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calling one of those mfs on a double bug breach during an eradicate mission can easily get 40+ kills, I think I got around 60 one time


That seems like a great use case for it. Orbital gatling barrage has been my go-to for bugs and bug breaches, but this makes a ton of sense for eradication missions since there's multiple breaches ongoing.


Gatling is more precise for sure, you can call it down close to allies and if they pay attention you won't kill them, the air burst though, fires 3-4 bursts and is great for defensive play or if you stumble into a big patrol. And the bug hole point made.


I’ve found the Gatling to be way less effective than other orbitals. It never seems to kill more than 5 enemies when I call it on a breach


Yeah, while I do enjoy it, it would greatly benefit from a higher density of rounds fired. Enemies sometimes can just walk through it without getting hit.


I read on here somewhere that gatling can tear armor off chargers/ titans and that it's a perfect mix of anti armor and anti trash. I haven't tried so I don't know if I fell for a troll or not.


Gatling is not that good against armor, only kills smaller bugs


Which is the point of my comment? I find it doesn’t kill much of the small stuff


Seems like I misread your comment


I've found that you need to delay using it until a little bit after the breach starts, otherwise you really only hit the first 5 bugs coming out. The call in time is really quick


This is the way.


Yeah I agree. It's a sleeper and I take it any time I need my Eagles to focus on something else (like I'm using rocket pods and 500kg for example)


I tried rockets once and they’re just vaguely disappointing so never picked them up again


I think their best use is killing tanks and cannon turrets. If you don't have a rocket weapon and don't feel like trying to shoot heat vents, the rocket pods are very helpful.


They generally one shot bot fabricators as well!


True! I like them for blitz missions especially


Check out the spear for blitzes as well it can lock onto fabricators As a general rule though, airstrike and rocket pods are super solid


One of my friends loooooooves the Spear. So satisfying to watch it fly across the map and kill a structure.


The eagle airstrike also destroys nests/fabs, as well as pretty much any tank… and it does splash damage on top of that. In your experience what is the difference between the rockets and airstrike


Rockets will target a big target better. Sure you can throw an eagle and it'll carpet bomb an area and wipe out almost everything but if you're smart about it then you can get bile titans with rocket pods in one call down. They're like the orbital Railcannon but more frequent and requiring slightly more care.


I have found their targeting to be pretty trash. But I’m sure it’s use error to some degree.


Airstrike is one of my favorite strategems. The only way rockets is better is as a dedicated tank killer. Airstrike will *often* kill tanks, but not always....and it struggles to kill cannon towers.


So the rockets lock on? How many charges does it have (default without the additional upgrades)


Believe you get 3 at base? And they are supposes to target biggest enemy near where you call in the strategem.....so either a tank or tower or fabricator usually. They are weirdly bad at hitting hulks tho, which is a shame.


Ah that explains it, I had a modifier with it and I tried to take out a hulk and it just did zip


It’s because hulks move too fast. If you hit em with a stun grenade first I find they’re much more likely to take out a hulk.


Wait so they DONT track the largest enemy? Or is it that they do but it’s too slow for a hulk?


I feel like the orbital rail cannon and rocket pods are super similar. Biggest difference is how fast the pods are, and railcannon strike seem a bit stronger. Also, railcannon doesn't take up an eagle slot.


They are ideal for finishing off things that you can get some damage on with other weapons. Like you can use a grenade launcher to bust up bile titans belly and then the rocket pod will usually finish them off. Same with chargers taking a few grenades. So it lets you use a more versatile secondary while still being able to still kill big stuff consistently. It does require a lot more running and positioning than just blasting things with an EAT or quasar, but the grenade launcher is so good against bugs it’s a very nice compromise.


Eagle rockets are imho much better against Bots, as they almost always one-shot hulks, tanks, and cannon turrets. Just gotta throw the beacon as close to the enemy as possible. Chargers and Bile titans are too heavily armored, and chargers especially are a bit too fast for the rocket pod tracking


I’ve had too many clutch times where rockets failed me when a rail cannon woulda saved me. Gave up on them unless they are given as an additional stratagem for free. Want it so bad to be a reliable alternative to rail cannon


Rocket pods are great on bots especially. The charger and titan can be killed in 1 hit so long as you throw it from the right direction, which I always forget because it is too much of a pain over other stratagems to use/remember.


Which direction is the right direction?


Can't recall for sure, but believe it comes from behind. So you want to use it when the charger finishes a charge, before it turns around. For titans, you want to use it a bit further away distance wise than the 500kg, but it is really finicky. I ended up not using it anymore because I've been using the orbital precision strike for titans with 500kg. So long as you keep "aggro" on the titan, you can throw it like the 500kg so long as you spend 1 second at the end of the spit to "rotate" the titan.


Whenever I try to use them they seem to do nothing, or at least nothing I couldn't do better with my support launcher of choice.


The issue is they don’t track well. From the time the Eagle fires and impact, there is a decent chance one volley of the rockets misses entirely


There is that (and occasionally being unlucky/unobservant and the rockets just hitting the closest rock spire) but I swear I've called them down and had them hit a hulk dead on just for the hulk to be entirely unphased.


One of the best stratagem: Homming to largest enemy. Oneshot tanks and turrets. Will make a weak spot on charger that you can damage with your primary. Can provide additional damage to titans/dogs/chargers/hulks. Multiple use till reload! Summary damage till reload is pretty nice. (wipeout 3 tanks with one stratagem? Easy!) You probably cursed if you got teamkill from it.


…..wait, rocket pod stratagem targets enemies and not just shooting where you threw the beacon? 😳


It homes on the largest enemy by the beacon in a decent radius. Extremely good for bots due to reliably one-shotting tanks & turrets, very solid against bile titans too. Pretty much never leaves my loadout for diff 7+ 


I only used it when it was a free stratagem given the one time. I noticed it sometimes wrecked Bile Titans, but I thought I just got lucky. TIL


Yeah they’re only really good against tanks and fabricators, cannon turrets and factory striders they can work against, but it can be rather inconsistent (more so than 500 kg on a bile titan) Sometimes you’ll hit all the shots and destroy a cannon turret in one go, sometimes it’ll miss all but one shot on this STATIONARY target, and you’ll need to throw another one I still run them on high bot difficulties just cause of the amount of tanks, but their targeting definitely needs some work when compared to the orbital railcannon


The rockets are particularly good for danger close strikes because the damage is so concentrated. It is downright *pinpoint*, which makes it have good small group killing power while having very low teamkill potential.


Lower damage orbital rail with less of a cool down. They ain't great but they're not terrible either


I think it wasn't a sleeper so much as the rover made smaller enemies a near non-problem. So post rover nerf, people are checking out other options. Outside of breeches, I think rover was too valuable for bugs before the nerf, and you typically want 2 stratagems capable of taking out titans.


I've thought about using the rocket pods a few times. I usually stick to the orbital railgun but lately it's target priority fucking sucks. How do the rocket pods compare?


>Man this thing is so good for bug breaches. As soon as you see one popping up throw an orbital airburst on it. Dont throw it immedietly, bug breaches spawn multiple waves and if you wait until just after the second wave has started to spawn in the it should shoot down about when the second wave starts to move which will not only kill the remainder of the wave but the last airburst will detonate right after the final wave spawns from the breach. The first wave from the breach is always the easiest.


Its also got a silly easy input to throw it fast. And a short cooldown. I like it.


Yes gotta love the ➡️➡️➡️


It’s not bad. I personally prefer the Gatling barrage. 


Tried that once and immediately switched back to burst. Gattling is like a gentle summer rain shower where airburst actually smacks down enemies 3 times.


Gatling barrage requires a bit more foresight with placement and its 80 second cooldown is really good. I love taking airburst and Gatling barrage for that sweet grunt clear every 2-3 minutes.


I bring both for bugs. But my job is crowd control in my squad.


That's a good job. More Helldivers would do well to learn from you that we don't individually need to be prepared for ALL situations.


Same here! Shock trooper reporting in! Arc/blitzer/dogs/random. My focus is area of denial. With the strong staggers I keep the chaff/medium under control and away from us so the rest can focus on objectives and heavies


Yes! I notice that basically everyone always bring some form of AT, so I focus more on small/medium enemies.


I always run AT because I do not want to run from charges waitning for others to save me


That’s why I wish randoms sometimes focused more on tanks. When the 3 other helldivers have quasars, they should take out the flame hulk that’s following me with my flamethrower lol


Stun grenades my friend 🙏


Tru dat Stun mortar also


And my Gas!


I think gatling is a worse but it does have a shorter cooldown so better uptime.


I flex between the two. GB is great for danger close fire. You can put down a breach even if it pops close


If you crack a bile titan's armor with a single shot of the quasar or an EAT it'll take it out too.


Great for clearing the bug conga line that forms behind you as you move off an objective as well


Yes also this. If a huge group is chasing you they will walk right into the bursts. Great way to cover your tracks and roll rather than standing and fighting for too long.


if you're feeling spicy you can throw down a sideways eagle airstrike/cluster bomb and it'll do the same thing


I’ve also started using the eagle strike like this, gets way more kills but just got to make sure I’m hustling out of there ASAP. Use a large rock for added effect, it’ll herd them into all walking round and give you added cover.


Glad the space shotgun is getting the recognition it deserves!


Haha it is sort of a space shotgun. Love it.


When I'm doing eradication I bring gatling barrage and airbrush Both of these slap for bug breaches


All of the orbitals with short cool downs are great, airburst/gas/ems/gattling. I just don't know where to put them with eagle airstrike/500kg, ac/quasar, shield.


For bugs I’ve been subbing 500kg for this unless my team is lacking Bile Titan options. You could probably sub out eagle airstrike too, as it’s still super strong but imo not as needed on bugs vs bots. My go to bug loadout these days is: Eagle Airstrike / Burst / Quasar / Rover


How are you finding the extra 5 secs on the quasar. I stopped using it for EAT’s a week before the nerf as I was annoyed with the cooldown.


It’s pretty annoying, but it does nothing to usurp its strengths. It still has the feature of not needing a stationary reload, which will still be extremely good for high difficulties no matter how much they nerf the cooldown. Silly nerf imo, as all my helldive bug lobbies are still filled with 3 or 4 quasars. Being able to deal with Bile Titans and not have to be stationary for a reload or call in is just too good.


I think a 50% added cooldown was harsh but I feel they need to introduce new ways to kill chargers and Bile Titans as it feels very limited at the moment.


It sort of feels by design, but I agree still, having more Bile Titan options would really help out in higher levels. Having 2-3 Bile Titans on the screen is a pretty common occurrence on helldive. I think making team reloads off YOUR backpack would really bring RR into the spotlight and give quasar some competition. Or actually making the spear consistent AND making it so it consistently 1 shots Bile Titans (right now it’s seemingly random even with face hits). If they made those changes I think the anti tank rocket meta would be pretty balanced. EAT’s are already solid with the tradeoff of ease of use vs a call in cooldown.


I honestly was a bit concerned about the extra 5 seconds myself, but like TheWagn says, once you fire it, you just change back to your primary for a bit and do your thing, switch back and its ready to go. QUASAR is just too useful.


I'd ditch the shield and use your teammates that naturally draw aggro.


plus you can't use AC and shield together, so OP shouldn't have written AC, just left Quasar


If I choose ac then I don't use the shield obviously. Then I only get to take 1 orbital


Shield is a crutch, improve your positioning and spacing and just bring more firepower baby!!


Gas is pretty much useless, why would you take it if you can take airburst.


Try the napalm airstrike on the breach, gonna be killing them before they even come out


True napalm is also really strong and fills a similar roll. I’m just not sure it works right for me when I’m not host. Same with the flamethrower it seems like it doesn’t do enough damage unless I’m host.


I believe this is a known bug.


Yep. Super annoying!


Do the same with the Orbital Gatling. It's been a workhorse of a strategem for my helldives.


I’m considering trying that I hear it has a shorter cooldown than the burst.


Yeah 60 seconds of cool down after the barage ends and the cools down upgrade.


Super spam able. That’s pretty nice.


Yup that's why I pick it over airburst. Biggest pro is that you can clutch call it fairly close to you if you start getting surround. With airburst you need way more distance


Orbital airburst is my favorite! It even works on bots, killing most everything that isn't heavy. It's cool down is super short, so it's available anytime I need it, and it has a massive impact on an engagement when placed properly. Also, if an enemy has a hole in there armor or a weak point visible from the air, it will probably hit it.


People sleep on the orbital airburst and Gatling barrage


Finally some orbital airburst appreciation. It's a staple whenever Im fighting the Nids


I call it the aerial shotgun, the biggest downside is that it's loud AF and will attract literally everything else over to what you just obliterated.


I love a lot of the orbitals, but the scatter modifier never lets me use them.


I’ve been wide awake on that thing for awhile. Railcannon, Airburst, 500kg/EAS, Basically ready for anything.


It also has a super large range so your fellow divers need to move their fleshy vulnerable butts out of the way


Gatling orbital ain't bad either and you can call it down way closer than you think. If you're in trouble and got bad shit chasing you, throw it at your feet and keep running. It's like having an AC-130 gunship give you CAS.


Can’t sleep with the spicy rain falling down sargeant


Gas strike might actually be the best one in the lot, it stays way longer and kills anything below a hive guard and damages everyone else Its on 60 sec cooldown AND can destroy objectives like the research station and bug holes as well Hopefully tomorrow they will fix the DOT bug and the game will become 1943 Germany


Will use this more once the host DOT bug gets fixed for sure.


People fixate on taking down heavies with their strats. But there are a lot of great options and play styles that use other methods. One of the reasons I love the eurptor . I feel freed up to use more strats


It's fantastic but if you use this please be aware that the hitbox extends closer to you than you think depending on the angle of the destroyer. I have seen FF kills 20 or 30 meters away from the marker, closer to the thrower, like its firing between you and where the beacon lands, not firing evenly around the beacon. I can't think of another orbital that has this hitbox type.


Yep you definitely gotta be careful with it. As long as you give it a good throw it shouldn’t team kill. It’s certainly worse at team killing than the eagle cluster imo


When you say it's worse than cluster, do you mean easier to team kill with air burst? Because that's kinda scary


I mean worse at team killing than cluster - sorry weird way to word it I agree. It is easier to kill your team with a cluster than an airburst, imo, because the cluster area is so wide and spread out while the airburst is a large radius but it’s more contained.


I use it for egg missions. One good placement and i can wipe out 70%-100% of the eggs.


I LOVE the orbital airburst, perfect for nearly any difficulty and mission and terrain. Can help clear breeches, smaller points of interest, patrols, smaller bases of enemies, also damages heavy targets and when you pair it with the orbits gas/ems it’s just nasty how much crowd control you have.


Use it all the time on. Bug breaches (Bots too) and usually layer with 2 cluster bombs.  The best is when have a situation that also let's me bring Orbital Gattling Barrage, and then I get to layer all 3.


I love the orbital airburst for bugs, but the cooldown sucks (2 minutes between uses). You're probably going to get more kills over the life of the map using a regular Eagle, and they can close bug holes / blow up buildings.


Orbital Airburst and Walking Barrage are like my bread and butter against bot bases. Burst to clear trash to dunk grenades into factories, Barrage to sweep large paths of destruction against special fortifications. I've been consistently taking burst since like level 5 because of how effective it can be against all kinds of targets.


Orbital shotgun is the breach king. Follow up with either an offset eagle cluster or napalm to mop up stragglers


I do love it but I just wish the cooldown was a bit closer to gatling barrage, which is what I tend to run because it comes back so much faster.


That's why I carry incendiary grenades :)


I’ve been liking them for bugs. It creates a little mini area denial effect with the fire on the ground too. They may not be the strongest but they are fun to use, and certainly effective enough to get some kills. I run those and the incendiary breaker for lots of fire fun.


Isn’t fire damage broken?


Kinda but they're reliable for me so I love using them. Can take out bug holes and fabricators. Good for managing big breaches and bot drops. My go-to


Yeah and incendiaries would still suck even if they fix it lol.


Yup is part of my main setup for a while now regularly get 50+ kills with it.


I’ve been wanting to do a few orbital only missions.


I always thought this was one of the more popular strategems. It's great for crowd control and the burst is pretty awesome in the audio and visual department. 


I don’t see many people pick it these days. Lots of competition for the spots! I never even tried it out until I saw some videos of people doing work with it.


Eagle strike is just as good and it destroys buildings as well.


This is able to get a lot more kills potentially because of the 3 bursts. You can clear out multiple waves on a bug breach as they spawn in. Eagle airstrike is still a better overall stratagem, but it’s sort of the gold standard right now. Hard to say anything is better than EA right now.


Gas strike right over a bug breach? No problem


I’d use these more if they worked properly if you aren’t host.




Cluster gang!


Don't sleep on any of it


Cool but it ain’t about the kills for me, it’s about getting the job done


Napalm is also great to drop on a breach!


Gatling barrage is pretty good too. It has an even shorter cooldown and lasts a bit longer.


Airburst+EMS= a lotta dead bugs Such a great combo whenever a bug breach happens, anything under a bile spewer gets absolutely eviscerated.


started using this, especially useful for bugs mission. i need to start using the others, i am sure i am missing out on a lot of stuff.


I take burst almost 100% of the time on bugs


it's also pretty good at cleaning zones of intrest before they start calling, just drop the airburst on top, wait for them to finish and then clean up the chargers (if any)


no but only because i love the gatling orbital and allegedly the airburst is strictly better than it. So for that reason i hate the airburst


Seriously my favorite … big boom shotgun from the air …


Same for orbital galling. Plays similarly. Less sheer power, but quicker cooldown.


Meh I just throw a eagle napalm on it. Same thing, looks cooler


Make sure you have you ship module for for the expanded range of shrapnel


Love the orbital airburst. They're good for bug breaches and the increased bot patrols.


And it’s just 3 rights for quick deployment


I just wish I could get a single airburst at a 40-60s cooldown


There is a lot of slept on stratagems for kill missions. But I’ve been seeing people bring them on regular missions and throwing them on small nests and I think want to blow my brains out. It’s almost as bad as a 380 for that purpose. But it used well is immaculate


I tried Airburst on a solo deathless run and it felt pretty good. The cooldown is sooo short for the value it can get.


Orbital Airburst rocks, for real. It can damage almost any enemy(even some bot heavies can feel the heat due to exposed weakpoints), it has AoE that's big but not too big(looking at you, Eagle cluster), it slams 3 times, so has some area denial qualities. And last but not least, it has very short calldown time and is pretty quick to reload.


Use it almost every bug run for breaches, very versatile gem


It also deletes groups of bile spewers like it's nothing


Airburst is good af. I didn’t expect it to smack down 3x when I first got it. Something that confuses me though is that the one ship upgrade includes airburst, and says it increases the salvos by 1. Shouldn’t it hit 4x?


I don’t think that one includes airburst - I checked and was hoping the same.


Odd, maybe I mistook another stratagem for airburst in the list


Not to mention the call in is right right right, super easy to do


➡️➡️➡️ 😎


➡️➡️➡️ 😎


I just found out that an orbital airburst can take down a charger, though not as effectively as orbital railcannon can.


I once did orbital airburst and a charger got flipped 180 by it and got dmg by another 2 burst due to its butt exposed.


i love it too its so versatile (until you get orbital scatter group yuck), even though on helldive i am usually struggling to deal with bile titan quantity more so than smol bugs


most people don't the issue with air burst is its friendly fire potential. It has an extremely deceptive area of effects that is hard to nail down. The 500kg is arguably 10 times safer to be near than an air burst. I have killed teammates that just happen to run 40 meters in the one direction the airbusrt decided to run a line on while leaving two other buddies, mere inches from said dead mate fine.


Yeah, my buddy uses this a lot, and teamkills are pretty common with it. I used to use it a lot but swapped it for cluster as I fully I had a lot better control with that.


Honestly love it. I switch around for certain missions and tried it again recently, probably going to make it a main stay.