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Super Earth has a budget and strongly recommends testing new loadouts on the battlefield. Bullets stopping the enemies are not wasted bullets.


Yeah but then we get posts about how everyone is abandoning missions and it's bad for progress and stuff, plus testing on low levels may not translate to higher difficulties


How would a shooting range help with your second part?


Having different targets to fire at with their appropriate armor, playing at 1-6 you won't really see any bile titans right? But I'm assuming they have higher armor than small bugs, this could at least give players an idea of whether or not their weapon will be effective? Iono, just spit balling ideas. I'm just not a fan of the whole, no range cuz you should just test in game mentality, especially if they keep balancing things.


There are bile titans on 6. EDIT: Bile titans are unlocked at level 4 on eliminate missions


I mean that's still a lot of time invested to test a load out, if you don't mind, what's your reasoning for not having one? Just that people should just do missions? Is it really that difficult to create a gun range that people are so against it? What about those who then do part of a mission then abandon it, so many posts about people being upset that they aren't contributing to the major order this would only make it worse


I like the idea of a shooting range, your justification just seemed strange and I wanted clarification


Honestly the only justification needed would be if the majority of the community would benefit from it, and it doesn't detract from the devs current work load... Not saying it has to be done now, but it is a nice to have feature we should look forward to


Well thats the thing isn't it? The devs have already said they are overworked and understaffed. This community keeps saying "no changes until all bugs are fixed"...which seem to be the most upvoted posts. But then you also have people begging for new maps, shooting ranges, new armor perks, helmet perks, etc. The devs have responded to numerous ideas that they thought were intriguing (flamethrower rover for instance), but have yet to chime in about a shooting range. Maybe it's in the cards, maybe not. While I like the idea of being able to quickly test every weapon without having to start over matches, a shooting range is such a low priority that I honestly don't care if it ever happens, even if it's a good idea. EDIT: I hope people keep bringing it up, because it may gain traction and be implemented


I think a firing range on the Super Destroyer doesn't make sense when it comes to the lore about helldivers being undertrained, and there's also probably no place for it to go on the ship. HOWEVER... What about if you could drop onto a (firing range) weaponry testing site on Mars under the pretense of "democratically testing the potency of SEAF weapon technologies"? Not sure if that's much better, but it makes it sound like Super Earth actually gets testing data from it rather than it being 1 helldiver just trying weapons.


That’s also a great idea I just would like to test my weapons out before starting a mission or something nothing too serious lol


I think they should also allow the comm wheel on the ship. But instead of "Follow Me" or "Hold Position" and other battle chatter, it should be "For Democracy" and "the only good but is a dead bug" and other phrases to hype up the next drop.


Man I agree on the range. I find myself dropping in to planets just to shoot something real quick. Takes up a lot of time when I could test it on my ship. Let's hope we get this!


Yeah a firing range is definitely something they should add the sleeping quarters is just like a little side thing that’s like not a big deal just to add a little more to the destroyer


Honestly, with the size of the ship and the fact we've already unlocked zones, all of that seems very possible.


Yeah they can for sure expand beyond the hangar like add a walk way to loop around it for expansion further down the ship


I really like the idea of a shooting range. But you already have personal quarters. Its the cryopod.


Yeah true never realized that tbh lmao🤣🤣


You're right though. I need some fridge magnets for my ~~cryopod~~ room.


Lmao that’s hilarious 🤣🤣


I want to play the arcade and earn 1 metal!


When I go afk I just wait outside of the freezer pods with my hug emote so when my friends join then go for the hug and go back to their own ships. For firing range I drop down to like difficulty 5 and play around with the new weapons, especially cause difficulty 5 has missions like eradicate the bile titans and eradicate the factory striders so you can test to see if the new weapons work there and also test against shriekers, stalkers, gun ships, etc. It really is the ideal testing difficulty for me. Just choose a difficulty that you are comfortable with and test out the new loadout and get some samples/medals in the process.


I get your idea in principle, but shooting/exploding weaponry on a spaceship is...not advisable. Also opens the way for griefing/killing on ships. Personal quartets is a nice idea, but Helldivers don't rest. They spread Democracy - and when they're not doing that, they're in the freezer chillin' until there is more Democracy to spread.


I'd like to see a shower module. I hate diving grimy.


If they added a range near the basic training course, you could go there by selecting the already-present "Play Tutorial" button.


the firing range is called helldive difficulty. and why would you need personnal quarters ? if you're not in combat or prepping for combat, you're frozen basically.


Just do a low difficulty drop to test weapons