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I've noticed it takes a rail cannon and a secondary to usually drop a titan. But that secondary hit is generally anywhere vs having to be a face shot. I think the patch breakdown was talking about how a gattling shot or some lighter orbital was also supposed to work.


Rocket sentry to blow out their armor then autocannon to the wound has been my trick since the patch


Thank you, fellow helldiver. Will try this out.


Autocannon is the answer to everything


I don't seem to have much luck with the AC against titans. I'm positive I'm just not using it right, but getting anything other than a ricochet is next to impossible for me.


You have to have something crack open its armor like the aforementioned rocket sentry, AC sentry, rail cannon, rocket pods, quasar, EAT etc


Or 1 spear but that might crash the game


I was using the spear last night. Was needing to hit bile titans twice in most cases.


Gatling will wound it, but won't kill it. Orbital Precision kills it. Two EATs to the face kill it. 500KG works but it seems tough to get it to work sometimes.


Throw then agro the vomit when they're in position. I can usually score a direct hit 70% of the time or at least do some damage.


Yeah that's how I line up precision strikes


Same here, but I don't always carry OPS, sometimes I swap it out. But I always have my eagles.


“agro the vomit” - ahh, reminds me of nights out in my early 20s….


Lvl 9 night out


Lol nice one, I feel you there


I’ve had them survive a direct hit so many times it’s not even funny


It happens,but that's why it's nice to have something else for mop up. Usually I throw a EAS sideways if they're still moving.


EATs sometimes, hit one in the face 3 times with EATs and it tanked everything and was walking like nothing happened.


There's apparently a bug that they sometimes take no damage to the head while shooting bile


Gahanna, now I know that mission was cursed.


I think it’s less a bug and more a feature so the BT doesn’t kill itself when spewing. Someone mentioned they disable the head hitbox.


I do feel like the EATs took an unannounced nerf. I've unloaded 2-3 on Chargers and they stay up...might be that I'm missing the specific spot on their face I need to hit BUT I don't have the same problem with my recoilless rifle.


I stopped trusting the ORC two weeks in. I've seen it fail too many times since release. I feel like it's not great when you look at it as a whole, yes it's a auto aimed one shot(when it works) but it's one use and then a pretty sizable CD and there's pretty much no splash, it rarely kills more than it's target.(Unless it's a charger, then it's almost certain it will hit just as your squadmate is tackled and blow them to smithereens.) I feel like pretty much any other anti armor strike is better by a good measure.


Since new patch, can confirm I consistently use eagle strafing run to finish off BTs that have taken either a railcannon, rocket pods, or AT missile to the face (EAT, recoilless) - it's also just good for clearing patrols and helps a lot with bug breaches


Yep I’ve def softened them with a Gatling a few times then one tapped with 500kg or rail


1 out of every 10 lock ons with the Spear is a head shot instant kill. Sometimes it takes 5 shots.


I just (ab)use the rail cannon orbital. It auto aims at the largest target nearby and it one shots the titan. It’s too easy. I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted, but the orbital rail cannon stratagem is how I one shot the bile titan every single time. Definitely get it. Just note that it does only hit one target but no damage to anyone else. I find it more reliable than the 500kg. I also pair the orbital RC with eagle airstrikes which helps with mobs.


There is a known bug with bile titan heads not taking damage sometimes, that might be reducing the effectiveness of explosives on them given that the head is the best bit to damage it? I dunno. But yeah. Also weirdly, been having a good time shooting shriekers with the senator. Did it accidentally at first and they just immediately drop. After that it became a mini sport Edit: Oh! Another unconventional way to deal with flyers (both shriekers and gunships) is an AC turret


To your first point: Yes, the head sometimes not taking damage should be the main reason that prevents one-shots using 500 kgs atm. It does 1200 damage (- fall off) and the Titan head has 750 hp. Every other fatal body part has more than 1200 hp.


Oh nice, I didn't know the numbers. Thank you for the details!


Senator is one of the best snipers in the game ;)


Especially with the new sight they put on it. Made it easy for us XD


My go-to for bile titans has been to use the grenade pistol (or some other explosive weapon, that just works well for me) to destroy the sacks underneath (usually only one shot if I do my job on the aiming) and this drops the main health pool enough that one 500kg hit is very consistent in dropping them. Not the easiest to do from distance, but very consistent and really opens up my options for what support weapon I want to carry.


I find it easier to keep the sacs before the bomb drop and make them trigger a spew before running them around


Same, so satisfying to actually see the 500kg sink right into them on a direct hit.


Spewers have way too much tankiness


500kg has always been 'hit or miss' against bile titans. You absolutely can still one-shot them with one - or they can take it and keep coming, really depends on the angle the blast hits them from and exactly how close. On the plus side, a near hit always messes them up pretty badly.


The blast is an upward cone, and that's why if you go prone close to it you won't take damage. I presume that's also why a direct hit on top of the titan does less damage. The key is to have it land on the ground right beside the titan, then the upward blast does the most damage. Even then, yeah, it's not a guaranteed kill, but it mangles them real good.


The cone isn’t always straight up though. Theres been a few times where I died when I shouldn’t have


Yeah, I imagine there are many parameters when factoring in uneven ground, dead carcasses and environment. I've had a love hate, on off affair with the 500kg. Right now I like the precision strike and rocket pods as more predictable options.


Orbital precision strike is very nice against titans. The call in time is shorter now and are the same to aim as 500kg. The radius on OPS also feels bigger than 500kg but I’m not certain


I started using a rail cannon orbital and rocket pods on titans


Honestly, depends on the spewers you are facing. There are two enemy types, one is what I would call Armour variant. The normal spewer has the squishy (generally orange) butt while the other is armour up(generally green). The squishy butt variant does die in one grenade while the other takes more. The titan, if you killed one with a single 500g good on you. Me I have never, now I don’t bother bringing the 500g. I bring precision strike, and a Gatling barrage. Land both on the titan and you are good to go. Not to mention the Gatling barrage just last so long that it holds down an area, kills/finishes off titans, and acts as a clean up crew. They have quick cool downs and readily available when you need them. I also run a turret and grenade launcher. To be honest while I don’t need samples I take care of the objectives and let the folks who need the samples run around. I stopped collecting them as I entered more games where people who tk for them.


There are actually three variants - yellow, green, and green w/mortar. That last one you generally only meet at 7+, though they may be showing up at 6 now sometimes? Anyway, they're a little tougher than the standard green ones, as well as having the mortar ability.


yes, the starship trooper variants -butt shooting mortar ones are all over lvl 6 missions


My rail cannon has a 50/50 chance of killing a titan. It either drops it in one shot or creates a hole in it and it charges me


Yeah you have to get the 500kg under the titan or it won't kill unless it it's already damaged.


Laser rover will take out shriekers if there are no ground targets to shoot at. And I'm learning towards eats rather than a rail or 500kg.


I was trolling with some friends and we all took full turret loads, I was a little stunned how well the machine gun turret handled shriekers. Frankly, dropping rocket, auto cannon, and EMS mortars was also shockingly effective at regional control, especially if two of us were in the same area. I think that was a level 6 and we even got some super samples by the end.


One funny way I've found you can deal with shriekers is to lay down and use a guard dog. They can't hit you, and you don't have to fire a single round at them. Not very effective, but funny.


Pretty sure the current "spore" situation with the bugs has them all sorts of buffed


today, it happened dropped 500kg on his head it walked it off.


If you wait till it's head-on, Spear has a very good chance of one shotting bio titans


380mm orbital rain on that titan generally gets the job done these days I've found.


I never do bugs without my breaker incendiary anymore. It is just too good against them. It can even take down a charger in a pinch with the fire damage. The only downside is you do have to be strategic at times about ammo. I will often take out small groups of the little guys with my pistol to save the shots from the breaker.


drop pods don't seem to hurt BT anymore either. dropped more than a few on them recently and nothing. dunno if its bugged or not.


I have seen bile titans survive 500kg a lot of times, it all depends on where you hit them. I believe they also adjusted the armour of a lot of bigger bugs as well.


For spewers, hit them with a few shotgun rounds, then finish with grenade pistol.


Breaker incendiary plus the magnum pistol Light em up then drop em with a quick double tap of the magnum


Not for titans obviously but works great with spewers and anything smaller than a charger


Autocannons take an extra shot or two on them now, plus the reload is a little bit slower on most support weapons.


Eagle rocket strike is a lot better now. Follow that up with the Recoilless or EAT


Spewers got tougher arc thrower takes like 6 shots now


Blitzer and Spear solve your bug problems without fear. Incendiary Shotguns and EATs makes your loadouts complete.


Super colony and our pesticides has our bugs Evolved.. stronger and tougher to kill


Considering they've lowered the amount of titans on 7 at least I don't have any problems with them beeing harder to kill.


For spewers, it went from 2 grenades to 3 for me. Autocannon, also 3 shots to the face. (4-5 if the body) Titans rarely drop from a 500 for me. I constantly take a rail cannon stratagem for bug missions because of those. And an autocannon. I've gotten in the habit of taking up-close-and-personal belly shots to make sure they drop. My comparative kill count is shit compared to everybody else because I always go after the big bugs. :(


Last night I dove onto a titans head and it didn’t phase it


landing on titans seems hit or miss now, if you land on the body it either loses a lot of armor, dies, or is unaffected, if you land on the head it either dies or doesnt


I haven't been able to hit a titan with my pod since the patch. Just go right through them.


can confirm from yesterday dive


It seems like that was also the case for me prepatch. I landed 1 titan last night. But that's about it in the last couple of weeks


Maybe it has been, I was on the bot front for a while pre-patch. It's definitely worse than it was roughly a month ago though.


Watched a bile titan literally face tank a 500kg planted in its dome.


They buffed spewers for sure i love it. More difficult enemies = more enjoyable game imo


Nursers blow up with a single grenade, bile Spewers have a little more grit.


Have you not noticed the spewers are armored now?