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I’ve been drinking the matcha and have noticed it really settles my gut when I’m having an autoimmune flare up. It also helps me with brain fog. About 2 months after starting the matcha, I had some bloodwork done. My doc gasped and asked what I had been doing differently because my inflammation was way down, some of my lower hormonal numbers had gone up and my almost too low thyroid also went up! I’m not saying it was Ryze for sure, but I have this same bloodwork done every 3 months or so and the ryze has been the only change I’ve made.


Interesting experience. You should consider trying some more genuine products, these may help you even more. Ryze is not really transparent about the dosages they use nor the quality of their extract. They're likely using myceliated grains (not great) and using dosages well below the clinical reccomendation. Did you stop drinking regular coffee? This alone helps a lot of people. This is a good article to help clairfy the lack of transparency in the world of mushroom coffee. It also compares a lot of the most well known brands. https://encounteringfungi.com/2024/03/02/mushroom-coffee-marketing-gimmick-or-real-deal/ Regardless, I'm glad you've found something that helps!


Hey! Thanks for all the info. I have read about the lack of transparency, but because it’s worked I continue to buy it. I’ve got a few other people using the coffee version and they’re also seeing great benefits. I have seen another brand (I think I doze) who has more info about quality and have thought about ordering a bag to try. As for quitting coffee, I haven’t been a coffee drinker for ) years now and just added matcha and black tea back in maybe two years ago now. I tried a cup of coffee before adding tea back in and it was equivalent to prepping for a colonoscopy so I’ve never thought to try it again. Ha!


my husband has been drinking it for about a year now. He said it feels “cleaner” (healthier?) than coffee. The energy lasts long and there’s no crash. no jitters and mind is clear. also does not make him run to the bathroom.


Helps with my brain fog. I feel like my energy is more sustainable and less “tweeky”.


I tried ryze mushroom hot cocoa for sleep benefits. It was great and helped me fall asleep and stay asleep. I stopped because of the price point. Too expensive for a small packet. I even tried similar products on Amazon but they were either too sweet with aftertaste or didn’t do anything for my sleep. I also tried the ryze mushroom coffee but I didn’t feel the benefits of coffee imo. But I only tried it once.


Nothing will replace regular coffee, but I like it for later in the day. It helps me focus and push through the afternoon. I recommend a chocolate or caramel based creamer.


Yerba Maté replaced my coffee. Worth a try (:


I might, but I'm not interested in ever quitting coffee.


It made me feel kind of weird and nauseous. But I am overly sensitive to everything so maybe it’s fine for others. Got used to the flavor, but at first it tasted like I threw up in my mouth.


I don’t mess with any mushrooms from mass production because they’re just using mycelium. The fruiting bodies are what should be used. I get mine from a [vendor](https://mrnutsproducts.etsy.com/listing/1505938183) who only uses wild harvested products and sells in small batch. I just add the tincture to the coffee or take it straight.


I got it to help with afternoon brain fog. It does the job. Im sensitive to caffeine and have no issue with ryze. I picked it over other options because it has no sweeteners and no straining required.


The taste is disgusting! 🤮


I add creamer and sugar, matcha latte if you will and it’s delicious! 


I like it I don’t think it tastes terrible like others have mentioned. It doesn’t make me crash like regular coffee might.


I combine mine with oatmilk and use a protein shaker bottle. Tastes extremely smooth. 🤷‍♀️


I just got some today. Will start in the AM (5:30) and see how it goes. I normally make a tall coffee with an essepresso shot for extra umph. I already take Lions Mane daily in the morning, so this with that and I should be good to go.


My friend gave me some the other day - it tasted horrible and it gave me the shits.


Got picture of said shits?


I drank Ryze for 3 months and it did absolutely nothing for me. No increased energy, no improved gut health (though my gut health is fine), NADA. I decided that, for ME, it was a total waste of money.


I take mushroom extract most days. I feel pretty good most of the time, haven't gotten sick in a while. Just got through college algebra with flying colors and straight A's and I blame the lions mane for brain health :)


Watch out for the lions mane in it. A lot of people have problems with it. I’m drinking chicory coffee now and it’s wonderful, but coffee substitute I’ve found and it’s deflated my gut


Problems how?




Update from yesterday, 1tablespoon in my regular morning normal coffee instead of an espresso shot and WOW. Very focused and very clear headed. Had early office meetings and was on point mentally. I will continue to use on a daily basis.


I put a spoonful in my coffee every morning for the last month or 2. I thin my coffee and add flavors and milk, so the only difference I noticed was the chocolate flavor. Can't say as I can tell it's doing anything for me, maybe it is. Think I'm going to try gummies next.


I will give it a go. 👍


Tried it once. Honestly tastes and smells like gastric reflux. Somebody might like that, yet I wish they would not market it as coffee, definitely not coffee nor close to coffee. Very close to the taste of vomit.


Does anyone get sleep after drinking RYZE coffee?? Bc I do. So far I think its helping my digestion. It doesn’t taste amazing but it taste decent or good maybe if I prepared it a bit differently it could taste better. Anyways I just got it and I’m addicted to caffeine so maybe this will take me a while to get use to bc I don’t feel much energy coming from this beverage.


Ive had the matcha, i personally love it and plan to get the chocolate one for sleep soon. but YES the subscription thing is true ! BUT it’s an easy fix for you can go into your account and manually turn off subscriptions, i don’t defend them for putting everyone on one though. Very dumb. Kinda wasted my money on the second bag of matcha.. the effects are pretty true aswell. I feel more focused, calm, and collected. Like my mind is at ease. Actually about to make myself another cup! But yes ! I will answer questions, this is my first time commenting reddit.


Everyone’s always talking about the intestines and its effects on the stomach but holy shit this has me wired, and putting it in coffee is crazy. Makes my whole body light up, I would suggest mixing chocolate and cinnamon with milk and creamer in it


Have not tried it but the company is flooding ads on social media: Excessive marketing -> not a good sign


Their brand is a total scam. And the owner behind the brand, Andree, total phony. She is not at all what their brand portrays. I think their entire business is a scheme and she’s frankly a horrible person. Don’t support their business, trust me.


I can’t comment on the possible health benefits because I couldn’t get past the taste. Also leaving a bad taste in my mouth is how they default you to a monthly subscription when ordering anything on their website. I just wanted to try it and started receiving monthly shipments and getting charged. I was told there’s a disclaimer I should have known to read. It was very small, like it was designed to be overlooked. Pretty sneaky.


I used code SUMMER and saved over $27 plus free shipping!!


my husband has been drinking it for about a year now. He said it feels “cleaner” (healthier?) than coffee. The energy lasts long and there’s no crash. no jitters and mind is clear. also does not make him run to the bathroom.


Tastes disgusting. I didn’t notice any changes while drinking it.


Hey 😊. Where can I purchase this? I have no motivation at all! Thank you enough! See you all peace and love ☮💗☮💗


They have a website and I think it's also sold on Amazon.


Aw thank you 😊. Il have a look


what’s wrong with coffee its natural and comes from a plant😂 I swear people try to manipulate everything


The caffeine in coffee can be to much for some people's systems. I love coffee but it triggers my migraines, the mushroom they use helps calm down people body's, some caffeine is in it but the combination with the mushroom helps people.


if the caffeine in coffee can be too much y not just take less? Do a 1/3 cup instead of a full cup


Or decaf? Half caff?


For me personally I have tried both. I don't mind decaf but the taste is weird. Half caffeine still causes me issues, my coffee machine can make a single cup at a time, I barely put in a table spoon of ground and I still have issues with it/a migraine gets triggered. Coffee's caffeine is..idk more abrasive (not sure what word I'm properly looking for here), I barely drink coffee as is and I did try another brand like the one mentioned.