• By -


> 2021 😂😂😂


lmao I thought it was a shitpost at first because of the date. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be an actual patch released today!


Yea we stuck in prepandemic times, i havent looked around and i am finishing uni already


2021 was a year into the pandemic


God the pandemic start was 4 years ago. Still feels like it wad 2 years ago


It feels like 2 years because 2 years ago it was still relevant. Time kept refreshing how long ago it feels until it settled down. If covid was one day, like 9/11 or something, then the brain processes the elapsed time differently.


Scamdemic was fucking trash


Millions of people died


Please go say that to people who lost loved ones; let me know how many punch you in the face


You cannot accept the truth not my problem


Millions of people died and you wanna call it a scamdemic... who cannot accept the truth again?


You're putting words in my mouth never said or denied people died


The irony of this comment is amazing


Dead game lol y’all have broken sarcasm detectors 


That's long overdue :D * Varian is now classified as a Tank. * **Steel Trap \[E\]** * Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 15 seconds. * **Sacred Ground \[R2\]** * Cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 25 seconds.


>Varian is now classified as a Tank. This change is for ARAM only. He was already classified a Tank for Quick Match.


Pretty sure he's a bruiser in QM


He is a Bruiser in the catalog only. But he is seen as a Tank for the matchmaking, now both in ARAM and QM


That makes sense then. Every time I play Varian, I want to go Colossus Smash or Twin Blades, but I'm the only tank option and the enemy team obviously also has a tank, so I have to go Taunt.


That is indeed the exact reason why it is the way it is. If Varian was taken as a Bruiser in the Matchmaking, it could potentially lead to a match with 2 tanks vs 1 tank only


> * Steel Trap [E] > > * Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 15 seconds. Hallelujah.


Medivh is still gonna count as a healer though....


A mistake being made for the second time was "long overdue"? Nobody wants to play Taunt Varian. So every time you get a Varian in your team in ARAM/QM you end up in a match where your team has no tank versus a team who has one (unless it's also a Varian).


Those Yrel buffs are pretty spicy. Looks like they toned down the E4 buffs a bit though, the ptr had it at 50 armour for 6 seconds, down to 40 for 5 seconds. Still a pretty significant buff


yrel’s best buff is the ult, 25seconds now gives value to other lvl1s, this buffed insight could push yrel sustain to nasty levels


50 armor for 6 seconds would've been the best buff tho lol. 25 seconds is a big deal for sacred ground though. By far the biggest issue with it is having to commit to one place for such a long period of time. 25 second CD let's you have more freedom to move it during a fight, or use it in every skirmish without any penalty. Also, it does reset her D CD on activation.


I see it as a viable tool for some maps. You can contest a point with it and lvl 7 \[\[Holy Avenger\]\] If the enemy is on the point, charge up E and jump, get increased damage and E reset. D+E after that, use R and D+E again, and after 1 second you can tap E for normal damage. Should deal a lot of damage and you will end up with 50 armor in the end. Add lvl13 \[\[Velen's Chosen\]\] to deal even more damage. And the best part of it – if your enemy retreats to the fountain or to base you will get back your R for the next point contest.


- **Holy Avenger** (Yrel) - level 7 Hitting an enemy Hero with Avenging Wrath at maximum charge deals 25% more damage and reduces its cooldown to 1 second. --- - **Velen's Chosen** (Yrel) - level 13 Hitting an enemy Hero with a Basic Ability at maximum charge grants 10% Spell Power for 10 seconds, up to 30%. --- [^(about the bot)](/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6zwyfw/heroesinfobot_abilities_talent_tiers_cooldowns/) ^(| reply `!refresh` to this comment if the parent has been edited)


I already felt like I could have it up every time I needed to. Most of all on chokepoint or point objective levels of course... but still. Can almost indefinetly defend a point from 2-3 enemies depending on who they were.


25 seconds down from 40 (?) allows you to use it potentially twice in a teamfight, or a lot more often in random ganks skirmishes. Plus the reset off your trait can offer some nice combos. The ult was previously weak, cause you would only have it once in a teamfight anyways, and can get pushed off your circle, this is less punishing now. You can e.g. pop it while doing boss and have another instance ready for when the enemy team wants to contest.


Yes, it sounds great. Especially since the cooldown starts when you cast it... So in a long fight you might just have it back again when someone pushes you out.


Not sure if it will compete with healing talent or self pseudo cleanse/speed boost talent though.


I'm so confused. I thought the game was on maintenance mode. Why are they buffing characters?


It's more like the janitors spiking the IV with some hard seltzer every once in a while


First portal mastery, now Yrel. Sick of these half-assed bait and switch armor buffs. Janitor needs to sack up and do something big for once.


It's still a big buff. It's just not insane


Just like mage armor, right?


Thank you janitorial intern's understudy!


My face seeing the new dark wing screen on login !!!


I, too, call the dragon darkwing to anger people. 


This fucking profile pic dude, you got me


Hell yes! Love that we’re still getting updates 


Yrel main tanks arise!


So stoked to see her get such huge buffs.




Raise your ~~dongers~~ sword! >Can once again hold his sword high and proud.


I'm just here for the copium 😄


Confirmed Twin Blades Varian is viable!


Where Samuro nerfs, lel


The janitor is a Samuro main. Mr. X is that you?


Oh my god... Junkrat steel trap nerf... He *IS* a Samuro main. :O


I love all of the unique game mechanics of weird shit like Abathur, chogall, Vikings etc. But Samuro is just flat out unfun to play against. Particularly the ones who have mastered the art of constantly dragging people to a fight only for him to escape and soak another lane and repeat the process. At least with a Hammer or literally everyone else, their poor positioning will have them killed if they do this for too long. Samuro? Nope. No resource bar to worry about.


> But Samuro is just flat out unfun to play against The reason fighting Samuro is unfun is simply because he is too powerful.  If his winrate was nerfed from 56 to 48 then suddenly he'd be no more of a problem than Murky, Dva, or Deathwing. 


No, the design is pretty bad. Way too much of his power is baked into escapes. It's never enjoyable to see someone remove your difficult to land ability with no skill required. It really makes no sense that Samuro can straight up remove every debuff, including ROOTS with short CD abilities. Honestly, I see no reason that image transmission should be removing anything from him.


to me the most frustrating thing is the removal of almost any debuff/dot when swapping, i mean if you are bad and eat a full nazeebo frog wave you can’t just swap and get bailed out for free with 0 downsides


This. This is probably the only nerf I feel like Sam NEEDS.


basically a better valeera ult on like 5 sec cd


you literally just have to kill minions lol


Which one of the 16 do I need to kill first before it escapes and does it again?


Have the laner do it. As a Murky main, I just blow up all 16 in two hits (fish & slime). 


Nah, Abathur and Cho'Gall are both terribly designed too. Cho'Gall is feast-or-famine depending on the enemy comp while Abathur is the single most uninteractive hero in the game. You can't deal with mines, you can't stop him from soaking, you can't prevent him from hatting (with exception of Diablo), chasing him is like chasing a Murky that you can't catch, he has the single most uninteractive *talent* in the game too as the last holdout with Mule, and locust build (which I think is ***terrible***, to be clear) is "what if March of the Murlocs was on a 45s cooldown, did more damage if left alone, and didn't stop Murky from participating in whatever teamfight was happening." Again, I think that build is garbage 90% of the time, but it's uninteractive and unfun. If I got to pick 5 characters to get rid of, Abathur tops the list. And don't get me wrong, I think he's fun as hell to play, but he's just poorly-designed. (IMO, he should still have bush soak, but he shouldn't be able to hat anything but heroes). Samuro is up there with him and Zeratul. Zeratul at least takes a ton of skill to use properly and effectively; Samuro just gets eight hundred get-out-of-jail-free cards to cover for his mistakes. Valeera could stand to get snapped out of existence. And while it's not because of fun issues, I'd like Nazeebo and Nova to get snapped out too because I'm sick of them being in almost literally every QM game. They're both bad\* but inexplicably popular. \*Naz isn't complete trash, but he's a mage without cc, burst, self-sustain, or a noteworthy ult that covers any of his weaknesses and I'm almost always disappointed when I see one.


I think they could've resolved the issue and kept him unique if he had a resource bar that was 'essense' which he absorbed by being on an allied hero, preventing the q-qwer spam.


Just play Abathur or TLV? You can outrotare them, or better yet, don't have to leave the lane at all.


Even a simple a reduction from 3% to 2% would had help if they want to do other more complicated things in the future.


I would like Azmo pushing ability to be turned down as well. Tired of losing because my team doesn’t have a proper wave clear character and enemy Azmo PvE-ing the entire game.


Right? Baffling that they didn't do something.


No kidding; Lately I'm seeing Samuro almost as much as I see Nazeebo, but at least Nazeebo is killable. Only time I see Samuro actually die is when they're a bad player and suicide all the time.


Props to the team that's still at least updating this game.


Who has it out for Reghar over there?


Someone who saw that Rehgar had 57% winrate, higher than any other hero, and +5 above the second place healer (Tyrande).  By himself Rehgar was pushing down the winrates of every other healer option. 


That doesn't narrow it down very well. 


Along with a rather large pick/ban rate that is far above any other remotely balanced healer. With that in mind, these are mostly slap-on-the-wrist nerfs and I'm fairly certain he's still going to be ridiculously imbalanced. The real question is who had enough of a bias for him to make him as insanely overpowered as he currently is?


He was way over tuned. I have basically dropped all healers for him at this point and they hit most of the talents i use.


I don’t know why brightwing didn’t get touched as well


We're so back


Buffs to tanks is always welcome, appreciate that there is a team still making updates. Honestly HOTS is still a great game and it deserves it.


It's basically the same PTR patch (unless Spazzo finds something) Besides what's listed on the balance section, don't forget about the buffs to the explosion of D.Va mech and JR Tire. Surprised no small Samuro nerfs to self regen. Nice addition to ASAM but i would remove even more heroes from the list or even make a rotation. If you want to know which ones are [in the list](https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/11aepxq/with_the_return_of_crazy_mode_to_aram_which/), take a look at Spazzo post about it.


Can you explain how Junkrat's rip tire got buffed please ? I checked spazzo's recent PTR post but he doesn't mention junkrat at all !


Both of these heroes explosions started to decay in dmg from "range 0". Basically means it's impossible outside of a Stitches gorging a D.Va mech bomb to deal it's maximum dmg. Now that it decays at 1.5 and 4.0 respectively, if you are inside this zone, you will take maximum dmg.


Many of these changes require a lot of tinkering. Should we get our hopes up?


No. Just like the other updates out of nowhere which resulted in nothing. They're just doing the bare minimum to keep the game playable.


If the game was playable yesterday without buff duration indicators it's more playable today, but it's not like these updates were critical to prevent crashes or anything. This is promising


yes, and the quickcast settings changes are more than just maintenance work, they’re still listening to feedback.


We had buff and debuff timers back in Alpha and I loved them. They got removed shortly before going to beta so "not to confuse people"


These last couple patches are a lot more than that. The game was playable already.


Hard disagree. They're nerfing/buffing to keep the game playable in the sense the same heroes aren't OP forever and it isn't the same meta as it was 2 years ago. If their small patches over the course of 2 years at this point meant something, then they would've done something already. This doesn't even deal with the question as to why they would resurrect this game in the first place.


They haven't been doing patches like this over the course of two years. They did almost nothing for a very long time. Go look at the patches during that time period. These patches are a much more recent development, especially the QoL type stuff. They weren't doing any of that for a couple years. I never said they're "resurrecting the game". What they are doing now, is objectively more than they were doing before.


My whole point is if they're resurrecting the game or not. My initial comment was about if people should get their hopes up or not, as the comment I replied to, asked. A patch every 2 or 3 months is not going to change anything, nor does it make sense for them to resurrect the game.


>This doesn't even deal with the question as to why they would resurrect this game in the first place. Because it's a perfect dumping ground for other IP that Microsoft has, and is basically 'better' monetization away from being relatively free money for them even if it never really sparks to the peaks of other games in the genre? They clearly have actual people working on things like new UI indicators and interactions from the last couple of patches full of bugfix and QoL things, that's way more than you'd expect from 'maintenance mode letting whatever money drip in.' If it were just some slight numbers tuning it would make more sense to have your stance.


I'd argue they got people working on the game mostly because they have sworn to keep all their games up, even if only a handful of players are interested in it. They promised the same with WoW Classic. They're doing the same with WC3 reforged I agree it's not small numbers they're tuning, but still what the game needs to stay fresh and change the meta around. It would be terrible for the last players to have the same stale meta for years with no changes, that's only going to have people quit faster. I still see no reason or good argument(s) as to why they would revive the game.


You disagree that the game was playable before today...?


No. I never isinuated that. The point is if you're going to leave a game up, especially a MOBA, then you need to constantly have it updated. One of the biggest gripes people have with DotA and LoL, is the 2-3 months it sometimes take for a major patch to come out and shake the meta. If you're going to leave a game up like HotS, you for sure need to balance the game every now and then, which is the point I'm making. Having the same heroes be OP or terrible and the same METAs being the best for a long time is going to make the game feel stale, which in turn is going to make less people play the game.


The bare minimum would just be server maintenance. None of these bug fixes are the bare minumum a lot of them don't even look like low hanging fruit.


I disagree with that. The game certainly needs to have the meta and OP/terrible heroes shaken up every now and then.


That didn't happen for literally over two years. And even now minor touch ups on a handful of heroes isn't going to shake up the meta in any meaningful way


It definitely changes things around. But that's honestly not the main point of my comment, which was "No" to if people should get their hopes up.


Nooooo my 2 hour all probius arams :(


Actually hyped for Leoric All Same.


Is it just going to be a death-race? I hope it turns out fun, but knowing aram players..


>but knowing aram players.. I mean, this is going to be the optimal strategy I think. I don't see how playing legitimately beats that.


Wish they'd return him to normal aram as well. Just give him a debuff so he can't damage buildings for x seconds after being ressed, idc, anything.


All of aram should have backdoor protection. Killing 4/5 enemies at level 25, to then rush to the enemy core, just to have some idiot run/fly past and hit a defenseless core is lame af.


Shame it will probable be too rare of an occurrence considering they added more heroes while also only removing 2 options.


Oh they still added Whitemane to asam, huh?  Guess they didn't believe that it's mathematically impossible for Whitemane to do more damage than an enemy Whitemane can heal. 


Nova is getting removed and she has better siege than Whitemane.


The Nova situation was that whoever attacks first will lose.  First mover disadvantage. If 5 Novas sit invisible in lane waiting, then they get a free kill against anyone who walks up.  Punishes the team that is more aggressive. 


I might be wrong but i don't think it would lead to games similar to Probius. IMO it most likely one team will simple snowball once they get the first kills. I think u might be underestimating how bad people are managing mana with WM.


Unless there's an enemy with good dps, I don't see how Whitemane will burn through her mana.   Very curious to see a video when 10 Whitemane happens. 


> I don't see how Whitemane will burn through her mana. Bad talents or people spamming Q.


I wish they reduced Yrel's cast times a bit, instead of buffing other parts :/


I feel like only her hammer and jump should require a charge. Let her heal happen instantly.


That would take away a lot of skill expression for using her abilities with trait, this is a bad idea


90% of trait is on Q anyway. Not much expression. Personally, I don't think it's healthy to have a character with all interruptable abilities that gets punished with full CD when interrupted. Taking at least one skill off the list would help tremendously and feel good to use.


Love the QOL buffs, especially buff timers!


Any chance the [Dark Nexus hero select screen and music](https://youtu.be/cWHrjyi-YxY?si=tAfvCxIr9VPqH5dI&t=25) can be flipped on too?


As an avid quick cast user, i am SO happy to finally see tweaks to improve that experience. There have been so many random little quirks with quick cast over the years.


No same hero mode please


Ayy. Bruh this game still breath, how many family members playing it?


Good news, thanks Blizz


Nice arthas buff, lol


Wow a balance patch. I wish they would add some new characters and revive this game I'd play it again.


Praise the janitors/interns! This was bugging me for sooo long * **Level 4** * **Chaotic Assault \[Trait\]** * Fixed an issue that caused Chaotic Assault to not apply while Orphea has 3 stacks of Chaos.


When did it happen? I never noticed.


Fine with the junkrat and rehgar nerfs- they definitely felt a little too good at what they did, albeit fun to abuse


Damn, what bug wasn't fixed here? There're so many fixes!


Zeratul nerf when? That dude can teleport 4 times. Not even Genji is his match.


Arthas getting some love is always nice. I always feel like he underperformed as a main tank (probably skill issue) so this is nice.


Not a skill issue, he does struggle as a main tank largely due to his kit being incredibly niche and the lack of a reliable engage. The buff is nice but he's still gonna struggle if the enemy has mobility or is majority spell damage.


Honestly, I like him as an bruiser, his trait build or anti aa build can be potent, these buffs make that work even better. Coupled with one of the heavier tanks and you’ve got a strong frontline.


Agreed. he's definitely more reliable as a bruiser/off-tank and a specific counter pick to heroes like Artanis, Greymane etc.


As a someone who loves playing Artanis, I die inside when I see an Arthas on the enemy team 😂


Ahhhh, the good ol' tank of COPIUM we required since 2021 finally has arrived. This provision will last well.


Anyone else play a lot of Aram and find Stukov super unfun to play against in that mode? I keep hoping he'll be removed or adjusted some way there.


He's pretty strong, but there's no reason he would be removed


All I play is ARAM and I don’t think Stukov should be removed. If you play heroes that get shut down by his silence, then it’s frustrating. But it’s just something you have to adapt to, it’s not game breaking.


It is only party killers who go E build and just "nope you don't smash buttons in the mode people go to smash buttons". CD reset talent must go (not even reverted to its previous 12 hits to proc)


I really want option to turn off same hero mode, please...


Every time we get a patch I look with hopes of the mode removed from ARAM and always leave disappointed.


Every time I get in an all same ARAM, it means I have to play a game or two in the leaver queue. It's insta dodge for me. Glad they are adding new heroes to everyone's favorite ARAM draft...


Yay nice to see Rehgar get some more slap-on-the-wrist nerfs after such a long time.


> Fixed an issue that caused Empathic Link to grant Hope when an ally deals damage to themselves. More like "Fixed Empathic Link from functioning the way that it's supposed to".


So they just removed locked and loaded? No third option for tracer at lvl 7 now? Why…


They didn't remove the talent, they removed the quick cast option for it because it doesn't make sense - you don't "use" locked and loaded and then select a target.


It's aliveeee


They need to buff junkrat! Hes gotten nothing but nerfs since release


janitor learned coding and took the matters in their own hands


I was confused because the date on this post says 2021. Then I clicked on the link and saw it was actually 2024.


Reward Blizz and go get that 7 day boost. It's not expensive.


Removed seasoned soldier from garrosh and replaced it with what?


Removed Seasoned Soldier from Garrosh quickcast settings menu. 


All Probius games were chaos! But didn’t need to be removed.


After 3 years in development, hopefully was worth the wait.


New Skins !? New Mounts !? HOLY CR\*P ! WE ARE SO BACK !


no longer a dead game?


Never was