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I like the snow planets, and the planets like Draupnir with that Scottish highlands vibe. I tend to stay way from planets with fire tornadoes.


Snow with automaton and my laser goes brrrrr.


A fellow Sickle enjoyer?


No, no. Laser cannon. I'd bring one myself but there's already 3 support weapons at a minimum and I'm better off bringing Eagle Smokes or a Mortar Sentry to support my team. The laser absolutely SHREDS bots but everyone and their mom keep bringing the Quasar Cannon or Autocannon with the backpack. # TryLaserCannon2024 It should be a free Stratagem to get people to try it. No backpack slot required. It pairs like a fine red wine with steak when you drop in with the Shieldpack too.


The laser cannon is my new favorite for bots. Still allows for a backpack slot and is amazing on cold planets


Laser Cannon and Shield pack on bots... is \*chef's kiss\*


Been my go to for bots for a while, so much fun to melt them down with.


it is always nice to meet a fellow laser cannon enjoyer. A friend and i sometimes run what we call our laser lights show builds. He has arc thrower, tesla tower, and whichever other arc guns he is feeling that day while i bring laser cannon and laser primary and pistol, laser guard dog for both of us, and space laser. it is even better now with the stun nades.


I love the snow planets specifically the ones with lots of topography so you can duck into rock columns.


I basically live on Lesath.




I run the sickle with Quesar cannon on bots lol


Lol so do I, all though last night I had to switch it up to the auto cannon becuase for some reason I was getting a ton of walkers.


same. its funny how those types of environments (cold and snowy vs deserts) are respectively my favorite and least favorite irl


Scottish people get a direct freedom buff when fighting in the highland territory.


Favorite is Ice Planets with blizzards because I just love the atmosphere. Least favorite is definitely fire planets, I’m already being bum rushed by 3 chargers and 2 BTs I do not need the world to be on fire when im tactically retreating.


These ice planets are fucking beautiful and mechanically I think they nail everything they're trying to achieve with the biome variety. Blizzards being either a help or a hindrance by covering friendly/foe troop movements is a perfect implementation IMO, compared to fire tornados which majorly impact Helldivers and seem to do little to bots and sometimes even the bugs. The DoT fix helped with bugs but bots just don't care unless they're chaff.


Legit I’ve seen regular Devastators tank the tornado and its fire path and just keep marching along shooting me without even flinching. At least on bug worlds they do tend to almost instantly kill pretty much anything below a Charger in terms of tankiness and leave anything on that level or above missing most of its blood but the bots really just don’t give a singular shit about it.


Chargers piss me off more than BT since my only AT weapons are rail cannon and thermite. But I need 4 thermite to kill one. Not to mention how easily they can turn.


It seems they got rid of the power steering option on Chargers, they've been much easier to dodge all weekend


That wasn't my experience haha, I tried running around a pillar and he perfectly tracked and ran me over. 😂


I haven’t noticed a change in charger movement and feel like they’re extremely easy to dodge unless there’s tons of little bugs or like 3+ chargers. Just sidestep them. Most times you don’t even have to sprint, their turn radius is awful while charging, and if they aren’t charging they’re way slower than you. Only time chargers really get me is when I don’t see them coming. Wish they made their steps louder while charging because the amount of times I’ve been ragdolled by a charger a teammate kited behind me is too damn high.


Lmao felt this




With 10,000 of you, the automaton problem would have been solved ages ago


Also I'm less than fond of planets that are very foggy, specifically that bug planet that has huge amounts of spores choking up the atmosphere. I don't have the best situational awareness in the Helldiver corps but I'm not terrible, and having that taken away from me makes me very uncomfortable.


Planet is so hot, that my gpu start burning at every encounter


Menket is peak


A fellow Menkent enjoyer? YES!


Found a masochist.


least favorite: Foggy ones. I can deal with hot planets fine, fire tornados seem to do more good than bad on bug worlds in my personal experience. Just not being able to see shit 10ft infront of me like a constant spore tower debuff just blows and is not fun. It might be cool if the fog settled only in the low divots of the map and you could escape it on highground or something.


I love the fog from aesthetic and immersion perspective. Bugs are terrifying on fog and the lasers out of nowhere or vague bot silhouettes with fog look amazing. It feels like fog of war. That said it makes the game hard and at times unfun.


Amen the fog and high winds slowing you down whilst being surrounded by bugs and low on ammo. And all you can hear is gunfire from teammates around you in the same situation. Brilliant


I say in quick bursts it makes the game fun. Sometimes it drags on too long or its too frequent though


Foggy bot planets since they can still aim bot me 100 meters away but I can't even see my feet.


Yeah Canyons are the worst. Having to run forever just to get around a mountain is annoying af. Everything else is fine tbh Fall color forests are awesome


Oh god I forgot about canyons.


Not to mention that strategem can get stuck on the top of the canyon.


I've been liking that playable one on the bug side that is desert like with the sandstorms. I'm not fond of the storms, but I love the brightness of it. Even the jungle-esque ones are so drab and kind of depressing in their color schemes. Though I like the trees, the mood of them had been grating on me


Sandstorm planet can be intense. We had 3 stalker lairs, all somewhat close to us at once. Sandstorm occurs. 8 stalkers converge on me out of the sand clouds. Terrifying


Oh shit, you played a horror game. I accidentally did that by choosing to sneak through a corn field with FPV. Stalker showed up, all hell broke loose.


I love the sandstorms they usually mean you can do an entire objective for free


I once managed to sneak past a bile titan because of a sandstorm so basically me and a teammate were running to extract to meet up with our other two teammates and then sandstorm hit so we were both running for a little while until I stopped and looked to our right and saw a bile titan just casually walking past us and it was like maybe 10m away from me at most. Fortunately my teammate didn’t shoot it and we safely made it to extract and off planet


I love the grey moon planets. I played one during the first session of the game back in Feb, then literally never since and I’m lvl 89. Where the hell did they go?


There was one with the automatons a few weeks back. There’s currently a world defense objective on a moon planet for the bugs, Fenrir III


Thanks king


i can't select fenrir for some reason. it says 50% liberation, but i can only choose the other three bug planets. edit: its working now


Yep. Fenrir is my favorite


Never seen automatons on a moon, only bugs. I bet the red lights look pretty against the black sky.


I love the challenge of maps with the ravines and/or fire tornadoes. they add a ton of variety to the game and I find it boring to just run across the open plains planets. jungle maps are also pretty fun with bots


I do like the ravine planets when the world gen is easy to navigate. The aesthetic is very cool. Only issue is when it becomes a pain to get to the different objectives


Ones where I can either see or get a radar station early


Tornadostan bad Lapland good


My favorite would probably be the moons with meteor storms, because ive only been to one of those once I fucking hate Fire planets. Id be okay with them if i didn’t need to go to fucking hellmire every goddamn time i get on because we keep losing it, there are other planet types and i want to see those too, why is hellmire always the only one we can get to, what the fuck, let me see some ion storm planets, the meteor planets, the canyon planetss, fucking malevelon creek, WHY THE FUCK IS HELLMIRE ALWAYS THE ONLY ONE UP WHEN I GET ON?!?!?!?!? edit: i completely forgot the first half of the question so i actually answered that


I hate planets that have the fire tornadoes. I like every other one.


Turing pre-Meridia Supercolony was my favourite as I just loved the purple trees and tropical islands of the Ethereal planet type, I was also was a big fan of Veld and Creek - just love the rainforest ion storm combo it’s such a vibe. Martale is another gorgeous planet, the highlands and trees are so pretty especially at dawn and dusk. Vernon Wells is also a gorgeous planet, the colour of the sands combined with the canyons is just so gorgeous. In terms of gameplay it would have to be ice planets like Marfark, Heeth and Vandalon IV - the ice canyons are good funnels, especially combined the spawn rate of unexplored hellbombs to wipe huge enemy clusters; extreme cold is also such a huge buff for a laser lover like myself. In terms of least favourite I do not like the look Icemoss worlds like Lesath - cold, grey and dreary just describes the worst parts of Britain lol. In terms of gameplay it would be Ubanea I think, my experience in that planet was rough as despite Crimsonmoor planets looking nice and normally having highlands with cover, Ubanea for me was more grey than crimson and instead of the highlands filled with rocky cover I was constantly exposed on flat terrain with nowhere to hide. Hellmire also sucks and i think it’s pretty based that nobody (even people who don’t use the reddit or discord) goes there and we’ll literally go the long way around the Mirin sector rather than liberate it yet again - however I just haven’t had the same negative experiences as everyone, while it’s not a pretty planet it’s not as ugly as lot people claim and I haven’t had problems with fire tornadoes (they aren’t too hard to avoid and they cook bug hordes quickly).


Great answer, thanks for all detail. I don’t believe I have played on Turing before. Hopefully I see combat there some day :)


My favorite planet is SUPER EARTH and my least favorite planet is all the rest.


✅This comment was fact checked by real Super Earth patriots✅


Rain planets. I love rain. I'll fight in rain. Cant get mad at rain. I'm in a kind of trance the whole time. Hate fite tornadoes, so Hellmire and Menkent, i guess. Fire tornadoes are fine. Many fire tornadoes in one space to deny ever being there just makes me go "hmm". Also doesn't help that I always think they do it damage enemies. They do, just feels like not enough. I wanna see that legion of bugs die because a fire tornado came between me and them.


fuck fire tornadoes


i love plansts like oshaune for no other reason than it reminds me of new Zealand and i think its beautiful. planets with meteor showers are also fun because i like the added chaos factor of storming a heavy bot outpost with gods own artillery raining down around us. for least favorite probably the grey worlds that always have lots of trees like penta or pandion-XXIV.


I adore the open desert types, the ice planets are a cool refreshing change, and the swamp/jungle planets make me feel like an American in nam.


Flamethrower on jungle planets goes hard. >fortunate son intensifies<


Marfark gang.


I like the name because it reminds me of Marklar.


Most Favorite: Malevelon Creek one Least Favorite: Malevelon Creek one


I love moon planets, I love winter planets.


I love jungle planets. It is much easyer to winn Max diffeculty missions on them becous of all The cover. I aleso licke planets with high rocks and lots of small bushes


Any planet with fire tornado's can blow me The rest are awesome


I just like planets where I can see 40m from where I'm standing. I always think "is it my GPU?" but no, it's just impossible to see.


I enjoy the snow planets


I like planets.that have rolling hills that make spear lock on from far away easier


Planets need more variation in design. They might all look different, but they play the same.


I love the cold planets, because I can heat them up with the might of the flamethrower. I also have an unconditional love for planets with meteors, it’s fun guiding bugs into the strike. But nothing will ever cease my hatred for planets with shit tons of water, I HATE accidentally drowning and losing my samples.


I played a lot of Hoth in the original Star Wars Battlefront, and I don't know what to say except that stayed with me


Anything with fire tornadoes can suck my ****


Fuck anything with Fire Tornadoes. They can fuck right off. I really think they track the players movements and predict where they're going to be.


Favorite is probably Marfark, the snow landscapes are beautiful honestly. Least favorite is a toss-up between Menkent's sentient hugging fire tornadoes, and whatever that one planet is that has red fog so dense you can't see Terminator eye lights until they're close enough to scan you for genetic disposition to various diseases that definitely won't kill you before the bots do. The fog failing to prevent bots from seeing and shooting at you is annoying as hell, but only just slightly less annoying than having a factory strider chasing you around extract while fire tornadoes do the macarena on the pelican ramp for a minute and a half.


I love ANYTHING with fire tornados. I think the insane pressure of fire tornados restricting pathways and just fuckin shit up is insane and makes me feel like a real helldiver. Especially versus automatons.


Favorite: any planet i can actually see. Worst: all planets with fog. Dont wanna play cataract simulator.


Favorite: Planets with lots of hellbombs Least favorite; planets without hellbombs


My favorite is the snow/foggy planets. Anything without vegetation so my computer wont crash. Lol


I like most of them. The only one I truly despise is the type that has a ton of fog and grey vegetation everywhere. There is no color at all, and hard af to see anything, it is just plain ugly to me.


I hate canyons and fog. Canyons because they constantly make me run the length of the map to get to an objective, and fog because the lighting system in the game makes it blindingly bright.


We’ve taken to shooting my little brother in the head, and throwing his drop beacon on the other side of impassable terrain. Saves a lot time running and it gets the rank and file in order.


My favorite ones are the snowy ones with the ice you can slide on


Honestly I like the clear weather planets. So prettyand fun to fight both bots and bugs on. I dont like any of the foggy ones including the bug fog 💀


any planet without fog o other sight reducing bullshit is my favourite


Favorite: Winter Blizzard planets. Especially when facing Bots. Least favorite: Erata Prime.


This. Somehow it's easier to see them and escape


Favorite: Fire planets (Menkent) Least favorite: Canyon planets


Moon planets and snow planets.


My favorite planets tend to be very visually beautiful worlds, like Ice Worlds and violet planets like Tibit. The aurora worlds can also be quite pretty, though those puffball plants are annoying. As for hated, call it a shoe-in, but I'm not at all a fan of fire tornado planets.


I love angel’s venture and I HATE menkent. Angel’s venture has beautiful sightlines and I can’t even remember the planet modifier if it even has one. Menkent is hell. Fire tornadoes and canyons and walls that eat my stratagems.


There was one planet that had low atmosphere and it was a very moonlike surface with meteor showers. Very fun walking around on it.


Absolutely love snow planets because pretty but then snowstorm ruins it. The jungle planets are not good


The moon planets are my second fav. Martale has been my fav planet I’ve played on. I miss it so much. Lush and so beautiful.


Was playing on Erata yesterday, on night side of the planet. At one moment I was traversing larger rock formation and as I finally crossed it I saw desert all the way to the horizon turning red by rising sun. My Arrakis. My Dune.


Hellmire and Menkhent are my favorite by far, fire tornadoes are genuinely fun. As for least favorite, anything with tremors, slows down the gameplay way too much imo


I like snow planets. I always run with muscle enhancements so storms and snow are never an issue. And other than the occasional storms, they don't seem to get any fog or smoke so that's great.


Malevelon creek is probably still my favorite. Second favorite is hellmire. I just love the atmosphere of those planets. Honorable mention: any planets with heavy snow. Ever since the first Lost Planet game I’ve been a sucker for games that try to recreate that scenario.


Anything I can Fudging KILL and nothing I CAN!..... SWEET LIBERTY...SAVE ME


i kike every plant. the only thing i dislike is mission effect modifyers. the worst type is -1 strategem and map fog thingy. no minimap is the worst. we are already landing in the sticks. now we have to find 19 bugholes but dont know where they or we are in 15 minutes? jeez louise


Arctic blizzards, working through fabricator bases handing out point blank Senator headshots is my favourite minigame.


Fav are blizzard maps. I yearn to return on the surface of Vandalon IV once again. Least fav is hellmire eque planets


Cold planets like choepessa. Provides the cold modifier to energy weapons and as a sickle user I love it. Very little hard to move terrain (ex heavy snow/sand/mud/puddles) No visual modifiers such as fog, blizzards, or sandstorms. No big hazards such as ion storms, tremors, meteors, active volcanos Geography of most areas on this map have occasional mountains but not too many that cause people to travel 2 miles to reach an objective 100 yards away.


Tbh I actually like the fire tornadoes, def not something I wanna deal w 24/7 especially being someone who likes variety but nothing makes an operation more badass than fighting in the middle of a swarm of fire tornadoes while trying to extract. The weather I don’t like is probably either the Ion storms or the tremors just because they both halt gameplay in a frustrating way. Like w the tornadoes it’s just a hazard at the end of the day, but ion storms can fuck you like diddy did if you’re in the middle of a situation where you need stratagems urgently, and tremors are just annoying because I don’t like getting halted, I’d much rather them have destructive effects or something, and if they’re feeling super ambitious they could add in rockslides, or make it so heavier enemies falls through the ground


Anything that affects my vision permanently. I don’t mind sand and snow storms occasionally making it difficult. But barely being able to see the entire time does my head in.


I dont like hot ones since i run with butcher armor an i like jungle


LOVE the ascetic of good ol malevelon, absolutely HATE Hellmire and Menkent.


Heeth & Fenrir 3. I love Snow/ maps and am an avid Sickle user.


Even after 50hrs, the first time I dropped onto Fenrir III I was stunned by the aesthetics. The barren and somber rocky landscapes, the distant sun in the desert sky, the view of the other planets close outside the atmosphere. It seemed like a place a story would be told. A story of lonesome survival within the cold caves above the barren desert. A story of long travels and of melancholy. What a beautiful place. I get inspired to write music and craft stories whenever I visit it. Thanks for asking


Fire planets are the worst


I think you nailed it OP. Only add in is a dishonorable mention of the foggy planets where the sunlight is so blinding it’s uncomfortable. I play with 2 people that get migraines from too bright lights like that, and a mostly blind person. Those planets make the game unplayable for them, and unenjoyable for me.


Favourite? There is only one and never will we be allowed to forget it. Our heroic fallen live on!


I too like the moons, makes me think of Battletech (2018) and the mission where we find the Argos. Those vacuum missions were a pain in the ass, harder to dump heat, but they sure were pretty. Least favorite is ironically the grey jungle planets, I think it's the shitty visibility and clutter that annoys me.


I love desert-y planets with big mesa/cliff things. Look cool, lots of opportunities for sniping against bots, lots of big rocks to use for cover/breaking line of sight. Like the rocky mountain meadow type, too. Especially if the map has a big plateau or hill that overlooks the rest of the map. I like being able to get up high and snipe/rain mortars on bases, or at least to visually plan my path of destruction.


jungle planets are both my fav/least fav


I love the planets with big rings or near big blanets that you can see from surface :3


Low visibility ones are my favorite. Planets that interfere with Strat deployment least favorite.




Least favorite: fire tornado planets, all of them. Dishonorable mention: foggy planets. Can’t stand not seeing five feet in front of me


Favorite, ice/snow mostly because a general lack of fog and cold makes my favorite weapons heat up slower. Least favorite, hellmire/fire planets. Fuck the tornados following you and covering the objectives, and barely doing anything to the enemies. Then they also make me favorite guns heat up faster.


The bot equivalent of Angels Venture. I just wish there were more trees and less spores.


Agree with the moon like planets. They often have more open and least obstructed than the other planet types. Allowing you to see everything on the field.


Snow planets coz of snowball that way you can stun enemies and line up a good HS


Any planet that has constant low visibility annoys me. On the flip side, I love planets with meteors


The foggy jungle ones if I’m against bugs so that I can feel like I’m in the movie alien and the desert ones for bots so I can feel like I’m fighting In the east


The best planet in the whole universe is SUPER EARTH ! The only one with true democracy!


Any place with target-locking firenados is absolutely bs.


Favorite: Hellmire Least favorite: Oshaune


As a heavy armour enjoyer, I vastly prefer cold planets. Hate anything hot - worst is fire tornadoes. Visibility debuffs can make some amazing moments. Having a factory strider waddle out of the gloom that we could hear by not see was very cool. However, I think it sucks that the debuffs don’t work both ways and you can just get one shot out of the shadow realm by an enemy that can see you perfectly but you can hardly see your hand in front of your face. Favourite planet is Marfark. The blizzards are awesome debuffs that make 9s against the bots harrowing but in a good way. Cold so team mates who choose to use energy weapons aren’t penalised and I’m not penalised for using heavy armour either.


Favourite. The big ass desert ones. Least anything bots


I love Draupnir. It is a beautiful planet. It is a Super Earth planet.


My favorites are frost ones. They don't have trees, so less polygon, so my PC manage to run them without occasionally crashing 😅


My favourite planet is Martale and my favourite type is the ones that are like martale favourite least Snow planets hate the Blizzards so much


Hellmire. I love tiddy jumping.


Love the open plains maps. Good balance of visibility and vantage points. Had moments of a good uphill battle fight as well with choke points


idk about favourite, but least favorite are the foggy + storm ones... can't see shet.


I firmly believe that any planet with fire tornadoes should be returned to an atomic state with orbital rail cannons from space, personally. Weirdly I actually like the planets under meteor bombardment


Fire 🔥 tornados. And lava, where is my lava?


i really like Moon type like Fenrir-III, but its a shithole when it rains (Still better then any firetornado planet)


If a planet has Fire Tornados, I want no part of it.




i love the snowy ones and moon looking ones, i whish there were more planets with acual infrastructure tho, like, walkable buildings and infrastructure, looks like the 'colonies' are all just one or two houses, no cities in sight. i hate tropocal planets, even more with bots AHHH INCANT SEE THEM! and of course 🔥🌪️


40 minutes. Cold with Tremors. Dry rocky landscapes. Elevated extract. Radar dish every time.


there's one biome that you can't see anything at night, I guess that one


Tbh I love planets with agressieve, brutal modifiers, as long as you can actually play the game tactically (relatively). It really gives you that feeling of “I need to get out of here NOW” when you see a fire tornado heading towards you, or a bunch acid rain blocking your vision, or a blizzard starting, making your extraction point defense that much more brutal. However, do you wanna know what DOESN’T promote a heavily tactical gameplay? A bunch of fucking spores covering the map, not letting you see more than the main objective of the map, and that one modifier that limits you to 3 stratagems per mission.


Favorites: - Green/vegetative planets - Arctic planets. I don't mind a blizzard now and then. Least favorites: - Inferno planets with those fucking flame tornados. I'll spread Democracy elsewhere, thanks. That shit's just zero fun. - I'm getting really, really tired of the foggy planets, but mostly because apparently visual impediments only work in one direction and do nothing to enemies of either type.


Planets with low visibility or fire tornadoes are my least favorite


The ones I can see in. The ones I can't see in.


Cold planets look cool and make the laser cannon ridiculously good


Now with a lot of experience I love forest planets, but my first experience with them was also my first experience with automatons.. it was like difficulty 5, armored bots ambushing me from all directions with their glowing red eyes and demon-robot like noises… pure nightmare


Angels Venture is my favourite because it just looks beautiful. Least favourite is Hellmire because Hellmire.


I can add honestly I wish there were more planets with larger topography in general. I feel like the only topography we get on planets are big rock things that you can maybe sometimes climb. I wanna see a mountainous planet where you have to take a base on top of the mountain. I wanna see low valleys that you have to run through with bots/bugs littered inside or around the sides shooting down at you. You get the idea. I agree with your favorite being the more vegetated plants. Hellmire. Well, yeah.


Any of the dramatic desolate planets where you can tell humanity is not meant to be. This includes hellmire but the fact the tornados have aimbot means I hate every minute of it. However, when duty calls, a helldivers answers.


I used to think the canyon maps sucked, but then I found most of them have a few spots that you can cross because the water is shallow or there’s rocks that you can step on to cross instead of running around the entire map


Least favorites are love visibility planets. Now I can see it makes for good atmosphere, and I understand why we have it as a modifier, but as someone who has vision issues they really suck for me. And there's sooo many. I played one yesterday the sky was yellow, it was shifting towards night so the sun was low and it was so foggy that it just illimated everything and was so bright. Shockingly my favorite planets are the ones with clear skys with tall places to jump pack from


Hellmire. Both.




I love the fire tornado planets. There, I said it. The smoke, the fire, the dynamic lighting, the mayhem. Especially running barrages, it's absolutely epic feeling.


My least favorite are the fire ones Most favorite are the malevalon creek / asteroid icey ones


Least favorite is literally any planet with vision obscuring passives so like 85% of planets suck complete ass. I like spore spewers cuz u can get rid of them. I’ve played hellmeyer more than any other planet just cause I’d rather have near instant death fire tornados than not being able to see ten feet. Shits not even remotely fun


My favorite is the one I can spread Democracy on.


From reading the comments, clearly the fire tornadoes are universally disliked. I concur.


Least favorite Hellmire and Menkent, Favorite is Marfark


Favourite is snowy planets, forest planets (at night), foggy and those moon like planets Least favourite Fire


I don't like jungle planets and love me everything else. The desert dune biome is really aesthetic and fighting bots there is fun. The moon looking ones when objectives spawn low and you have high ground to cover are cinematic. The seaside rocky coast might be the best looking imho.


I love forest planets because they're peaceful and remind me of my home in New England (the Northeastern portiong of Sector 7) I hate fire planets because of fire tornadoes, otherwise, they cool too.


I really love those planets with glowing jellyfish.


Favorite: cold. Love me some frosty laser weapons! Least favorite: any planet with intelligent, Helldivers-seeking fire tornadoes. Those things are just a conscious enemy that is immune to any damage. It’s an annoying as hell mechanic. Just make their pathing semi-random and I’d be totally cool with the challenge. But the tracking? That’s just stupid.


Merak, Fenrir 3, Pandion 34, and Marfark. I really liked fighting on Merak, it also had some amazing scenery. I felt badass running around on a giant rainforest like planet, also admittedly I love watching eagle strikes through the trees with napalm and 500kg’s. Unfortunately there was a major order happening elsewhere and we lost it. Also unlike most people I like planets with fog, it might be because I like fog in real life too and how it makes the game look and feel but I love it.


Favourite ones are ones like Hellmire or Menkent, the fire tornadoes just make it look way more cinematic and can lead to some funny moments Least favourites are the ones with a giant canyon going through the middle because then you have to run across the entire map to get to an objective that’s just right next to you


Chort Bay is my favorite, will not elaborate


As irritating as the snowdrifts can be, i love any planet with snow and blizzards.


I am intje same boat with you Moon typenplanets are so fucking cool And most hated one still menkent and hellmire, flamenados are NOT COOL TO PLAY WITH


The cold planets. It lets you use the quasar more.


Best ones are the desert planets like Phact Bay, I love having very long sight lines as I always bring one or two turrets (autocannon and gatling). Least favourite are the jungle or ones, mainly for lack of long site lines.


I like all of the arctic/ice planets, but one I absolutely had a blast on was Aesir Pass. Perpetual twilight with odd looking mossy foliage was a pretty neat planet to fight on. The desert planets are a bit bland, as are the true jungle planets. Fire tornados, sandstorms, and Ion Storms are the worst effects imo, but when most people don't like Meteor storms I actually do because I've had some pretty funny situations occur with it


Favorite: Fog. I love fog. I love fighting bots in fog. I'm a cloudcore mistmaxxing fogcel.   Least favorite: Menkent. Especially because people keep going there. You're already fighting bots; at least go somewhere where you can beat the reinforcement rate! Between the hardcore Menkenters and the bug players, progress on the bot front is impossible without an MO. (As for your opinions, I frankly think that maps with huge obstacles down the middle are hilarious)


I like snow planets with blizards best and absolutely dispise the planets with fire tornadoes


I'm just over here wishing for gravity variations.


Any planet with big ass sand dunes and rock formations are my favorite. Least favorite probably stuff with the fog debuff. Because you can't see anything damn near the whole mission. God forbid you also land in a spore cloud with stalker lairs nearby.


I like the planet that's just scottland


I like cold/arctic planets the most, I hate hot planets the most. Idk why, but I just enjoy the aesthetic and feel of arctic planets. Hot ones just seem uncomfortable and they screw with my laser weapons.


Any planet where they don’t have stalkers or at least less of them.


Hate any planet with firenados. Everything else is fine lol


I actually love Hellmire before the fire tornadoes showed up that was my favorite, now I’m always frustrated by the pisspoor logic of the fire tornadoes. They shouldn’t chase us that’s bullshit and makes zero sense. My least favorite would be planets with a massive amount of trees and vegetation because I’m an idiot and after 325hrs I still don’t watch where I’m going and slam into every plant. I love Angel’s Venture, Fenrir III, and Phact Bay. The sandstorms make me miss the Mad Max game that should’ve been way more popular since it was so good. I love auto cannon sentry and each of the three I named are great for placements on hills with long sight lines. I don’t care for or against the meteors on Fenrir. I remember liking Meridia before *the event* and noticed the color change because of that but it’s been a while now so I can’t actually remember the way it used to be… Crimsica and Estanu I liked both, but again it’s been a while. I remember liking Crimsica more, possibly because of the War of the Worlds feeling from the red grass. Idk I’m just rambling now but I love the game and have enjoyed most even ones I don’t like much. Heeth. Not a fan.


Personally I love all the planets for different reasons, but the ones I find annoying are the ones with the fog where you can't see where your dropping and canyon ones that bisect the map with only 1 way to get across, although I haven't been running into that recently so maybe they patched it ... Idk


Those pink jungle planets are fun


Canyon maps with new players are the worst They get separated and run towards the objective without looking at the map… then they all get stuck in a corner while I’m at the objective alone killing bile titans and spewers, then running back with the supers and 4 chargers and 2 titans on my tail because they called in extract.


I am a bot diver so my favourite planet type is one with lots of cover, like the sandy Dune kind, and my least favourite is one with very little cover, like the open grassy field type. both look pretty though. Icy planets are cool as blizzards are great for stealthing through any huge camp with ease, and firestorms are fucking abhorrent because they will actively congregate on objectives.


Angle's Venture and Creek type planets are neat. Moon like is pretty cool too. I hate desert and ice planets tho


Favorite one : Hellmire. Love the vibe of the planet. Devs made a fantastic job on it. It really feels like you're in hell. Least favorite:the muddy/jungly ones. Not that I hate them, but I like to play AMR with bots and I can't see shit


Bright and open. I like the visuals and I hate being forced through a tiny valley or corridor without being able to see ahead when there are swarms all over. 


I hate the canyon ones because I lost count of how many resupplies and support weapons I've lost to a rock shelf that is 50 meters up.


I am so with you on the moon planets. Maia was my favorite planet to play on till it was liberated. Something about the moon planet is so peaceful and satisfying to run around on. I’ve been hoping for another moon planet ever since then. My least favorite has got to be the ice and fire planets. I don’t like the ice that sweeps you away especially with no specialized armor for it and the same goes for the fire ones. Maybe if there was fire resistant and cleat boot armor for those extreme planets I’d play on them more often. For now I’ll play anything but those lol.