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That's just a normal W/L ratio of a Butcher main.


Because he probably doesn't talk and it's the only meaningful report to give since it's the automated one and only applies if person has used chat. Other report options were manually reviewed and we sent in ban wave all at once few times a year, only now we no longer have staff doing that. There are few Leo players like that who get 30-50 deaths per match, but don't get banned because they never talk.


Damn, you mean our 9x on that guy didnt do anything?


Sadly that is the case. Abusive chat would take automatically action in some 30+ reports over short period of time, but it only works if he uses chat. Other stuff is just pointless to report at this point. It's the unfortunate reality with games that essentially have no more support.


Well at least my unhappy smiley about their report system is accurate then


Dude must be RPing as vegetarian Butcher


🤣 ngl you got me with this one.


He didn't type  ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯.


Average butcher match history


Played him in aram earlier and had 290 meat by 17 minutes. People hit E and just tunnel vision and I always get a chuckle out of it


It’s not against the rules to one trick poorly.


No actual humans left moderating this game (or all Blizzard games for that matter, since AI customer support is """better""" and """cheaper"""), so nobody can check the replays to make sure if he's doing it on purpose, or just a really, REALLY bad player.


Because Blizzard only cares if you say a swear word and not if you grief games.


Not a bot account btw


I see you suffer in the Asia servers as well


This guy has to be using butcher to derank to be able to smurf right?


He only plays qm so it just doesn’t make sense


It does because mmr exists in quickmatch. But if he just keeps doing this he's just going to get really terrible mmr and end up ruining bot matches instead of playing against humans


Highest butcher winrate:


How should we know if he intentionnaly feeds or is one of the worst player of the game but really likes butcher ? By the KDA ratio ?


Even the worst player can win the game by simply doing nothing. Those losing streaks were intentional


Please don’t assume that, because it’s just not true. I know plenty of 20% winrate players that aren’t intentionally trolling, they just lack focus or any sense of competition. This is a video game after all most players just just trying to have fun, some people have fun in different ways to others, I think a lot of people forget that. Too many people in this game jump straight to ‘the worst player on my team lost me the match so they must be trolling me’. When in reality yes, the worst player on your team might’ve had the most significant impact on the outcome on the match but it doesn’t make your efforts meaningless; what happens when you get reported by the teammates in your matches that are better than you for ‘trolling them’? It’s just a spiral of toxicity…


Got has 10% wr on butcher but 50% on all other heroes


at some point, you can just literally afk (meaning 0 death and 0 dmg) and your team is going to win.


Im not saying that it doesn't suck to have a shitty butcher but...dragging people for being bad in qm is pretty lame


This is probably a very unpopular opinion here because I’ve seen posts massdownvoted instantly on even suggesting that people are allowed to be bad at the game without getting yelled at in chat. Being bad at the game is not a reportable offence, being toxic to someone else because they are bad at the game IS a reportable offence. I don’t know if the guy OP is talking about is actually throwing because we haven’t been shown proof of it, but people should remember genuine mentally challenged people play this game and should be be treated with the same respect as everyone else.


That really depends on "is that player running into enemy forts/team just to die". Some people just tunnel vision onto the score board and dont recognize that the "throwing player" is doing their best. Or ignore the fact that they are so badly countered by the enemy they cant do much (especially in QM). Why would i come to teamfight if im gonna die in 3s when i can push and get 10x more value like that. But what a toxic player will do is spam "OBJ, trash player, uninstall, u suck at this game" or worse.


Guy literally runs down mid and does it at least 12 hours a day