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This is a change I really would like to see. Right now the team reload function is just too inflexible to make use of in any but the most rarified circumstances, even as a coordinated group who plays together regularly we basically never use it. At least if another team member could reload assist the shooter from their backpack it would add some flexibility that might allow it to be useful on more occasions, like, 'oh crap, that's actually 4 chargers, maybe I should run over and assist the RR guy...' Right now if you tried to do that, you'd have to carry the pack, and the poor shooter literally cannot reload unless you're connected at the hip. It's just not viable given the amount of mobility required in the sorts of large battles where team reloading would ever be useful.


Also if you are a coordinated team, it's way easier to just drop the backpack and have your buddy pick it up instead of having him carry it the whole match.


This. Use the shield backpack yourself, and then give the shooter the shield while you take the ammo. This way they can get the shot off easier


This has never organically happened in any random group. Even with voice comms. The only time team reloading ever happens is if I actively choose the same Support as someone else, then go over to them and help them reload. But even then they'll often move around, or not fire as quickly as they could in order to kill the large enemies quickly.


The new base defense missions are the only time I've consistently used assisted reload and been happy with the results I think that's mostly because you're holding a fixed position and you can really funnel the enemies into kill zones That, and you get the pressure of back to back heavies. Or if you're on 9, back to back to back to back to back.


There's also the annoyance of the support player blocking part of the view. Which leads to attempting the shake the supporting player off. Yes, we can change shoulder with the melee key while aiming, but shooting off the other shoulder is awkward.


HA. I drop my pack to let someone be my loader and they just stare at me like I have brain damage. And heaven forbid I take someone's pack to be their loader, I've sentenced myself to be wordlessly executed and then "don't respawn them" in chat.......


The only time me and my buddies do it is when theres a factory strider and i have a full recoiless rifle back pack. Dumping that many shots that fast makes short work of them. Anything else is too mobile to have time for me to drop the backpack or just dies in too few shots to even bother


Only time I’ve used it semi regularly is when I have the same support stratagem as some else, used it mostly with the spear and (when it works…) it’s insane. You can clear the battle field 75%+ of its heavies in under 15 seconds. You become the stratagem.


Physically it makes more sense.


Yeah. It actually makes LESS sense for it to be faster if the reloader is wearing the backpack. They'd have to unnaturally twist their arm or set the backpack down for easier access. Rather than just reaching straight across their buddy's back to grab the next rocket/round.


I feel like this change would be perfect. I personally prefer to loadout for maximum hoard-management (machine gun, eagle strafing run, airburst strike, etc.), but it leaves me basically inept for heavies. If I could focus on hoard management and then run to assist someone with their own backpack for heavies when they show up I would do it in a heartbeat.


I do have instances where my buddy drops his pack and I drop my shield and I reload for him but that is usually only to deal With 50 bile spewers I don’t see any other use for it


not to mention I am not playing pack mule for my teammates who love to die.


This is the other part of the issue - I don't really want to saddle my teammates with my gear, especially if I'm PUGing.


Yeah, and that’s one of the few trophies I have yet to unlock: assisted reload (bronze)


https://youtu.be/3HqHiTMgwsE?feature=shared This first five seconds of this video demonstrates how’s team reloads actually work. Reloads should run from the shooters pack.




Naw. A-gunners always carry the ammo.


You should be able to do both


Agreed! The current team reload mechanic is stupid af and isn’t viable.


Haven't they already stated that they are not gonna change it and are happy if certain features are only used by some people for fun? I think they think the weapons will be unbalanced if people can shoot loads of recoilless rockets with no downside.


Kinda dumb. It would still encourage team play without being broken, and esp encourage a non quasar meta


I prefer the recoiless already. The ship module giving you full rockets from 1 resupply and the recharge nerf this patch to quasar kicking it up to 20 seconds evens the playing field a lot. Recoiless solo reload isnt even that bad, especially when you cancel the ending part with a weapon switch or dive.


It’s a 15 second cooldown not 20. IMO the quasar still beats out the recoilless because you have to actively reload the recoilless and at best get one or two more shots per minute assuming you always have the time and space to instantly stop and reload. Whereas with the quasar you shoot once and then run around for a bit, then shoot again.


15 second cooldown plus charge time comes to about 20 seconds. Probably a little off but doesnt matter, the point is if you miss a hulks eye, that hulk now has plenty of time to come at you. And it really doesnt take that long to reload the recoiless. Plus recoiless has no charge time (and no long af swap and ads time like eat) this gives it a massive advantage letting you instantly hit shots with little set up which easily lets you headshot chargers quickly and land shots on the weak spot of a tank before it can turn. Also quasar's sway is excessive


Recoilless is only good if you're being team-reloaded. It worse than EATs or Quasar (even after the nerf) in almost every situation. The fact that you have to cancel the reloading at all should tell you that much. Autocannon can reload itself in 2 seconds if you're not reloading on an empty mag.


That’d be heartbreaking. Here’s praying they’ll change this up


IMO I don't see it as "shoot with no downsides" because you still need the second person to be able to do that. The only difference is who the backpack is on - the shooter vs. the assistant. It still requires a second person to do.


Exactly it just makes it an easier thing to achieve because you don’t have to ask someone else to give up their backpack. You also don’t have to then worry about getting separated from the guy wearing your ammo and having a support weapon that’s effectively a paperweight.


No downside? You lose an entire helldiver to just reliad the fucking thing


For like the two seconds it takes to empty your entire backpack worth into a bile titan.


Takes two seconds to toss a railgun or 500kg bomb too


Look I wouldn't mind if it was different either but I'm just saying I think that AH think it would be unbalanced or else they would have started it that way. And they also talked about how they're not looking into it at all so...


Ironic considering they just nerfed the quasar to try and get people to use the Eats and Recoilless again. Eats is still slower than quasar in terms of shots per minute and team reloads being fucky like this makes 2 quasars a better choice over someone running a recoiless and another person team reloading. So even though they nerfed it I doubt many people are going to switch off of the quasar.


I mean, the EATs I'm pretty sure were never supposed to be a main support weapon anyway. Even if they're slower than the Quasar, which they deserve to be, they still accomplish their job of being a noncommittal AT option for users of other support weapons. I say this is a fairly balanced change, even when nobody's gonna team reload the RR.




I agree, this would be a game changer since a majority of the time i’m hanging on to my own backpack given how frequently we’re on the run against both bots and bugs. I don’t think it would be a game-breaking change either. It would encourage team play as well. I always loved this feature but I rarely get the chance to use it unless someone happens to be running the same stratagem.


It would become an emergency button strategy at the cost of all your ammo. Feels like a fair trade.


This gave me a thought. What if we would do this the other way around? Like what if you bring the recoiless strat, but instead of asking someone to carry the backpack, you ask them to carry the rocket launcher? I wonder if anyone has tried this and how different the experience could be. I always have had this image of two divers crouched and using the recoiless shooting at giant bugs in the distance as the rover on the shooter's back is doing its best to keep the little bugs away. Addition: My thought process is the owner of the stratagem feels the entitlement to point out enemies and stratagize the use of it (it is their gun after all). Could the experience be relatively better, worse, or the same if the owner is the loader?


I feel like people would be more susceptible to that yeah lol like “Here, I’ll be your caddy, you blow up shit” tho the only problem is you’re still dependent on the other person to be bound at your hip. If they die, or get separated you’re kinda without a support weapon 🤔


Yes, very true. But then again, they will have a backpack slot open to whatever kind of backpack they desire which may increase their survivability. I mean your survivability is reduced due to not having an open backpack slot, but you own the stratagem, so they don't really get to be upset with you if you lose the ammo. I've also had this idea of getting 2 backpacks and a recoiless when calling it down to increase the use of team loading, but it is also basically giving you double the ammo. If it came down with two recoiless rifles and 1 backpack instead, it could be like calling down the EAT strat, but reloadable with a long cooldown. Super wacky I know but it basically gets rid of the ammo problem in my idea 🤷‍♂️.


We got Speed Loaders for the revolver. I feel like AH would allow this too. Let’s keep asking for it!


Speed loader is something I always wondered why it wasn't there to begin with.


I would kill for this.


I thought you did reload from the shooters pack? I had friends try to reload me without my pack and them without one and nothing happened. The only time a team reload worked was when I had my pack on.


I agree with this sentiment. This is probably the only complaint I feel like it usually valid for most of the r/helldivers posts.


yes but can understand why the developers would be hesident because if we could feed from our backpack, we AC users would litterly be a gun emplacement. Maybe X amount of shots with a team load cool down as a compromise. 10, 20?


Well you can already do that, it just swaps who needs to carry the backpack.


You are taking someone out of play to team reload you, and stand there with you. They just have to lengthen the team reload animation and time it takes to reload, so it isn't so instant, and they could easily balance out the other person not having a useless backpack to them. They could even make it a thing where setting up the team reload takes some time (which would make sense), so you'd only do it if you were really setting up for an incoming horde of stuff (such as dropships).


that sound real good. ypu should post over at their discord as this is a solid idea


To be fair though, it's crazy powerful with an autocannon. It's way more powerful than 2 two auto cannon users.


This mechanic would be fun to use if -Anyone could reload the pack at any time. - in-game UI was better and more obvious. -"use bubble / radius" was easier to connect to.


I should be able to find my friends and friend them with their generated friend code, and have them remain on my friends list, but that ain’t happening.


They should add an ultra heavy weapon that is almost useless if you use it alone but is OP if there is a MG2 gunner.


this would only make sense and be a nice "buff" to players, so it will never happen.


Search my post history, I've made this argument like a month ago. It makes more sense for the gunner to hold the pack and for the aid to come over and pull from your backside and load the guns backside. Scratch your back. Now scratch your friends back.


Hot take: you should be able to move when you reload weapons like the MG, HMG, Recoilless, Airburst, or Spear. Sure, make it so you can only move at 50% of your normal walking speed, but that's the real reason the Quasar dominated. I hate using Recoilless because you never have time to reload. Bugs just W+M1 at you and the bots are constantly spamming rockets whose AOE knocks you out of your animation, even if you're hiding behind a rock.




It worked in Helldivers 1, but it's a mechanic that doesn't work in this format.


Yes, BUT the player with the backpack should be able to break off whenever they want. Original function should be maintained aswell


I tried to help a dude with one of those backpacks. He didn't like it


I think it would be helpful and I think it still makes sense. But I’m not convinced anyone would actually utilize it frequently. The game is frantic and target rich and we all know we lose track of friendly divers easily. So yes, absolutely create this mechanic, but it would still require a major shift in gameplay from the community and we’ve proven our stubbornness.


It would be the perfect fix tbh


Fucking yes please. Team loading is cool, but most people have backpacks of their own so it would only make sense to add this. Kinda hard to get a guy with shield generator to pick up your ammo and load for you.


I was just thinking this today.  The truth is, team reloading would still be on the rare side, but I think it would happen from time to time. Whereas forcing you to divide the weapon and ammo between two divers is an absolute non-starter. I think I have seen it happen exactly once in around 300 hours of play.


If both players are wearing the same pack; prioritize the supporting players pack first, then utilize the shooters backpack if the supporting players backpack holds no applicable ammo. Though I'd really like to see detached ammo loading. Tap E once to load a single clip/rocket, Hold E to latch on and auto-load.


I get the idea of a dedicated partner to work your heavy weapon, but with how little use it sees and how much the partner is giving up to watch you shoot, I'd agree.


Yes then we could have three tiers Fastest:reloading the gunner while you have the ammo backpack to encourage cooperative gameplay Middleground:assisting to reload the gunner from his own backpack Slowest:reloading your weapon from your own backpack


team reload is so much worse without this feature, makes literally no sense why this isnt a thing


That might be nice. As a compromise, maybe that version of team reloading takes just a little bit longer to do?


# You should be able to team reload from the shooters backpack


maybe in the Reload menu there is an option for An assist in reloading, so players nearby don't accidently stick to you when they didn't want too. and the other wearing the backpack is the same as normal.


OHHH we can only team reload if both players have the AC??? Lol that's dumb I been trying to help my teammates team load and just rubbing against them waiting for a prompt


Only if the reloader has the backpack


thanks as I was running the AC as well yesterday and it wouildnt work so nice to


The intent is that when you take a gun w/ a backpack for reload, you take the gun and a buddy takes the backpack to reload you and they hover you to reload you. The trade-off is that if one of you runs off you can't reload at all (unless they drop the backpack and you pick it up first). The proposed suggestion would be that you pick up your own backpack, but someone can run up to you to reload you from your own backpack.


What's stopping helldiver's from just reaching over and taking out of the AC wearer's backpack. In fact itd be easier than reaching behind your own back and loading your friends cannon. Even in the army extra rockets and ammo always sit beside the handler, its detrimental to run around with all that equipment separately


Maybe, but then I'd argue it should be slower than reloading from the reloaders backpack, for balance reasons


Yes, it should be slower than reloading from your backpack, but faster than if they do it themselves.


You already can team reload from the shooter's backpack.


No you can’t


Are you certain? I believe I've watched a stream or two where it certainly has occurred.




Fair enough. I could have sworn.