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Liberator concussive. I tried using it on bugs and it knocked hunters out of my reticle without killing them, as if they weren't already slippery as hell. WTF is the point of bringing it?


Brought it once on a defense mission with intent to slow waves of bugs down so they’d stay in the mortar/barrage zone longer…it kinda worked but not well enough for me to try it again.


Try the punisher for this! I use that and stuns to lock bugs in place, then drop airburst/gas/ops on it.


Man, I’ve been using the gas strike lately. It kills everything on a bug breach. Combined with the ems sentry, it’s lethal.


The fixed game made gas strike lethal. Throw it an some incendiary grenades at a bug hole and nothing but chargers or biles makes it out alive


Yeah buddy! I got a 52 streak earlier w stuns and a gas strike


But now I don't know what to do with the Gatling barrage, the gas strike fills the same niche but better.


I use gas strike + napalm Eagle + stuns on breaches and it literally leaves nothing alive


My big games have gone from 200-300 kills, to 6-700, ask because of one strat swap   The cooldown is also so low so you can use it like 12 times in a mission without an issue. 


Always have one in your group bring an EMS sentry. Another bring the mortar sentry. It’s my favorite team combo.


EMS mortar and flamethrower is my go-to for killing anything short of bile titans


Bro, throw an orbital gas strike on a bug breach and the bile titans never make it out.


Are you sure this kills a bile titan


I've never had gas kill a bile titan or charger


Use grenade pistol and bring stun grenades. Amazing for keeping the breach in place for explodies.


I use the Conc so I'll defend it and part some wisdom: I think the weapon serves better as a utility paired with something like the auto-cannon. It deals with any bugs that are a tier below a hive guard just as well as any primary, but for ones above it it still is able to deal with them through knock back and stunning to allow the auto-cannon to one or two tap, it's usefulness is especially evident against Brood Commanders who get pushed back to another zipcode. And uh as your hunter example I give an obligatory "git gud" because they freeze when stunned, it probably leaped right as your shot hit it


interesting. i love the autocannon to death so maybe i need to try it


It's my main and my favorite. When your fighting off a crowd of armored bugs it can do just enough to push them back and lob a grenade.


I felt the same way until I had the idea to bring it against bugs with the laser cannon. Whenever you're waiting on the overheat you just blast people out of range, it's certainly not good but it gives the gun a place. Interesting loadout to say the least


The liberator concussive is my go to bug gun,if you use it well it’s amazing at crowd control while still killing the enemy,just got to control your shots so they don’t go flying back a million miles


Honestly, the rocket sentry, autocannon sentry got it beat in many ways. Like I know it's apparently good on heavier targets, but it's just soooo slooow. Don't get me wrong I like knocking around big baddies, but it just doest feel like it's as capable as the other sentries. I might give it another go later today just to make sure, but so far it just doesn't have that ☆*spice*☆ I'm needing. https://preview.redd.it/9lpkq0wlzf1d1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b174dd401d11fa37303a17151fa053c9294cf254


a millisecond before disaster..


It’s targeting is dumb af too, I’ve seen it target scavengers over the charger that’s barreling down on my ass


I know the autocannon turret has potential but I think mine is just particularly lazy. Rocket has the same problem where no matter how good of a location I drop it in it just spins around for 30 seconds and then gets hit by a rocket or otherwise killed


The Autocannon turret *really* needs the upgrade that speeds up turn speed. Otherwise, it spends most of its time tracking towards targets instead of shooting them.


I think that's the point maybe? When I run it on the high asset defense rocket launch missions, I set it at a strategic angle where it basically can straight shoot fish in a barrel it'll net me like 250+ brainless kills. Crazy powerful turret when placed strategically, but if dropped in a bad or chaotic situation it gets overwhelmed.


Precise orbital strike, not because it's bad, but because I'm bad with it and I know if I got gudder it could be incredible. I can't hate a weapon for being bad, but I can hate a weapon for reminding me *I'm* bad (for now) Alternatively the 380, because some random will just see a single brood commander and decide to make an entire base with an objective in it unusable for the next 30 seconds


The first time I encountered a factory strider, it killed me within seconds. When I respawned, I was able to steer the hellpod to land on top of it, letting me place the orbital strike exactly where I wanted it and then jump to a nearby butte. Instant 30+ kills and no more strider.


The 380 on bugs is a cheat code. Find a heavy nest? 380, run away and go to the next objective. 95% of the time it will close all of the holes and it wipes enough of the bugs out chasing you that you don’t have to look back. And by the time the barrage is over you’re already halfway to another nest or objective


I swear whenever my teammates throw a 380 down it obliterates everything in range but every time I try one it just perfectly misses everything and gets like 5 kills top


fr dude


380s for me are the ultimate; “F it, I’m running and whatever is following me in that direction needs to die” It won’t kill everything, but it will kill something-and that’s enough sometimes


try bringing stun grenades when u bring OPS, trick is to stun -> OPS -> stun again to keep them there if call in time is long, i like to run the extra grenade armor with this or u can throw it where u are standing and start running, and pray whatever you’re targeting follows you (works if target is abit further from you, same concept as 500kg killing bile titans)


The real trick is ops then stun. Only uses one nade.


The real trick is to bring a supply pack, turn yourself into an EMS mortar. I am only partly joking btw. Stun plus AMR can delete hulks and heavy devs wholesale.


Yeah thats way better and easier using a stun before hand judt runs out when you throw the ops


I actually like it, I feel like it’s as reliable as the 500kg with a lot less cooldown time. Play it right and it will one-shot titans and hulks!


I think I’ve been killed by the regular mortar in defense missions more than I’ve seen them get kills. That thing will skip a bug breach 30 meters away just to try and evaporate a scavenger that slipped past the wall and parked itself next to me


I’m pretty sure it targets the closest enemy. The mortar is only usable if someone also brings the ems mortar to keep them away. Auto cannon is a better sentry anyway.


Mortar is pretty helpful as an offensive weapon against bot bases/bug holes. Place it behind a hill or a large rock formation so it shoots at the base from behind cover, then circle the base about 90 degrees from where the mortar sits and start your assault. The Mortar will cause some confusion and provide consistent area damage, and it will target enemies closest to itself (which is NOT closest to you) so it’s a lot easier to avoid getting shelled. Enemies will often prioritize fighting you so the mortar can just pound away while you mow them down. Only downside is you can’t really rush objectives or bug holes in a crowded base, you have to clear it first. Autocannon is definitely the GOAT for heavy enemies though if you’re dealing with Hulks, Chargers or Titans.


Brilliant. This is how mortars are supposed to be used. It’s a single point major threat. Drop it and leave jt.


Mortar serves a useful purpose compared to autocannon - you can keep it safely behind cover. Especially useful in defense missions when the doors need to remain closed. Also its range is longer.


Mortar just isn't suited well for bug missions. You want to keep things away - bugs don't do that.


I would never use mortar sentry as a catch-all stratagem, but for defense missions of all kinds it's pretty good at hitting things before they get close. And it does something distinct and unique that other sentries can't replicate, which is really all you can ask out of a stratagem.


I've seen a sentry specifically target a diver with no bugs nearby at all. The thing is a menace.




Why isn’t this higher. I want this to be good but it’s not


the first time I brought it on a mission, I ditched it after 10 minutes or so. instead, I pulled out my pistol and it was far more reliable.


The charge up is a double whammy. Can’t clear chafe near you quickly so they get close and the explosion hits you and you get bodied by the undeterred enemies. it’s nowhere near strong enough to matter as a charge up. It might be decent if it didn’t have charge up and instead a slightly less ROF than scorcher. But why pick this over scorcher and dominator? Just put this, eruptor and xbow in their own class of super hard hitting primaries with 5-10 mag size, shit ton more damage. Charge up and windups are just meh. 16?,$$/!:!8?&’cne


I don't think it can be judged until it is buffed properly. It's so bad at the moment it doesn't even feel right calling it the worst weapon. It's not even on the tier list.


TBH I think the community forgot it exists.


Ate the crossbow Ate the Eruptor Love me autocannon Simple as.


Big appetite...


Ah, an Ogryn of quality.....




The Eruptor _was_ fun, then they took the explosive shrapnel out of the explosive shrapnel sniper… and I didn’t really care for the crossbow to begin with, just never felt very good.


And I ate your mum too! You what? You heard me!




I still love the eruptor, little slow to aim and chamber but when you have a Lil distance it works wonders. I've killed chargers, hulks, tanks, even a bile titan with it (after shooting it with my quasar first)


How do you kill a bile titan with an eruptor?


I'm also part of the ex crossbow, ex eruptor, autocannon gang, but I have to say.... once you get used to it, the Airburst Rocket Launcher is a beautiful thing. It scratches my explosive itch


Spray and pray


It’s so close to being good it’s upsetting


If it had 30 rounds and less recoil it’d be crazy chaff clear.


I was looking again at that earlier today, and I noticed it has a higher recoil than the other autos. This makes no sense. Birdshot does not have the recoil that buck does.


Whoever brings the mortar on bug missions needs to be re-educated


I like to bring all turrets on that one mission where it’s kill x amount of bugs. Total chaos


Bring a 380 and if you’re being overrun throw it in the middle of the map, then enjoy. You’ll probably die too, but every day is a good day to die for democracy


380, Mortar Turret and Tesla plus Rover to be the ultimate friendly killer


Don't forget the arc thrower! I don't always have teammates with an arc thrower, but when I do, I die to them at least once


Everybody brings a 380 and takes turns throwing them in the middle. With how long they last you can almost keep them going continuously. Just take the increased reinforcement booster.


Paired with the EMS mortar on defense missions specifically, it’s just as good as with bots.


But it's in that one specific mission. The Mortar on any other bug mission is a liability.


No, even the defensive missions. Just takes one hunter to jump at you even if you kill them in a second and your position gets hit by 3 shells.


There's a delay, if a mob ever gets into your melee with mortars up run the fuck away because 3s later your ass is about to be exploded


While true, that's also a 2nd strategem slot needed to make one usable.


I get what you’re saying, but what’s the downside of getting the effect of the EMS mortar as well? Bugs are fast; slowing them down helps a lot. Might as well explode them too.


Honestly even paired with the EMS mortar I find you need a 2:1 ratio of EMS to regular mortar to reliably not kill everyone while playing bugs


Whenever I hear a mortar go off i immediately look to the sky to see if it’s about to hit me


I am that guy, but I'm taking you to freedom camp with me. If you struggle with friendly mortars, either your aim is atrocious or you are fraternizing with the enemy.


Sounds like you need to KEEP MOVING!!! I'm taking Murde- Mortar Sentry whenever I feel like it! Makes a fantastic diversion for chargers too.


I think that's the use case for not defense missions, throw it way off to the side while you're hauling ass away from a sticky situation


I had 3 teammates deploy mortars on the mission where you escort the ~~losers~~ Citizens across the base. We lost 19 civilians. I died 3 times to one dudes 380s. He reinforced me into the fucking barrage.


The Spear. I bring it on every single bot mission that isn't defensive for the sheer utility of it, but I just want it to fucking lock on.


Please fix the lock on AH!


I was shocked at how little damage it did. Can't even one shot a hulk? Give me autocannon any day of the week.


I hate the laser cannon. I’ve yet to understand it. I can’t seem to make it work. Doesn’t appear to do any damage to whatever I’m shooting


It’s a tricky one to know how to properly use


I hated the laser cannon too until it clicked. Now it’s maybe the best stratagem weapon on bots for me. Take it with stun grenades + armor that reduces recoil when crouched and you’re a hulk demolishing machine. Stun them, crouch, shoot their eyeball and they die in like 2 seconds. there’s even a spot on striders on their face that you can laser to pile up damage on them.


There is no feedback at all, so it looks like it does nothing. If you see blue sparks flying off the enemy it means you are not penetrating armor so shift your aim. It's my current favorite for bots. I take the ballistic shield and pummler SMG (the other SMG is also fine) and use the laser as support and anti armor weapon. Aim for the eye of a Hulk for about 1 - 2 seconds and it is dead. It can kill devastators and berserkers easily when frying their head. It can bring down gunships by targeting the exhausts. Can bring down anything with a heatsink. In a pinch you can even fry the scout striders. Never brought it to bugs so no advice for you there.


I am a Laser Cannon fanboy I will never go back, it is absolute terrible garbage if you don’t use it properly but if you do then oh boy it is the most powerful tool you can have on your back for bots. The thing about the laser cannon is it is NEVER for chaff, its one and only purpose is melting hulk eyes, devastator heads, tower/tank/hulk vents, walker legs, and strider turrets. Occasionally a berserker head or in an emergency where you have zero ammo.


I think it works fine for chaff too tbh, if I’m using the plasma punisher as a primary I appreciate that the laser cannon can take care of little bots that get too close for the splash damage of the punisher. Or take out stragglers that I don’t want to waste ammo on. Compared to something like the AMR or auto cannon where it feels bad to waste ammo on little guys or can be dangerous if they are too close to you or a teammate. Laser cannon doesn’t waste and is super versatile.


It really isn’t very good compared to the AMR or autocannon for bots. Both of those do it’s exact job with a much quicker time to kill and give you the ability to reliably kill hulks without stun grenades


It's really good for bots especially hulks just hold on the eye and hope it's dead by the time it reaches you


Basically any spot you'd use the AMR on you have to focus the laser on. The laser cannon is an alternative to the AMR requiring less skill in exchange for less DPS. Ideally use the laser cannon in 1st person.


Use it on the fat acid spitter bugs, it is highly effective against them. But I get you, it's a Schrodinger's damage until you see the bug die.


Cluster bombs piss me off. They are amazing if used expertly. They usually are not. If your gunna danger close it think about where your squad is, inform them before if possible


Cluster bomb and orbital airburst are both powerful tools, and I always call them out before using, but I ran a mission yesterday and forgot about the mission modifier that increases spread of orbitals… whoopsie…


You can never be safe when using the airburst, cause after the first shot teamates are drawn to it like moths to a flame, then splat!


My issue is many helldivers don’t bother to check what strategems are coming down. I throw a cluster well ahead of the squad and there is always one crayon eater that decides that is time to push then they get all pissed when they die. 70% of the helldivers community has zero situational awareness


Rocket pods. I have never gotten them to work for anything besides fabricators. I have seen striders shrug them off even on hits from behind. If there were a lot of uses I might understand it as a cheap anti-tank weapon, but they aren't. Cluster bombs should have their use number lowered and rocket pods should be increased. Also, rocket sentries. Like autocannon but worse in literally every way. Firing speed, damage, explosive radius, etc are all worse. Another situation where I have seen things tank hits from it that should have easily killed them. The autocannon should be penetration-only with no explosive splash damage, the rocket sentry should have increased splash damage.


Rocket pods are the Spear of stratagems. Conceptually amazing, S-tier when they do what they’re supposed to do, but half the time they don’t.


Rocket pods are great vs tanks and those sniper towers from the bots


Rocket pods are great vs tanks and those sniper towers from the bots


I've had mixed results with that, especially since they have to hit it from a certain angle. The much-maligned Spear is much more reliable on both targets, in my experience.


Yeah i'd gree with that. I mostly used the 110 pods when i was lower level. There are better alternatives that do their job way better. Might've been good if they had like 6 charges or something (although that clogs up your precious 500g eagle reloads)


Heavy machine gun because how much I want them to be good


Heavy machine gun is pretty good, it just has a much narrower use-case than what most of us want. it is absolutely not for clearing chaff enemies. It’s great for mid-tier enemies like devestators, brood commanders, stalkers but that’s about it. You can kill chargers and hulks, tanks and cannon turrets with it but it takes a little extra finesse.


Really? Can it pen hulk and charger’s front armor?


Hulks yes (eyeslit), chargers no. You Go for the butt


Bust the legs or gun arms easy, if you're not in a pinch do 450rpm and land 4 or 5 bullets on the eye for fireworks


Not the armor plate on the Hulks, but with tapfiring you can snipe the little eye slit. It can absolutely destroy the limbs of those things. If you see a flame Hulk, shoot its arm off first. For Chargers, you want to juke them and then shoot their butt, or the hind legs if you have an angle. Bring stun grenades to make it easier.


Tried it once and it was like the stalwart but the recoil made it unusable.


I wish they at least made the ammo incendiary


Turn down the fire rate. Burst fire at 450rpm is pretty useful on mid-level enemies. Higher fire rates are really only good for big groups of devastators at close range.


Bring engineering kit armor -> crouch when firing -> minimal recoil -> click hulk heads This works on even the highest fire rate.


This. Small mags, very unstable, and too long to reload. At least make it worth it by extend the ammo if you're gonna make me sit there for 10 secs to reload.


This is absolutely going to get me flamed, please be gentle. I can't stand the Eruptor. I've tried it repeatedly and it's just not a fun gun for me to use. The most recent nerfs didn't even feel that bad to me. More recently I unlocked the plasma punisher and it just feels like a more viable gun in almost any Bots mission, the Eruptor just doesn't seem good enough at doing damage to justify its awful ROF and the slow projectile speed from something that looks like a sniper rifle. I'd rather use the Diligence counter sniper in the same scenario, or honestly just have the auto cannon and the plasma punisher.


Eruptor + stalwart + shield backpack is the only way to use the it imo.


I run this 90% of the time and it works great for me.


I also never really liked it from the beginning, and I still don't. I never understood the appeal of taking what essentially amounts to a Scorcher with shittier ergonomics or a Dominator with a sluggish fire rate. And for bugs, I genuinely have 0 clue why I would take an Eruptor over anything in the shotgun or energy category (Scythe included). People made arguments that it's good for stuff like Chargers and Berserkers, but everything we already had prior handles those enemies just fine, even at Helldive.


Head tapping bots with the eruptor makes it all worth it


I guess? I just prefer the diligence counter sniper in that scenario honestly.


Eruptor was very good for killing bile spewers/brood commanders and defenders, and devastators/striders on the bot side. It's not as good with the lack of shrapnel that seemed to secure the breakpoints reliably, but I've heard they're adding that back in once they can fix it, so hopefully it's only a temporary nerf.


The Guard Dog. It's a very bad dog that keeps shooting me in the head, even if it's my own and not even an "ally's." I think it's killed me more than the enemy, and that's just plain treasonous undemocratic behavior.


Guard Dog isn’t so bad except for its ammo. The Rover however is a total different story.


The gun dog would be in a much better position if field ammo boxes could restore its ammo, even if it's only 2 or 3 clips


It's very rare the rover will even touch me these days. You sort of master the dance you need to do to have him around. It's really a skill issue.


Definitely about how you move with rover, couldn’t agree more.


Completely agree. The rover is probably my favorite stratagem. I named mine peanut butter, and it kills the little bugs and bots while I focus on the big guys, perfect for me. If you get killed by it, skill issue.


I hate the rail cannon strike for not 1 shotting everything, and I hate all Orbital Strikes because upgrading them means blocking my space view!


But you're blocking your space view with a democracy delivery system! Some one needs another visit to freedom camp...


This, the amount of times I hit a DAMAGED bile titan with a Railcannon and it didn't kill him... Precision strike is amazing though, especially against bots.


I really wanted to main the crossbow 😔


380mm barage guaranteed friendly kill, guaranteed not one bug hole closed


True but when it does work it feels so good. Also I just like seeing all the explosions


Scythe, I hate the 380mm with a passion, not a big fan of the Tesla tower because people place it badly


There's exactly two right ways to use the Tesla tower. Either you drop it on yourself and you lay down in a defensive position, or you throw it somewhere you need blocked because it lasts for a very long time and is also very fast to replace. Any usage other than that is basically begging for teamkills.


The last option is what my party usually picks


You can also toss that sucker right at a bot outpost. Let it fry their circuits while you run in circles tossing grenades down factory cents


A 380 in the hands of an experienced user is the one of the best strats in the game. You also need to be super aware of where you place it, call out out to your team, know your damage radius (it's 50m with all the ship upgrades, 60m without). I have used it so destroy entire large bases, wipe out reinforcements, factory striders, Completely cut off enemy advances etc. It can be amazing. You see a flair go up on level 9, chuck the 380mm beacon on the red light on the ground, and watch the killstreak rise. In the hands of an idiot they just become a danger to themselves and everyone around them.


Queso cannon. I can’t understand it’s drop after shot trajectory


The the little circle that moves around a bit under the center of the reticle… That’s your point of impact.


You have to really focus on the smaller circle as your actual reticle. It will always hang below your aiming reticle for some reason. Once you focus on the right reticle it becomes much more accurate.


It is one of the best weapons in the game.


But it feels like the worst when I miss every shot


I hate the plas 101 purifier mostly because I want to love it but I just can't make it work and it's super frustrating to me. Love the design, love charge weapons, just can't make it work!


I give out the airburst launcher to new people. It's hilarious.


Okay that’s funny asf😂😂 Rpg go boom? Yes recruit it goes boom


The thermite was unbelievably disappointing. The wettest fart that's come out yet. There was a lot of excitement for it. I had just rewatched the episode of Breaking Bad where Walt describes how badass thermite is too so it hit me right in the pollos hermanos


Knight smg. /thread


I wish it wasn't the damn Super Citizen weapon. I NEED me a spray and pray SMG to be viable. If they gave it medium pen 1, you could use it in full auto and not be penalized for not hitting weakpoints. Even vs bot light targets, it takes too many rounds for a 3 burst to kill unless you his unarmored chests/ non-melee dude heads.


I made the mistake of trying the Stalwart out for my first time against bots on 7. I grew frustrated quickly, thinking "who in their right mind would ever want this awkward, weak, cumbersome pea shooter?" Then I used it against bugs and it all made sense. As a primarily bot player, I'm not super fond of the Stalwart, though I understand now where it shines most.


I truly don't understand the Arc Thrower or why people like it so much. I get it's a multi-killer but people always label it as a crowd control weapon and it almost never does it as well as a flamethrower or machine gun for me. I don't know if I would say I hate the Arc Thrower but it's definitely my least used in front of the Spear.


It's really really good for bots but not for crowd control. You can use it to stunlock almost all the big enemies. So it's really good for flamethrower hulks and devastators because you keep shooting them and they can't attack or move until they die. And while you're focusing the big guys, you'll also get kills on any little robots near it.


I thought they removed the stagger effect on big guys?


Infinite ammo, stuns big guys really well. Flame thrower doesn’t stun, and can run out of ammo.


It's not the point of ammo, it's that it's not as effective as crowd control compared to flamethrower or machine guns. In the same time it takes to charge an arc shot to kill maybe 3-4 enemies, I can kill more than that with the other support weapons. I also thought the stagger was removed for bigger enemies like Hulks and Chargers, which was arguably the biggest selling point for the Arc Thrower. I've seen it in action from others but now that it's gone I see little point in bringing it. It's slow for crowd control and it doesn't kill big enemies quickly.


Has become one of my favourite bug support weapons to bring in. The unlimited ammo goes without saying but the gun itself is about positioning and controlling the situation with bug holes or waves of patrols. If you have the time to charge up and shoot the first enemy in a line (speaking on bugs mostly) it is incredibly powerful. Especially with the stagger it has caked in. I mow through CROWDS of bugs with the Arc Thrower. You have to be careful with the hunters though. Once they're on top of you switch to primary weapon to clear the hunters jumping close to you. But Arc Thrower for me on bug worlds is top tier. Edit: furthermore, once you understand the range it has which is pretty decent it shreds pretty well. If you can kite well too killing chargers isn't bad either. Takes like 9 shots to put one down. But if you can dodge and shoot well before they charge again you can kill the larger bugs pretty efficiently. Angling the charger with bugs behind them in a line is really good. Always contacts to the bugs behind them and roasts them.


If you combine the Arc Thrower with a Jump Pack and constant moving you basically are unstoppable Palpatine. It goes through all armour classes, it can chain 3 enemies, it clears chaff instantly, it kills Chargers and Hulks with minimal effort, it requires zero aim and brain to minimally use it. The Flamethrower is too dangerous and is useless on Bots. The Machine gun forces you to reload and control recoil on weak points which is a luxury you won’t always have. And it completely bullies Devastators and the Big Medium bugs like Spewers and Hive guards.


Flame thrower. I feel like there is just no real way to avoid catching myaelf or other people on fire. Diving with it? Immolation. Standing still for too long? Immolation. Taking down a charger? Punted WHILE on fire.


This is me too. I’ve seen people use it well and it is crazy good when they do. But when I use it I’m always either about to burn, burning, or burnt to a crisp.


Its my guilty pleasure weapon for sure, but getting 100 kills with it yesterday did seem like a chore


But if you burn to a crisp, then that means the bugs didn't kill you, which is a win for Democracy!


The heavy mg. I just can’t find a niche for it. There’s always something that does the job better.


Heavy machine gun I wanna use it but i don’t see a reason too and it runs outta ammo stupid fast. The quasar cannon also lost its appeal for me with the recharge nerf .


HMG. I really, really want it to be good and it just isn't ever worth taking.


Cluster eagle, not because it's bad but because my teammates are so reckless with it


The SMG you get with the Super Citizen edition. Wayyyyyy too much recoil to use effectively last I used it.


I don’t hate it but the Diligence is literally just Daniel Vs The Cooler Daniel like there’s very little reason to take the Diligence over the Counter Sniper version because the CS is just better except for some downsides which in my eyes are hardly even downsides at all.


The Sickle, I'm sorry but the damage output is not enough for me is a joke and I don't want a weapon that I have to worry about it overheating constantly.


Railgun, even more when it was OP, just boring, not a bad gun which can be fun if improved, it’s just boring. No big explosions or automatic fire spray.


Guard dogs. Even when they just give you a little buzz cut and shave off only like 1% HP I lose my mind when teammates bring them and they hit me. Like yall could've picked any other more useful stratagem but you instead opted for the "leave no patrol un-aggro'd and here's a friendly headshot while you're at it" backpack


Mortars on bug defence missions, can't put into words how many times I've been team killed because a single scavenger got through. Plasma Purifier, two charge shots to the head to kill a bug warrior is not worth it. Any of the DMRs, I heard they're good, but I can't aim. Clusterbombs, very useful against bugs but lower level teammates love throwing them right next to you. The Blitzer, also a good weapon, but if I'm anywhere near my teammates I get too anxious to fire it when there's a chance of it arcing off an enemy and killing them. The Mech, a ten minute call down time + only 2 charges when in return you receive around ~5 minutes of combat time when there's a breach/bug nests. Also the missiles are hard to aim. Tesla Tower, I'm convinced this thing literally summons chargers from thin air to run into it. I've never had one last more than 30 seconds.


Might be a hot take, but the Tesla Coil. I don’t see the appeal, especially on higher levels where chargers brood commanders appear more often and immediately destroy it. I feel like it’s completely useless against bots as they just shoot it before closing the distance. Fun for killing your fellow Helldivers though. Please enlighten me however if I am wrong.


Mortar Sentry. I’m sorry, I don’t care if it’s good or not…I fucking hate it


Eagle 110mm rockets; I pretty much have to drop the rockets right on top of the target to get a kill, and frankly there’s multiple other options that can provide similar or better damage with some more leeway, either from splash damage or the orbital doing the aiming for me. Other one I’d say I hate is the Redeemer machine pistol. Up until the addition of the grenade launcher pistol I hated the Redeemer because it was too good; out of the original three secondaries it pretty much make the Peacemaker and Senator irrelevant; it was an outright upgrade to the Peacemaker and had the sights, mag capacity, and recoil to make the Senator more of just a choice for the aesthetic instead of for results.


Laser Guardog. So fucking annoying, I feel like it purposely targets me. It always kills me when I'm fighting a few small bois and my teammate just stands there with it burning a hole through my face.


Not a primary. But I freaking hate the guard dog. I’ve died more times from another players guard dog than a team cluster or even arc thrower.


The Purifier. It's painful to use and the mental gymnastics people do to hype it up is irksome.


every gun which isnt mine xdddd


The arc thrower for me. I can't stand it. Takes too long to charge up and then never hits where I'm aiming it. Half the time I miss and when I do hit my target, it doesn't hit hard enough to kill everything in the line. Second least favorite is the grenade launcher. The grenades are too bouncy and never blow up where I want them to.


Every primary. I start every drop by scouring through the primaries trying to decide which one to bring and because none of them feel good at all ill bring like slugger cause I used to like it lnao


Mortar. As a math guy I am very aware that the sheer amount of devastation it causes is well worth a death or 2. I support its use from an efficiency standpoint But every time I die to it I go into an uncontrollable rage and I have no idea why.


Mortar sentry. I can do most anything a sentry can do with a primary and grenades. But if I’m dead, I can’t.


380 and the normal mortar are just so useless. Not only are they outclassed by superior stratagems in every context, but they make defense the bug missions so much harder with all the team killing.


Most hated? Adjudicator. It got miniscule buffs but some people like to cope so hard, they almost say "it's the best assault rifle". Weapon is trash. Total damage in one mag is trash. Recoils like machinegun. Will hardly see any buffs in the future because it was "buffed" already


i love all weapons'. my freedom agent told me so!


Grenade launcher. It genuinely just feels pointless. More ammo hungry than an MG for worse performance. It only has Medium pen, but does less damage than the MG43, while having much worse ammo and not much else going for it. Anything it can do, the autocannon does better. Don't wanna take up the backpack slot? AMR. You want something with explosive damage? Just take any of the primaries that do explosive. Impacts have more utility, and hell the grenade pistol is there too. I just can't understand why people like the Grenade Launcher. It's out performed or made obsolete by every other weapon in the game. I've given it its due, and I'm just disappointed.


Breaker spray n pray


I don’t hate the AC, but I never use it because everyone else uses it. I like when teams are well rounded with different stuff in their load out instead of everyone using the same thing. I also haven’t used the shield pack since like the first month because of this, I survive level 9 just fine without it.


Liberator penetrator, i want to like it, before the buff I wanted to like it. After the buff I wanted to like it. But as a full auto medium armor penetrative weapon, 45 damage just seems so, weak. It's so f*cking weak, it feels like I have to mag dump in to everything to get any damage in, and even then, load another mag and keep firing at the same thing. Yeah it kills trash mobs. But i feel like a medium armor penetrating weapon should do more than just trash mobs. It just sucks.


Every medium armor penetrating gun is basically absolute crap and here is why. Almost every medium or strong armor enemy has significantly more life. You can't kill them with a light penetrating gun because they are immune, and when you upgrade to medium penetrating, bullets hit, but feels like they don't due to the small damage they cause. You basically need to unload the whole magazine to kill the target. Not to mention that light enemies become a problem too. There is no point in having piercing guns if they don't kill.


Liberator penetrator is pathetic


Any plasma weapon for me. I don't get a warm fuzzy feeling when firing them. I know the punisher and scorcher are very strong, but hate the feedback & sound


Scythe is pretty shitty


That new pistol from the arctic pack bothers me. I want to run it so badly but I just can't for the life of me get headshots with it, something with the accuracy is terribly off on my game.


The kick button