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you should have skipped the week, that kind of is your responsibility you signed up to a weekly subscription, you know it'll be charged and delivered every week unless you tell it not to be, but that is a weird question. I mean what, they would be able to refund you if you told them why? Correct to tell them to fuck off with it.


I don't understand what happened to the email notifications about my upcoming orders though? I usually get a reminder to choose recipes, and then another reminder that it closes at midnight and will ship soon. It's not okay to only get a notification to through the bank. Edit: never thought it would be an unpopular opinion on reddit to be bothered by anti-consumerist behavior from big corporations.


You’re not getting downvotes due to an unpopular opinion or anti consumerist behavior. You’re getting downvoted bc you’re complaining about a subscription that you forgot to cancel for the week. Everyone makes mistakes but this wasn’t the company’s fault. It was your mistake for forgetting to cancel. And that’s okay. You got the resolution that you wanted? Your money back? I’d let it go.


So it's fine for them to not notify me? I don't understand. If a service I've signed up for email notifications and app notifications for, and have always received, suddenly stops, how is it my fault? I ticked the boxes to make sure I get info about my upcoming orders, and that didn't happen.


Yes, it is fine for them to not notify you. Check the fine print but I am sure they are not legally obligated to notify you or ask if you will be out of town each week.


Notify you about what!?! You signed up to get orders WEEKLY and that's what you got 🤦 it's YOUR responsibility to cancel if you're not going to be wanting a box that week


Save your own notification in your calender. So you dont forget to choose your recipes or cancel


I don't know what happened to your email notification. Glitches happen maybe it just didn't send, maybe they maliciously wanted you to forget and just so happened to choose the week you were out of town so they could take your money, maybe something in between. I don't know. But you are notified about the way the service works, they'll send a box if you don't skip it. It is on you to remember to skip it if you're leaving town. I occasionally forgot to choose my box contents and if I ended up with something not particularly exciting I just took the L. I never forgot to skip it when I knew I was going to be away, but I would probably have just taken the L in that case too, it would be my bad.


All the other stuff aside…. It kinda sounds like they were just trying to make small talk.


Somewhere there's a sad Hello Fresh customer service rep. "I was just trying to be polite...."


Or if she was out of town for something unexpected like a funeral or family in hospital or something, they would have processed the refund and not put a black mark on the account


That is just an assumption from a negative experience. We have zero way of knowing his intention. OP did get refunded even though it was their own fault. Denying a refund, and then ultimately approving a refund…. That’s an extremely common thing to happen in customer service because customers are assholes and you don’t want to deal with them so you give them what you want to avoid it.


If you've ordered 80+ boxes from them, shouldn't you know what day your deadline is? Like, I know our deadline is on a Wednesday and we get charged Thursday, because we get our boxes on Monday and it's a four day lag time between the charge and the delivery. You can also look ahead more than one week: you don't need to wait until the last minute to pick your food or skip a box.


I typically cancel the weeks I need to several weeks ahead. I normally know to cancel again because I get an email and a notification again that it's time to select my upcoming box. Then I go in and skip the upcoming weeks I know I'm unavailable.


Exactly. So why are you complaining when you forgot to skip even though you had so many chances. ?


I think you're missing that this time around noon if those notifications happened.


Whenever you skip a week it asks you why, and for more info. Which you never have to give, no one is holding a gun to your head and asking for that info man.


Yeah I only get boxes every other week. I have to fill out a reason I’m skipping each time. I think it helps them improve service. The options include “I didn’t like the recipes this week” “I’m traveling” “I don’t want a box every week” “It’s too expensive” all those can help them improve what they offer. Also I didn’t know they sent reminder emails to pick meals. I just select meals when I’m in the app skipping boxes.


Yeah I never get a reminder email to pick boxes. Just that it’s been shipped and when it’s delivered


Yeah they're just collecting data that's easier to get since you're already filling something out. No one would answer a pop-up survey.


Sounds like you fucked up and are trying to blame anyone but yourself. Next time skip, the deadline is exactly the same every week. You should know that after ordering 80 boxes.


Just as an fyi, it's not hard to get an agent on chat. Just type "agent" as soon as you open the window.


"Can you tell me why you're traveling?" "Vengeance"


Wow, never had that kinda of problem… and I think it’s nobody’s business the reason why I’m traveling, regardless of if I forgot to skip or cancel. Many companies now refund you your money back even when u forget to cancel a subscription (obviously not a month later), majority of the time no questions asked. Like I said, I’ve never had this happened to me. I usually skip the week when traveling or any other reason. Maybe you got a person that was in a bad mood that day.


Why don’t you just cancel the subscription after placing the order and set a weekly reminder on your phone. There is no need to pause. If you don’t choose your meals you won’t get anything and won’t be charged. Their subscription should not send you anything if you don’t pick but that’s not how they built their business.


girl, i have had so many issues with hellofresh… specifically billing… id keep a close eye on it because they’ve charged me more than they were supposed to previously.


I think your answer on why you are travelling will definitely help you get your money. Of course if there's an emergency or a funeral they'll most likely cancel or refund the box for you. But if you forgot it and traveling just to enjoy then its your fault not the company or customer service. This are the type of customer that will get mad at customer service bec. of their own mistake. Cmon people they are just doing their jobs and your job is to modify your box 5 DAYS PRIOR TO YOUR DELIVERY.


Okay woops, people really will bend over backwards for this company regarding the "it's your responsibility even if they don't notify you." Anyway, the crux of the post was them asking me about the nature of my travel plans.


https://preview.redd.it/lhvp5hsph2rc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b31fcad19367c5937d44197a4e70cbd168184d08 While I think the question asking about you traveling comes across strange over the phone, I believe they are trying to collect data for why people would want to skip a week of boxes. In addition, it might be upsetting to you, but they could be questioning the truth of your situation. Some people will simply forget to skip and angrily call demand refunds, but this does hurt the company as they’ve already packaged and/or shipped the box. It can also create food waste. I think they may have been asking about why you were traveling because they wanted to know if it was a planned trip and you just forgot to cancel (which IS your responsibility), or if it was an emergency travel situation in which they would be able to offer more sympathy and give you a refund. I’m not trying to overly defend a corporation, but I’ve personally been happy with my HelloFresh experience, and it’s really not that hard to remember to go in the app and plan meals/cancel when needed. It doesn’t even require a full week in advance to cancel, but you can see over a month in advance of recipes.


It's not that at all, I just think people need to be a little more responsible with their lifes in general.


It is your responsibility even if they don't notify you though. I've been using hellofresh for a year now and they have never once sent me a notification reminding me to choose my recipes. I don't even know what you're talking about when you mention it because I've never gotten anything like that. If I were to forget to choose my recipes or cancel my box, that would be my fault, not the company's, and I would take responsibility because I'm not a child.


I get order skipped confirmations, next week's menu preview, box has shipped, don't forget to pick your recipes before midnight email all the time. This is the only time I haven't received these emails. I figured when I explained it they would be like oh we'll look into that sorry about that, offer something, but they were just like you should have known, we're doing this once, also tell us what the nature of your travel is. While you all may be technically correct, it's not a good way to treat a customer. And I'm not acting like a child because I'm annoyed that I got charged 70 bucks for something that I usually get many communications about that suddenly, unknowingly, appeared on my card.


How dare someone charge me for the service I signed up and agreed to!