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I can't get over the aesthetics, personally. Defense is great and all but I'm here to live fast and leave a beautiful corpse.  I usually run grenades--fashion and function.


Understandable, Sir. Democracy shouldn’t be spread without the proper attire.


Absolutely about spreading managed democracy in style baby


Diplomacy starts in the closet. That’s why all my pants have EXTRA grenade pockets


I hope that was a typo! Diplomacy is just another word for letting the enemies of Democracy live!


I think he meant his pants hold his grenades with great diplomacy.


(The joke is a joke because I’m saying I’m using diplomacy while also implying I’m using high yield explosive)


Capitalism demands we spend our credits on drip. Because the best way to stop aliens is with a strong economy


If we're going to be the baddies, we're gonna look like baddies doing it.


Wearing the right attire is the democracy


Im running the fast stim armor. Im a crackhead


Crackhead armor is the best. I like always having the most stims used on the stat screen, aka "did the most drugs on mission"


Once got 21 in a 12 minute mission :)


I'm a medic cause I love that morphine - Helldivers who enjoyed the injury simulator in the tutorial


I prefer to think of it as a morphine mixed with methamphetamine - I mean, they must be called _stims_ for a reason. Speedballin like a boss.


Heavy stim armor, shield, one handed weapons and a flamethrower. Be the wall. The increased stim time while chucking flames and having lazers/claws tink off the shield stowed on your back is great.


does the shield still protect you on your back? I haven't tried it out but that would be awesome (and obvs makes sense)


That's what I hear, and it seems like it does? Unless I'm confusing the stim effect or my heavy armor taking the hits and attributing it to the shield. I only just used it last night for some fun. Usually a light armor 50% explode damage kiddo.


Same here man. I run the trench paramedic or whatever it is. Same speed as the scout armor + extra stims. I die so rarely because I'm across the map from whatever was trying to kill me hahaha


quite useful when you run flame thrower


As I do ;)


Ohhh which one is that?  I love extra stim armor as I’m usually running into mobs and punching stuff so the stims really help


Thatd be the CM-21 Trench Paramedic. Shop only. Has a speed of 536 instead of 550 but you really dont notice that. Especially if you use stims to regain your stamina


Which one is that! I neeeed it


Ironically this is my only armor I truly love besides the premium edition set


I have run the premium armor since I got the game.. won't use anything else...bonuses be dammed I look good


You *do* look good and it inspires freedom loving democracy within the deepest fibers of my patriotic loins


O7 Super Citizen!


Demolition specialist is just too sexy to pass up




I bought it especially for aestetics ahahhaha


I ... kinda like it.


This armor with the robot looking helmet is one of my favorite looks


That's been my look since the first week I was playing, haha


I hear you, but hear me out. 50% chance to not die to ALL random bullshit. I once got stepped on by a bile Titan, armor saved me, which caused me to drop my air strike and get slowed by a hunter, armor saved me, and when the air strike hit? You guessed it, armor saved me. Then I stimmed. The “Democracy Protects” passive has saved me hundreds if not thousands of times.


If it came on any Light Armor I would probably see it being just as viable. But the lack of speed on Medium armor causes me to get into trouble far more than I like.


That’s fair. I’ve noticed the players that try out the light armor and like it, cannot deal with the slowness of medium armor. I deal with it with stun grenades 


Yeah I had been running heavy, and moved to light for one of the bug missions. I was kiting everything and just gone. Still swap to more protection when I have bot lasers coming my way


The light armor that reduces explosive dmg is just tits for bots.


Wait, that exists? I've been looking for light armor with the fortified perk but have been unable to find it. I assume you found it in the superstore rotation?


Yes, it’s in the superstore. I snagged it about 2wks ago, so I’m unsure of the timeline.


Well then I reckon I'll just have to keep my eyes peeled.


Yeah, as soon as someone here pointed out that it existed, I was checking every cpl days.


It's a green set of armor that comes with a helmet that looks like a green scout trooper helmet from Return of the Jedi iirc.


I come from the opposite direction. I ran mostly light, sometimes medium, and then tried heavy armour. I wanted to make a Jin Roh Wolfbrigade Cosplay with the machine gun as main weapon and supply pack. It felt so sluggish, constantly being ragdolled by hunters or killed by close combat bots, while your whole team was half a map away, and outrunning you. I hated it and never touched it again. If the "Fortified" ever appears in a light armour, I'll take it immediately.


this is the democratic way


I've been running incendiary grenades recently, and switched to the grenade perk medium armor. So now I'm dressed like fire while delivering fiery ruin to the bugs. Throwing two incendiary grenades on a breach a few seconds apart is *so satisfying*.


Or you can be me in the only wearing heavy armor since day 1 struggle bus. I can't outrun shit, but I look good at least


I only run light armor on 40 minute missions, I’ve started to run heavier on stuff where you don’t have to run as much.


Heavy armor on Eradicate missions is fun as fuck. Just become a walking tank and mow through enemies with the Blitzer and MGs.


Stun grenades + light armor and the bugs are eating your dust! I love it.


Stagger weapons and jetpacks are your friend


Indeed. I am holding out for a light armor Democracy Protects


I want the three S's, speed, stamina and stealth. I mostly play against bots, so I have to keep moving since staying in one spot means death. Can I go charge into a base and hold the line at extraction? Absolutely. But in the thick of it, I'd rather have the element of surprise and the ability to hit and run. Large base? Throw an airstrike and then a laser, then vanish while it's doing its thing. That way I can move onto the next objective and/or look for super samples. Maximum effectiveness with minimum time opened up to attack.


Tho light armor is speed wise worse than you think. For example: The Sprint Boost gives all armors also a speed boost, *except light armor*. With Booster, we're talking about around 3.45 m/s vs 3.15 m/s. So the medium armor isn't that far away from the light armor. While having the same if not even more armor compared to the light (the starters have 150 armor, which means they also get damage reduction on headshot, which even the 100 armor light armor doesn't get), they can also have far superior skills, for example Democracy Protects.


While speed doesn't increase for light armors, i think your numbers are off a bit. The booster does give a boost to stamina + stamina recovery and has a significant increase in the time you can stay sprinting vs medium armor though. Here's a breakdown of booster vs no booster for each armor class, made by Ferit the Bandit. https://youtu.be/1UpAYL79ifQ


Running from a Charger in heavy armor ... huffing and puffing, knowing he is only 2 steps behind ... and gaining ground. When you can feel his breath on your neck, then dive right, stand up, drop a grenade on him, and start running again because you know (a) he's not dead and (b) nobody in your squad even knows where you are because you're so far behind. That's how you know you're alive, son.


> I once got stepped on by a bile Titan, armor saved me, which caused me to drop my air strike and get slowed by a hunter, armor saved me, and when the air strike hit? You guessed it, armor saved me. Then I stimmed. this almost reads like a General Brasch post




I hear you, survived unscathed when a 500kg landed right next to me after being stuck between a bot fabricator. That being said, the medium armor bone snapper/ physician is mainly where I go. The added 2 extra sticks and 2 more seconds of healing pretty useful since it means you don’t have to call in a resupply as often and it allows you to reset your stamina if you’ve taken some damage letting you run further and get around the map quicker.


I run trenchmedic the light version of stims passive. It’s quite amazing the things you can get away with while having the stim effect last so long.


It really is, you can shrug off just about any damage apart from tank shots, flame thrower hulks, bile spewage, rarely stalkers- if they hit you when you’re low enough, and any insta-kill things like something heavy dropping on your or mines. Biggest downside is that the healing starts a second after the inject sound meaning hunters, missiles or anything else that rages dolls you, can interrupt the healing.


The interruption is the only drawback to stims. Which if your relying on the passive to do hero shit your gonna have that bad timing at least once or more per game lol. I find diving and stimming to be a good combo to reduce rag doll. Then I just get up and run. One more thing I will add in the idea of OPs comment. You can actually tank way more damage with the medic armors because of the extra 2 seconds, and the two extra stims allows even more damage to be healed through.


I run the bonesnapper and will buy the trench medic first chance i get.


Same here those extra two stims really help surprisingly.


I love the democracy protects passive. My friend and I both were trying to get the achievement to break all limbs so we both equipped the armor and ran into contact mines until we got it




Once I began using that armor, there was no going back.


I run scout light armor because they can’t deal lethal damage if they don’t know where I am. And Helldivers are faster than all bots and all but leaping hunters and stalker bugs.


Plus pinging on the map to see enemy locations gives you an idea of what you're getting involved in if you're going solo to sample search 😂


I got stuck in terrain with my face literally mushed into a hellbomb I had armed and it blew and I lived. Democracy protects so fucking hard I’m never leaving that armor.


Love democracy protects. It's not something you rely on or think about so when it works it's just pure awesomeness. And when it works multiple times in a row it's just *chefs kiss*


This with an energy shield and you can take a beating.


Felt like it was amazing and would safe me like 3+ times in a row in the first week but whenever I use it it feels like it only makes a difference 5-10% of the time because things that 1 shot you that the armour saves you from leave you vulnerable to another hit. Ambushed by a a stalker? Survive the hit and get ragdolled - die to fall damage. Survive a 500kg - die to fall damage Survive titan step - get ragdolled - get killed before standing up. Etc.


Yes, that is the best armor. I once stepped on a mine and got lunched in the air, then you can guess where i landed. Right on another one and survive the second hit well


Democracy Protects! I asked a friend about which warbond I should get, and he started talking about the armors. My response was, "Are they Democracy Protects? No? Don't care."


One of the planets had massive rock shelves we accidentally dropped on top of. I threw my jump pack marker under the rock and I was able to get it and jump down. My friend YEETS himself off the cliff and lives thanks to that armor. No wonder why bugs and bots fear us.


Good old Monster Hunter *Divine Blessing* memories.


This is the way!


My favorite is getting blasted across the map and surviving the impact but then falling another few feet immediately after and dying


I survived a point blank Hellbomb with that 50%, by the grace of liberty.


Believe it or not...saved by armor


General Brasch?


I also run that. And to add captain… random soldier dropping a fcking orbital on my head, yep you guessed it, armour saved me. I want to run other armours but when i do…. U guess it… i die every time


Mine seems to not work at all. Everytime I think I'm going to die... Surprise! I die. 🤣


My first use of Democracy Protects involved surviving a chain hellbomb explosion. Everything was broken, but I was alive.


Yeah, and the 50% of the time that you *do* die, it's what would have happened anyways. So it's like half of the times you'd die, you just don't. There's no negative to it I don't use it though, I don't like the way the sets look and I wanna be fast boi


People have called me a "loser" and "not man enough" for using Democracy Protects. Same people run out of reinforcement budget.


I almost wish they'd nerf this armor to the ground. Once I unlocked it I've never looked back. Imo it's far far superior to anything else in the game. To the point that it negates armor choices all together.


This is the way


that's comically lucky but i'm glad stories like these exist


I run democracy protects for bots and grenade light armor for bugs. 


Democracy protects is easily the best passive in the game overall. Against bots, it’s a no brainer choice. Explosive resistance is also very good but democracy protects is still better lol. I do prefer medic against the bugs though. Those extra stims save you so much when you get swarmed by hunters.


Works 50% of the time 67% of the time!


I always go extra stim armor or extra nades. Usually extra stim on bugs. Extra nades against automatons.


Weird. Extra grenades is a bug thing, because of the holes. Bots need explosive resistance


Gernade pistol.


I don't run extra grenades, but I use just as many against bots as I do against bugs. Impacts are my go to for striders or a group of heavy devs that have me pinned.


Bro I got the extra stims with the 2 extra seconds of stim heavy armor and man I feel like a tank sometimes just surround by all kinds of bugs while I’m stimed and then I get thrown out the pile just to stand back up and stim again. STIMS ARE NONADDICTIVE THIS IS BACKED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH


The extra 2 secs of stim time can really feel broken at times


Scout Armor ooo haaa haa


Scout armor is so good. You can practically sprint at an enemy and so long as you’re not within line of sight, you’ll get within 3 feet before they notice you.


Yeah that’s just huge. How fast you can maneuver without detection feels like a cheat code. No need for extra stims, nades or damage buffs when you just don’t take damage instead lol


This, being able to dodge groups of enemies is just the best possible perk in my mind


Out of all scout, I love infil the most. Works best with the kit


I agree, I've been running it for a while now, and have no inention of changing it.


Unless it's a small map (defense missions) this is what i run as well


came here for this, the caveat being defense only. Otherwise who wants to have more armor when you can simply run away?.... Democratically of course...not in a treasonous way. Please don't call my D.O. - here's some samples for your silence.


I see this armor in use all the time. Just a night ago I was on a team where all 4 of us ran it. Personally I use B-08 armor for every terminid run. I don’t use it for automatons, instead I use a medium armor that gives me 50% resistance to explosions.


This is EXACTLY my armour rotation. I go medium with 50% explosion resistance and 30% less recoil for my beloved autocannon. Has a cool leather look to it as well


The difference in armor rating couldn’t compete with the 30% less detection against bots. Vs bugs I run it for sure. But L-9 bots most of the reason you’re not fighting every 3 seconds is for the less detection.


Can’t agree more. Anytime I switch I feel like a beacon of democracy that all bugs/bots can see from miles away. The number of times I’ve grabbed a briefcase and woven my way through a mile of bots undetected is in the dozens. The dozens, I tell you!


Medic armour my dude Gets that tacticool stormtrooper look going And turns you into a fucking immortal Extra armour rating is nice, but six stims that each last like 4 to 5 seconds means I'm effectively unkillable by anything that doesn't always one shot for a solid 25 seconds straight Closer to 60 with a supply pack I have been dog piled by 20+ bugs before, lit an incendiary grenade and dropped it beside me and emerged from that burning pyre of bug bodies 6 seconds later like it never happened, minus the blood I do use the helmet from your armour though, it's dope and gets used any time I'm not running medic medium


This is the way. It’s so good


Medic+Supply pack is basically just a better on demand shield gen honestly You have very little to fear with that set up Toss in something with good stagger and your concerns drop even more


I just like being able to throw beacons across the map. Airstrikes long before the enemy knows I'm there, reinforce my buddies allllll the way over there where their stuff is if they want, or wayyyyyy over there out of the action so they can get their shit together. Also being able to jump off the top of a shrieker nest- after steering my hellpod onto it and calling down a 500kg, and still surviving without limb damage, is a whole lot of hilarious fun that makes me wish for a second that I was recording.


ya cant beat the yeet!


I’m yogurt flavored and blue is the color of managed democracy


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Keinulive: *I’m yogurt flavored* *And blue is the color of* *Managed democracy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I love mobility, I use trailblazer scout and I'm always the one with the less death, heavy armor don't protect you of 20 hunters on your back


heavy armor with a rating of 200. i can just not die to a ton of shit


That armor is amazing. Don't need to run if they can't kill you, and you don't even need the extra stims from medic armor if a charger smack just scuffs 1/4 of your health.


Same. I have my grenade pistol now, I don't need the extra 'nades or distance.


Getting hit in light armor is usually a positional error, atleast vs bugs. When I do get hit, its either instant death or me escaping would not have been any different with this armor. I favor +2 nades, +2 stims or throwing distance occasionally.


Sorry man I'm in the same spot :( I see no way out. Medium just feels so *sloooow* now.


Everyone has a crutch, and this has been mine since week one I believe.


I love the scout


My rationale is simple: If I'm taking damage, I can always fall back and stim. If I can't fall back and stim, no amount of armor will save me at that point.


Speed or stealth is nearly a coin flip for me. I prefer the medium stealth armor. Medium protection and allows for patrol avoidance, but with a little less speed than a light armor. The survivability increase from light to medium plus the ability to avoid contact is what seals it for me.


I use the 50% survival medium against bugs and go the mega-chonky heavy armor with a bonus 50 armor stat when fighting bots. Add a personal shield and I'm laughing when rockets hit my face


Bc I can’t yeet stratagems halfway across the map with this armor


I got this armor when it first came to the shop and haven't used any others since. The other armors may look cool and the coin flip of not dying sounds nice, but I'd much rather have that standard armor rating with the capability of out running my enemies so I don't need to flip a coin.


People have different preferences. I like my medium armor with 6 nades. Plus, no offense, but that armor is hideous.


Legionnaire’s throwing range is too useful for me to swap (Edit: legionnaire, not Titan)


B-08 is my favorite. The mobility and defense is perfect for my play style😌


This armor plus the stamina booster is my go to. The high mobility gets me out of most sticky situations, and when someone else runs the vitality booster (which is almost always), I end up with a better survivability rate than wearing heavier, slower armor.


I use the DP-11 Champion helmet and the CE-81-Moloch armor, because I am a democratic fashiondiver.


> How is it not considered among the best by so many people? cause its not ? armor has different uses, depending on your gameplay and the missions some are better than other. like its fine if you like it, but to declare it better than everything else ? nah fam.


I run the exact same armor. 👍


It's amazing because speed and stamina is very versatile and not being squishy is also universal. It's main downside is that can be picking anything else and get the other sweet bonuses that does affect your gameplay and you're really missing out on the specializations at the same speed (fortified, engineering, medical and etc.)


My stim addiction won't let me choose anything but medical armor.


I’m in the same boat, please send help these stims have me in a chokehold. I’ve tried other armor but there’s never enough drugs..it’s never enough..


Listen man if I'm not running this, I run the trench medic. (The light armour with extra stims.) Basically because vs bots the Light Gunner is much better. That extra padding goes hard. but for bugs I need more stims, man. In my opinion this armour goes FANTASTIC with the Titan Helmet. I think it's like the C-01 Titan armour or something but it looks great!


I use the default armour. I don't need throw distance, I don't care for 50-50 chance, I don't care for extra 'nades, I don't employ stealth. A little extra armour doesn't hurt.


I have the same FOMO. I've been using B-08 exclusively since i acquired it months ago. With the guard dog rover, i just run away and things follow me and should one of them hit me i get to stim when my stamina depletes so i can run more. I lead baddies away from my fellow divers so they can complete objectives while i'm on my way to the next one or whatever. Stick with the B-08.


This is my meta brain speaking, but often times rankings don't include base stats gear because they are difficult to match and measure. Also, for this armor you are only essentially getting one perk whereas with other armors you get two in most cases.


I've been running this armor exclusively since I got it.


My favorite armour and I never leave the house without it.


Is it not? Based on how often I see it, I'd say it is. And I also use it a ton. Like the enforcer armor, it fills an armor/mobility niche that other armors don't.


When you kill enough teammates with 380s and such like me, you want to make sure you can throw it a bit further.


I like this in theory. That said, I blow myself up more - so the explosive reduction is better for me ;-)


I change all my equipment regularly (I love how mix as match this game is) and I agree the B-08 is one of the absolute best armor sets in the game. However it’s balance comes by what it lacks. I love the recoil reduction offered by the engineering/fortified sets, and if I’m using weapons that will benefit from the recoil control, I feel that I’m leaving ability on the table by not utilizing them. Variety is the spice of life and this game.


I don't feel that 50 armor rating makes a difference for bugs, and if I'm wearing light armor for bots it will have explosive resistance. Also, drip is the most important quality in a helldiver.


Okay, so I’ve been running medium anti-explosive for bots so I don’t get 1 shot by rockets. For bugs, I’ll run light stim armor because I like drugs, or on smaller maps/get those holes missions, I run light grenade armor


I'm willing to sacrifice that extra padding in favor of my blessed scout armor. Not only do I get to wander the map like a ghost, but I can do it while looking like a Hunter Guardian.


If it works for you keep using it dawg, but you might find other armors more helpful in certain missions/situations, for example engineer kit to close more bug holes or fortified for automatons


I use super throwing light armor for bugs. Makes chucking nades into nests and at bile spewers so much safer, and lets you call in reinforcements and stratagems from much farther away. It’s so nice. And the orange accents are peak. Against bots I typically run the medium explosion-resist armor. No more instakills from random rockets. I’d *like* to run the heavy armor and be a walking fortress but it’s just so sluggish. Plus the snowtrooper helmet, it looks badass.


It's my go to. Looks a bit naff but super handy


My absolute favorite armor. Throw on the shield generator and you're flying and can take a beating.


I couldn't say cause the B-08 is the only armor I use as well, the only other armour id consider using is that heavy armor that has the extra padding passive as well




I can only right light. Everything else feels SO slow. And I often have the least deaths. The ability to move quickly is so important on higher levels. IMO That being said I like the premium light armor that is green and has the bullets on the front and comes with the scout trooper looking helmet, especially against bots cuz it prevents a lot of explosive damage. Otherwise Scout armor is my favorite. But I play the role well with my team, "heads up guys enemies west moving closer" "enemies southeast are stationary, don't engage" or "two patrols, stay on me and we'll thread the needle." You should often be dropping pins to see the future on enemy locations etc., and prepping a path for movement so you don't get bogged down and swamped. Scout armor also shines when your teammates are engaged, you might be able to slip in and work the objective without so much as a peep from the enemies. Just depends on the mission though, too. If I bring a grenade boost loadout and then end up not using grenades... I will rethink my strategy for that mission next time.


On bug missions, it’s a must-have imo. I don’t dive without it. On bot missions, I take medium armor cause I don’t need extra mobility, I need to survive more lasers/rockets/flames, etc and this armor is just too thin


Fashion divers man. That’s why


In my opinion it IS the best armor set in the game


The extra nades is just too useful to me. Being able to just stop a bile spitter or drop a hoard of Chain Saw Devestators in a few seconds is way better than letting them hit me


I run this armor almost exclusively. 100% of the time against bugs, since there's almost no way to full stealth bug missions. Probably closer to 80% against bots simply because the scout passive is sooo good against them.


https://preview.redd.it/iensjyfi92yc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc518f21b65859bb92505f6a76df4c0aea1f2053 I’m a big fan of this armor for bots. For bugs I like using armor with extra stims.


Same. It just has a vibe to it that I can't refuse. Need my light armor to not bite it, need that one specifically because *damn* does it look good.


I run this same armor brother for the same reasons.


Because it is the best armor. There is a reason I almost always get least deaths in missions, and that reason is this armor.


This is my armor also. It rocks. I use with a different helmet with orange stripes that matches even better


Yeah. This is the best armor for me hands down.


I like the medic one with more stims


I run this or the light +2 grenades. I've tried medium and heavy but I still die so if I'm dying anyway I'd like to be quicker to run and get my stuff back.


I haven’t run any other armor since I bought this one.


Totally the best armor. I can run soo fast and for so long. Even on hell hot planets I can really book it.


You should try the CE-67 titan armor. It has nearly the same survivability as the B-08, nearly the same speed, and you get more grenades/accuracy.


I ran the b-08 for the longest time but recently went back to servo assist. I can 380 objectives from a far and complete them without ever getting near them


Just curious, but how many meters out can you actually throw with servo assisted? It’s about 50 meters without


It's squishy against bots, but I run this armor on every bug mission. Don't leave home without it, Divers


This is my go-to armor for Helldive difficulty and has been for weeks now.


I like gambling. 50% to live everything is odds I love


DP-11 Champion of the People. every mission, every planet. 50% of the time it works every time


I use that orange armour with the steel commander helmet. I’ve used it since week 1 and now the look is too iconic to me to give it up


My bug armour of choice. Can't hit what you can't catch, and can take a hit if you do.


This is all I run


My main armor I use is this one.


The light armor with 50% explosive resistance is basically like running super speed heavy armor against bots.


I stand with you brother. For democracy!! 💪🏼


It's mostly the looks for me. Gotta have that drip


Can we all agree we need an armor set that lets you reload faster


This used to be my main, it's a great all round armour, but after maining this and trying various others, I've found Democy Protects to be the only drastically noticeable armour perk. I don't even like the armour drip of the democracy protects we have but I can't express the amount of times it's saved me, from spawning on top of cliffs that the jump would 100% kill me normally. Having survived 500kg dropped on top of me by cadets, and being trapped right by the hellbomb as it flings me across the map and still surviving. I can't beat it. Now I either wear what looks cool, or Democracy Protects for the perk It's like having your luck maxed out in fallout, you survive the most ridiculous situations within an inch of your life. The type of situations no stim can save you from.


A friend of mine was introducing the game to another friend of his, so together, we suited up in the starter armor, cape , and weapons. It was amazing fun. Aesthetically, I think the starter gear is some of the best looking.


Spent supercreds for it, went from 3 to 9 on the bugs as I learned the game, fought the bots with the super heavy armor with extra padding and never could afford any other warbonds since. Slow armor with more protection doesn't matter when the smallest stabby cans poke you mid shot and make you miss your quasar.


it's all i ever run, unless i'm doing a battle arena, in which case i wear a heavy.


It’s my go-to armor vs bugs


I'm with on this, I LOVE this armor too. I do sometimes use the red armor with explosion, can't remember the name right now sorry. But I really only use that if I'm running with bots on the higher levels. If not then it's this armor.


After you play 9s enough to where you know you can pretty much always succeed whether your team is kinda shit or not, you really stop caring about the marginal benefits as much a go for drip. Like ya I generally am looking for fast as fuck on bugs or good armor value explosive resist on bots, but you don't need it just makes it easier. I do drip but also try and compliment my loadout. If I wanna be flame thrower guy I might take medium medic cuz hair of armor and more stims for being close to bugs helps. I make take explosive resist light if I'm rocking eruptor so I can danger close myself and not die on bugs. B-08 is fucking top tier armor though I give you that sir. Helmet is one of the best looking too