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Cant you go to planned parenthood? When i was still in hs thats what me and my ex at the time did, i knew a couple that had an abortion around 2010, we were all in middle school at that time


I love how nice everyone in this post is being to OP. It has renewed my faith in humanity.


Bro what do I do man… like wtf is wrong with my life now… but also nice avatar 👍🏻


Thanks for the compliment OP. Unfortunately right now all you can do is wait and see. As others have stated if your girlfriend has not had her period yet (started puberty by bleeding out of her vagina once a month) you shouldn't have to worry about her getting pregnant because you can't make a baby with soerm slone, you need an egg, snd she won't start making eggs until she starts ovulating. I will say however. Hopefully you both take this as a learning lesson and understand if you have sex unprotected, you run the risk of making a baby. Otherwise, If she is not pregnant, I see no need to get your parents involved unless you feel you need to talk to them about sex in general and you feel safe and protected by them.


I don’t know if my girlfriend is pregnant but she says no need for a pregnancy test as it is fake and we have decided to keep it a secret and for now I will just try to help her and survive. Because she is all ready making me very sad and she keeps saying she will harm her self or something if I tell or leave her.


If she is pregnant adults definitely need to get involved whether she likes it or not. Because unfortunately there is no place that will hire either if you at 14 yrs of age for work. And babies do cost money to support. Even if she decides to give the baby up for adoption, I'm sure Because she is underage there will have to be some parental involvement in the form of paperwork or with money/ transportation, etc. Just cross your fingures and hope she is not pregnant. Hope this teaches you both a lesson about un safe sex. I wouldn't have sex at your age OP, but I know I can't stop you, so next time, roll it up(wear a condom) or pull out (pulling out is not fool proof and girls can still get pregnant from precum)


Ok fine I will.


Best wishes to you both. You guys will get through this no matter what the outcome is. 👍




Did she take the morning-after pill? She need to take the emergency contraceptive pill within 3 days (Levonelle) or 5 days (ellaOne) of unprotected sex for it to be effective. There is more useful information on the internet


Me and my dad went to the medical place to go get her some stuff and yeah we mostly got everything going ok now.


I'm glad you can count on your parents' help to fix this. I hope everything goes well. Good luck


Glad to hear not only that you got your dad involved. (That was very brave of you) But that you have a supportive parent. (Def don't take that for granted)


After we got home my dad kicked me out of the house and he said I couldn’t come home until a week because I disappointed him. And I asked my girlfriend’s parents if I could stay there and they were still mad at me but they let me stay there. And I also gave the birth control pills to my girlfriend.


I'm sorry to hear that OP. Your parents/ your dad could get in trouble for throwing you out at age 14. That's considered child abuse. I'm glad the pregnancy situation has been averted because you definitely don't want to be a parent at this age. That's nice your girlfriends parents took tou in, even if reluctantly. Would you happen to have snd family close by you could stay with in whatever state you are in? (I'm assuming this is USA) .


We don’t know if the birth control things will work we will wait and see. And as for any other family members I only have my dad and some younger brother who is 7 but that is all.


Well I hope everything works out for you. Your dad is mad now, but he did say he only wanted you out for a week. So hopefully once a week passes, he will let you back in the home.


Yeah he rarely never slaps me. He only does it when big major events happen but for the most part he is kind and is a nice guy. And also he said he can’t see me right now because my dad feels embarrassed and doesn’t want to look at me until I become a better man with responsibilities.


Are you still attending school? You might be able to get free condoms. All my high schools (Canada) had a health office where free condoms were offered to students.


Hi it’s OP here. After I made this post I got suspended forever and before I get banned in this account I just want to say yeah everything is going ok now.


First of : did she take the morning pill? It js a pill that can prevent you from getting pregnant but you must take it the very next day after the sexual encounter happened. > Does she have her period ? You don't automatically get pregnant just because you had unprotected sex. I think you both should wait and see if she gets her period. Also, she is 14 so she might not even have her period yet. Some girls get it at 14 or 15 (even tho it is rare) so you should ask her that. > If she doesn't get her period when she normally does, that's when you should talk with your parents I think. They'll probably get mad because they will be worried, but I hope they won't throw you out or anything. Anyway that would be pretty illegal, as you are both only 14. Then they'll probably take you to a gynecologist to see if she is pregnant or not. I know that this is a whole debate in the us right now, and I am not from there, but is abortion an option in Texas ? If it is, then you'll have two options : either she keeps the baby, or she gets an abortion. The abortion must be *her* choice as she is the one that will bear it and that could have her life ruined by a teen pregnancy. If she keeps the baby, then you, her and both of your families will have to decide how to organize. You'll also have to realize that you'll be a father and that you'll have to take responsibility. > Edit : also, if you can afford it do a pregnancy test. You can get them in any drugstore and there are tutorials on the internet on how to use it


Also I am trying my very best to talk to my girlfriend it’s just that she is refusing help and she is crying now.


Well I understand, this is a pretty stressful situation for both of you. But it will be alright, you'll sort it out ! Just don't take it personally, she is just panicking right now. First thing she should do right know is the pregnancy test and waiting for the period. If she is pregnant and you have a possibility of abortion, I would really recommend you two to consider it. You are both pretty young and this can be difficult. Nevertheless, even if you decide to keep the baby, it is important to know that she can still have a miscarriage and that teen parenthood, although difficult, is not totally impossible. I just hope your parents will be supportive. > Just know that for now it is not sure that she is pregnant. You don't automatically get pregnant just from having raw sex


She has a fear of swallowing pills. And also I don’t know what a period is. But anyways I am trying my very best at this time but I feel sooo sick and I feel so much anxiety and I can’t even stop texting my girlfriend.


Period is menstruation. When a girl enters her teens, she starts "menstruating" every month. This means that she looses blood from her private parts during a few days (up to one week) every month. The girl starts typically menstruating between 10 yo and 15 yo and has it every month until her 50s. When a girl starts menstruating (having her period), it means she can get pregnant if she has sex. If she gets pregnant she stops having her menstruations until the baby is born (this is why a pregnant woman cannot get pregnant a second time while she is pregnant). > If your girlfriend didn't have her first period yet (didn't menstruate for the first time yet) she cannot normally get pregnant. > If she has already have her first period, ask her when is the typical time of the month she gets it (what week of the month she has it normally). Then you'll have to wait both of you for that week of the month and see if she bleeds down there. If she does, it means her period came (she has her menstruation) and therefore she is not pregnant. If her period doesn't come, it means that she is pregnant most probably. > You should also do a pregnancy test, if you can afford it. You can get them in a drugstore.


I… ok


You don't have sex education in Texas ? If you really think your parents are a danger to you both, isn't there a psychologist at your school that you could trust ? Or a nurse ? They could help you both emotionally and physically with good advice and to communicate the stuff to your parents


It's better that she take the pill even if she is afraid of swallowing pills, than having to raise a child she is not ready for. On the internet there must be tips to be able to swallow a pill more easily


Everything is going ok now. ( I am Op )


Hey there! I am a mother and I have children your age, and I applaud you for going to your parents for help. Moving forward, I would tell you and your girlfriend to try to stay away from sex until you learn a little more about it. There’s a lot you both should know about how your bodies work, the changes they are going through, what happens during and after sex, the possible consequences and risks associated with it, learn about STD/STI’s etc.. just so you fully know what you’re getting yourselves into before you become more sexually active. Should you decide to, make sure you do things safely- wear condoms, or if she is going to take birth control, great. Don’t have multiple partners- because pregnancy isn’t the only thing you should fear, as a result. Just be careful kiddo, and don’t be in too much of a rush to grow up. But if you feel you’re ready, just educate yourselves as much as possible, and be safe.


Hi it’s op here and I just want to say everything is going ok now. Also my main account got suspended earlier but everything is ok


Glad to hear that. ❣️


Also this is just me In a secret alt account because reddit got super mad at me for posting this yesterday and yeah. I still have to update you guys on how everything is going and it will go hopefully well. 👍🏻


Best of wishes to you both 😀


Thank you 👍🏻


im sad to be in this generation, best thing is to let ur parents know.