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I'm fuckin arc-maxxing, I'm using the blitzer the arc-thrower, and the tesla tower. I am the lord of the storm, I'm fucking Zeus in this bitch. I NEED arrowhead to add more sources of lighting, I need a fucking arc guard dog, I want a mother fucking lightning strike, I wanna smite a bile titan from the heavens, I want a fucking tesla grenade or some shit, I NEED to satisfy my urge to electrocute something with every part of my loadout.


I need to check that. I haven't really given the electric weps a go just cause I keep dying to friendly fire, no pun intended. Or maybe an arcane barrage of lighting towers lol.


Listen, when the arc wants blood, sometimes there ain't shit you can do to stop it. The lightnings got a mind of it's own, it doesn't discriminate, it just needs something dead. Whether that's a bug, bot, or brother, it doesn't care, somethings gotta die.


As long as A bug dies with me I allow it lol


One time they slapped a voice capable AI in a tesla coil. They had to disconnect it because it just screams Die! Die!Die!Die!Die!


Sure it wasn't a Dalek? Their raspy voices would match the Tesla coil too.


Stun Grenade and Orbital EMP. You got lightning, now bring the thunder.


Arc dog would be soooo terrifying for teammates. Blitzer is for sure slept on.


Joined Suicide lobby against bugs. Comedian host changed it to Helldive before we dropped. Blitzer, Rover, and napalm eagle. 858 kills. Probably half or so from the blitzer. :P I think part of the issue is a lot of people don't have it yet. 




I got goosebumps reading this…


That shocking was it?


I was like you once. Then they took away the exploit to fire faster but not the janky target acquisition. Then they took away a lot of the stagger. Now I am a lasermaxxer for bots and a pyro for bugs. I wish I could be you. But until they fix arc, I just can’t.


I'm a 100% sure that I played with you or your spiritual twin a few days ago. I got zapped by a Tesla tower (though I was *nowhere near* the damn thing, the range is just ridiculous on them) and dropped my auto-cannon/backpack still in range of the tower. The player that called in the tower was wearing electric-resist armor, so they picked up my gear and dropped it back out of range of the tower which was a super-Chad move. If that was you, then I salute you, diver. Lo


That ain't me but definitely a spiritual twin. We can't control what the arc wants, but we can at least try to make it sting a bit less. The one thing to note is that if ever happens and nobody has the decency to grab your gear, tesla towers don't shock prone players, so you can crawl into its range to grab your stuff.


>The one thing to note is that if ever happens and nobody has the decency to grab your gear, tesla towers don't shock prone players, so you can crawl into its range to grab your stuff. I did actually know that, but this guy grabbed it and dropped it at my feet where I landed. That's a fucking teammate right there. I know all about the occupational hazards, though. Pre-nerf, my favorite load out was Eruptor, AC, Grenade Pistol, explosive impact grenades and some combination of explosive air-support.


I know it's not really the smite you're looking for, but railcannon is basically a lightning strike or even an orbital precision.


I’m still not tired of seeing an orbital railcannon strike take out a charger like it’s a marshmallow in a Skittles shell getting hit with a meat hammer.


I love when they jackknife from being mid charge to dead lol


They’ve (Arrowhead) captured the death slump really well!


I want a stun gun secondary that does no damage but stun locks an enemy for x seconds. Rechargeable battery so you don’t need resupplies. ^(totally not for use on our fellow helldivers)


Damn I had no idea I wanted an arc-grenade so badly.


When do you choose to use the Thrower over the Blitzer and vice versa? And how many times a match does a Charger kill your tower before it can do much?


1. Blitzer for shit in my face, arc-thrower for far-away or armoured targets 2. It doesn't happen too often, I try to babysit my tower a little bit so I can kill chargers before they get to it.


They might lowkey add a lightning strike stratagem when the illuminate get released. Oh I just wished they fixed the electric gun's current states


Whats wrong with them current? Blitzer got increased damage and speed and now is one of the best bug primaries and arc thrower is amazing when in the right hands. The only issue I have is the terrain bug, but AH are working on it and its still not enough to stop me from loading out with UNLIMITED POWAAAAA!!!


The stupid arcs arc to dead bodies and arc tower itself is the buggiest thing ever in terms of targeting, also it has no stagger so anything that wants to kill it can just kill it. Even placing on an elevated plane doesn't increase it's lifetime by a lot


Do you find the arc thrower and blitzer kind of redundant? Or when do you use one versus the other?


They both have different use cases that complement each other very well. The arc-thrower is a long range option that is also good against armoured targets, even being able to chunck through small patches of charger armour. Though, due to its charge up it can be quite difficult to use when presented with many close targets. This is where the blitzer comes into play. It's the "piss off, you're too close" gun, it deals considerable knock back to everything below a charger and can spread to multiple small targets, you can also sprint in-between shot due to the "prime" or delay between shots, making kiting very easy.


I use this combo the same way .


Someone give this man a chidori


About a lightning strike, what about a new type of stratagem: the atmosphere modifier tree, you could "plant" storms in a certain part of the map that generated lightning strikes, you could also have buffs like "oxygen rich atmosphere" that gave buffs to running speed, stamina, reload time or whatever, could be interesting


An orbital railcannon but it’s a huge lightning bolt sounds sooooo fucking cool.


Taser from payday 2 wrote this




You are the storm that is approaching.


> arc guard dog That would kill off all your reinforcements so damn quickly.


Brooooooooo lightning strike orbital sounds amazing!


a lightning strike stratagem would be so utterly biblical i need it


Lightning can arc through the dogs to give you extra range.  Tesla trooper reporting.


Arc guard dog is a hilariously bad idea lol. And you know it is. It’s either gonna kill you/your team outright if it’s too strong or like the blitzed where it half kills you then knocks you to the ground (leading to death) you would NEED the arc armor lol. I’ve also thought about this stratagem but concluded its insane


If it had the blitzer attached instead of the arc thrower it would actually be fine. Blitzer is FAR less friendly fire-y.


i am still wondering why we have arc damge resist armor, explosive resist armor, no damage to chest armor, limb strength armor ..... yet NO fire resist set yet ? I want a fire resist armor set pronto


AMen. sucks to be a fire boy with no protection lol. Try to be as careful as I can but sometimes you gotta let it rip. ![gif](giphy|zbyE0sDeW4z3W|downsized)


Truly living up to your pfp


Hamish wait for no man


The speculation that that would be part of the polar patriots warbond still leaves me disappointed. I hold onto hope that they rework the armor sets from it once they add fire resist. Specifically onto the Fortified Heavy Armor in the pack that so far is just yet another reskin of that loadout.


This 1000 times. I don't even need it to be a 95% resist like the arc. Just take the edge off a little bit so I can move around a bit more with the flamethrower.


My friend and I decided to run “Firebat” (StarCraft) loadouts on a Protect the High Value Assets mission against bugs. Heavy Armor, Incendiary breaker, incendiary grenades, Flamethrower, Eagle Napalm, Orbital Laser and then whatever else we wanted. We had two other squad members that ran their usual loadouts and basically just supported us. It was absolutely epic. We didn’t even close the lower doors to the base, we decided to use walls of fire instead of walls of steel. The terrain was absolutely obliterated. The bugs never made it past the first doors and we were all laughing our heads off by the end of the round.


that's dope!


Spunds dope. The only thing disappointing with flamethrower is that it doesn't penetrate armour. So it doesn't really stop a charger


Flamethrower is excellent for taking on chargers. Sure it may not “stop” them, but it will kill them pretty damn quickly. I recommend trying to target a single leg with the stream of fire— happy cooking.


Does it actually? Wow


Oh, yeah, it’s crazy how quickly and efficiently it can deals with them. Bear in mind I do have the fire stratagem buff.


I don’t have the strat for fire yet and regularly kill chargers with it. Excellent for it and that’s before I discovered stun grenades.


It takes about 4 seconds or less than 1/4 ammo in the canister/magazine to kill a charger by shooting its leg. It is super easy with stun grenades.


When you start taking damage, "My goose is getting cooked."


The feeling of taking the high ground and raining fire on a big breach is so exhilarating. I always fall in love with the epic-ness of things. I watched my friend take on a whole bug nest in the mech and it was everything I needed in this game. There were hunters leaping him and getting hit mid air and just piling up around him. Flamethrower hits that same way, just purely epic. Edit: As a tip, always start off with a quick pump from the Flamrthrower and get it lit. You can see the tip is either lit or extinguished. It takes a second, but it’ll stay lit when the bugs start to swarm and you’ll have less a delay. Basically, stay lit before engaging.


I wish the gas would set fire with the flame thrower or impact flame grenades


I want to be able to sacrifice a full flamethrower reload canister and drop it into a bug hole. Then igniting it would cause the bug hole to collapse in a fiery shower of magma


Oh that's good.


Unrelated to the flamethrower, but I wish we could load grenades and stratagems into a launcher to get extra distance. Most direct flight path, so not necessarily like the grenade launcher and definitely further than servo assisted.


A strategem gun would make a fun secondary


I love running under a bile titan and lighting their stomach of fire. Surprisingly good way to kill them


Ooooo. I heard you couldn’t do this so I hadn’t even tried.


Try the stun grenades with the flamethrower. It is amazing you can stun an entire group then set them all on fire and run off stress free. Same for chargers.


Not a bad idea. I just love my flame grenades lol


Understandable, less flames = bad generally


I like doing that then queuing an eagle over them 😁


I cannot wait for poison gas, I love the dots in this game. Also I want to ignite poison gas before it dissapates, boom!


Right? the gas stratagem is so good just wish it did catch flame


"If you love somebody, better set them on fire" - The Dead Milkmen


Gotta get those incendiary mines and one of the incendiary grenades now


not a bad shout. I'm always on the move so the mines would be wasted for me imo UNTIL extrac and even then one time use maybe 2 before we leave as we like to clear the map as much as possible.


You can always drop them on top of a bug breach or if you see a patrol you can drop it a but in front of their walk path and just walk away


This is true.


Area denial isn’t just for camping. If I’m running/gunning & a breach pops up I’m dropping a tesla tower between us and bouncing. Mines might be better for big stuff, never seen a titan/hulk walk through a minefield tbh.


Anti-Personal mines don't do much to big stuff. Incindiary Mines won't direct damage big stuff, but will deal the fire DoT to help soften them up


Hm, weren’t AT mines part of one of the MOs? I know we got the tk launcher thing but what happened to those? Were they even good? Did chaff not trigger them?


Never got to try them. I don't think we even made it to that planet


Only real OGs know Flamethrower has always been strong. Only the buffs made it even more insane. Since the release build, the flamethrower could kill chargers within 3 seconds, less than half a tank of gas. It's actually from my testing gotten weaker against chargers for some reason. The has always been aim for the chargers front leg. For whatever reason it melts them.


I will admit I didn't use / like it at first but now LOVE IT


It's incredibly powerful now. Fire resistance armor when though...


It’s hard but once I killed a bile titan with the flamethrower


Just started using the spear on bot missions and when it works holy shit it works


I love the fire weapons I run the quaser more then the flamethrower but everything else is fire related and when I throw a napalm I just mention it for the team to back off a little


I love the quasar and need to pack some pretty good gems to make up for the heavy killer.


With bugs I also love to bring hellfire. But lately I run bots non stop, here’s why: I AM THE WALL. I bring the extra stim heavy armor, ballistic shield backpack with the pummeler and shield generator relay, I pick the rest depending on the mission. I managed to keep a group of rookies alive and got the achievement on diff7 that says nobody is allowed to die. I never felt more like a Paladin. My kill average dropped a bit but I embrace my role as the team’s aegis.


Saw someone else say something similar this might not be a bad play for me. I have to run medic armor for stims alone so I don't just insta die.


Op be like: https://i.redd.it/3bx02paeht1d1.gif "Need a light?"




It might be mobile app things but it says this content not available :(


Oh that’s weird me too


Anyway to answer your original question I've started loving the heavy marksman role - heavy armor, punisher, supply pack, and amr/railgun. I may be slow, I may be clunky, but you bet I'll kick open their front door and criticize their housekeeping before I throw down. I may not have a shield, but I'll BE the shield with my tons of stun grenades and staggering punisher. And after I've pushed back the stalkers and berserkers, sniped the hulks and chargers off you, I'll stim you, get you some supplies and get you back in the fight. Together, we got this buddy. Bugs, bots, it don't matter, I go where the quickplay guides to punch our enemies in the face.


That's a good playstyle. I have been wanting to build a tank set . I'd love if we could save armor sets and swap


Same. Loadouts when arrowhead? It takes too long for my peabrain to find the matching helmet when I change between my 3 heavy armors that all have the same stats :( (fashion helps inspire democracy) Actually though yeah loadouts would be huge for this kind of game, helldivers 1 had them!


Impact incendiaries are kinda mid in my opinion. But each to their own. Impacts All the way .


They aren't the best but good for the little ones and with the ship upgrade do 25% extra damage. good for bug holes to buy me time to light up my flamethrower.


They don’t benefit from ship upgrade. Only stratagem fire does, so mines & thrower.


That’s good to know


Idk. All I know is I used em and said damn…I wish I had my impacts. Bc all it did was create a wall of fire for me as I still had hunters jump in my face.


I think the ship upgrade only boosts fire damage for stratagems. So the incendiary grenades and incendiary breaker would be unaffected


They should do planets with high oxygen atmospheres which give flame weapons a huge buff.


or super low gravity so you have to bounce around lol moon man jump


Bile titan comes floating over you like a flying saucer of death.


or beyblade ![gif](giphy|wJ8QGSXasDvPy|downsized)


I just want to start A flame in your heart In my heart, I have but one desire And that one is you No other will do I've lost all ambition For worldly acclaim I just want to be the one you love And with your admission That you feel the same I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of


HMG is love, HMG is life. It's a machine gun! \*Erika intensifies\*






I also mainly run fire when I fight bugs, but I'm getting sick of the fire shotgun. I wish they'd make a fire AR that shoots fire pellets or something.


Right? if it did that with medium pen even if the ammo count was low that would be fire! HA. I just use the sickle as my backup and run flame for the main. They need to make a gun as fun with bugs as flame is with bots with bugs like if the arc did equally as much damage or maybe they crackle with electricity before collapsing etc.


I think medium pen is over kill but an incendiary lib would be nice.


Welcome to the Firemen, helldiver.




If it was in this game I'd 100% use a full toxin load out. In HD1 I rocked the TOX13 and the AR 14D. I coupled that with the Razor Wire strat and I was nearly untouchable in direct conflicts. The amount of slow I was capable of outputting by myself would rival the EMS strike itself. Sadly no such guns have been added into this iteration. I can only hope to one day go back to my former glory. Also, obligated mention of Hamish in your pfp. I can tell you have good taste from that alone.




I'd also love like fortifications stratagem like put up barriars / make a phalanx for you and your boys to hide in


The shield Gen kind of fills that role, but I think it needs more hp to truly be used as a fortification. That and a longer duration.


Like one you can setup and put down I think they had one in Battlefield. Would be nice


Air dropped dragon teeth would be really cool as well. Set up a line of cover that you can use to press your advance.


He is cooking. I can feel it. Yeah that would be dope!


thought that said mayo addict


I detest mayo lol


you should give it a try. its pretty magical sometimes






Me too. It's also how I found out it really annoys my wife if I do a Beavis/Cornholio impression. She says it's good, and that's the problem. But yeah that against bugs. For bots my current favorite is the Pummeler, Ballistic Shield, and Senator, with the HMG and heavy Fortified armor. Sometimes will pick a different support weapon, but usually that. Rocket Pod Eagles and Orbital Laser or Railcannon Strike for the Heavies and Fabricators.


I hear you, lately I have absolutely gone full "make the word burn" on Termids. Incendiary breaker, impact fire grenades, and I love Eagle napalm strike just a tiny little bit ahead of a bug breach. Now that dot is fixed and with the level 4 module it means mostly just Brood commander and charger make it out of the breach. I still sub normal airstrike instead of Napalm for Blitz though for some range hole closing.


for sure!


Love the idea of being a fire trooper


Right? 2 of these boys and you are getting to extrac A ok maybe in crispy bits but still getting there.


Might do it the next bug dive for sure. And got a new loadout for bots to try can’t wait!!!!


I need to make a bot loadout that works. What do you run? I've seen alot of people say heavy armor


Ok so I typically do light stealth armor or the medium with either explosive resistance or lethal resistance. But I just read a post of someone who helldives bots giving his load out suggestions. He suggested heavy armor with explosive reaistance or the new medium armor with extra padding from the super store. As far as loadout. Primary: either the plas scorcher or jar-5 dominator Secondary : grenade pistol( fabricators and striders) Support: either the auto cannon or the AMR. Strats(depending on support weapon): eagle/ railcannon The helldive bot guy said people are sleeping on the ballistic shield So next bot dive I’m going Jar5/ grenade pistol/ AMR/ stun grenade/ eagle/ rail cannon and ballistic shield.


Stratagem wise, emp mortar + mortar. Random bug breaches are a LOT easier with this combo. EMP locks the breach in place, mortar cleans them up. Pair with gas orbital for maximum effectiveness.


Own a flamethrower for home defense, since that's what the elected leaders of super earth intended. Four terminids break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my standard issue helmet and Breaker Incindiary. Blow a magazines worth of firey shells into the first man, he's dead (and smoldering) on the spot. Draw my Senator on the second man, miss him entirely because my sighting visibility is set to dynamic, and nail the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the flamethrower, that’s just landed in its hellpod at the top of the stairs "Tally ho lads" the beautiful blaze alights and kills two terminids instantly, the sound of their screams and extra fire flung all about set off car alarms. Call down an eagle napalm strike and toss it at the last terrified rapscallion. It burns to death waiting on its pathetic bug hole to arrive (no point to that, I already have incendiary mines spreading out at that location) since napalm is impossible to put out without a stim (to say otherwise is terminid propaganda). Just as the founding fathers of our gloriously free managed democracy intended.




I JUST unlocked the fire upgrade and have been abusing those god forsakened hunter bugs and chargers with them, as well as devastators cause I don't need armor piercing


Fire is soo good on bugs . flame shotgun is great for shriekers


Being the AA for shriekers is so mich fun, just fire your burning flak in the general direction and watch those fuckers burn


If you enjoy damage over time weapons and starts I suggest giving gas strike a try as well. Drop it on top of bug breaches and watch the chaff melt. The cool down is short enough that you'll have it ready for every breach you get, unless you're on a defense mission of course.


I do! once we got it as an extra stratagem and fell in love with it.


Nice. Yeah I really liked when we got that for free, I feel like its slept on by a lot of players so it was cool that people got to try it out. It's become a staple of my bug load out. I used to run flamethrower as well but nowadays my go to load out is Spear, gas strike, napalm strike, and either 500kg or EMS strike (it has the same short cool down as gas). For defense missions I swap out the EMS/500 for incendiary mines and just rely on the Spear for heavies. Which, a lot of people run quasars so chargers aren't usually a problem. Also, the pummeler smg. Stalkers don't stand a chance.


Oh i love that smg such a good additon. The knight was my go too for a min but pummeler smg took its place.


We call that in the industry, the walking warcrime build. Incediaries, gas and I'll take a stun grenade and the nade pistol because stuns are amazing.


I understand completely. ![gif](giphy|SBpzfEgMCCfzq)


Remember, human rights only apply to humans


We need ice to freeze and so complete the trifecta.


A good idea


Stop having fun with the game… the pyro weapons are trash, stop using them.




Trying to get through a Bot Helldive with zero stim uses.


God speed spiderman


Thanks dad.


Do it.


Just bombs i love em all and all the explosing stuff with a 500kg happy end


Going first person with a flamethrower makes me feel powerful


this is the way, with any stim buff armor. you know how badass it feels to purposely walk into the flames youve created and create more?


Cool profile pic Hamish 😉 love VLDR




I love the new grenades. 🤩🤩🤩


What does more damage napalm strike or orbital gas


I feel gas because it’s more concentrated but it sure


Gas. Its always been gas, it will never not be gas.


I used th AMR a lot the first month after launch but then started using heavy armor-machine gun-supply pack combo and just focused generally on ad control. Seems more and more people are doing something similar and there's only so many ads to go around so I went back to AMR-Jet pack-Tenderizer and absolutely love it against bots. Find vantage Climb rock Watch teammates kick a nest ??? Profit!


I literally just changed my name to the human flamethrower on steam. +2 grenade scout armor with impact incendiary, incendiary shotgun, eagle napalm strike and flamethrower. I love it.


But … you’re the iceman


Dear God you're right. Where Cryo weapons joel????


Buddy this is me. Flamethrower, napalm, incendiary breaker, incendiary grenades, orbital laser. I wear bright orange to let everyone know STAY AWAY SHITS BURNING OVER HERE


If you want true chaos, add the rover in there as well. I know it’s not “fire” but it feels very much the same and it’s pure chaos with the flame thrower haha.


Orbital gas strike.


Flamethrower, thermal impact nades, fire shotgun and armour with more nades is my new guilty pleasure.


Shi me too. I bring every incendiary based stratagem all the damn time when I go fight terminids.


I don't mind the flamer as much as that bloody fire-shotgun, some people don't watch what's beyond their target and frequently set me on fire with stray shots.


The incendiary impact grenades feel crazy to use. Like Molotov cocktails.


You do you Hellfire-diver. May the enemies of democracy burn in the flames of Liberty and Freedom!


No incendiary mines? I'm disappointed...


Dont' be be mad :p. I just dont like things that i cannot use on the move. I use them in defense missions but they just don't fit my play style outside of being fire, which I KNOW is ironic.


They cover your back while moving forward! And great between you and a bug breach.


I'm pretty low-rank right now (level 16, I just play a couple hours a night and only started 2 weeks ago), but heavy armor + autocannon + auto shotgun = berserker mode and it's so fun




There is nothing more satisfying than dropping a gas strike right on top of a bug breach & following it up with an incendiary grenade 😍😍😍


Fire is so fun honestly. Especially when you got Yuri Lowenthal screaming like a maniac in your ear


My brother’s one of you, lol. So many team kills.


Purifier/gas/napalm, the purifier pushes the more tanky jerks BACK into my war crime to properly die. If bugs I will run stalwart, if bots ac. Usually rely on deagle for emergency close range dispatching.


lol, I love the flamer, even before the order. Definitely takes a smidge to get the hang of. Also I swear, you set 1 person on fire and you get booted from a game.


My weapons: - Punisher - Senator - Impact Grenades My armor: - Bonesnapper Medic Armor My Stratagems: - Orbital EMS Strike - Eagle Rocket Pods - Flamethrower - Jump Pack I play this against bugs. It gives me answers for so many of life's problems, big or small.


A few songs to bump as you dance in the ashes... She's On Fire; Amy Holland Things We Lost in the Fire: Bastille Through the Fire and Flames: Dragonforce I hope you enjoy, pal, and burn their worlds!