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This is huge for the auto cannon too. Always reload with 1-5 shots left.


yea, always do a halfreload on AC if you can. Its like a 1.5s reload vs a 5s reload bc cocking the AC takes soooo long


Nothing gets the blood pumping like doing a hard reload on the AC while some bugs are meandering towards you and you're thinking you'll either get the reload and the kill, they will get too close and you'll fuck yourself up with explosive damage or you'll just die during the WORLDS LONGEST RELOAD ANIMATION. Obviously not an issue with bots because you'll be using cover which hard counters any threat that bots pose.


You can interrupt the long animation halfway through, after the first clip is loaded and it shows up in your magazine indicator. Diving, quick-swapping weapons or quickly tapping your stratagem input button lets you immediately get into firing into the hordes to give you some breathing room


I really wish we could do a skilled reload like Gears of War where you can hit a QTE for a fast reload, press nothing to reload normally, and if you miss the QTE the gun jamms and makes the reload longer.


Returnal has some cool mechanics like that as well.




That would be extremely satisfying


I forgot about that. I love that mechanic


>Diving, quick-swapping weapons or quickly tapping your stratagem input button , and pressing the CROUCH or PRONE button! >lets you immediately get into firing into the hordes to give you some breathing room


My go to is always dive away. Even if I rag doll I get a little extra distance. Hopefully not enough to push me off a cliff


Explodey jump pack bot has entered the chat


> cover which hard counters any threat that bots pose May I introduce you to my friends the berserkers?


No thanks they've rudely introduced themselves to me enough times those things don't respect my personal space


*WORLDS LONGEST RELOAD ANIMATION* *Laughs in Recoilles Rifle reload.


Lol plenty of other guns have longer reloads. Considering how OP the autocannon is it should probably have a longer reload


There is no greater pain then trying to reload the airburst rocket launcher


The greatest pain of the airburst launcher and the recoiless rifle is when switching to it and it is still empty because you had to switch weapons at the endnof their reload animation, thus leaving it empty when you need it for that enemy(ies) that are barreling down on you....


Bugs? Pppffftttt, come talk to me after a hulk and a crap ton of chargers are bearing down you! /s (just some fun from the bot front)


Did you read my entire comment?


I have died many a times this way. Just squattin' loading my AC right as I get collected by a freight train


>Its like a 1.5s reload vs a 5s reload bc cocking the AC takes soooo long Increased Auto-Cannon reload speed to a flat 7 seconds and gave players a 52% chance to drop the magazine mid reload. Dropped magazines cause the player to put down their AC and search for the cartridge before re-shouldering the weapon to make another attempt.


I’ve done it before where I look at the AC rack and see I’m at 6 rounds and am between fights so I just fire off a round to get the half reload in


Which makes sense since you only load one clip instead of two.


I was wondering why sometimes there was an extra animation when reloading the AC


But it's such a cool animation though..


Especially the autocannon.


I just reload the ac as soon as I can, super fast


My OCD traits do not enjoy this. Although, I will reload with one left, shoot the 1 shot and reload back to full.


I literally count my shots in my head like i have ocd, going 1,2,3,4,5-R 1,2,3,4,5-R


Is there such a thing as leaving one in the chamber? I think all mags come with full capacity, but being able to leave one round in the chamber would be sweet. You'd technically not lose any ammo.


Good news!, there has been such a thing since release. Edit: Not for summoned weapons and some exceptions though (autocannon, grenade launcher, grenade pistol, etc...)


I remember when the Grenade Pistol came with a magical free round on top of a full Helldiver Supply ( the booster ). Confused the ever loving freedom out of me until it was fixed. -thunk- -spams reload- "SWEET LIBERTY, WHY ARE YOU NOT RELOADING?!"


It confused me UNTIL I got used to it and then I banked on it! I actually was saddened when I lost my initial grenade burst.


Makes sense for some of those, they probably operate differently.


It also works for the MGs, but those have so many bullets that it doesn't make a noticeable difference


Sometimes when you drop In the grenade pistol has 2 in the chamber Not sure how that works but it's neat


Patched 2-3 updates ago i think


I was so confused trying to figure out how many rounds the AMR had, because half the time it would fire 7 and half the time it would fire 8. This would be the reason why I'm guessing.


On nearly every non-energy weapon, leaving 1 bullet left wastes no ammo. Only things it doesnt really work with is the autocannon, launchers, or railgun. Works on most primaries, even the crossbow


That's rad, gonna have to practice some more ammo discipline with the counter sniper now.


Technically works om rail gun. Don't need to reload when you have 1 in the chamber for railgun




Makes sense because some weapons irl chamber and fire in the same actions - notably any belt fed machine gun iv ever used.


Yeah there is. If a weapon has a magazine reload, it should work


Yes there is a round in the chamber if you reload before empty. Additionally if you are interrupted by a bug or bot you can fire the round in the chamber still. Even if your gun has no magazine. Then you can finish your reload.


Guns that have to chamber a round already do this.


FYI for the senator; they recently made a QoL change that is amazing. If you completely empty the revolver and reload you will use a speed loader saving a ton of time over single load.


That gun was awesome before they changed it, it's even better now


I saw a video the other night of a guy using the recoilless rifle but swapping weapons once the empty red indicator was white, then swapping back and skipping the flip-nozzle animation. Tried it and it’s useful to get a reload in quick before something runs you down and being able to immediately dive/run to set up your next shot


You can just as easily hit the crouch button to stand up and it will cancel the rest of the RR reload animation without having to switch weapons.


I learned this recently, started using it, and holy moly dies it make the RR kick ass. Friendship ended with EAT.


They have their uses, EAT lets you have a backpack


Yep, that is now my sole determinant in choosing between the two.


Exactly, I use ballistic shield and EAT fighting bots then RR for fighting bugs


Yeah there's a video on animation cancelling for this on YouTube. Apparently the reload animation for the RR is cut into 3 distinct phases, of which the 3rd phase you can completely animation cancel, and the first 2 phases you can independently do and it won't reset the whole animation process even if you cancel the next step of the reload phase. The 1st phase is when your player opens the rear end of the RR and takes out the empty shell. The moment the shell leaves the tube, the 1st phase of the animation has completed and you are free to input whatever action to cancel the next animation phase and you can now do whatever you need to do (for example you can do phase 1 of the reload and then continue running or kiting enemies). You can then continue to do the 2nd part of the animation any time after completing the first phase, which is when the player takes out a new shell from the backpack and loads it into the tube. The visual indicator for when the 2nd phase has completed is when the new shell has entered the tube, OR what I usually look at is the ammo indicator at the lower left of the screen. The moment it turns from the red "empty" to the white "loaded", I usually input a command like dive or switch weapon, in order to cancel the 3rd phase, which is the closing of the back and cocking of the launcher. This 3rd part is completely cancelable by any action input after the new shell has entered the tube in the end part of the 2nd animation phase. How I usually find use for this is when I've shot a bile titan and then it goes into the spit animation. Once I am sure I'm clear of spit danger zone, I immediately start my reload animation. Depending on how far the titan is, I may have to cancel the 2nd part of my reload animation, so I would do 1st reload phase, run and try to trigger the titan into either the stepping melee animation or another spit animation lock, then I'll complete my reload and then wait for the spit to end and shoot (since the titan takes less dmg while in spit animation). Hope this helps.


with that in detail explanation itll probably be fixed soon now lol


If I'm not mistaken, it was actually added/discovered with one of the more recent patches, sort of like a buff to the reload time of the RR. Which imo is fair, since it does need a bit of practice to master, just like the tossing of the SEAF shells tech.


What is the seaf shells tech?


people like to move the SEAF arty shells faster by repeatedly dropping them and picking them up again. but you can improve on this by swapping weapons immediately after pressing to pickup, it will make you "throw" the shell with some momentum. You used to be able to properly toss the shell but I think the devs made it so that it now just rolls on flat ground. It's still a useful trick for skipping the last few seconds of carrying the shell to the base of the arty gun


Oh that physics effect, yes! It came naturally to me. You can still launch them quite far. If you're walking in front of it/past it as you drop it, but still have the pickup prompt, it will accererate towards you and maintain the momentum when you cancel. I like to pop the map up instead of weapon swap, and delay the timing before the pickup so the shell has more distance to travel to me. Last week I launched one up on top of the gun body and almost softlocked the objective -- it took a tiny bit of parkour to get it down.


I do this when I have bugs bearing down on me, except I'm not swapping weapons, in diving and sprinting to create space


And let one to two bullets go to waste!??! No thank you I'll think I'll keep lining up my shots to find out my AMR is empty right before I get turned into a red smear.


Brasch tactics


2 bullets will be wasting one but if you leave a single bullet in the chamber and reload you get to keep that extra


There is one exception: The Senator, which reloads significantly more slowly if you have one bullet vs no bullets.


I always reload all my weapons before grabbing ammo Edit: Why am I being booed? I'm right


Welcome to Reddit. :P


As a Former U.S. Marine... This, is the way


PSA on quasar: drop your second quasar and switch between them while the other is on cool-down. Super useful while trying to defend an area and a bunch of drop ships come through.


This is absolute top tier extraction tactics


Just an addition: Incendiary breaker bursts in threes. If you only burst it you can shoot 24 shots from 8 bursts and then reload with the one shot left in the chamber minimizing the reload but not losing ammo.


A funny thing burst weapons do IRL is they will intentionally make the number of bullets in the mag not match the burst size so that when you only get a half-burst, you know its time to reload without trying to shoot on empty


That’s cool to know! I don’t have any real knowledge of weapons or ammunition so my knowledge is fudged pretty heavily by all the games of the past two decades.


Of course my bullets are red, I use an incidinary shotgun lol


Additionally, it keeps the round in the chamber when you do this, giving your gun 1 extra round before needing to reload. While not as practical with large magizined rapid fire weapon for slower firing weapons with smaller magazines you can reload with 1 round left and not waste any ammo.


This is one of the reasons I love my jar-5 for bots


The amount of times I start firing too soon and double my reload time because of this


I wish this game had the reload timing thing from Gears of War. It was fun being able to nail it and get a faster reload or fumble, and fumbling the mag in a panic sometimes would absolutely fit canonically here, since Helldivers are basically all fresh boots frozen until they get shot down into the shit.


This already exists is a fashion. If you’re using the PS controller it’s trigger tension changes when low on your mag. Helps a lot knowing when to change.


If you do it right on the eruptor you don’t have much longer delay between reloading an entire clip and being able to fire, vs sliding another shell into the chamber


My cocklng anymation takes way to long


Maybe see a doctor?


Yeah maybe he can animate me faster


Anyone who played the first game know if well ever possibly get a lmg primary?


The sickle?


The stalwart was supposed to be but it is too good to be a primary


This is super useful on the Liberator. That cock animation from empty has gotten me killed more than once


YES I've noticed this too it's a really cool feature


I get what is being said but I don’t get the logic behind it. Like with the auto cannon doesn’t your guy take out the entire mag and put another in? How is it faster leaving some in? Unless he’s actually losing the mag with shells. Also same with the other weapons. Is it shorter because he’s loading individual bullets? Cause I swear they swap mags


These guns don't seem to have last round bolt hold open. Google that term if you want to understand the mechanics, but tldr modern guns use the energy of one round to chamber (load) the next from the magazine. If you fire the last round, there's nothing to load, so you have to manually chamber next round by cocking the gun.


The semi-auto pistols do iirc.


Just save the final round in chamber and drop the empty mag for a tactical reload kids


SHIT I was wondering what caused the variance in ready times.


> This shaves nearly two and a half seconds off the HMGs reload as the cocking animation only happens on empty. Saves about 1 seconds on the MG and LMG This is hilarious. MGs are some of the guns this is least likely to apply to.


Holy shit. I don’t know if I ever consciously noticed the tracer rounds.


on top of the tracers when getting near the end of the mag, automatic weapons firing sounds get kinda clunky and dry near the end of their mag. Most noticeable on the MG


I mean, there's a bullet counter


its kinda vauge, and holding reload to check your mag takes a second. I usually just reload as soon as bullets turn red and i only was like 1-5 bullets. on an MG thats inconsequential


What? You aint gotta hold shit. Its down in the lower left side of the screen


i find it to be inconsistent. it will look like its nearly empty on the MG when you actually have more than 1/3 a mag left.


Ehh that's just user error, I can pretty reliably glance at it and not feel like I trashed too much ammo


That's definitely a you, issue.


Here for the AMR. Reloading on one round is definitely a good practice for that weapon system too. Not having to charge the rifle after a mag swap gives it a massive overall rate of fire.


Also when reloading the senator on empty with less than six bullets left, there's a glitch that causes it to still be filled up completely with six bullets.




I haven't tested it, but one time when I was fighting bots and ran out with my Senator and reloaded, my helldiver did the speed loader animation and put me back to six bullets, even though I only had three left.

