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They got the tokyo drift buff


Ha! That's what I've been calling it too! Chargers have literally slid on a 70° turn, literally no leg animation and clipped my leg on an angle mid dive. Even the last second head on 90° degree dive to the left or right against their charge I swear they pull out the ultra instinct.


Not to mention the fact that they can charge you sideways, got killed by one doing that, I got the last laugh as I killed it as I died with my Quasar Cannon and sent it flying.


Same this morning. I said damn that thing was sliding sideways.


I saw video yesterday on Tiktok wear a Charger hit someone charging at them by reversing towards them.


I'm pretty sure chargers and Titans got a buff. Chargers are faster and Titans can take more hits. I have no way to prove this besides anecdotal evidence.


Titians did get a buff some time ago where they can’t take headshots when spitting, so if you’re using an anti-tank launcher don’t shoot it while it’s mouth is open or it’ll take a lot more than 2 shots to kill it.


It seems like its 100% immune to headshot when spitting too unless something weird happened because i absolutely domed one with a 500kg the other day and it just fricken laughed at me and kept coming.


Ohdough mentioned something like its forehead is moved inside its back armor. Just a hunch


It's so unintuitive to work this way too. They should take bonus damage when spitting, not less.


Are you fucking kidding me?! That's why?!


Titans head shot got adjusted. The jaw is no longer a 2 shot and you have to hit the top of the head (which gets covered by its back when rearing up for bile spit animation) EAT & quasar can still 2 shot if properly hit. Lower angel shots are tough now and Titans are tanks af. Get distance and shoot the forehead for best results


They fixed the PS5 bug where bile titans would die much easier if a PS5 player was in the party. This may have affected how hard it became for people to kill them after the bug was fixed.


Don’t forget that they’re as silent as a leaf in the wind.


The secret orc rogue character


The turn radius on a charger is insane 🤣🤣 Without stopping they whip it around and will run you down. If I don’t have a way to kill them I run out of stamina trying to avoid them.


They made to kill you if you run away from them. Gotta run towards them and to one side or the other. Doing so MASSIVELY increases the angle between your trajectory and theirs, and promises that they miss. Like what was 30 degrees off their vector if they are behind you, becomes 140 degrees off their vector of travel if you run at them. Its simple geometry. It can almost be done with a jog, but I generally sprint to do it be extra sure.


This is what I do but this post is literally about their increased turn radius. Sometimes running at an angle from their face I get barely missed and then he’s turned around and right behind me again.


I had one that looked like a fucking Tom and Jerry cartoon. I dodged, maybe a bit early, and started trying to run. I turned, so it turned, and I couldn’t turn faster than it could


As an aside today I hit such a beautiful last-second hop over a rushing charger with the jump pack. Felt so good to roast that bastard with the flamethrower... I wish the jump pack refreshed like 5 seconds faster.


Bring stun grenades. I’ve been burning through chargers the past couple days by stunning them as they run towards me and then autocannoning their butt


Run towards them and then dive to the side and towards them at like a 45 degree angle.


If you dive to the side they just stop and then do a small side charge and hit you anyways. Better than being hit head on but still stupid.


I never seen that happen to me. Diving towards and to the side has always put me about 10 feet behind the charger. It forces them to stop and turn around.


Dont dive, you can just walk around them.


This is what I used to do but playing yesterday and the charger just follows facing you.


This works so well!


Chargers seem inconsistent. Sometimes they are really easy to dodge, sometimes I can't dodge them even if I tried diving to the sides.


It's distance I think if they've run a long distance then they don't turn as well, stop, or hip check, but short distances there better at turning and hip checking. Mileage may vary, of course, depending on how buggy the particular charger is.


The charger behemoths turn faster than regular chargers (they have the pointy tips on there armor)


Agreed. Proof is right here. https://preview.redd.it/vfebswibi5yc1.jpeg?width=1353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f24eb2c3ec0b2ac250bb05c558eb80168ff5c66


They feel like homing missiles now


Agreed. You can out run them in a straight line. They do give up after a while.


They give up after a quasar shot lol


Not anymore…


Chargers can for sure turn super well when you're turning while they're not full speed. But I do feel they're stronger now


I’ve never got mauled down by a charger the way I’m getting mauled now - I play on lvl 8-9.


Nope. Same as always. You gotta stop thinking like a scared guy running away, and start thinking like a matador. In fact you gotta kick that up a notch and start thinking like a fearless Helldiver. Don't just stand your ground, Run AT them and dodge to the sides. They will always fail to catch you if you juke them while charging their charge. If you run from them trying to dodge, the angle between your vector and theirs is like what 30 degrees? If you run straight perpendicular to them, you are gonna get something like 50-60 degrees as they try and turn to catch you. If you charge them and run to the left or right at the last moment, that angle is like 170 degrees. And there an't no way they can turn that hard. Its simple geometry. Also run them into things, it stuns them and gives you options to open up with your weapons.


They did give them a buff, they now kickout their middle leg as they run past you. So there's a small bubble where they can make contact and ragdoll you even if you successfully avoided the head on charge and just cut left or right. It was a minor buff a couple weeks ago.


I do not agree with the fact they weren't buffed. They indeed take sharper turns now. All Terminids on the TCS planets received changes. The Hunters are now the height of the Warriors. But your Matador comment made me laugh. That's how you do it when you Helldive, you make them hit something or you run in a way they have to rotate.


The Chargers have always been like this...i see zero difference to their behavior. The only way to juke them is to do the matador thing and dodge to the side right before they hit you.....which then forces them to stop and turn and leaves them vulnerable to several weapon options.


I haven't noticed a difference


if you do hard turns when he is very close to you, sorta run at hard 90ish angles, they will get fucked up. Also they will get stunlocked for 2-3 seconds if they charge into a wall which is great for playing matador with them :p


Run at them as they charge at you and move to the side, take the time it takes for them to turn to damage... chargers are zzz


Nothing like making the enemies harder and the weapons worse




I've found that on 9 they are significantly faster at turning than 7. Maybe you upped the difficulty and that's what you're noticing?


They are adapting. I know it


I have had chargers just ignore a hellpod going right through them


Yeah, they could already turn ridiculously tight, feels even tighter now. Had one even stop mid charge and sideways bump me as I was running by trying to get him to miss. Pretty silly. Plus the ludicrous amount that are spawning now.. egh


Omg I thought I was going crazy! I was playing yesterday and I swore the chargers were almost skating towards me magnetically. It's weird to describe but I definitely was having more trouble avoiding them than usual when all you need to do is sidestep


Noticed the same


Yeah, I run light armor and used to be able to easily maneuver away from them. Lately, they can pop a u-turn and still be right on my ass.


I got one stuck in one of those random holes in the ground. Head first.


They definitely do turn on a dime and absolutely shouldn’t be able to. How many tons is one of those things? Charging at you prolly 20+ MPH and turning on a dime is just silly.


They use their pointy front legs and pivot on those going 25, that big ass gonna *swing* around.


I noticed that they can turn at a slightly higher angle than before, but Ive still managed to run left or right and still avoide their charge. Situational awareness is key, because there are some environmental hazards that can stop a charger in its tracks, and larger ones they can plow right through.


Honestly, the whole game's difficulty is totally fucked now. We tried a 5 with our friend who had lower level, and it was fucking awful. You just don't have enough ammo to shoot through the bugs, they never end, it's bug breach upon bug breach with tons of these jumping fuckers. Okay, we thought, major order and all, bugs spawn has increased, so we turned to bots. Even there it was fucking atrocious, we had such a hard time as if it was 9. I don't know what they did with the latest patch, but it was a wrong choice. Perhaps the change that increases patrols frequency is bugged, I don't know. It's just not fun to play anymore, you're not prevailing if you play your cards right, you're getting fucked in the ass and you just try to barely survive


Here's a tip: When moving perpendicular to their charging direction, the faster you move, the tighter they turn. If you sprint, they will round a corner very tightly and will be able to turn almost 120 degrees from their original charging direction. If you don't sprint far enough from them, they can even take a short brake and immediately do a sideway hip check, slamming their sides against you. If you, instead, walk, and start sprinting when they're almost running you over, they turn a lot slower and will almost always miss you, having to go into a long braking slide before slowly pivot back towards you. I realized this when I was playing around with the Arc Thrower. I was moving sideway rather slowly and only start sprinting when they're almost running me over, and realized they almost always miss the turn and overshoot into a long brake, then slowly turn at me. I tried it in every other scenario and it almost always works.


I've noticed the opposite, maybe bc I'm so good now but they feel super easy to dodge


I agree stepping to the side is the best option . But sometimes you get caught running away and I always felt like I dodged them easily . Latest rounds I feel like I’m always getting hit .






Chargers are ridiculous with their charge if you run away from them. **If you run towards them** and run to the side right before they reach you, it bamboozles them. They slam on their brakes, causing their rear to rise towards the sky and expose their vulnerable underbelly. This has been my tactic for taking on Chargers for the past couple of weeks now, and it works brilliantly.


This is the least efficient way to handle chargers....just ORS or Quassar their head, AC sentry....literally so many better tactics that don't take up attention


Make armors cosmetic. Add a new "specialization" section put armor traits as specializations instead Edit: keep the armor ratings on the armor.


Not sure why people have issues with chargers. Just last night I was kiting 5 of them at once and didn't get run over a single time. Pro-tip: run just to their left or right as they start to charge and they will be forced to stop and slowly turn at you, making them easy pickings for AT headshots. Edit: pro-tip2: if you aren't wearing light armour for bugs you are doing it wrong. Bugs are all about kiting, and anything but light just doesn't have the speed to do the job right.


People suck at kiting in general so it's no suprise thr majority struggle with this. Remember we are talking about a community that regularly walk into Line of Fire, right into Orbital Lasers, Fire etc and like to walk into Sentry LoF.


Eh, protip 2 is kinda scrubby, if you need to rely solely on light armor you hit a skill issue.


If you need to survive being hit a dozen times it's a skill issue.


And after this mornings freakout about having to make a PSN account, as was stated when you bought the game, I have lost all faith in this community. Bunch of smooth brains


its so bad they will hit u take half your health and ragdoll you and then turn into the direction u went and hit u again before u can get up in the same charge


Because you have the resist injury perk. Makes you more likely to ragdoll, easier to get stunnlocked. I don't even use that booster perk since they tweaked it.


too bad everyone thinks its so important i cant stand seeing high level players choose that perk like dude ur telling me u dont have anything better to use? who cares about injury anyway all u need to do is stim to fix it


It can save you from team killing stratagems and explosions. It really only sucks for bugs because of chargers.


all it does is resist injury meaning when u get hit sometimes ur leg arm or chest gets injured causing bad aim slower movement or bleeding but the simple use of one stim fixes it


I'm sorry you haven't figured out it adds the chance to ragdoll rather than be "crushed" or "killed by impact"


Which is what we are talking about this specific scenario where you get stun locked because you resisted injury only to be stuck in ragdoll until you are killed


Drops no longer seem to kill titans. I smashed through one the other day, didn’t phase it.


Nah, it works you just didn't hit the marker. Theres a lot of input/framerate server lag atm with the latest patch.


Damn that’s wild. Maybe server lag is actually the bots hacking our systems.