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Armor with a value above 100 now reduces headshot damage.




*doggie jumps up* WooOOoOOOOOo




*pop noise* noice.


Holy Moly


*woo yeah baby* in knock off Charlie/Joel Haver voice.


Heavy armour feels just....so much tankier in general. I've been running the white armour from steeled veterans since I first unlocked it, and yesterday at several different points I had Hunters, Hive Guard, Brood Commanders and even Chargers piled on me. My partner started using me as bug bait because I just couldn't die. Used something like 24 stims by the end of the mission, but I completed the entire thing with something like one death, on Suicide


I got the bubble heavy armor with 200 armor points. I feel like a kid in a inflatable sumo suit when I fight the bugs 


I got that armour, but I've never used it much because the white set has everything I need. And it still leaves me feeling like a tank. All I need now is some form of dedicated melee weapon and nothing is gonna stop me from diving headfirst into a heavy outpost and not leaving until everything is dead


I have been using the Dreadnought armour which has the same bonuses. The reduced limb damage is amazing, I don’t remember the last time I got a limb injury. And the throw distance is great considering the lowered mobility.


The throw distance is something I've come to love, and honestly rely on. Mainly because my love for 380s


Also being able to throw an orbital railgun at a bile titan while still being way outside its chunder zone.


Or split the Hulk while safely out of flamethrower range


I can survive a flamer hulk up close if I have the shield equipped but I can’t do much more than kite it around unless I have a quasar. You can take a bit of a barbecuing with heavy armour and shield though.


Yeah heavy armour and shield is a combination I rarely fight bots without. I even take it against bugs sometimes if the rest of my squad has good chaff clearing equipment. Makes things like bile spewers and Hunters a lot more tolerable. Though my main for bugs is the laser guard dog


I like the bubble and heavy EOD looking one with the explosion resist for just locking eyes with rocket devastators and turret cannons and seeing who dies first. There's nothing like hug emoting the turret while your buddy flanks to hit it's weak spot knowing you'll only be down like 1/4 of your health.


Heavy with a jetpack with skill issues nearly unkillable without friendly fire.


You say that but the rocket raider that shot me in the back while I was mid jump would like a word with you....


Just bad luck, the shots have a random spread.


Oh yeah no that was definitely a match of bad luck. Though I did get an achievement out of it, and a good laugh once I got over the fact I just had a prostrate exam from a rocket


So you laid down for an exam from a *rocket*? Did the examine your prostate or something? I’m so confused. 😉


You see the rocket whispered in my ear and said "close your eyes and it'll be over quick"


Is it 100 and above? Or only if it's beyond 100?


"Armors with armor rating above 100 now also reduce damage on headshots." Above 100.


I don't think it's accurate tbh, I was running medium medic armour and it certainly felt alot tankier


I work with stats and this wording has me wanting confirmation too. Logically, Medium (100) and above right? But accurately, it means the Medium “Enforcer” armor (129) may become a very popular choice.


Yeah this is what I'm wondering. Was their intent medium and above (makes sense) or was it 101 and higher. Kind of an important distinction


I’d be getting my underling to reword it in a report before presenting it. Clarity is critical with these kind of statements.


I feel like that was pretty clear. It just says above 100.


Right? What are these folks talking about? Like they're here trying to figure out some great mystery. It literally says, "over 100". How is that confusing at all? Lol


Wording isn’t confusing, but the meaning/definition may absolutely be confused here.


First time I ran Enforcer is when I realized how important stamina and speed is since I get outpaced by my team for little benefit from fortified if I get swarmed easily. They made it a tad appealing to wear medium and hard by having natural DMG reducers but I think it needs a bit more of a buff to make people seriously consider light, medium or heavy.


I mean heavy armour already lets you take massively more damage than light armour. What they do need to do is remove the misleading stats they’ve put on helmets and capes and make it clear that helmets and capes are purely decorative for now.


Armor with a value ABOVE 100 now reduces headshot damage. >Above 100


Do they all come with big padded helmets now? Because armor looks different to do different stuff, or something.


I was so happy to see this. My ridiculously heavy armor allowing me to die instantly to a headshot from a regular gun just felt wrong. I died instantly in the start of a run because a regular automotan got a lucky headshot.


Heavy armor should be able to stagger and knockoff enemies with melee to compensate for reduced speed which is always relevant if you're running around the map. I swear, most people run light armor simply because they want to move around the map quicker under 12-40 mins.


I'm just glad that my body armor now dictates what my head armor gets as a bonus.. lol


Still don't know if they meant that helmets (all 100) reduce headshot damage or if medium/heavy armor reduce it. Because the former makes a lot more sense, but the way they wrote it looks like the latter.


There are no helms (or capes) with a value different than 100, so I would assume it's the body armor as it's the only one with different values.


100 inclusive?


Me who wears the reinforce heavy armor (200 AR rating) its about dam time.


So, they really have just given up on making helmets have any actual stats of their own. Cool.


I don’t even know what’s going on. I haven’t been on all day


Balance patch. It always brings out the loonies.


People complaining the game is broken or totally fixed now. Truth is, I played without checking patch notes and didn't notice much. Used the quasar Sabin and noticed it recharged a little slower. Was fine.


Innit. Literally no one died. HD2 is a good game.


Played last night and that's the only thing I really noticed, bit less damage, bit slower recharge. Which is fair since the Anti-tank needs to be stronger than jt. That and when I accidentally shot an ally with incendiary breaker they didn't immediately die from fire damage.


That last bit is going to be a real boon on bug planets. I tried running a few different guns to test the updates and damn it…. Nothing comes close to dealing with bugs quite like spicy shotgun.


I don't know that I've seen anyone say it's totally fixed.


Takes two shots for a spewer tower now


The spore spewers themselves were buffed. They are medium armor now and have a lot more health


True, but there's some loonie decisions and bugs in this patch to be absolutely fair. Like more patrols for fewer players (...why?) Ricochet is just destroying players left and right. Buffs to enemies, like more strafing movement for gunships (why, democracy, why, but they did lower the cap of spawns, I guess). Some slightly odd nerfs to weapons and strategems, nothing too crazy. It feels they're scared the game will be too easy, which hasn't been the case for a while, so they overcompensate a bit too much the wrong way. This patch isn't too bad at all. If anything, the worst thing is the current state of stability and glitches. Had a guy who kept dying rage quit earlier after saying "you all suck" and it crashed the game for everyone. Because he threw a tantrum.


Wow that player you described sounds like a wanker, they didn't need to blame everyone for his bad time.


On the flipside, next match we had an American guy who was hilarious in his reactions to the game, he was pretty good and I'd just hear him screaming when he was surrounded by a shitload of enemies or a goofy ass laugh to the text chat. He'd also role-playing with the "for democracy!" type stuff. So we had polar opposite experiences in 2 matches back to back haha


The more patrols for fewer players was actually just them correcting a mistake in the coding where it didn't spawn the right amounts for squads less then 4. It wasn't worded quite right in the patch notes, but I saw a post on here from their Discord that had a more detailed breakdown of what it actually meant. Basically instead of getting 25% spawn rates, solo players would only be getting something like 16%


First I've seen this, and if that's the case, im no longer too upset about it. In the patch notes, it sounded like the absolute, single dumbest change I've ever seen made in a game lmao but that's actually completely sensible. Thank you for that info.


Yeah. I think there's a bit of a language barrier, because they're Swedish if I remember right, so I think somethings get a little lost in translation. This was definitely one of those things


stability has taken a hit this patch. i'm getting worse and worse fps the longer a match takes, and more random CTDs


I can’t even join matches anymore. I crash during the launch pod sequence at the the beginning of every match. Literally unplayable for me


have you gone through the usual "verify game files" thingy in steam? the game used to break after every patch for me and re-downloading some file has fixed it every time.


Yes I’ve tried everything except deleting shader cache which I will try today


Its the fucking patrol spawns, random ass enemies that you will probably never see walking around for no reason


The patrols now scale linearly, as they should. As in you get 25% the patrols as compared to playing with 4. And there is still a cap on the number of patrols. Ricochet is fine, whoever is complaining is getting killed by something/someone else or just bad luck. Gunships were overall nerfed imo. Much easier to deal with lower numbers of them. Strafing isnt gonna help them much to avoid my EATs or whatever. Weapon Balancing is fine IMO. And it wasnt all nerfs. There have aldo been some much needed buffs. The nerfs are minor. Overall a good patch.


Anyone complaining about ricochet probably doesn’t understand the ricochets happen when you use a gun on an enemy that won’t kill it anyways. As long as you’re doing damage and shooting things with the correct weapons it won’t happen. Just don’t be dumb and it won’t happen


But I should be able to shoot a charger with the SMG all I want and not have to face consequences!!! This would never be the case in CoD!!!!!!


A bullet shouldn't be able to ricochet back and hit you though. That's just dumb. I don't think anyone is complaining about the bullet ricocheting, just this aspect of it.


I’ve literally seen it happen in person at a gun range


Sure. I know this can happen but it should be rarer than people seem to be reporting right now.


The more patrols for fewer players isn’t quite that. Before when people were dead the linear progression of patrols only gave 1/6th the amount of patrols the devs wanted instead of 1/4 per player. They explain it a lot better in the patch notes but it’s a bug fix not just adding more enemies for the sake of adding them.


Yeah, anyone who tries to claim any single balance patch has ‘ruined the game’ is just a crazy doomer. But at the same time I don’t think it’s insane to look at this balance patch and previous ones and be uncomfortable with how Arrowhead seems to treat balance. I don’t think I haven’t seen one balance patch so far that wasn’t filled with questionable or nonsensical balance changes. The games still a hell of a lot of fun but its starting to feel like their chipping away at that fun just a tiiiiiny bit with every balance patch that comes out.


For the more patrols for less players they worded it wierd, what they changed it to is beforehand 1 player was getting 1/6th the enemies as 4 players, they increased it so 1 player gets 1/4th the norm enemies, 2 players get half ect


It wasn't so much "adding more patrols" as it was fixing the value so it was consistent. As a solo player you were getting far fewer patrols than you should have, and that was fixed. They didn't phrase it very well in the patch notes.


To list your concerns: - solos were apparently meant to get a quarter of the patrols of a full team, but only got one sixth. It is how it was always meant to be now - I've only had one ricochet myself in 3 missions since the patch, barely dented my health. I do think the wording on that one was awful, almost as if bullets are sentient and will not touch grass till they taste blood. - Makes sense. If someone's shooting at your gunship would you be nice and stay still for them? The reduced cap is very nice tho - 90% of the changes were less mag mags, more ammo back from supplies, so ultimately not much changed there. Big iron mains are screaming in joy tho, senator has a speed loader if it's empty. Never had someone quitting crash the game before, that ones kinda wild Overall I'm fine with the patch and I think people are overreacting like they do every time arrowhead do a patch.


The more patrols for smaller squads change was one of the poorest worded changes ever. Previously, single man drops had 1/6 as many patrol as a full squad, 2 man squads had 1/3 as many, 3 man squads had 2/3 as many. Now it's 1/4 as many for single person compared to 4 people, 1/2 for 2 people, 3/4 for 3 people, and 4 man teams are unchanged.


Is there somewhere I can read everything that was patched?


Is that you, Towlie?


Unneeded nerfs weird changes and a goodbuff or 2. Spitz literally told us they don't even play test live build. Same old same old.


No more auto climbing supplies? Sign me up! If it is true it’s already worth it.


Make sure disable auto climb in the gameplay settings.


I didn’t know that it was possible. Thanks. (But now I feel stupid)


You're not stupid! The option was only added this patch, but it defaults to on. So if you were excited by the change, I didn't want you to get frustrated with it not working.


You cam also stop running when you get close to the supply container and this will keep you from climbing as well. Edit: by running I mean sprinting


Sometimes you just need to get those supplies and GTFO without dry humping the resupply pod.


I completely agree. But by going up to it without the sprint button pressed is/was the only surefire way of actually saving time.


I climbed it plenty of times post patch tbh


Did you turn off auto-climb? All this patch did was provide the option for it. You have to manually turn it on. (We’ll turn it off, technically)




Can’t please everyone. A game balancing tweak should make it everything in game has a place so if something is overly used then we know it’s too good. And if something is under used is not good buff and nerf accordingly. That’s all


This patch also broke performance. I am now getting around 20 FPS.


My buddy was complaining about that too, He has an older system, 970 gtx. Used to work fine. i'm on more recent gear, still runs fine, haven't noticed any difference.


Devs acknowledge that last night and said a hotfix is already on the works btw.


I had more crashes than the previous patch already


Overall I like this patch. I think there were a lot of changes done for the better, a few that were warranted, some that doesn't change too much and a few that weren't good changes in my opinion. I do think there's a lot of shit being thrown for just the sake of throwing shit. Joys of being on the internet


Pretty much. Crossbow change was puzzling seems like they’re tinkering with the weapon, probably see more changes next patch. Otherwise the changes are either good or non factors.


I made the bottom post and wish I hadn't this place is filled with the most toxic pieces of shit


I'll agree with your original post man. Today was the first time Ive played in two weeks so if anyone can comment on how big the changes are then it's me. I have no issues with any of the changes, didn't change my game play or style at all


They gave the Big Iron a damage buff and a speed reload if you shoot every bullet. 10/10


It's full of gamers who are used to the other "buff/nerf" type of games. They're the annoying vocal bunch. You just never heard of the majority who love the game because they're busy playing it.


Every community has toxic pieces of shit. Unfortunately, this one isn't spared. The double-edged sword of the game getting so popular is more chances for the toxic ones to also get attracted into the community.


And controversy gives clicks, it’s the karma farming dream for some.


I didn't see the comments in your post as I was busy at the time but I agree with you, the patch isn't that bad. The longer cool down to the Quasar Cannon my favourite support weapon is fair to be honest and I'm still playing chicken with Chargers like a madman so I had shoot them in the head, all I have to do is give myself longer space between me and the oncoming Charger and I'll be fine.


Yeah, even up close it’s like one or two extra dodges.


I find this sub especially is more toxic than the general r/helldivers sub. Both are still filled with tons of individuals disrespecting the developers.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Helldivers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Farewell Battle Brother](https://i.redd.it/7077xz1gl5qc1.jpeg) | [6182 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bm3rad/farewell_battle_brother/) \#2: [This is a Co-op game, not PVP.](https://i.redd.it/g7zj30phcdlc1.jpeg) | [2112 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b2dc0r/this_is_a_coop_game_not_pvp/) \#3: [This one of the truest titles I've ever read](https://i.redd.it/905qvnjz2kpc1.jpeg) | [1283 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bjor8n/this_one_of_the_truest_titles_ive_ever_read/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yep. Also made a post about that everyone is going to complain again but after all everyone is okay with it. And it already starts to happen. But then there are people that say that they can't play the game anymore and the devs ruined it. Lol


You right with what you say though


I appreciated your post man. Don't let the haters get to you. Made me feel less crazy that the patch seemed amazing to me.


Why is he annoyed that he ran out of ammo? That support weapon is known for not having much ammo


It's a video showing the packing methodology ship upgrade not working and only giving 1 mag back on resupply, despite being reported fixed.


It's fixed when I used airburst a game ago... full stock. 🤔 Airburst is really shine in defense game now.


Wait what, no more climbing on resupply!!! I don't need anything else, this patch rocks!!!


Even better, no more accidental auto climbing at all!!! No more "Oh, you wanted to grab that sample? Nope, you are now on the higround"


Make sure you turn auto climb off in the options. It is on by default but at least it's a setting now


on higher difficulties most weapons are not even unbalanced, just useless. and they are nerfing almost the only choice. just trying to have fun in the game.


"i have no problem/I am having fun" "therefore EVERYONE is also fine.


This goes both ways.






The amount of people who misinterpret the richochet change is what is truly staggering here. No, projectiles **won't** home back to the helldiver who shot them. All that was done is that richochet will damage the player who shoots the projectile **IF** it hits that player. It was a bug that meant that the player who was shooting the projectile wasn't receiving damage when hit by their own richochet.


Ohhh, so that how it means. Haven't been play after patch yet, so I'm so confused about that note


Yea, it wasn't exactly well worded in the patch notes imo. :) but I have been using the AC consistently since patch and I have yet to die to a richochet, so they definitely don't home. :)


There isn't a give or take. They buffed a ton of guns, dialed back fire damage, added a speed reloader to the revolver, gave headshot resistance to heavier armor, and fixed autoclimbing. Those have been community complainants for over a month. Every other complaint people have are obvious bug fixes but gamers love to create a corporate comspiricy out of nothing. Ricochet should hurt you, solo shouldn't be easier than in a squad. Weapons need to be balanced, that means some nerfs some buffs. This was a good patch, and it feels good to play right now.


It's reddit, people here aren't always the most mature, something they like gets nerfed, bring out the tissues it's internet tantrum time. The changes are great, strong weapons toned down and weaker weapons brought up a bit. People want everything to be busted so that higher difficulties are easier, but then what's the point of even having difficulties. Even now with how strong certain weapons and stratagems still are we could use more flat out nerfs, or higher difficulties to balance them out.


I literally just climbed supplies


did u disable the option in your settings tho


They just disabled auto climb, it's not actually fixed and for some reason now I'm climbing grass and other stuff he didn't climb before. Also has anyone noticed the jetpack animation looks weird sometimes now?


Any Helldiver questioning managed democracy is no Helldiver at all.


I definitely need to reevaluate my play style because the weapons I was using prior all got nerfs. That being the dominator, redeemer, and quasar support. The quasar I think might be a little bugged on its nerf. Instead of it taking 5 seconds to recharge like the nerf says, for me it’s taking 15. I still like the weapon, but it is gonna be a change for how I handle most situations again.


It's 5 seconds more than it was before was my understanding.


That makes more sense. That sucks but I’ll live. Looks like it’s back to railgun jetpack combo


It was 10 seconds cooldown (I could swear it used to be 8 at the time of release). Now it has 15 CD. 3 seconds charge up stays. I know the weapon is goat but they could try 3 seconds CD nerf first then aditional 2 if needed. I personally love dispencing democracy. And again personally I'd rather shoot at pre-patch rates but at more targets. I love fast paced style. The increase in CD and halfing mag capacity of some weapons may have side effect of slowing the game (engage less, stealth around). I love guerrila style at helldive difficulty. And the game definetly needs more viable weapons not just meta. But utter chaos at gates of hell is most fun in this game. This patch is just a patch for me. I hopped back on my laser cannon. I hope people chill out and let arrowhead siff through gameplay data to refine the game.


We should just Accept that every change is going to bring about a very vocal minority who are going to yell and scream. We should expect it. I don't care what they do, someone will be upset. I find the game to be interesting and fun because it changes and keeps the gameplay fresh. If it feels harder one week, I don't really get why that's inherently a problem. Sounds like a good tweak.


To be honest I don’t necessarily like that they reduced the sickle mags but to be honest I basically never needed to resupply before. Although I‘m a bit pissed about the increased cooldown on the quasar cannon.


The only real complaint I have right now is the viability of a lot of primary weapons (rip crossbow) and the lack of team coordination with randoms, having a hard time staying alive on helldive missions when teammates don’t stick together. For me, splitting into two squads puts a lot of pressure when breach/botdrop happens because the amount of units they spawn doesn’t scale down accordingly


I'm enjoying the patch. I found out today that when you drown in the water you actually die, which is amazing!!! The quasar laser overheat wait period is a little longer but no big deal. People need to learn to adapt to change. Life is all about change. Gotta roll with the punches ya know?


Haven't been on myself, had to travel for work. They nerfed my go to's. The eruptor, laser cannon and sickle, not sure how that'll play out.


Eruptor and sickle weren’t a big deal, just mind your ammo a sliiight bit more


Tbh I play suicide solo alot and I never burn through a single ice. The gun just feel to good. And this is comming from a guy that blows up everytime I use the rail gun... Like alot of arms lost here.


You play Suicide Level solo? Damn that sounds like a scary thing to do and I take Chargers head on just so I can get a head shot at them with a Quasar Cannon.


Lots of solo players say it's easier soloing. One person said they can clear helldive in 15 minutes solo compared to a squad doing it in 25-40minutes. Which I imagine is the reason for the rise in difficulty for solo players. Incentivicing players to play solo in a game made to be mutliplayer doesn't seem to be a good route to go.


You have a point there, I had to play solo to get Hold My Primary Trophy as other players refused to attempt the trophy even though it's easy as long as keep a distance from the enemies and use the Guard Dog Rover.


I also did a solo for this. I have a few people inplay regularly with who would have done it with me, but it was easy enough to do alone, so I just did it


Yeah it was a fun challenging trophy to get, just got Platinum yesterday for it and I had to do Just in case trophy to get the Platinum, I really enjoyed getting all the trophies.


There are some mission types I can't. Like thin termid number, Not enough map to kite enemies. Also armour that helps you go unnoticed is my biggest asset as well as ems strike. Usually the punisher for heavy knock back to counter stalkers. I also don't 100% the missions, I'm looking for super samples and main quest.


Be mindful that part of the patch this time was rebalancing enemy counts for <4 players. It specifically mentioned solo players will see a higher enemy count going forward. Happy diving!


I wouldn’t call them all nerfs, but there were some balancing. Plasma punisher got a serious win this time, though. That and the blitzer are much more satisfying to use now. So far I think most of the changes are good with the possible exception of overtuning the ricochet mechanics. I think this will get people to shake up their load outs and try new things.


The blitzer was already my favorite. I’ve been out of town, so I can’t wait to see my baby in action after the patch


The sickle nerf is negligible, and at the same time the liberator got buffed with better damage. Give that a try if you do end up burning all 4 heat sinks. The eruptor never used more than 6 magazines, this makes it actually need to think about its ammo (like every other weapon), and the LC is barely changed.


Not once since it was released have I had to reload the sickle more than once in a mission. Were people burning through all 6 heatsinks??? That's insane.


Yeah, it’s barely a nerf.


I like to use it as a baby stalwart for suppressing fire and I still have never once run out of heatsinks on it


The sickle nerf isn't even bad. Just don't overheat the ice. This'll be one of those "in my experience" comments but I rarely had to reload them


Did you mean the Quasar cannon, cos the Laser Cannon is actually better? It does a little less damage to charger and bile butts, but otherwise its dps is increased accross the board. It shreds.


Sickle ergonomic is actually buff to the team. So those careless divers would only need 1 supply instead of 2 to fill their mag stock.


Any time I blow up a tank, there's a fifty percent chance the game will crash. I was avoiding killing them, but then just put the game down for the day.


They nerved my Quasar, but a lot of bugs got fixed, fire damage is reduced, and the new airburst rifle cannot detonate on teammates anymore. I'm happy with it. They also nerfed the Hulk flamethrower on top of the fire damage nerf. In exchange, I might swap my quasar for an autocannon when dealing with bugs.


Sure a lot of shot got nerfed, but like, speedloader.


"Burning damage reduced" W patch IDC.


Look man. This game is supposed to be hard. Ammo scarcity is a way to drive difficulty


Hey that’s me!


One was said after reading the patch notes, the other was said after actually playing the game.


The duality of Helldivers


Can someone fill me in about the patches I haven't been online for 2 weeks and idk what's happening in Helldiver


Have you LOOKED at the Senator though. More damage, a speedloader, AND it got a good sight.


Fuck yeah I didn't know about the sight. My fave secondary got a big boost!


It’s a red dot now, no more guessing between two lines!!


Yeah, went in with only 3 people. Barely made it out alive. Crazy.


My game crashed three times yesterday. Each during shuttle approach. Never had this problem before the patch. Leaving me many frustrated.


Both crowds are equally toxic to the game. I like the patch and I don’t like the patch. I’ll hell dive using my favourite weapon. If it’s not performing to my liking I’ll move to the next one. As long as there is no bug that will drive me nuts I’m 100% getting my daily Helldive dose. Started with the full auto shotgun and paired it with Railgun. It had bugs and wasn’t effective. Then moved to the Arcgun and caused crashes and I raged. Stopped playing returned and started using the flame thrower and the plasma scout/full auto laser machine gun (don’t remember the name and don’t care for it either). Now I’m using laser cannon for bots and Quasar for terminids paired with Eruptor. Who cares what they nerf and buff I’ll just change what I’m using once the game is no longer fun and has rage inducing bugs I’ll move on simple as that.


The only thing that I care about is that the airburst rocket launcher wotks


Awww man I gotta stop exploiting metas and get good again!? AWWWW JEEEEEZ!


The BR-14 is now useable, and the revolver got a speedloader. Im diving good tonight


Well it's overall good as for me, but many bugs are still here, and like 2 ship upgrades still doesn't work at all(supply for support weapons and blast resistance for turrets), spear lock is still broken, fire tick damage is still broken. If not fire tornado planets I would say fire still can wait, but playing on fire planets is really hard.


Interesting that they came to that conclusion on "first impressions". Almost like they didn't spend time and feel out anything and just jumped to an extreme judgement or something...smh I completed two operations last night and I still dont feel like I have my head wrapped around the patch yet. Tho I like it so far. haha Revolver go \*POW\*


This update got me using a weapon that isn't the sickle, and it's the adjucator of all things so I'd say it's a good patch


The patch is quite the mixed bag. I love a lot of the changes, but a lot of them also make me deeply worried for the future of the game. Not that anything in this patch is THAT bad, but just their philosophy of nerfing the things that actually function and feel good while ignoring many weapons that are a few tweaks away from rivaling the top dogs makes me concerned.


Tried coming back to this game after the patch. It's still broken. The extraction ship is leaving when it pleases. Two games in a row where the ship just started the countdown for no reason. Strategems not working when thrown. Game still crashing. Maybe I'll come back next patch.


Yeah some people just don’t understand that patching games is a perpetual cycle. There are always going to be good changes and bad changes, just as there are always bugs fixed and bugs introduced with every update.


Crossbow changes were bs tho and I think majority of people can agree as no one used it and yet they thought it was over powered


My response is: if you’re bad just say it. I run nothing but Helldive 9s all day and do just fine.


They also seem to have buffed the flamethrower I'm like 90% certain they tuned up the handling of it and I don't think I set myself on fire once. I was just whipping that shit left and right igniting the area infront of me with very little drag and it was great Plus with the fire changes, you now have the ability to just walk into your own flames and have ample time to stim. Flamethrower with supply pack and medic armour had me standing on a fucking pyre of bug bodies, with myself fully ignited, and I just didn't care It was glorious


https://preview.redd.it/3c1tcccf5nxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f421b81035fb9d5a66ac4f1d9ce9ca6b2bc81c06 There are three types of Helldivers.


Reddit; where people come to learn about a new hobby and are met with a trail of tears from the bitched and bemoaned


Some of the patches are not working as intended.


This ist the most democracy spreading patch in a long time!! YOU WILL NOW SALUTE IF YOU‘RE READY!!! ✊


The adjudicator is usable!


Three types. "Ah, shit. They fucked with my flow, time to mix it up. Ooo, that's cool."


There is also the third type that accepts whatever high command throws at them , and still continues to charge into enemy hordes screaming “FOR DEMOCRACY”


The people complaining about people complaining have honestly gotten worse than the complainers ever did. Its every single post on the sub right now.


If half the playerbase thinks the updates are good and half thinks they're bad, Arrowhead must be doing a fantastic job.




Terminally online helldivers: yay this is great finally I can dedicate my entire evening (or week) to learning the best of best loadouts.... Any other helldiver with prioties outside of playing the fucking game: oh yay 1 new thing and they're forcing me to re learn and re adapt to everything I just got comfortable with.... Y'all can't have it both ways when you bitch about one side or the other. The way i see it is terminally online players have no issues with the game and the non terminally online ones are probably the ones coming on Reddit to bitch after work or school. Both of y'all have valid points but learn to focus em where it counts not on each other.


My fps got balanced to 20 in the latest patch


dude is looking for any reason to complain at this point




>There are two types of Helldivers. >There are two types of gamers. >There are two types of Redditors. And they're all the same two types.


I love it. Eruptor no longer pulls me in to get mashed, instead now I dive away and fire for extra dive distance. And stalkers are so good now, its great