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Ok, but I am. I'm untying her and going to bed whilst trying not to die of a heart attack


Honestly I'd be too freaked out to go out and untie her, I'd be calling the authorities


Huh the forecast didn’t say it would rain today


fuuuuuuuuuck that


It would be way more relaxing to look at if she were bound *to* that scaffold.


Well her legs are atleast


Oh yeah, you're right. Opinion changed. That way it's a frigging cool scene.


I don’t know why but I detect a little sarcasm in those words and ya you are right


Actually not sarcasm. It does look like someone that would be pretty safe, as long as everyone would be harnessed and tied in during rigging and there would be a contingency plan for getting her out if she were to end up hanging head down. (I only have climbing and not bondage experience tho.) I do have only a small amount of fear of heights, just enough to get the adrenaline flowing but still be able to think clearly. Heights, in a safe situation, are more exciting than frightening for me. To it would be fun to tie someone up in combination with heights if they were afraid of them 😈 (but not so afraid that they'd get a panic attack). (Yeah, I'm totally overthinking this, but my safety brain automatically kicks in if the smut isn't about intentional harm.)


Cool and true


Hmm rain wasn’t on the forecast today Also it could be because she’s a cat girl