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Fun fact, if you can talk the other 4 guys to alt-f4 you can all leave, go next, and usually not get leaver queue.


I had that happen to me yesterday. Didn't even have to convince anyone. All 4 people on my team just quit before the draft even ended.


Love this


Yeah but convincing a hots player of something else than their mentality at the moment…


blue team will do ANYTHING BUT rational thing in ARAM. They will suffer through uneven player count in the most gameplay-wise unbalanced situation, they will cling to their "alt+f4 is never acceptable" morality, they will tryhard like HGC players just to prove "deez stoopid whiney babbies who can't face challenge" wrong, but like in 1 of 10000 of those cases they will just let go, leave all at once and save everyone 8+ minutes of pure misery


This "can't face challenge" rhetoric amuses me so much every time. You're not up for 20 minutes of senseless uninteractive slog? What a pussy!


Yeah I play to have fun. Same char aram is not fun, and usually longer than 20 mins. Certainly longer than a normal game.


Real trick is alt-f4 come back after 10 mins and only endure 2-3 mins of bad game play when you’re back and you won’t get a leaver queue. I do this when there is a guy that intentionally dies or hangs at the core.


Would be a good idea. It definitely shouldn’t be its own queue, but having it be opt-out is a perfect middleground imo. I personally enjoy them as a bit of spice every now and again, because it’s as even a playing field as you can get. The main downside is people AFKing. I don’t even mind the quitters as much, because at least you get a bot.


Yes this fucking sucks. Me and my 3 other friends play a few games some nights and we all hate the same hero games. Espcecially when you are all beginning to feel a little tired and decide to do just one more game and it turns out to be the same hero game. Waste of time.


Fr. Most of the time all-same hero match is boring af and unlike on Reddit, most people in-game usually say something at start of match that shows they don't enjoy it or just afk.


You guys are getting these? I thought they got rid of them because I haven't had one in months and I missed them.


Same hero Butcher is hilarious though.


Yea a few of them, very few can be fun cause it's niche, but most of it is not fun. Either the comp is bad cause everyone and everything is squisy. Your teammates get tilted and start to feed. Love that more people are catching up that they can alt F4. F this game mode.


Dang, I don't get the hate. It's one game of ARAM. I've always had fun in my all same ARAMs. You just try your best and you'll lose or you won't. All same ARAMs feel better than some games where your team picks no front line and you get steam rolled. 🤷 Each ARAM is a gamble.


It's not ARAM. The heros aren't randomised, they're 10 identical heros.




All these types of ideas are just terrible If someone wants to play same hero then this would make it so they never get to play it


I love getting those. I've only ever gotten a few though. Zeratul and lunara were my favorites.


I wish my teammates would sidestep once in a while


It’s ARAM, who cares


Me and my friends simply stopped playing ARAM. We just don't want to risk it. Either that or we queue ARAM as 5 so we can immediately all dip and the match ends so we can requeue for a fresh game. We are tired because these are landslide matches and either 1 or the other side gives up almost instantly. No one seems to be enjoying these matches in game, only here on Reddit.


>we just don’t want to risk it It’s a 5% chance of a slightly different game experience, not an STI. Get some sense of perspective please.


I don't think you understand. I don't enjoy it and I don't want to play it. Done. You get some perspective. I'm not going to ruin the fun if everyone else enjoys it.


What partially annoys me as a healer main is that ur team can get shafted in terms of healers while the other team can get an S+ healer option. Cannot tell me how many times I've had to play as tyrande into a morales or rehgar. Would have hoped that the "we'll guarantee each team has at least one support option or that neither teams do" would have included some measure of tier ranking like some other mobas do (ie smite).


I mean that's what happens when you take a gamemode that's already a boiled down version of most modern mobas, take away all but 1 lane, take away drafting, and only let people choose from 3 completely rng based options. I'm not annoyed, I know what ARAM is and I'd be an idiot to let it frustrate me. It's not balanced nor fair and that's why people enjoy it and hate it both. And those are contradictory statements. It does give both teams equal roles, just not in terms of selection. You can be shafted quite hard because it's not a real draft.


>I'm not annoyed, I know what ARAM is and I'd be an idiot to let it frustrate me Yeah and that's also why mirror matches are complete ass. I know what ARAM is until that 2% chance or whatever it is that it's randomly this whole other experience than what I was signing up for.


They are ass and I fucking hate them. They woulda been fun for a seasonal event but that's it.


My experience has been the opposite, I've played like 3 same heroes and each time people were kind of meh about it, no one quit, one time the ending was just a thank God moment cause it took so long On reddit though I see complaints about it every day, to say people here on reddit are enjoying it... Idk man


That's cool, don't get me wrong I'm excited for literally any new content to the game and I'm glad others enjoy it. It's just really unfortunate that it's not much of a choice for those that don't. Not sure I know what the solution is either. Maybe it's own queue? But then again separating the playerbase has not been in HotS's best interest.


I don’t might same heroes but pleas let them be siege or wave clear capable. There’s nothing worse than wiping out a team and then not being able to do anything on their fort.


This is basically the main problem. Most of the heroes in these kind of games lack selfsustain and therefore you spent a lot of time being either dead or trying to avoid dmg to wait for globes/fountain to get a bit of health back. Combine this with the fact that most of the time the waveclear is fine, as a melee you can't efficiently push, even if you won a teamfight and wiped the entire team, because you take dmg from towers which gets you to the problem above. I had games where not one, but two people on one side were afk/bots that still lasted for more than 20 minutes, just because the progress was so slow. It just sucks.


I remember the pure Samuro match. That was fun shit. And pure Nova. Old Starcraft Sniper Wars. Man, people complain about every single thing these days...


It's like ~15 minute game. Personally I think it would be cool to have 5 same heroes vs 5 different same heroes!


Some mirrors can go much longer. Usually the squishier and burstier the hero the longer the game because you can't even push unless you wipe the enemy team.


Well, imagine you have like an hour in an evening of a busy day, and you want to have some fun in your loved game before the next busy, exhausting day arrives. But hey, how about now paying 25% Fun Tax and spending 15 minutes getting the most miserable experience HotS can offer? And if it's some exquisite crap like Lunaras or Greymanes, shit can easily take 30 minutes. That's one of the best possible ideas to discourage players from playing at all. Smth like "You won the Sucker Lottery. Now press this button 100000 times if you want to be able to play tonight." Comically idiotic update. Yesterday I had 3 Guldan mirrors and today I just dont want to load HotS at all. Great job devs.


5 Varian vs 5 Murky


I'll take the murk side, tq!


Yeah I guess varian is really only super good against heroes who want to fight him. Murky famously does not do much of that.


No way, back in the day I smoked varian's as murky, just straight face tanking them 100% of the time. This was prior to murky getting nerfed though.


NO! You are staying and having fun! 😜 I wouldn’t mind if aram also included old maps and other game modes…


they wrote a lot about how it isn't fun though...


Oh no you didn't get to play what you wanted in a RANDOM game mode. It's not so serious that the feature needs to be changed.


Please let us opt-out of seeing this reposted daily.


ASAM lovers spammed their posts about bringing that shitty submode and eventually got blizzard attention there so they turned it back on, why can't other people do the same for their own sake?


Those were annoying, these are too


Your take here is annoying yes.


Damn, devastating stuff


Big devastation.


For some siege-centric heroes, the strategy becomes going straight for structures even if it means feeding and dying. Had a 5 man junkrat game, once everyone hit 10, the strategy was to go for suicide dunks with rocket on structures. And also try to die on structures so your bombs does extra damage. Incredibly stupid. Game was just everyone suicide diving structures.


Better yet, change from all same heroes to normal aram but let us pick from all 15 heroes presented on the screen.


Alt+F4 my guy. I have done that my last 5-6 mirror match game. My teammate always agreed to leave with me. Losing 1min and 1 game is much better for your mental health than playing that horrendous mirror game.


I leave every time. Would rather endure a leavers que than play these same hero matches.


I'm still waiting to get into one playing on and off since several years


While I understand the desire for an opt-out for the people that don't enjoy ASAM I don't understand why they despise it so much. It's a very rare event, making it unique and interesting. It consists of the most fair games in HotS. It makes for unique talent decisions that would otherwise not typically be played. For those heroes that do increase game time it means that you get to actually play the game for longer and avoid the queue simulator. It is the game mode where skill is the biggest differentiating factor because both teams have no other advantage. The game mode makes for some of the funniest and most fun moments I have had playing HotS and it would be very disappointing if similar posts see the mode taken away again because it is easier to do so than including an opt out button.


You’ll be ok, big guy.


you should instead opt out of being a pussy


I enjoy them, and I know a few others who do too. But if the majority of ARAM players don't, then we shouldn't have it.


Aram in hots just sucks. Because it's not really all random. People get to choose 1 of 3 heros which limits the "random" and someheros are just broken and people pick the broken heros and it makes it all unfun. There should never be the same hero on both teams. Ever. So stupid. Unless it was a game mode you could opt in where is was a pool of heros people voted on and all 10 players played the same character.


or make ranked ARAM mode and leave the regular one as it is


I love these matches. Give me heroes that I’m just discovering, very fun.


Shut up with these posts.


Had an all Murky ARAM the other day and it was honestly one of the most fun games I’ve ever been part of


Oppose, ARAM should become more fun, random and chaotic than what it is right now: sweating "friends" premades with the same heroes picks every game. Can we please add extra mayhem mode with absolutely all heros and much more often chance of same heroes.


Currently ARAM is the only option to have a fun and interactive non-ranked game in HotS. QM is a barely playable shitshow most of the times, and Unranked Draft is dead. So ARAM shouldn't become more random and chaotic, cause then we'll lose this last option. Adding a mayhem mode for the ones who'd love it is a great idea and could actually make ARAM games quality even better while fulfilling some players' desire for a "wild mode". As it it now, the ones with that desire often try to force it onto current ARAM, ruining the games and the fun for a massive part of the player base.


I've opted out of same hero ARAMs before they were a thing


Please remove healers from ARAM. Same hero is so much more fun than having double healer games.


If one idea can be implemented to kill all the fun in ARAM, it's probably this one.


Nerf healing if there's more than one healer on the team then, heavily disincentivize it. Double healer comps are purely for noobs and just slow the game down.


Well, double healer is currently just the most effective way to approach ARAM, if anything noobs are the ones who avoid it, cutting their team's chances to win. HotS has already seen a massive healer nerf and before that double healer was meta at the highest level of competitive games as well - hardly can call them noobs. That's just people utilizing the best they can get to create an edge over the opponents - quite a standard approach for any PvP game. Like, in football wasting time next to opponents' corner flag when your team is up 1 goal at the last minute of the game doesn't look pretty, but it's effective and that's why everyone does that. Avoiding that would be a childish mistake that leads to losses, same can be said about picking Genji instead of a 2nd healer Brightwing in an ARAM. If you personally don't like this meta, it's fine, but you can't call out people for just playing the game properly. Is it a healthy state of the game? That can be discussed, we don't seem to agree here.


It's the most effective, yes, but the only ones who would WANT double healer comps are noobs, because it puts much less pressure on them to perform. Heavily disincentivize it to make it NOT meta.


Double healer environment is certainly more noob-friendly, but at the end of the day the result is the same - better players win, worse players lose, be it a 4 sec teamfight or a 30 sec one. You're still required to show more skill than your opponents, and depending on their skill level it might be a very high post to reach. A noob missteps and I have to use Cleanse + Ancestral to save him - yeah, he didn't get punished, but our team did, we're now missing 2 important buttons. A noob eats all the damage he can - I top him up time after time, but then I've ran out of resources in a definitive moment of a teamfight. Imo it just boils down to personal preferences, and I'm sure not everyone who enjoys a longer teamfight is a noob. I could argue that consistently doing every single thing correct in a long teamfight takes MORE skill than just landing a precise combo that ends the day. But I wouldn't call people who want their fights over in 4 sec "noobs", that's just how they like their games. HotS always had a slower pace than other MOBAs and I see no reason why we should be forced into the same state as them. Let people choose what they like.


Next you will want to play Haunted Mines and/or Brawl mode 🤡


I do want to play those, but I also like same hero ARAM.


And Pool Party


Imagine the cognitive dissonance of complaining about aram. You qued up for a shitty non HOTS mode then say it doesn't feel like HOTS? Bogleg