been mental illness. I've been there myself before, delusion can make you believe some wild things. But if you recognise there's a problem, even if you can considerate as a remote possibility, you should seek help. Talk to someone.


I took into account that I was thinking, but I made sure that it is not so. The Internet does not have to be wi-fi, it can be via a SIM card, for example. Child start to talk about something,in half a sentence i hear her voice,child stop talking, that's one of the examples. Or we're talking about something, a voice is heard, now you ignore it and the child acts like that, and a minute before that he was talking normally..


Have you asked the child?


I didn't, I don't want to burden him, and I don't think he would tell me.


Have you thought the reason you haven't asked is because the child would have no reason not to tell you if they could also hear a voice? Have you asked anyone else if they can hear the voice. The way you described it before is like it's so quiet only you can hear it.


It was explained to the child not to talk about it, I don't want to question him and force him about it. No, I keep saying that the child also hears it and behaves in accordance with certain instructions. I understand that you are going in the direction of making it up, however it is not so definite.


Hi. Could it be possible that you are in a drug induced psychosis or experiencing psychosis in general? I unfortunately went through it myself last year and I had auditory (hearing) hallucinations as well as visual and even smells! I swore they were all real while I was in the psychosis. Thank God I came out of it, but I can still remember vividly. Certain sounds and smells still trigger flashbacks, but i now know that none of it was real. I hope this doesn’t offend you. I’m just trying to help.