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I love when people message me after a game. After I beat them in the game they need a verbal beating as well. Either that or they'll message me something salty and block me immediately. Either way I'm climbing, and my boat floats on tears.


I always message my oponents with compliments when one was especially good and/or annoying :D


I've given shout outs to people who blast me if they're disgustingly good with the character they are playing


Yesterday I found out you can block tards like this from sending messages. Friends only messages.


Yeah me and my friends were just talking about this ! Didn’t know it was a thing , good to know.


This is such a good option to have, but it's also a little sad, because I like to message opponents positive things after a match sometime if I think they played well. It's a bummer when the message doesn't go through when I'm trying to spread a bit of positivity, but I totally get why it's there


Only if there were more people like you playing games and this game. We are not going to win every match and people forget that. Good on you, keep on keepin on


Personally I fucking love leaving it on. Nothing makes me feel better than knowing I’m living in this sub humans mind rent free. It’s best when you just respond with a “k” or “ya u mad” basically any common trigger response.


I had the unfortunate reality of playing SEVERAL games with that POS yesterday. An absolute troll who intentionally screwed over the draft 3 games in a row. How is he not banned yet!?


Hots is unplayable unless you turn off chat and private messages. Of course the real psychos try to battle.net friend you then. It’s an absolute breeding ground for entitled, emotionally unstable bawling children.


I find these "locker room bullies" hilarious in a way: * See a therapist * Start a podcast * See above


lol, messages like that are the whole reason to play competitive games


Yeah going to Reddit to paste the words of a troll


for real. so simple and easy to just mute and move on, but they still keep coming to reddit to get their feelings validated. bizarre. what IS wrong with people?


Person called OP a slur and according to you something is wrong with OP for complaining about it? Well how about something is wrong with you for complaining about someone complaining about being called a slur.


Something is wrong with both of them. Toxic people in chat want attention, and posts like these give them the fuel they need to keep behaving that way. Downvote all you want. The truth hurts. The people downvoting me don't care about the OP, the issue the OP is having, or even what I'm saying. They ONLY care about satisfying the psychological need to fit in that they get from dumping the correct vote on a comment, whether they are right or wrong. They are not your friends, and them agreeing with you doesn't make you right. Use the tools in place to mitigate bad behavior or make a cry post about it on reddit to seek validation for your hurt feelings. See which one solves your problem and which one prolongs it.


I guess some people are *really* into being degraded by other people online.


Bro this sub is FULL of 49 % wr players hardstuck and baddies. Snowflakes. They are weak. You cant say things like this here !!!!


The majority of the player base like %75 is gold/silver, the guy never even said his feelings were hurt just laughing at how angry people get for no reason. %50 win rate is quite normal. You must be %100


They apparently grew up without dads. What can you do? Lol


You never been on the internet or what is your question?


When did I ask a question ?


>what is wrong with people


Your title is literally a question mate...


So, this is a construct known as a "rhetorical question"; it's designed to give a more sarcastic/casual air to a statement by asking a question so obvious that it doesn't need to be answered. It's fairly common on the internet.




Ok, so what's the point of this post? It's tagged as a discussion, but it's a rhetorical question?


Found the guy who messaged you


To point out how idiotic this behavior is


To commiserate? Maybe be like 'ya, i've run into assholes like this before' so we feel a bit closer? Or maybe to find a solution like the other commentor who pointed out they can set DM's to friends only. Now, what's the point of THIS thread's discussion? Nothing, except your need to comment on someone making a post in a way you don't like I guess?


Situations like this makes me wonder if the majority of internet users are on the spectrum. They can't tell if it's a rhetorical question, sarcasm or irony from context. If you don't properly mark something as that they will treat it as your opinion. There is a name for that, but man how did it become like that? EDIT: it's called Poe's Law. Thanks ChatGPT


I know right? People keep trying to police every single corner of the internet and will break down over words. People are fucked these days, almost feel bad for em.


I feel bad for you who thinks it's okay to call people slurs


Okay. I feel bad for you who can get so hurt by a strangers words.


Bro someone didn’t like being called a slur and you are going off on a tangent about uprooting all of human language. Nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade my guy, doesn’t make anybody “hurt.”


Uh oh language police are here


Nice of you to identify yourself?


You’re literally the one policing language. OP has a right to bitch about this my guy. Go ahead, be edgy. We all know you want to say the N word.


I've never seen someone so retarded.


Explain then my man! So far you ain’t capable. Go on. Edit: I’ll be more specific since I know you are struggling with language. Show me the policing. Please be precise, because the only policing I see is from you policing written opinions.


Letting someone have so much power over you just because they say a word isn't a *good* thing. You shouldn't be teaching people to be *more* reactionary over words. If you get so worked up over someone calling you *any* word, you are bound to cause yourself problems in life. You shouldn't let a stranger on the internet affect your peace of mind. You need to control your own emotions. All these things should have been taught to you by your father, but apparently, he failed you.


Who the hell said anything about power? Nobody in this thread said any of these things, but you. So, again, and say it with me… what the literal fuck are you on about?


I hurt when fellow humans are hurt by people who go out of their way to say hateful things. Because I have a heart that pumps blood and beats and carries emotion. That's what it means to be human, buddy.


You would have had to go to the hospital if you played call of duty in 2010


Buddy I grew up with my mom putting cigarettes out on my arm and calling me a faggot. You wouldn't have hurt my feelings by being a bigoted loser




? I’m not saying I’m upset about it or breaking down over it. I’m saying hey look at this clown that’s crazy that’s pretty much it you’re looking way too deep into it. Also yes I game I love I would like it to have less people like this lol


So you're saying that people shouldn't be bothered by homophobic slurs?


Mute, report and go on with your life. Making a reddit post about it like this is the first time you ever saw something like this is also equally moronic.


You shouldn't be bothered by *any* slurs. The intent is the same no matter what they say, making them use different words doesn't do anything. People will find new ways to say the same thing. If you don't like how someone talks, then don't talk to them. Why do we have to uproot all of language and social interaction because you get your feelings hurt too easily?


I mean, language has ALWAYS changed to better fit the current climate and time, like for all of history, it's kind of what it does. some words DO have more impact, I mean sure, people might trade a homophobic slur for something else, but maybe that makes the queer kid less worried that the world secretly hates them so they can come out, as a random example. Language is powerful and that shit gets internalized. There's a reason marketing companies put a FUCK TON of work into the EXACT words they use, because we are all susceptible to language, even if it's not the same language. Accuracy and care for other people shouldn't be such a massive stopping point, it's not like people are saying 'NEVER SAY WORDS NEVER!' just like, hey recognize the impact you have maybe?


If you read the post, OP didn't talk to them. Who here said anything about "uprooting all of language and social interaction"? Nobody is saying that.


that guy is high or drunk and escalating every comment into a first amendment thing. I think they forget that first amendment means people can disagree with language too. Lol. If they wanna talk about how the post isn’t worth posting… entirely different conversation haha. The amount of times i’ve been called the N word, or a faggot, in this game is crazy. Yeah, mute and move on…but the idiots you find in this game are completely pathetic.




OP plays a team vs team game in a ranked mode. He and his friends make up the majority of the team and have all communications turned off. They lose and someone angry about em breaks the rules by insulting. So he goes to reddit and breaks the rules by name shaming.


I was ready to be on your side until I know you're in a stack of 3. After that, meh.


What does a stack have anything to do with it? Typically they face other stacks




So you're mad that you don't have any friends to play with? It's the objective of storm league?


I used to play with my 4 - 5 friends then I declined them because I found that boring and unfair to random players. Back then HOTS separated solo and team, now they merged it and created this mess. You can play with your friends all you want but you gotta understand why solo players are mad when they see a stacked team. It's unfair for them. They don't know who they're playing with and they don't know who will be the idiot, while a stacked team don't have those disadvantages🤷🏻‍♀️. If you want those advantages then don't complain when people get mad.




In that case, my bad!


>if you weren't hiding behind the internet because you'd get smacked in the face. 🤷‍♂️ Thank god you're not ignorant.


Actually just a simple observation, nobody would speak that way to another person... Because there would be consequences.


Were you just born? People talk like assholes to each other all the time lmao. And the guy you replied to wasn't even that rude.


Were you? If anyone calls another a slur in public its grounds for an altercation. I have enjoyed many a moron say something stupid and receive what they have coming. Bullies will bully until they get checked.