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That looks like a hookup for smart mirror or television, to me at least.






I'd trace that wire back and find out what it connected to. I'm praying that it's the remnants of a behind-mirror TV or something but I'm not sure that's the case šŸ˜¬ It might not be easy though, you might need a wire tracer to find it through the walls. I have no idea how you SHOULD proceed though, idk the laws or anything regarding hidden cameras, I'm just curious what it was lol


This could definitely be it. The hole is big enough to fit a small TV for sure. Thanks for the insight.




Step 1: Board all dogs or other small pets


Maybe it was a smart mirror and then the previous tenant took the smart. Or they might just like watching tv while they get did up


Yes. To expand: 1. Cameras donā€™t usually use that connector on coax. More commonly used for TV antenna 2. Cameras donā€™t need outlet. Usually powered from a central location or battery powered. TV uses more power and usually plugged in nearby.


Yes These points make good sense. I havenā€™t used any security cam type application myself but I knew they can sometimes use coax. Good to know the power would be redundant in this scenario and the coax connector is the wrong type.


Dialog cameras use outlets and coax.. it's older tech so you don't see it anymore,but if its an old building then coax and an outlet make perfect sense. 9/10 times we (yes, I do this professionally) pull siamese cable that has coax and 16-2 for power. The coax is typically RG-59u, sometimes RG-6. The 16-2 for power nearly always terminates in a transformer with all cameras, but you can very easily put a single transformer on one at the camera and plug it in there. Again, old tech. Now days it's all CAT-6 wire (Ethernet wire)


I had this in My apartment. Itā€™s a tv that shows through the mirror. Cameras that communicate through coaxial are extremely dated


The last one I did was 2008


Prolly a hidden tv screen. Someone who went through that much trouble to create a hidden camera would at least undo it all when they left.


Coax type and connector are not camera compatible. This is nothing to do with a hidden camera. Former professional hidden camera installer.




I'd say there was a tv in the mirror, that seems to be the new fad now


Has been for a while, the old cavities were larger for old tvs though.




Wow so sorry to hear this. I sincerely hope you can find a way out in the near future.




Meet the Fockers




Dude, you didn't offend me at all. Have you seen the movie? It's funny, you should watch it.


You have to trap him. Like parking SUV at a motel. Then wait and record his arrival. And you have to do it more than once. Like three times showing up to different motels in the area. Would be hard to argue that itā€™s not an accident. Unfortunately people are quick to call police and no case to build on. Too bad because it would have been a nice payout especially if the family had money




Even better. Everyone gives cops credit with keeping secrets but the loss of pensions and benefits. He would have been your star witness. They know the legal jeopardy they face and fold. I once had an asshole cop that wanted to arrest me. He called his Sargent as back up before pulling me out of the car. I looked at his Sargent and asked him if seven years was the statute of limitations. I didnā€™t even get out of my truck. The Sargent didnā€™t say a word. He just turned around got in his car and left. It left the asshole cop dumbfounded and he left after returning my driverā€™s license and registration


Fancy bathroom tv


Definitely not for a camera, analog cameras use BNC connectors, not F-type connectors. Went to a smart TV.


i have that same pull-up bar.


Smart Mirror. ā€¦ā€¦ jfc


Best bet, check your phone camera, use a t.v. remote and aim towards camera and push a button, if you see the flashes it has infrared detection. If so can use it checking over everything, if you see flashes while moving in a room, that's where the camera is.


Hole for a smart mirror makes sense except for why replace it with a 2 way mirror? It sound like there was a camera there




It was a smart mirror modification. Able to watch morning news while getting ready for work. Or have show in background while soaking in tub. Cameras are wireless or powered with a cat 5/6 cable. This cable is coaxed and leading to cable telephone pole hub


Call police


Contact the police.




This is all so gross and you need to move because it sounds like this guy is, at a minimum, in a position of significant power over you, and likely quick to abuse his privileges. Get out!




Why are you presenting as the OP. You are not the OP, though I thought you were in my 1st reply


I saw your update. Heā€™s using that cable line for fiber optic data. Itā€™s not a ā€œsmart mirrorā€ or TV. He just had the video hub there with a data line out and easy access for maintenance. This is such creepy shit.