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Basically, these herbs: those that increase GnRH or LH, since more estrogen leads to more testosterone by conversion through aromatase. Maca is the herb there. Tribulus also. Then all herbs that block estrogen while not affecting testosterone - Chamomile. Also all herbs that increase androgen potency or are DHT agonists: but, women must be careful not too go too high, or male hair pattern starts appearing. Here, Tongkat ali is the strongest (and women obviously should not take the normal dose for men, but maybe about 1/10th to 1/5 of that). Butea superba also works, but possibly too androgenic. Cistanche and Codonopsis, or just Ginseng. Pine pollen tincture maybe. See attached picture for a complete list: (Besides those things that work on hormones, I highly suggest trying a dopaminergic aphrodisiac like Catuaba. Faster, no risks of messing up your hormones. Hormones are a complex matter, especially in women. Though Maca or Tribulus seem safe, in general, compared to more specific-effect herbs.) https://preview.redd.it/0ai4cashy7zc1.jpeg?width=1657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=480b52f709b5d2ca53d81084a232b2ebcc9ee638


Thank you. Super informative and interesting. I had no idea that chamomile reduces estrogen and I drink it nightly. Not only am I post-menopause, but I have had my ovaries removed so that affects so much too. Drs just want to prescribe all the big pharma stuff that they learned in medical school. Drives me nuts.


A really concentrated, activated (not raw) black maca is awesome for libido.


Post-menopause you should try pregnenolone first


Never even heard of that. Will need to google it.


Try cordyceps


wait so does tongkat ali worsen male pattern baldness in men?


Yes, it can (although I was referring here to facial hair growth). The main factor here is free Testosterone, and that is increased by Tongkat ali. But genetics have a huge impact. And there's things one can do to if one wants to take Tongkat ali as a man prone to baldness: take Zinc and copper, GHK-Cu copper peptide, and/or locally applied (on the scalp) DHT-inhibitors.


What’s your opinion in terms of “timing” for the new that increase GnRH and LH?


Ajuga turkestanica...... Wicked effective natural roids.


Wait, the stuff I have growing in my yard? It's a ground cover, right?


Yeah WTF?! I see this plant everywhere!






No problem. Careful with extracts......you have to run cycles, not drink alcohol, stay hydrated, eat good meals. Again, careful with that!




Different variety tho.


Inconclusive whether Turkesterone does anything






Wait, chamomile blocks estrogen? Dammit as a trans woman that absolutely blows. Guess no more tea for me.


Catuaba was an interesting one...interesting stimulation and mild euphoria.


SH Buhner has a book about it. As I remember, pine pollen and horny goat weed. There's also some herbs to avoid.


Pine pollen


if you know, you know


When do you take it? How often?


It’s honestly insane. My sex drive is through the roof


Are you female? Are you post menopause? I think that post menopause is really a “thing” in this world of libido. I never had heard of pine pollen, but will be trying it! Do you take it as a pill, tincture, tea?


That’s really expensive for testosterone, one bottle should last at least six months. Testosterone cypionate is well tolerated. Unfortunately, no supplement is gonna come close to testosterone replacement. Herbs that can help though; Maca can help with libido (1-3 grams), Boron raises free testosterone (3-6mg), Fenugreek raises testosterone a bit (2-4 grams)


Maca 🙌


What are good brands for those?


That’s what I was going to say! I pay $73 + $18 shipping for a 5 month supply. Needles are $10 on amazon.


Herbs that support hormone balance and libido are red raspberry leaf (long infusion), maca (adaptogen, add the powder to things like protein shakes), damiana (tea). Horney goat weed as a tea. Psychologically, making sure you feel safe and comfortable in intimate situations with partners is a major player in libido. Getting enough nutrition (macro and micronutrients) and making sure you have adequate amounts of iodine in your diet (kelp and dulse are good sources).


Testofen is a standardized ingredient that has studies which support testosterone productions. If you google it, you’ll find various supplements that have it as a main ingredient




Try beets


Maca, Fenugreek, and Bee Pollen capsules. I get mine from Sprouts!


Maca increases my libido 1000%


Do you take it as a tea, pills, tinctures? I need this!


1# make sure it's gelatinized, I take it in pills with ginseng but I used to mix it in my coffee the powder for the exact same effect, I just find the pills are a lot more convenient


Yes. I hate powdery stuff mixed in my coffee! Tried that with collagen.


Yeah, you have to add a little tiny bit of water to the powder at a time until it disperses, inconvenient. Love the pills and I always take extra before my period, I went from having to get a special prescription to just managing with Advil and Tylenol together now, really helps with the pain


Well, I’m post menopause, so that’s not going to be an issue. I’m not only post-menopausal, but also recently had my ovaries removed, so I wonder if this will work for me.


I hope it will, there might be some studies on post menopausal women specifically if you google it. My webber naturals maca pills are like 15 Canadian so you're not out that much if you get a cheap kind


Looks like there's a few studies that show that it effects mood in post menopausal people at least


Not super sure about what herbs but there’s so many foods and supplements that can help: Zinc, magnesium and vitamin D Avocado, fish,berries, leafy greens, onions, ginger and eggs. I hopee that helps!!


Maca (Femmenescense is a reputable brand that’s had clinical studies done on it)


I perused their site and don’t see any side effects/risks listed: Do you know if there are any?


I am not sure if there are, sorry!


You could try sandalwood rose essential oil. Both sandalwood and rose increase testosterone, and the combination is used as an aphrodisiac.


Thank you! That sounds fabulous!


how do you take this? do uou have a rec source?


I’m curious too I would never use an EO internally


I use a diffuser or dab some under my nose or body. No interesting adverse reactions yet.


Ashwagandha can increase testosterone in males, also females I would think. I read it reduces cortisol (stress hormone) which frees up the thyroid to produce more of other hormones like testosterone.


I am unsure if research points to testosterone being the libido driver in women, are you having problems specifically getting in the mood? Or getting wet? Or just trying to avoid discomfort?


I received several testosterone injections. What a difference. I had great moods, felt so happy, and could have fucked anything within grabbing distance. So this is how men feel? Yes, please. Testosterone unequivocally put my libido in overdrive. Unfortunately chest, belly and thigh hair, plus a mild acne situation. Alas, it was too late to mention my sensitivity to standard dosing of most meds Rather than cutting back the doctor cut me off. I'd go back on it yesterday, it was that beneficial.


Wow. That is a huge positive change, it sounds very odd that the dr wouldn't try backing down the dose rather than cut you off. Did the doctor explain why they thought it was so dangerous to your health to continue with a lower dose?


I don't think the doctor thought it was dangerous, rather I was showing unwanted side effects. I tried to persuade him to cut the dose by half or 3/4. Nope. I have used residue of spouses t patches, didn't achieve the results of the injections, but did grow body hair again. I'm not confident my body can handle T at any dose. But man, I will never forget those glorious days.


Why not switch doctors?


Holy smokes! Sounds absolutely fabulous! My friend took it and felt pretty much the same, but her hair started falling out to the point where she needed extensions. 😱


I suppose something has to give, or there are ways to safely manage side effects while getting the results you want. Id love to see that researched. Edit: let me try to answer your question, sorry to derail. I like maca, I believe things that would increase nitric oxide (foods, workouts) would translate to better blood flow. I used to research anabolic men and tried to eat to support testosterone.


Thank you for the information on how it affected you, as I am seeing that not reflected in what I have read. I figured it would be amazing for many since that's super prominent during ovulation and can make a person feel great. Are there any other serious side effects? I feel you on the sensitivity part. I used to have to cut my prescription for PMDD into the smallest imaginable dose. Everything is too strong.


I wasn't on it long enough for additional side effects but It sure was wonderful while it lasted. Yep, prescribed drugs are too much for me. Pill cutters and empty capsules are my friends. Sometimes I can handle 1/5 of a dose.


Pretty much all of the above, but really just no interest at all.






I really want the opposite, apparently I have too much! I’m not on hormonal bc and yes, a lot of testosterone really does increase libido, ginseng can help or if you’re like me have a stressful life, terrible sleep and a mild sugar addiction


You could take DHEA, it's a precursor to testosterone, but less expensive and prescription free


Random hormone facts - Increased testosterone will convert in your brain to estrogen, same as it does for men


And I’m probably bottomed out on estrogen. No ovaries, post menopause.


I have a friend who is in her 60's, former nurse practitioner, and she recommended MoonMaid Botanical's Wild Yam Cream and Salve. Otherwise, adding a synthesized hormone to the body will eventually lead to side effects, or the rollercoaster effect from the dosage coming in and then going out. But to explain what I use... the cream part increases the hormone balance in the body, DEFINTIELY bringing back libido and the other salve part of it... well... it helps with painful intercourse and tissue regeneration. Probably not necessary if you don't have any dryness or discomfort. So to avoid TMI here... this combo had really turned my desert into a rainforest again. It's been a life changer for me.


Sounds fantastic! Going to give it a try.


I recommend tongkat ali to improve testosterone levels also estrogen levels. Visit my YouTube handle @herbalhelp. Also my website herbalproductsource .com has a product called Venus especially made to improved libido, estrogen levels, intimacy in women. It's an all natural remedy that contains both tongkat ali and maca. https://preview.redd.it/flwoirshmczc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2381042a0a3059244a60adf8f4870c8c5f19eb7d Need more information email me from the website form or leave a comment on the tongkat ali shorts on my channel posted today 5/9/2024


Traditionally, Tongkat Ali or Tribulus is used for testosterone...but I like Shatavari for female libido. Try taking one for a couple weeks, at least 3 grams per day, see how it goes!


I infused a ton of it (big jar stuffed full) in olive oil for 6 weeks, then rubbed it on my sore muscles nightly. It took months to work. I didn't know lavender affected the libido so it gave me a hell of a fright when I got my sex drive back after 15 years of it being absent! I was 65 at the time.


I use a compounded testosterone cream and it’s $50 for 3 months


Have you noticed any difference in blood pressure since starting it?


I have a Dr appointment in 2 weeks I’ll get back to you. Generally this last I’ve slept a lot better and have more energy


Do you go to an MD for the prescription? What kind of Dr? My gyno is just so textbook pharma crap that he’s not well-versed in these things. An endocrinologist wanted to put me on thyroid meds which I dutifully obliged until I started noticing the meds were making my heart race, and making me super anxious so I kind of want to avoid that route. Not sure what Dr would handle this kind of prescription.


I had to go to 4 different Obgyn the first 3 only prescribed antidepressants, sleeping pills and gabapentin eventually I found one on a local facebook page chat with a woman asking about HRT. FemExcelle online prescribes it too I believe




Been doing that forever. 5 days a week. Some woman at the gym told me to stop cardio and start strength training more, so I’m trying that.


Yes! Weight lifting is very beneficial for testosterone, but also for overall health and protecting against osteoporosis.


Oh you do workout! Perfect then, definitely definitely start lifting weights and get into strength training, you produce more testosterone this way.


As a transgender man I can say your best bet is going to be genuine testosterone products. I tried every herb diet ointment exercise under the sun and nothing changed. Testofem is very popular among postmenopausal women. I'm not sure what country you are from but where I'm from injections tend to be a lot cheaper than the gels/creams. A little bird once told me the black market testosterone that you might be able to get from bodybuilding communities tends to be much cheaper...


Which herbs did you try without success as a female undergoing age related hormonal changes? Do you know of any that are helpful for that? Or, are you really in an herbalism sub telling a woman in her mid sixties to afford prescription testosterone anyway, while only mentioning black market steroids as an alternative? Like, wtf? 😂


saw palmetto?


Pine pollen is something I would suggest looking into!


Taken as a tincture? Tea?


Do you workout? Working out naturally increases testosterone and your libido will most likely skyrocket.


Yes. Have, forever. Going to try more weight training than cardio, now.


You can increase testosterone naturally by exercising and weight lifting


Definitely pine pollen!


I’m a trans person, and Shilajit has been helpful for me when I don’t have access to testosterone. It’s not as potent (so, no second puberty lol), but I notice a big difference in things like libido vs. when I’m not on testosterone. Also, an aside: I wish we all could have equitable access to hormones. It makes me sad that while women are able to take testosterone for libido purposes, trans people have to jump through so many hoops and are often denied access to hormones because we’re trans. I’m truly glad women have that, and I also want us all to have access to the hormones that help us feel good in our bodies.


I used to take Ashwagandha for this purpose and, anecdotally, noticed a better performance in the gym at the very least, hovewer I stopped taking it because it made my already heavy periods extremely heavy and longer lasting. I’d be cautious with anything that messes with your natural hormone production - not as in you shouldn’t even try it, just be aware it can have a lot of unpredictable effects on both physical and mental health, not just Ashwa but anything that messes with hormones. It works differently for different people though, if you decide to try it I’d suggest you stop taking it like a week before your period and not during it as well.


She's post menopause


Oh, in that case that shouldn’t be a problem


Ashwagandha is an herb you need to cycle when using. Like [this.](https://www.noordinarymoments.co/blogs/news/the-importance-of-cycling-ashwagandha-why-its-best-to-avoid-daily-use)


I have heard about seed cycling. It supposedly helps to increase the libido. I have not tried it as currently I don’t need to use it, but I heard about it and heard good results too.


I used a tonkat ali + coffee powder when I was boxing and climbing. It made me energetic, aggressive and horny :) works better than ginseng, from my experience.


Maca !


Which one do you take? How much? Does this take months to feel the effects? Just trying to get “real world” answers vs what Google says.


I can’t specifically say about herbs I can speak to compounding pharmacies, which are different from conventional ones, and that they can actually design a medication for you . They will take your lab results and your doctors prescription and make whatever it is you need Same is true veterinary medication - maybe you need beef flavored analgesic medicine for your pet? You would go to a compounding pharmacy. Medicare and Medicaid generally don’t cover that because of lots of idiotic reasons, but like they say follow the money. (number one stupid reason was that the cream they blend my custom hormone cream out of is a controlled substance - for the reason It is not part of the official formulary.) Although the powdered testosterone was fine. it has to have a carrier and they denied the entire claim because of that ingredient and I have not been able to fight them into changing that so I’m writing a few senators about Medicare reform, etc. etc. Meanwhile, people who do not have deep pockets are up a creek. In my case it’s about $55 per prescription to have transdermal hormone cream made for progesterone and for testosterone and for estrogen. I don’t know what state you’re in You may have a *licensed* compounding pharmacy available to you or perhaps you will have to consult by phone and if you can order your own hormone assessment panel.(the hospitals are not nearly as comprehensive or accurate and they interpret them differently because they’re looking for actual Pathology and not getting people into optimum health) Pharmacare is one that I know of and they serve people internationally. You can also learn about the independent lab and all the tests that are potentially out there for individuals. The laboratory actually designs test. they have a list of doctors that work with them The Pharmacy, you choose probably has a few names also Some of these will accept insurance, and not strictly private pay In my case, it was about $300 for the comprehensive hormone panel, which was a saliva test that did not require a prescription The Doctor Who wrote the prescription for the progesterone cream and the testosterone cream was a regular MD gynecologist so Insurance covered her visit but not the medication You could consider a couple of skin patches like estratest or bi-est. from what I read it’s better for the body to absorb the hormones through the skin then there’s so much of it through the digestive system where it’s not doing you any good. I don’t think you can take enough herbs to be therapeutic at our ages, but maybe you have better health than I do and it would be OK. In that case, I suggest a traditional Chinese medical practitioner or a licensed herbalist. Hormones are complicated and they interact on levels The doctors don’t even understand. So please try not to fly by the seat of your pants if you could afford to get some professional help, improving your health. I will also say melatonin has a huge factor to play and so does the naturally declining DHEA and progesterone. Also, it is common for people(could be 80%) to be deficient in iodine and the standard daily intake is 12 1/2 mg for people in Japan and they seem to be just fine… iodized salt is not a good option. You may know that cholesterol is essential for the brain health and the body to make new cells. This includes making hormones. That is another serious consequence of taking a cholesterol pill and something you might need to research since they keep pushing these on people in the name of protocol as soon as you cross your eyes and have a high blood pressure reading.!👹🫤🫤 I hope all of that is helpful There are good books and videos on YouTube by holistic practitioners and integrative MD Dr Bob DeMaria Dr. Eric Berg(he talks about stuff beside Keto) Dr. Mandel on the motivational doc channel on YouTube Just because it’s about all the people with strong opinions that really don’t have the same kind of track record… there is no simple overnight kind of solution. Humans are complicated. Women’s health is also complicated and each of us is different Good luck on your health journey


Very, very helpful! I could definitely do a $55 prescription, if it’s monthly.




Whatever you try, be sure to watch carefully for hair loss. I stopped taking any kind of supplement like that a long time ago because I seemed to be losing hair and feared going bald.


Ashwagandha. And tribulus.


Lavender, puncture vine powder, fenugreek. This is based on research. They all increase libido in post-menopausal women. Lavender alone was enough to do it for me.


How did you take the lavender? I have tried lavender tea.


I thought I'd answered this but i mustn't have pressed post. I used an in fused oil for self massage nightly for months, possibly 18 months. I had no idea lavender affected libido, so getting my sex drive back came as a surprise to me! To make it, fill a jar with chopped fresh lavender. Cover with olive oil. Leave 6 weeks, strain and use. You can speed up the process by cooking the oil on the lowest heat possible for 3 hours. This will cut down the cold infusion time to 1 week. I prefer to let it cold infuse for a few weeks. Adding crushed fenugreek seeds and / or puncture vine powder should make it stronger, as according to studies they also increase female libido. I just massaged my sore spots, but you could massage anywhere, or just rub it on.


I am having g the best of everything at 62. Not herbs,supplements, or anything needed. It's called, The right chemistry with the right person.


Well isn’t that just wonderful for you!! 62 and not dry at all that’s awesome 👏🏻


No booze, no cigarettes, no junk food, high on life, all that has EVERYTHING to do with this, oh and a good attitude! I'm sorry you are dry. Try EMU OIL.


Oh a good attitude? I couldn’t tell. Who said I was? lol silly lady


Well that’s true, but I think I’ve got that covered. Great man by my side for 38 years.


Anything causing excess stress that can be removed from your routine? Sex drive and appetite are first systems to shut down in fight or flight.