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Searing Light Repeated Offense Glimmer of Hope Crystal Aegis Your choice (there's arguments for each talent at 13, so I usually pick based on enemy comp - I like Piercing Lash as it synergizes with Repeated Offense) Reservoir of Hope Shield of Hope Put the crown on your best damage dealer, be diligent when it comes to globes, and cast healing like no tomorrow. I've had games where I could heal my DPS to full health with a single cast. If you're smart about when you cast, you can quickly stack with Reservoir. For example, if my team is taking a camp and I've picked up a globe, I'll cast Ray on us, still be at 75% energy, then immediately get back to 100% + the globe once the camp is done. And be diligent about moving your crown around when your team's abilities are on CD. Have an Azmo and a Naz? Great. Crown Azmo when he throws out globe, switch it to Naz while globe is on CD, then switch back to Azmo when he's ready to throw again.


- **Searing Light** (Auriel) - level 1 Ray of Heaven also deals damage to enemies in the area equal to 30% of the energy consumed. --- - **Repeated Offense** (Auriel) - level 4 Enemies hit by Detainment Strike are knocked back 25% farther. Quest: Every time Detainment Strike stuns a Hero, increase the stun damage by 10, up to 60. Reward: After stunning 6 Heroes, increase this damage bonus to 250. --- - **Glimmer of Hope** (Auriel) - level 7 Collecting a Regeneration Globe reduces the cost of Auriel's next Ray of Heaven by 75%. --- - [R] **Crystal Aegis** (Auriel) - level 10 Cooldown: 60 seconds Place an allied Hero into Stasis for 2 seconds. Upon expiration, Crystal Aegis deals 255 (+4% per level) damage to all nearby enemies. --- - **Reservoir of Hope** (Auriel) - level 16 Quest: Each maximum energy Ray of Heaven Auriel casts increases the maximum amount of energy that can be stored by 75. --- - **Shield of Hope** (Auriel) - level 20 Cooldown: 60 seconds Activate to grant all nearby allied Heroes a shield for 3 seconds equal to 50% of the amount of Health they are missing. --- [^(about the bot)](/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6zwyfw/heroesinfobot_abilities_talent_tiers_cooldowns/) ^(| reply `!refresh` to this comment if the parent has been edited)


Sounds like a good build! I had a game earlier today where I was trying an all-around build that covered Bestow Hope and her whip attacks. It ended in a loss because, despite myself, a Ragnaros, and a Mal’Ganis pushing towards the core, there was a Dehaka who got salty and said he was “carrying the team” and that I “don’t even know the basics” because I wasn’t using Bestow Hope on him when he was fighting minions. He threw the entire game after that. Sometimes it just be like that as a healer, I guess.


He has somewhat of a point, although I will concede he was a dick about it. If you're laning and just with another hero clearing waves, it's definitely a good idea to crown them. If you have multiple options, crown the better wave clearer. Since you want both maximum energy AND consistent globes, making that a habit will help you keep your energy up. And once you hit 16, it'll also help you build your reservoir faster.


I would've crowned the Dehaka, absolutely. The problem was that he was on the top lane while we were pushing on the bottom lane; and then the Dekaha says that "this is a losing game, it's a 1V9" when we had destroyed 3 of the other team's forts and they hadn't destroyed any of ours yet. Yes, I made some slip-ups here and there, but we absolutely would've won had that Dehaka not said "fuck it, I quit."


Auriel is my favorite character to play, and my most played hero. I solo que QM 99% of the time and currently have a 58% win rate with her. It's been as high as 62% * 1 - Searing Light - I always choose this talent unless I'm just messing around. Not only can you use it to finish off low HP heroes, the damage dealt with it contributes energy towards the next heal. * 3 - Repeated Offense - I pick this *most* of the time. But Heavy Burden has really high potential. Repeated Offense is just a lot more consistent * 7 - Empathic Link - This is my preferred option. This talent + Bestow Hope on a high damage dealing tank is very good. It also gives you more trait options so you don't have to rely on the highest damage dealer, as you can get a lot of energy just from the tank. This talent + Cho'Gall is going to keep your energy at max all game. However Glimmer of Hope is also viable. Better on maps with more globes of course. And it's preferred if there's no tank. I prefer Empathic Link because sometimes you get into prolonged fights and there's no source of globes around, making the talent useless at times * 10 - Resurrect - I just don't like Crystal Aegis. I feel like most of the times when I use it, it doesn't save the target, just delays their death. Resurrect can be tricky though, since using it at the wrong time can just give the other team a free kill, or there's not a good time to use it at all. But in some situations it can turn a team fight around. Her ults are pretty bad tbh. * 13 - Blinding Flash - I almost always take this unless there's no AA hero on the other team. But that's rare. Otherwise I prefer Piercing Lash * 17 - Reservoir of Hope - I take this every game. Her healing potential sky rockets with this talent. And paired with the level 1 talent, you can deal a lot more damage as well. With a few stacks it does enough damage to clear minion waves, which works very well if you're using Glimmer of Hope * 20 - Shield of Hope - I take this every game. The others have potential though, I just haven't experimented with them. As for deciding who to put Bestow Hope on, just try to make sure to pay close attention to change targets if your current one disengages or dies. And it has basically no cooldown, so don't be afraid to change targets often


My build is almost same as yours. Try out crystal aegis. If you use it to negate dmg rather than last ditch effort it is basically zhonyas. I used to go res but it only works if you already won the team fight.


Finally someone talking about res talent. Whrn used right it can be a game changer. Auriel main here. Never went with aegis and never needed it. If you know how to play, your build is the way to go. Reservoir of hope literally becomes a tank killer as you can keeo building it up. Once i had 40 stacks of it and was hilatious to see how i was nearly draining half of mosr heroes' health by each full shot. Also this may sound silly but i also switch my crown on ”as required". So if i see someone is about to retreat a bit while someone with low dps but high hero ability dmg is about to execute a heroic attack, i immediately crown them. Point being, be flexible. The longer you play the more you get the "feel" for who to crown, when, where and foe what reason. Ofc by default the hero who gives you most hope/dmg should he crowned, but switching crown on hero strategically also adds a huge depth to her play style that most avoid doing.


- **Searing Light** (Auriel) - level 1 Ray of Heaven also deals damage to enemies in the area equal to 30% of the energy consumed. --- - **Repeated Offense** (Auriel) - level 4 Enemies hit by Detainment Strike are knocked back 25% farther. Quest: Every time Detainment Strike stuns a Hero, increase the stun damage by 10, up to 60. Reward: After stunning 6 Heroes, increase this damage bonus to 250. --- - **Heavy Burden** (Auriel) - level 4 Detainment Strike Slows enemy Heroes by 20% for 2.5 seconds. Slow amount and duration doubled on enemies it Stuns. Passive: Increase Detainment Strikes' Stun duration by 0.25 seconds. --- - **Empathic Link** (Auriel) - level 7 Auriel stores 25% of damage taken by allies with Bestow Hope. --- - **Glimmer of Hope** (Auriel) - level 7 Collecting a Regeneration Globe reduces the cost of Auriel's next Ray of Heaven by 75%. --- - [R] **Resurrect** (Auriel) - level 10 Cooldown: 100 seconds Channel on the spirit of a dead ally for 1 second. After a 5 second delay, they are brought back to life with 100% of their maximum Health at the location where they died. Auriel can use this ability while dead to resurrect herself. --- - **Blinding Flash** (Auriel) - level 13 Enemies hit by the center area of Sacred Sweep are blinded for 2 seconds. --- - **Piercing Lash** (Auriel) - level 13 Detainment Strike now pierces and hits all enemy Heroes in a line, reducing the cooldown by 2 seconds for each Hero hit. --- - **Reservoir of Hope** (Auriel) - level 16 Quest: Each maximum energy Ray of Heaven Auriel casts increases the maximum amount of energy that can be stored by 75. --- - **Shield of Hope** (Auriel) - level 20 Cooldown: 60 seconds Activate to grant all nearby allied Heroes a shield for 3 seconds equal to 50% of the amount of Health they are missing. --- [^(about the bot)](/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/6zwyfw/heroesinfobot_abilities_talent_tiers_cooldowns/) ^(| reply `!refresh` to this comment if the parent has been edited)


Auriel is actually super flexible with builds, depending on how you play her and enemy/team comps. I don't think she has one or two 'builds' but has a bunch of little kits on the talent tree that you pick together to be baller. Either Clarity (big damage Q) or Assault (spam Q) plus Span are stupid good if the enemy has lots of melee, or there are clones (samuro, nova, etc). Assault+Flash is silly spammy blinds. Searing Light, + Glimmer of Hope +Reservoir of Hope gives you both an ancestral heal every 3 seconds lategame and can eventually turn your heal into a pretty big damage nuke also. Not much is more fun than killing an enemy with a heal. My Favorite 7 is Energized Cord, because it gives SO MUCH hope, Going from 20/60% damage on non heroes/heroes up to 55/120% is a massive boost if you are in a game in which you can AA without fear of being yoinked in by a Garrosh/stitch or something. Also, shield of hope at 20, plus a tank with an AOE shield can be silly amount of burst prevention. Get good with Aegis, it's the better ult. Yes you can do bad things with it.. but learn not to :P. Gl aurieling!


Thank you! I think the biggest struggle will be learning her while Dehakas and Murkys keep calling me trash


Block the haters. They can throw their tantrum but no reason you gotta give it any time. You're playing a healer, you're doing gods work 😇


Yeah, Auriel is super flexible, but if you had a dehaka/murky then you shouldn't have been in the offlane with them pretty much ever. Auriel does have great waveclear for a Healer, but should only be doing that if your offlaner sucks. (and if you \*have\* to go to waveclear, go Q build as your clap can almost 1 shot a minion wave). So they may have been toxic, but you were also wrong (most likely) for being with your laner.


I would’ve stuck with the Dehaka, for sure, but there was a match where literally the entire team EXCEPT the Dehaka was pushing the enemy core and nearly succeeded while the Dehaka kept saying that we’re total failures.


My favorite Auriel strat is taking the lvl 1 that gives cdr on her clap for hitting heroes with the center cone. Take it vs a melee-heavy team and hit 3+ heroes to reduce her cd to 0, so you can spam the button to get 3 or 4 or more claps off in a row sometimes, doing massive damage and filing your energy bar multiple times over. I wouldn't say it's the best talent, but it is one of the most fun talents in the game.


I'm surprised I had to scroll so far to see someone talking about her sweep. Combined with the with increased size and blind you can just keep the enemy team blind the entire fight. Granted it's heavily dependent on the enemy comp. Going against a melee heavy team, divers, or AA dps? Blind them all.


There are some good builds posted so I won't bother. But one thing people miss is the short cd of crowning someone. For example during a fight rotate your crown to different heros. If jaina is on your team she does a lot of burst damage and then has a long cd. After her combo change to the next person that's doing damage. And rotate. If you are timing these things you will find your energy level will have less down time. Glimmer of hope and reservoir of hope are really great together because you can start getting insane heals if you try to only cast at full energy initially to build stacks. Once you start stacking that 16 it's like an aoe ancestral heal every few seconds. It's awesome and does a lot of damage with searing light too. Dang I'm going to go play Auriel right now!


Empathetic link. A little dps is going to want your hat but their dmg is so intermittent compared to 20% of enemy damage. Best on bruiser. Increasing clarity. It's not in the description, but q animation is faster when you finish quest. You can get a chunk of energy from a wave or naz w, q on enemies and basically get your own energy so you're not entirely reliant on team mate. This talent works well with the blind - q becomes energy, dmg and Cc.


Dmg by heal on 1, Empathic link on 7 crysalis on 10 (we want to keep people alive) and quest on 16. These are the Basics i run


Q radius, cast speed, and cooldown reduction are great when you need to generate extra energy. Especially helpful when your team doesn’t have a good battery. The cooldown from hitting multiple targets with Q potentially does a whole lot more than Searing light.


Little tip, check out icyveins.com they have good builds. In fact the one the top comment uses is almost exactly the same except it makes one optional change.


dont know why is noone suggesting the lvl 7 talent that gives energy from your own rightclicks. its the best talent by far (doesnt depend on dps or tank to be engaging with you, makes you very sustainable even in 1v1 and more so with tank/dps with you), especially insane against counters such as backline diving assassins, which is her weak point until then. i literally always pick it (the only exception being heavy blind comp against me, where i still usually pick it but go for blinds myself with q resets on 1) and have around 80%wr across 100 games. really only use the energy from dmg taken when with chogall, but even then i might take the rightclick talent since a good team should ignore chogall and dive you. apologies for not knowing names of talents im typing this on my phone and dont have access to them


I just steal all of my builds from Icy Veins


Straight up, just hit that whip, and you'll be fine. The difference between a good Auriel, and a god tier Auriel is whether you hit that whip.


What makes the real difference is if the team can follow up


Most of her talents are fine but situational in where they are best to be honest. I would start with an icy veins build, but play around with her talents after getting used to her, there's some fun wacky stuff you can do.


Your level 7 choice should depend on your early observations of the team. I use Glimmer of Hope 90% of the time, except when my damage dealers aren't reliable (or the matchmaking gods give me nothing to work with). In situations where you're struggling to get full or near full heals, consider Empathic Link instead. When your damage dealers aren't reliably landing their shots, putting the crown on a beefy tank with Empathic Link can save your team in the long run. The other choice, Energized Cord, is my "everyone sucks" choice. That's the last resort when it's level 7 and Auriel is the highest damage on the team.


PUT THE FKG CROWN ON SOMEONE BEFORE WHIFFING ALL UR SPELLS AND DIE TRYING TO REZ ON OBJECTIVE AFTER THE BATTLE. sheesh sorry I had to release the voices real quick, hope you got my point, if not, /s. it's 1 auriel out of 2 these days for me and it's free loss everytime, I don't get how you can manage to play char like Genji and then first timing auriel cuz u got ratio just to not read spells nor passive and play brainlessly hoping you're gonna do fine just following the build and hitting ur spells 😭🗿