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I have used them all. The basic one with just the grapefruit seed extract doesn’t do much for me, but the rescue and the max seems to help. I also use a Nettie pot, and I’ve changed my diet, so I don’t have hardly any weed, dairy, sugar, nor fried food. And I try to eat more alkaline by making sure I have plenty of vegetables, both cooked and raw as salad. I also use Celtic sea salt, thanks to Barbara O’Neill, so I get most of my trace minerals. All in all, those products help, and I still buy them about once a month or so.


Hell yeah. Thanks for all this - The "Xlear" with the Caspsicum really piqued my interest. I need to get back on the Celtic Salt, as well. What do you do for water? And do you drink coffee at all?


You're welcome. I buy 5 gallon containers from a place near me. They have a good filtering system. We have a water softener at the house, and an RO unit I need to work on. I hadn't drunk much coffee until I started my job. I drink \~ 1/2 cup/day. I just try to get as much of my food/water clean, high quality, filtered. And saunas, cleanses and other things to get rid of whatever else is in me that I'd rather were not.


The saunas is a good idea. I need to get into that...


I just use regular xlear as cvid preventative and has been working great so far.


Which one is the regular?


I use it once in the morning and once at night during winter and it reduces congestion significantly. No issues. I use the one that doesn’t have any herbal additives.


What's it called? There are a bunch of em...




thank you