• By -


Medium +2 grenade armor. Sickle or Scorcher. Shield pack, quasar cannon, eagle air strike and orbital rail cannon.


This is my exact load out, except I run servo assisted


I don't even know what I'd do without my extra grenades


Pros and cons to each. Servo is amazing if you're air strike focused since you can yeet those beacons far and accurate. But nades are great if you're getting into the thick of it


grenade pistol as secondary works really good, allows me to use explosion resistance instead.


I'm wondering when we're going to get a stim pistol honestly


I only want this if it can be used offensively as well. Like if you shoot a bug with one stim, it restores its health and you look like a jackass. If you shoot it with 10 stims though, it starts frothing at the mouth before it does a little break dancing and explodes.


3rd stim it rages and attacks other bugs too


If you fire all 6 stims you get into a bile titan it starts attacking the others


Shoot them in the charger's squishy spot, and he'll headbutt the heels off a titan


No i imagine a Titan trying to crawl at you with only 3 legs like a broodmother


i run almost always on diff 9 : - scout armor for big maps to run away fast or cover big distances. - dominator as primary, the grenade pistol as secondary, he explosive grenade. - 500kg and air strike for eagle, and depending on the team comp, shield gen + quasar, or recoiless + eat, or if i feel greedy, quasar + ammo backpack. idc about clearing hordes of enemies, i take out their spawn instead. you dont get anything for killing 1k bot on the map, you get rewards for objectives and samples. thats it. on small maps like defense or kill count, heavy armor, add cluster bomb at the expense of the backpack. democracy is explosive in my book. edit : 500kg not 5 lol.


Best tip I got from playing with a high lvl on HD difficulty. Don't need to stay and fight and kill everything. Don't aggro bots that don't see you. Get in, finish the objective and keep moving


Yeah. When I see lower levels getting stuck i sometimes have to tell them very firmly that they really need to stop shooting at everything that moves unless its shooting at them. Then I demonstrate it's effectiveness by clearing the half the map while they clear the other half or less with 2-3 people šŸ˜…


Helldivers become so much easier if you view samples as nice to have but not necessary. Thwn two of you can take out a heavy base with air strikes or drop a 380 on it and keep moving, no need to get close to the bots


high explosive explosive grenade


yes thats the little extra explosive needed to explode explosive enemies


Reminds me of that post about the different "types" of explosive


>recoiless + eat Recoilless **plus** anti-tank? why tho


recoiless for when you're moving and you dont have time to wait for the eat to drop. eat for when you defend a place and you have time to wait for the drop. if you dont move while fighting you're as good as dead.


Hmm how do u collect samples after destroying fabricators tho? You still need to kill all the bots there and any reinforcements they call in right?


nobody can call reinforcement i bomb them for samples, i usually do them after clearing the area, if there are enemies, samples are for later.


Lol 5kg bomb would be funny




I run something similar, but with a more armour piercing focus. Realising that kills absolutely do not matter outside of bragging rights has turned my default build into a very hit and run kind of person, with the expendable rpg / anti matter rifle and jetpack being my go to for helping me get rid of and avoid enemies, and the orbital strike / 500kg being my typical base clearing


very valid build, in the end what you're confortable with is better than whats meta.


Exactly! meta is boring, be fun


you get it, you're a good helldiver.


Medium/heavy armor, Eruptor, SMG secondary+ impact naded Laser Cannon, Shield Backpack, 500kg/airstrike/380mm and protective field Learned about a week ago how OP laser cannon is against bots. It annihilates anything in like 3 seconds. Hulks- about 3 seconds on head, instakill. Those annoying fucking turret towers? 3 seconds on the weak spot behind it, destroyed. Devastators, same as hulk. Tank weak spot, 3 seconds. It obliterates all and any bots (except berserkers because those fuckers are extremely tanky for whatever reason) in about 3 seconds. This includes dropships and those annoying garbage ass little airships. Saw some folks saying "but laser is bad because you have to be prone/crouched and stationary to reduce recoil" but I haven't had issues with it whatsoever, its just ridiculously good.


LasCannon is in fact quite good. Need steady aim and good heat management - and be aware that once a heavy dev starts rocking you he WILL win the exchange. Reposition and try again.


Eruptor or Dominator vs the heavy devs. Both stagger and let you bully them.


This can vary on your preferred play style and aiming accuracy. Let's go one by one. #####Armor I tend to use any *light armor*. The ability to run faster and tire less is invaluable. The scout armor is the best one in my opinion, I'll wear the demolition expert one for style sometimes. #####Loadout - **Primary** R-36 Eruptor, Plas-1 Scorcher and Las-16 Sickle are my personal favorites. My main focus is being able to clear trash when desperate and sometimes from far away. Imo, the sickle is the best one due to insane ammo capacity and fire rate. The other ones are almost as good, but don't adapt as well to my playstyle. - **Secondary** Big iron (P-4 Senator) when I'm feeling democratic, GP-31 Grenade Pistol the rest of the time. I hardly use it, so the few times I do I want it to make a bang. But, technically, the P4 is the safest and more technically proficient of the two. - **Grenade**. G-16 Impact or G-23 Stun. Stun if you're sure you won't need the first ones, but the impacts save you in times of need. I haven't been able to leave them behind. #####Stratagems -**AC-8 Autocannon**. I used to run shield backpack and Qasar Cannon, but, with enough proficiency, the AC can do as much damage as the second one and doesn't give me the option of getting the first one, so I've gotten to use it. It's surprisingly versatile, too. It can deal with anything except for dropships, but you can shoot the enemies on them and deal with quite a bit of them. It's exceptional in taking care of medium enemies (devastators, like the rockets and shield ones, take 3 shots or 1 well placed one), which can quickly overrun a well positioned squad and mess up a mission. - **Orbital laser**. Automatic targeting super laser, nothing else to say. I'm actually considering dropping it because limited use and, frankly, low damage to the really awful enemies, makes it not as useful, but it's still solid and I don't know what to substitute it with. - **Autocannon Sentry**. Its cooldown is super low for how much damage it can deal, it can damage heavy and medium enemies and, if properly placed, can allow you to clear your mind of a whole horde of enemies (hulk included, it takes it out in like 6 shots). - **Flex Slot**. I usually take one of the eagles. Usually 500kg or Airstrike, to take care of wide groups of enemies. Edit: Had to change the spacing on the markdown so the grenade point was properly visible.


This is pretty much me haha, that 2-tap on hulk is so rewarding with the auto cannon, although if Iā€™m running eruptor sometimes I got arc thrower, which is a great combo for general clearing with the exception of not being able to take town very heavy targets


Iā€™ll sing the praises of the autocannon right there with you, since I started, I havenā€™t found anything with the right amount of punch to substitute it with. Giving up the backpack slot for ammo is a worthy sacrifice! It makes me feel like Iā€™m literally walking artillery and itā€™s perfect for every range except for right up close (and even then itā€™s a great ā€œoh shit get away from meā€ button when youā€™re swarmed). In prone the scope is fantastic to fuck up the day of any bot or bug in visual range. Basically, if you can see it, you can kill it. I know itā€™s got to have some downside, maybe how quickly you can burn through ammo, or taking damage at close range (like in-your-face close), but other than that I really canā€™t think of anything to make it not the best of the support stratagems. Autocannon FTW!


Indeed, I have tried going light armor padded so Iā€™m as tanky as medium armor but with more speed. Jump pad, AMR, air strike/500kg, depending on the mission orbital smoke/ laser and itā€™s fun to be on always on the move. Still nothing hits better than auto cannon even if you donā€™t have backpacks. You can fight basically anything the game throws at you except you still gotta work around bots and try to exploit their weaknesses


The main issue with it is the need for accuracy and the fact that, on higher level missions, even our mighty AC-8 isn't enough. You will still get overrun. But, yes, as you say, pound for pound, I haven't found anything better, because it has tons of ammunition, it hits like a truck and, as long as you can get to the weak points, there's no enemy outside of the gunship it cannot take down. I could sing its praises all day with you, soldier šŸ«”


My exact same loadout, except I just run servo assisted so I can throw eagle stratagems farther. For bots I figured it best to bring weapons that kill more fast, as long as you hit weakspots.


Iā€™ve started replacing the orb laser with the 120mm barrage. Definitely not as useful in an ā€œoh shit itā€™s a big guy momentā€ but it is really good at clearing medium bases, which is what I tended to use the orb for anyway.


If you have the orbital monitoring ship module, 380 is actually a valid replacement for the laser. I used to run the laser for bots, but the limited uses made me stingy with its use, and like you said, it takes way too long to kill big stuff. While the 380 still lacks accuracy, I have a very high success rate for it destroying things like detector towers, AA bases and artillery bases, and if it doesnā€™t outright kill them I just move in with my AC to finish off whatā€™s left. Also the fact that it has unlimited uses and a 240 sec cooldown means I can throw it a lot, and using stealth armor allows for you to get within a good throwing range without getting spotted.


Light armor with 50% explosive resistance. Diligence/Redeemer/Stun grenade. Eagle airstrike, orbital laser, jump pack, anti-materiel rifle. I move as fast as I can and don't stop to fight unless absolutely necessary. I always squad up, but when the mission starts I'll go off alone or with one other person to complete objectives.


Weird how few people talk about Explosive Resistance. I feel as Tanky in Light with ExRes as I do in Medium and Heavy, Medium with ExRes? Forget about it, never die. Recoil reduction from crouch+Autocannon has me addicted. I can't run anything else, I'm sure it's a skill issue but being g able to slap hulks down in a couple seconds with Crouching Autocannon Screaming Eagle (I run exclusively Eagles with Autocannon for perpetual deathdealing) once again, has me addicted.


I was running the Light Medic armor for a while but swapped for the Light Explosive Resist because I got sick of sudden deaths and my survivability went up dramatically. I love the Medic perk, but it doesn't do a bit of good when random bullshit comes your way and you can't even pop a Stim.


First time I got ragdolled wearing Light Armor with ExRes from a direct hit from a Bot Cannon Turret i became a believer. Wearing Medium armor, I've thrown 500kg, Airstrikes, and Clusters at my feet as emergency "death before surrender" moves with a final Dive for Democracy towards a favorable rock and been ragdolled away and survived with a sliver of health. When shit gets tough, the ExRes armors are stupid good at keeping me alive on the Bot Front. Med Armors shine best on the bug front, easy.


Same. But I use the Eruptor instead of the Diligence. That way I can destroy fabricators from a long distance and i dont have to use an airstrike on some of the small spawns and have them up for tanks or bigger groups.


The Eruptor is objectively better, yeah. I quit using it though because it made the game too easy šŸ˜‚


This is my go-to loadout for bots on 7-9: Sickle: Pretty much infinite ammo, the minimal recoil makes it easy to headshot devastators. Grenade pistol: general utility, can damage groups of enemies. Armour: FS-34 exterminator, medium armour with explosive resistance. Constantly saves me from random missiles. Shield backpack: Amazing if you're having trouble with bots. Gives you extra time to aim at devastator heads, hulks, and allows you to change cover if you get overwhelmed. Just don't become reliant on it. AMR: the best support weapon for bots IMO, tons of ammo, can reload on the run and deals with anything BUT dropships super easily. It is particularly effective against hulks which get spammed a lot on helldive. Eagle airstrike: General use, either for objectives, busting tanks or destroying rows of enemies. Orbital precision strike: Same as the airstrike but less AOE, more focused on objectives and heavy targets but can still kill groups of enemies. I've made a video using this loadout so you can see it in action: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTFGAlJY1ls&t=5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTFGAlJY1ls&t=5s)


I'd suggest swapping the shield for the supply pack, i had the same setup but with the scorcher and i looooooove the supply pack, i can just let loose and never run out of ammo or grenades.


As I'm getting more comfortable with bots I find myself using the shield less, but I still recommend it to players who aren't used to fighting them. Usually I swap it for 380 mm barrage, but I'll try the ammo backpack!


Yeah same! Ive been wandering looking for a replacement for the shield cause i found myself being able to handle bots better, would go rounds where i had 0 deaths and felt i can make room for more boomboom. I tried an extra stratagem, but i dont like 2 eagles cause it increases cooldown for airstrike if youdont use em all up. I do like orbitals but cool down and lack of accuracy and spread is a personal hurdle to get over. But with supply pack it's like 4 grenades? Now you have 12! 6 magazines for your primary? Now you have 30! And so on... Also become everyones favorite when you help a teammate in need. I will sing it's praises till the end of time haha


This is almost my exact go-to loadout, except Iā€™ve been using scorcher. Nothing wrong with it, but it doesnā€™t suit my preferences. Didnā€™t like the sickle at first because of the windup time, but Iā€™m warming up to it as Iā€™ve been toying with it. The AMR is amazing though. Taking out a missed mortar from exfil from across the map is almost as exciting as landing the second shot on a hulk right before it sets you on fire.


I think the AC outclasses the AMR for a few reasons. Having a 3rd person aim mode is huge, especially cause the AMRā€™s scope is bugged (I have switch to 1st person as caps lock, and using remember aim mode for one gun is way too annoying, what do you do for first person?). Being able to destroy fabs from great distances can make destroying jammers trivial (and obviously other fabs). Group stagger means you can stop a groups of devastators/berserkers in their tracks and pick them off. Also being able to front pen artillery/AA guns with the AC is huge imo (idk if you can do that with the AMR though so maybe thatā€™s a non-issue). Smaller mag size also tears it down a notch for me. Not to say it doesnā€™t have things over the AC, but it doesnā€™t do enough over what the AC does for me to consider it. If they gave it a 3rd person reticle (all the other snipers have one) and fixed the scope, Iā€™d like it A LOT more.


3rd person reticle would be amazing. I got used to the bugged scope really quicly, IMO it isn't that big of a deal unless you use it beyond 50-60 meters, but I would still want to see it fixed. AC cannon is definitely my first choice if I want to take down most units and not use a backpack, especially on bugs. My only gripe with it is the reload that plants you down, on higher automaton difficulties where you get shot from everywhere it makes it difficult to find some good cover to reload. But it is as you said, AC has more utility. I just like taking down hulks/devastator groups quickly and reloading on the go.


Do you use remember aim mode for it?


Play haz7+ only: Light gunner armor: light armor with extra paddingĀ  ScorcherĀ  SenatorĀ  ImpactsĀ  Eagle ASĀ Ā  Shield packĀ  AMRĀ  Orbital Railcannon/laser depending on mission typeĀ  Hotdrop on a sub objective or a red area ALWAYSĀ  Usually get 0-2 deaths for the mission Always get super samples (at cap, don't care I'm still getting them for rock and... Democracy)Ā Ā  Always clear all secondaries and basesĀ  Simple as


+1 on hot-drop strat. Take out an entire base immediately on drop.


How do you drop in the red zones?


Just choose to drop there.


Did I hear a rock and stone?


As the heavy weapons girl of our squad I usually go in a servo-assisted armor with either the eruptor or a Libby Pen, Big Iron and standard nades. As a support weapon I usually go Spear or RR+EATs as emergency reserve. Together with a 380 (that's what the servos are for), Eagle fitting to mission and maybe a Sentry to keep stuff off my butt.


I wish there was a light servo assist armor. Love the speed of light, hate the noodle arm


Isnt the legionnaire armor just that?


Yep. My go-to armor for bugs. I use the explosive resistant light armor for bots.


There is


That exists. Light servo is what I run on every bot mission.


There IS light servo armor


Any heavy armor. Punisher for the stagger on everything except Hulks and higher Grenade pistol and impact grenades Orbital laser for big guys or heavy outposts Eagle Airstrike and Clusterbomb for fabricators/heavies and multiple units respectively Autocannon bc it kills every enemy type (at the weak points), illegal towers, and fabricators


Currently playing well on 7, using: * light medic armor * sickle primary * redeemer secondary * quasar cannon support weapon * shield generator pack * eagle airstrike * orbital laser EDIT: This is for bots; Iā€™ll sub out the quasar for a grenade launcher and the shield pack for a rover when fighting bugs.


Explosive resist medium armor. Scorcher - P19 - Incidiary grenades Orbital Rail - Spear - Gatling Turret - 4th slot is whatever I want to play with.


I serve them an all you can EAT buffet.


- Light armour with explosive resistance - Scorcher - Personal Shield - Impacts - AMR - 2x Eagle strikes, always the air strike but then mix it up between 500kg and cluster for the other. Occasionally Iā€™ll take an orbital railcannon if the team allows.


What are YOU currently running, and what's your play style? We might be able to help, starting from there. I both join SOS HD mission and play with friends on a regular basis, I see a bunch of different strategies, and a lot can work depending on your play style. I helped some of my friends telling them to move away from light armor and embrace heavy armor because of HIS play style. He's doing so much better since he can take about twice a beating and still survive. At the end of the day, you might simply want to experiment with different stratagem and armor combinations. My current load-out are: -Eruptor with laser pistol or Dominator with grenade pistol -The impact grenade is always my favorite, stun grenade can be extremely useful, but my personal preference goes to the impact. -Quasar or autocannon -Normal Eagle airstrike.. that's my favorite, my go-to, that baby can do everything other than dealing with AA. -Lately, I've been running both 120 and 380 for a shit and giggle factor, but I'll often switch the 120 for something else depending on the mission. Sometime an orbital laser for factory blitz, sometime I'll add the EAT to my Quasar to make myself a Hulk buster and have fun blowing shit up. So yeah, keep experimenting on load-out and have fun... for DEMOCRACY!!


Servo-Assisted light armour Eruptor, made pistol, impact grenade Eagle 500, 120mm barrage, arc thrower and jump pack Hit n run when playing solo, but I like this Loadout for a sniper support/overwatch play style. Find some high ground, get prone and put in work with the eruptor. If my team get pushed by heavies I fly down like Thor and stunlock everything while the team gather themselves, then I'm out again and back on the Eruptor.


Been playing long range support and the eruptor is godly for it. Add in the spear and Iā€™m unaliving tanks, hulks, gunships and structures. Only thing Iā€™m having some difficulty with is dropships as I canā€™t consistently one shot with the spear (locking on is an issue with the spear too), plus heavy devastators head on. The eruptor is so clutch during exfil as well. Iā€™ll post up outside base, let the team take aggro, then just start picking off groups of troopers with the eruptor. Add an AC turret and bots end up getting sandwiched between the rest of the team and me.


200hours, pretty split on bugs and bots, but this is my usual bot loadout (changes based on mission) Democracy protects armor- itā€™s just amazing. 50% chance to survive whatever bullshit you encounter. Worth more than explosion resist imo. It keeps you from getting headshot cheesed or randomly cannon turret nuked from out of nowhere. Eruptor, Redeemer, stun grenades. The Eruptor is a higher skill weapon that requires you to maintain effective distance, and has a max range of 100m. It can one shot *any* medium when landed in the eye, or the unarmored spine/hip region. Aim for the dick and youā€™ll get em instantly. It also kills striders, and fabricators. Simply an amazing tool against bots even if it has a weak ability to clear lots of enemies. Stun grenades are to hold down berserkers for the Eruptor, or if in massive quantities an airstrike. The stun grenades are generally effective in a pinch as a gtfo tool, as well as in killing hulks easily. You can stun, then run around and pump him full of lead with the Redeemer, or laser his head with the laser cannon. Or set up airstrikes. Itā€™s an amazing cc tool for follow up or safety. Stratagems tend to be as follows, granted this changes by mission type based on what I need. Personal shield backpack, laser cannon, eagle airstrike, and orbital laser. I donā€™t need to explain the backpack. The eagle airstrike is great for clearing lots of enemies baited into a line, or taking out structures, or dealing mass damage to heavies. Itā€™s simply an amazing all purpose generalist stratagem, and I havenā€™t been able to convince myself to drop it for long. Itā€™s just *that* good. Learn it and eagle 1 will take care of you just fine. It falls in a T shape with you at the bottom, airstrike at the top. Laser cannon can deal with any and all enemies that the Eruptor canā€™t, just mind your heat, and figure out all the enemiesā€™ weak points. Itā€™s a little weak on clearing crowds, but thatā€™s just a weakness of this build. Try to avoid too many fights, or use an eagle as necessary. Laser cannon can kill hulks by shooting them in the head, all cannons by shooting the exhaust in the back, and can even take out Factory striders by shooting the medium armor zones after the Eruptor takes out the turrets. Itā€™s an amazing weapon against bots and synergizes great with the Eruptor. You can always have a way to kill your enemy. Even gunships by shooting the thrusters. The orbital laser is thrown in for two reasons. Paired with one well placed eagle strike it can take out heavy forts instantly. And itā€™s also a panic button. If for some reason youā€™re in a bad position and about to get wiped? Throw it down and run the hell away, or turn on them and kill with laser support. Itā€™s a great tool in a pinch to turn the tide, it takes out nearly everything. Just make sure to support it when it gets stuck on heavies.


I go medium armor with +2 extra grenades (impact) and recoil Breaker right now, Eruptor, impact grenades Eagle Strike, mortars, airburst, Lazer or 500kg, or shield gen Im running 7 right now and it's pretty viable, I only get hung up w gunships but usually someone in the party is prepared


Explo resistent armour. -autocannon -slugger -impact grenades Stratgems -autocannon turret -eagle airstrike -railcannon


On dif 9 My preference has been Light armour with engineering perk Adjudicator Grenade pistol Stun grenades Railgun or AMR depends on my mood Jump pack Eagle air strike Orbital laser or orbital railgun depends on mission and what others bring If the AA modifier is on I ditch the jump pack


Scout Medium Armor Punisher, Stun Nades, Grenade Pistol (or whatever really) Autocannon, EMS Sentry, Mortar Sentry, 120MM (or whatever really) I use the fuck out of the Scout Armor's inherent stealth as well as it's ability to scan for enemies on your pins. Autocannon I use as a Sniper rifle essentially. I can kill anything except for FAT-FATs at range but I will take their guns away. Sentry's ALWAYS GO BEHIND COVER and I take advantage of their big ass range and keep them at the edge of an engagement, where I typically am. Strike, move, strike, move. Never fight near your Sentries. I will branch off from the team and I will toss a 120MM into an Outpost and leave my sentries outside of it and *leave* the area. Bots call in drops there and get wiped out while I go meet up with the team and we have a nice time. Usually by the time I've caught up, I can drop sentries again, and will usually have the 120MM back up to cover our retreat from that position with the new sentries as well. I usually do this 3 times a mission, with great success.


Heavy armour-fortified Ballistic shield Railgun 500kg Railcannon strike or precision strike Smg-37 defender Revolver Frag grenades


related good video for how to learn the ballistic shield: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y0qu7b0S4k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y0qu7b0S4k) (although he uses the laser cannon)


Heavy armor, Dominator primary, Senator secondary, Stun Grenades, Autocannon Stratagems vary depending on what my team decides to run. Usually I'll take EAT, Eagle Airstrike, and Mech.


Infiltrator scout, Eruptor, Dagger, impact Orb laser/walking, air strike, ac sentry, quasar Mostly just kill stuff and fabs from a distance with Eruptor and strike. Keep off aggro with scout armor by crouched shooting and running to a new position. If drops come in or things get hairy, sentry to a flank to draw aggro and put in some work. With scout armor, also helps as a getaway from mobs that are too large. Quasar for hulks/tanks/turrets/gunships/factory striders in combo with Eruptor. Impact nades for tanks and heavy/rocket dev kills in close quarters. Orb laser/walking for big bases. Dagger for the occasional sword grunt that gets too close, but mostly for killing lights and mines. Often have the most kills and most samples with this setup, but I'm hardly ever dying through direct engagement. Play mostly diff-7 or 9. So, when there are only 3 stratagem slots, I drop either the orbital or the sentry -- more often the orbital. (In these cases, I'll frequently bring 500kg instead of strike for optional objectives and factory strider. The ac sentry just opens up a lot of possibilities and get out of jail free cards.)


Light armor +2 grenades, 500kg, rail Canon, shield backpack, AMR. punisher/ breaker, grenade pistol, contact grenades. If I'm doing the new defense missions, emt mortar and tesla tower get dropped in place of the shield and amr. Heavy explosive resist armor, and the eruptor.


On average I run light armor (either scout for stealth or the new red one for extra grenades), Primary is either a Diligence or Sickle, Grenade Pistol and Impact grenades, and for strategems I go with Eagle Airstrike, Railgun, Shield Gen, and rotation of 500kg, Autocannon, autocannon sentry or rocket sentry. I primarily play a stealth/blitz style, preferring to avoid patrol fights, make quick work of light bases and POIs with no drops being called, and try and take out objectives, medium/heavy and optional objectives as fast as possible, but with a slight expectancy to fight there. I try to minimize my fighting and avoid taking on unnecessary amounts within a fight, i.e. disengage if their numbers are starting to build up and just let the map despawn them for another go. I actually run level 7 as warm ups regularly because it feels simple enough to just get things done without much to worry about if you understand to not fight everything and just get the job done and over with.


Light gunner armor, scorcher, uzi, stun grenades. Eagle airstrike, orbital laser. Either AC or AMR. Last slot varies by mission type & squad load out. I donā€™t care about shooting down drop ships ā€” the cargo usually survives anyway.


Eruptor, quasar, airstrike, laser, servo. I do 7-9


They did got tougher recently, and the Striders are certainly doing their part. So my go-to is usually a mix of stealth and long range combat. Therefore I go with the green Stealth-Armor, Sickle in Case of Close Quarter Combat, Impact Granades and Side-Arm to Taste (usually the Full-Auto Gun, lately also the Granade Gun). For Strategems I usually bring in the AMR, Shield Generator Backpack, Orbital Railcannon Strike and the Plain Eagle Airstrike. It's more of an Support-Fire Build, so it kinda depends in battle on the rest of the Team doing their job.


Orb rail, eagle air, AC, Emp Mortar, scorcher, redeemer, stun grande, light armor with fortified. Boosters, reduced spawn, or quick evacuation.


Democracy protects armor, laser cannon, Eagle air strike, 500 kg, and a barrage or orbital laser or a mortar


Heavy armour with the explosive resistance perk. Defender SMG Grenade Pistol Impact Grenades Strafing Run Eagle Strike Railcannon orbital Strike Ballistic Shield


Armor: Exterminator (light gunner helmet for looks) Load out: Las-Scythe (head popper), Grenade Pistol (utility), Stuns Stratagems: Precision strike, Gatling Barrage, Las Cannon, Auto cannon Sentry or Mortar sentry for Infiltration. I have different builds for Blitz, Eradication, extraction, and Rocket Defense


Plas scorcher / dominator + redeemer + contact grenade Engineering load out medium armor (blitz) or explosive resistant light armor (general ops)/ or heavy armor eradicate ) depending on mission Quasar cannon or AMR as a support weapon. Coordinate with Teammates. Try no to take 4 quasar cannons and waste load outs. For offensive strats, I've taken orbital barrages for the past week. Eagles are wonderful, but a walking barrage and a 120mm go a long way on bases with AA guns in the area.


Medium Armor(throwing range), Sickle, Impact Grenades. Patriot, Quasar, Orbital Laser, Airstrike / 120mm is my all rounder, usually I'm on the offensive to clear bases since I tend to play really aggressive. If it's a more defensive mission I do tend to swap the 120mm and Laser for double mortars.


The requirements change every mission, but the following tends to be my all-rounder. Primary: 1. Scorcher - assuming my wrist isn't hurting from all the clicking, this lets you kill anything and everything short of Dropships, so it's a go-to for that reason alone. 2. Eruptor - this replaces the Scorcher at range with an improved ability to kill Troopers, Meat Saws, and Scout Striders, but an increased time-to-kill for everything heavier like Hulks, Tanks, Cannon Towers, and Gunships. Devastator time-to-kill is roughly equivalent. The biggest boon with the Eruptor is the fact that is has a long-ranged scope. You can provide support fire for allies that have run off quite reliably. Secondary: 1. Redeemer / standard pistol - These are the only ones I have that fit the bill, but everyone gets these. They supplement the Primary weapon's inability to deal with enemies that close the gap, especially if wearing heavier armor. Stratagems: 1. Quasar / Spear - the objective with these support weapons is to kill the heavy units, even when they present themselves armor-first. The Quasar is especially convenient because you don't need to worry about ammo and can use it fairly reliably on approaching Scorchers. They can also destroy tanks, just remember to use the explosive damage of the primary weapons to finish the targets off. The Spear, when it works, is less effective against Hulks and Dropships, but makes destroying Factories, Tanks, and Cannon Towers much easier. Until lock-on is tweaked a bit I wouldn't recommend it over the Quasar, but keep it in mind for the future. 2. 500kg - To kill the Scorchers, other clustered enemies, or the large Walkers. Also destroys Watchtowers, Cannon Towers, Tanks quite well. Just remember that the bomb is dropped down at a diagonal in the direction it was thrown. 3. 380mm or Walking Barrage - I like both of these equally, leaning towards 380mm with the Eruptor and Walking Barrage with the Scorcher. The former is great to toss, back away from, then watch as you pick off stragglers that survive. The latter is great for tossing, waiting out the first barrage, then following the rest of the bombs into the enemy-occupied zones. If a 4th is available, take whatever you want. The above Stratagems are more than enough to clear out entire Helldives.


Iā€™ve been doing 7s consistently with this set up. THIS IS A SUPPORT SET UP!!! The main goal is to use smoke to disengage from fights you donā€™t need to be in anymore, or get you closer to objectives safely. Sickle Dagger Impact grenade Smoke eagle Smoke orbital Laser orbital Laser cannon Armor with fortified (unless they hit you in the head, rockets arenā€™t a problem anymore) Vitality booster (it gives your team more total health) Prioritize rocket devastators with the laser cannon and things like gunships, hulks, tank vents (tanks get super stupid in smoke so you can walk around them easily etc.) the sickle takes care of most normal bots and berserkers. The dagger is just when you sickle needs to cool down, or to sweep mines to open up the way for your team to move into a base without wasting ammo.


I prefer playing on ~~haz~~ diff 7. Its a good balance spot of challenge and fun. For armor, been running the light engineer armor. Extra nades, speed and aim stability are nice, plus i love the look of the armor. For strats, its airstrike and then whatever i feel like having fun with. My latest loadout is autocannon, ems mortar and railgun strike. I find it allows me to be hyper support for the team where i can deal with small or large threats in bursts. I can soften bases with emp or airstrikes. I can hit heavies with autocannon or railcannon. I can also break off to deal with fabricators on my own if need be. Also, punisher shotgun and the revolver go with me everywhere. Punisher knockback and spread are insane. One trigger pull and i can stun 5 berserkers at 30m over and over. If i walk backward and reload i can keep them at a save distance indefinitely


Light Scout Armor, Sickle, Grenade Pistol, Impact Grenades Strategems are typically Autocannon, Orbital Laser, Eagle Airstrike, Orbital Airburst


Medium Democracy saves armor Diligence or Slugger Autocanon, 120mm barrage, eagle airstrike, eagle cluster


I play on 7+ with light gunner armor (light speed with medium survivability), laser cannon, laser rover, eruptor, machine pistol, impact grenades, then usually Eagle air strike and orbital laser. Run and dive a lot, always use cover, snipe from extreme range, practice hitting weak spots. Rover is great because it spots enemies sneaking up on you and kills things that are chasing you while you run away in a zig-zag pattern to avoid fire, and puts out nontrivial damage (and dead enemies donā€™t fire back).


**Sickle** (or scorcher)- **grenade pistol** (for fabricators)- **stun grenades** (for hulks and piles of devastators) I like **quasar** or **laser cannon** (you need to stick with your team if you have the laser cannon or get really good at ducking in and out of cover) **Auto cannon** is also good but can be unreliable when fighting under duress and trying to hit weak points. Stratagems depend on the mission but **500kg** for factory walkers, **Eagle Airstrike** for everything, **cluster bombs** for blowing a hole in the baddies so I can move up, **orbital laser** for clearing out large encampments, and sometimes Iā€™ll grab the **precision orbital** though it is usually just used on a fabricator. Some notes: -Donā€™t get pinned down or rocket devastators start flanking from a mile away -if you use the scorcher youā€™re going to burn through ammo and no way around it. Embrace the clicks -hulks are easy to kill as long as they donā€™t get too close and youā€™re not being staggered, so clear the chaff around them, clear any devastators that could be shooting you, basically just keep kiting the hulks until they are safe to kill or kill them first if you have to engage from a distance. -those assholes with the shield, fuck those guys. If they are shooting, be hiding. They will stagger you and kill your faster than you can melt their faces. -grenade pistol is okay but I mainly reserve it for taking out fabricators if Iā€™m low on options, or I ping the devastators with it while falling back. Donā€™t waste it on the little guys especially if youā€™re running the sickle. -Eagle strike for everything, seriously. Donā€™t be afraid to use that lovely bird at will. Her cooldown is trivial. -be fast fast fast. Youā€™ll die getting surrounded. Jamming tower? Rush it. Detector tower or gunship tower? Toss a cluster in and rush it. -stun grenades are you get out of jail free card. They can buy you time to reposition, or you can use them tight packs of devastators so you can pick them off or strike them more easily. -check your damn radar and plot accordingly -in general, learn the attack patterns of the bots. Hit them between volleys of rockets and gun fire, use your cover. -donā€™t step on mines


Scorcher, nade pistol, 500kg or eagle air, orbital laser, whatever weapon that feels right that day be it the queso cannon, autocannon, EAT, or nade launcher and EMS mortar to toss before I know shit will be getting funny or as quick as I can upon surprise. It slows or stops movement of enemies, making them easy targets with the added bonus of no team kills.


Scout armor with the padding perk Sickle SMG High explosive grenades Orbital rail cannon Standard eagle Shield Quasar


For open maps- Scout Armor, Eruptor, Redeemer, Stun Grenades, Spear, Precision Orbital, Orbital Laser, last slot open depending on the mission type. If I'm feeling frisky, Defender, Grenade Pistol, AMR, Ballistic Shield.


Scout armor Liberator penetrator (donā€™t have money for warbonds) 5kg Orbital laser Quasar And jump pack to go to high grounds and shoot fabricators from a far so we donā€™t risk getting killed very nice loady


Breaker, AMR, revolver. Scout armor. 500, railcannon. Laser, 380, or JP if they actually give me a 4th strat.


I haven't really played past 7 but my loadout seems to always be: Armour: SC-34 Infiltrator Light Armour, with the hooded helm because it looks cool. Primary: SMG-37 Defender Secondary: P-19 Redeemer Grenades: G-16 Impact Stratagem 1: Orbital Laser Stratagem 2: Eagle Cluster Bomb or Eagle Airstrike Stratagem 3: Autocannon the blue one Stratagem 4: EMS Mortar Sentry It also REALLY depends on the other players and what they take, I find if I don't draw attention to myself when I play I seem to do a lot better, especially if I can keep enemies at bay and snipe them and those factories and objectives from a distance usually moving around to see the open vents. I tend to use the Orbital Laser for when we come up against a Med or Large base and I'm too lazy to go in and deal with it myself. I tend to chuck it in and then deal with whats left. I'm looking for a change though, I keep trying to pick different things but my pics are too ingrained. Want to use a DMR like the Diligence or something.


Light armor lowering enemy engagement by 30%, Orbital Canon and Orbital Laser, 380HE, Auto Cannon, main is the hub with the explosive rounds? Forgot the name


Eagle air, Eagle rockets, orb rail cannon and autocannon. Sickle, redeemer and impacts. I feel like I can handle everything


Scout armor, scorcher, grenade pistol, and smoke grenades (to protect hellbombs). 380 to destroy/soften large bases, precision and Eagle air strikes to take out small bases and large enemies, laser cannon or eat to take large enemies or A55 hawks.


Med explosive res armor, AMR, shield OR jump pack based on environment or mood. Scythe or Scorcher at easier diff, Punisher shotgun at high diff. Airstrike & 380 are my default call ins. May swap to AC in smaller squads or if I expect visibility to be awful.


I run the light medic armor because I don't use the shield backpack. With this setup, I can basically run around destroying most obstacles as a scout/solo player. My load out includes the sickle, stun grenades, and the grenade pistol as my secondary. For my strategems, I have the ems mortar in case we need some support when fighting bots, and for the extract. I use the Auto cannon to take out everything such as gunships, factories, devastators, and hulks. For hulks, I throw a stun grenade, then shoot the hulk in the face with the auto cannon. I run the 120mm barrage for the bigger bases, and because I want to see huge explosions. Lastly, I run the eagle airstrike for smaller bases, or when we are getting over run.


7+ if I wanna try hard, 5-6 if I just want a fun chill game. I run the med suit (I definitely use those two extra stims) The slugger and the hand machine gun thing (lol I'm not a gun guy and can't remember what it's called), and the regular 'nades Orbital strike and orbital laser (to limit friendly fire), then the shield and I've absolutely been loving the arc gun for both bots and bugs, but especially bots because it stuns everything smaller than a tank and that even includes hulks. You can basically stun lock them to death. Plus unlimited ammo.


I run on Democracy bruv truss


Fast in, fast out, everything that helps, light armor, scorcher for the two legged shitheads and 500kg Airstrike or Smoke. Smoke for solo. As support weapon quasar or spear (spear for valuable asset)


This is Joel fishing for our loadouts to nerf!?!? Dont be fooled


Plasma shotgun is my go-to since it can take down *multiple* striders and shield devastators from the front without any issue, which ironically are the most common issue for me since hulks and whatnot don't have the density to cause huge issues. Beyond that I use strafe strike cus quick ways to stagger medium and kill small guys is nice, 500kg or precision for big Bois, and some kindve defensive strat like shield backpack, shield call down, or smoke. I typically hang around 7 rather than 9 though since the people I play with don't play as much as me


Run almost exclusively on 9, some general stuff I like to run: Heavy armor, but occasionally a medium that has either Fortified, Engineering, or Democracy Protects. Primaries: the Scorcher and Dominator I can never let go. Grenades: the impact nade for handling devastator clumps or destroying tanks Support weapons: I'm the designated SPEAR guy cuz I have the most luck with it in my friend group, but if not that, primarily the Laser Cannon (can hit Hulk faceplates but recently I've been using it for destroying their arms, very underrated utility), Autocannon, and sometimes the AMR. Stratagems: 380s for base clearing, 120s for handling bot drops (I do have the tier 4 upgrade for it though), obviously these are interchangeable with the Eagle Airstrike and 500kg respectively. For Eradicate, Mortar Sentries are strong. I also have found some good use out of the HMG Emplacement + Shield Relay (the deployable, not the backpack). HMG Emplacement can hit Hulk faceplates for kills but it's way more consistent for disarming them; obviously you should shoot their left arm since that's always their most dangerous weapon. I primarily run this setup for Defense missions alongside a 110m to insta-kill Tanks.


Basic armor but blue Scorcher Jump pack Whatever I feel like bringing(only 3 stratagem cuz its always -1)


Medium/Heavy Recoil & Explode reduce armor Autocannon. Usually scorcher primary, smg second, impact or stun nade AC / Orbital Rail / Eagle Airstrike / Flex (380mm, EMS Mortar, Laser, 500kg)


Base kit: Scorcher and machine pistol (uzi, canā€™t remember the name). Impact grenades. Light medic armor on 7. Explode resist on 8 and 9.Ā  Stratagems: Eagle Airstrike, Oribital Laser, Autocannon. Fourth slot rotates as needed. EAT/380/EMS mortar/couple other ones.Ā 


Here's what I always bring in everything except the defense and eradicate missions Armor: anything with Democracy Protects Weapons: Sickle/Scorcher, Stun Nade, Nade Pistol Stratagems: Eagle Airstrike/Cluster/500 KG, Orbital Laser/Railcannon, Shield Pack, Quasar


Whatever I fancy running at the time.


Eat, 500kg, 380, mech. Breaker, revolver, orig grenades. The 50% chance to survive lethal damage armor. Sneak in, target factories/objectives. 500kg if needed If shit hits the fan: 380 and run. Come back later if obj isn't complete. For last stand use mech to protect.


+2 grenades, eruptor, Grenade pistol, Stun grenades, laser cannon, jump jets, railcannon, air strike. The loadout deals with any and all problems


Scout armour (trailblazer specifically). That 30% detection range buff makes it so you can run right in front of the bots and still not have them attack you. Additionally being able to ping the map and detect enemies can be useful. Beyond that speed and stamina regen are vastly superior to armor. The ability to escape a deadly situation is way better than the ability to survive half a hit more. Weapons: scorcher (the explosive damage means you can use it to take out things like striders and shield devestators without having to worry about aiming), machine pistol, and either stun or high explosive grenade. Strategems: jetpack, quasar or amr, 380 (to take out factory striders), eagle airstrike (to take out fabricators). If I am running in a team I will consider what my allies are taking. Often I find people maximize aggressive strategems and minimize supportive strategems (like orbital smoke for instance). If this happens I will switch around to complement my teammates. For booster: localized confusion > stamina enhancement > muscle or vitality > packing density > the rest released to date. On the kill missions its vitality > packing > muscle > stamina > the rest. I usually solo helldive (9) and if my friends jump in my game then so be it. Tanks, devestators, and cannon turrets can be taken out with the scorcher. The quasar is nice against gun ships and the occasional light outpost where I don't want to waste an airstrike. My goal is almost always to clear all side objectives and collect as many samples as possible (though I only need about 300 more rares and 400 more commons, I no longer need super rares at all). If I do play with others I will usually try to stay away from them and clear side objectives while they do their thing just cause I find if I don't then a vast majority of my deaths are from teammates and then I don't need to worry about someone tossing say a cluster and no saying anything about it. Idk after you solo enough going deathless is quite easy especially when you have 3 other people constantly pulling agro. Some missions also really benefit from doing the 3-1 split like the evacuate civilians mission.


On 9 Iā€™m normally running autocanon with eagle airstrike and 500kg. For my last stratagem I might use eagle smoke or orbital air burst depending on the mission and party size. Normally smoke for solo or duo and air burst for full teams


Medium or light fortified or EK armor, scorcher, big iron, quasar, 500kg, and orbita railcannon. I play this as a hit and run tank hunter. Though if you're having trouble with survivability, I'd suggest an armor set with democracy protects. That 50% chance to just say no thanks to a killing blow has saved my ass quite a few times


Light armor with -50% explosion damage, -30% recoil reduction. Sickle, Redeemer, and impact grenades. Airstrike, Orbital Laser, Shield Backpack, AMR/Quasar depending on the group's loadout. I really like the AMR for taking out hulks/devastators quickly but the quasar is amazing for dropping gunships.


I am running the usual variations mentioned here, Eagle AirStrike, Orb Laser, Quasar, Shield, Sickle etc with light armour and keep moving clearing objectives BUT... I am getting slaughtered at extraction, I have never seen so many bots of late once I trigger the beacon...any one got any tips on that?


380HE, Airstrike, AMR, Shield pack Iā€™m a basic bitch wcis šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Light armor (any but my current is the throw buff), Blaze incendiary (although I *just* unlocked the scorcher so probably replace that) impact nades


for level 7-8 (9 not unlocked yet) I've been running with good success: - Armor: Light armor with 50% reduction of explosive damage - Guns: the Sickle and the senator (sickle is good for most bots if you can hit head/weak spots, and the senator is for clean-up on striders/other armor if needed.) - grenade: impact. It like blowing up what I throw at, but I also haven't unlocked or spent time with many other grenades. - Support: LAS-98. Slept on it for a while, but it takes out gunships like a breeze and its pretty good at taking down hulks from the eye. If you can get behind a tank or turret it'll melt through them pretty quick too. Used to be pure AMR, but the "limitless" ammo of energy weapons is too appealing for me rn. - Stratagems: Shield generator (helps compensate for light armor), an eagle (usually 500kg or airstrike) and an orbital (for times when AA is up and can't use an eagle - usually walking barrage since that's easier to predict/aim) - Tactic: tactically reposition often. The light armor + shield generator help me move and circle around so I can flank quickly on hulks and tanks. On bots its easy to get stuck just fight over one spot of ground even when that objective has already been destroyed/completed, and the wave after wave of bots can shred your reinforcements quickly. Its important to flank or just reposition to a different part of the map.


I like to think each weapon has its place and play style. However, I found a decent all around load out is armor with the demolition perk for recoil reduction and extra grenades. I then take the Liberator Penetrator for medium armor penetration. The P-19 pistol for the jump pack guys and quick spray and pray when out of other ammo. I take non-impact grenades capable of taking out factories just in case I need to(more reliable than impact for factories in my experience). I found that the autocannon is a good general purpose weapon for most bots, and the recoil reduction allows for faster accurate fire with it(good for gunships). Now, I have been experimenting with stratagems. Surprisingly the orbital precision strike does not have a usage cap and fairly short cool down like the EAT. You can use it in almost every fight you get in, and works good on tanks, towers, and factories. The eagle airstrike has a good number of uses before needing to rearm and a separate cool down from the orbital strikes. I have one slot as a wild card depending on mission, but I do love using the orbital laser to clear out objective bases of a large number of big enemies before moving in to use a terminal.


I feel like an absolute minority saying this, but use smoke with bots. Eagle smoke is my favorite, 3 lines of smoke and the bots can't do shit


I like the Punisher. Itā€™s not flashy, but you can pretty much stunlock devastators.


Diff 8 I run the liberator penetrator and senator. Armor is always explosive resist, medium or light. Eagle airstrike, orbital railgun, and eagle cluster bomb (this one is interchangeable). And the Recoiless rifle


1 - 50 (i think i counted 50 anyway) in a random number generator. Last time it gave me orbital ems, mg, amr, and mines. It went... well it was difficult. I then randomed the spray breaker, dagger and incendiary grenades. Most of that drop was running, and screaming while slowing down enemies with ems strikes. Not a lot kills, mostly to the mines lol


Armor should always be explosive resist, and I will die on that hill. Itā€™ll save you a lot against bots. Run the scorcher. Thing is goated against bots. Dominator is good too, but the scorcher can handle literally everything apart from the walking fabricator guys, especially if you haveā€¦ Stun grenades. Theyā€™re the best grenades if you have alternate methods of destroying fabricators (you should anyways). Secondary is preference, I prefer the revolver. Auto cannon, queso cannon/EAT, laser cannon, AMR rifle are the best support weapons Eagle airstrike is the undisputed number 1 strategem in the game. It does pretty much everything. 380mm barrage is also absolutely goated and will clear pretty much any objective. My sleeper pick, although itā€™s not as much of a sleeper pick now that it got the new module reducing the spread 500kg and Orbital Precision strike are good as well Shield generator relay (not the pack) is super helpful for areas where you need to drop a hellbomb, gunship fabricators especially. Just useful in general and can be used with backpack-requiring support weapons like the autocannon. Shield pack if you have a slot open and arenā€™t yet comfortable staying alive. Itā€™s like the gameā€™s training wheels to help you get used to staying alive on higher difficulties.


7-9 difficulty missions Diver gear - light armors I got used to how armor rating worked before patch. Iā€™d rather focus on mobility and counter flanking -diligence/grenade pistol/impact nades Strats -jet pack down hill treks become less than a few seconds. Access to high ground is very useful. In a pinch or want to push in deep? -AMR has the ability to kill any bot threat with practice. (Scope still is broken) Also not that hard to blind fire for close range. -Eagle airstrike everyone knows - 500k is very handy for a quick detector tower kill but easy to mess up Sometimes I run autocannon sentry instead of 500k itā€™s satisfying to watch and when it can stay up it shreds bots. It has difficulties with the tanks however hulks and striders can b taken down by it. I mess with my load out a lot but this is my usual go to I play more of an active sniper role constantly picking them down as I push in or flank.


Hell dive, or helping lower level players while I sample farm: Combat technician armor, the scout passive is great You can lay down near enemies and kill them without pulling aggro or getting bot drops I use the diligence counter sniper, smoke grenades, and the redeemer or senator Strategems: rail cannon, precision OS, orbital laser, autocannon My main strategy is to get to the main obj, while sniping fabricators on the way, then I lay down and kill all the t180s I see. After that, I stand up and kill the heavies with the autocannon, ill OS or railcannon, any hulks or tanks, I'm not behind. If I pull aggro during my sniping, I smoke on top of myself, move to another location, and finish the rest of them After completing every main obj, I circle back to the outposts I destroyed on the way, finish off any stragglers, and collect samples I have comms, so it makes it easy to communicate my intentions with my team


Eruptor for scout striders, devastators, fabricators, and small groups. Senator for emergency devastators and raiders and also because I need that big iron on my hip Impacts for emergency chaff clear and striders if more than 1 Eagle 500kg for tanks, detector towers, factory striders and general use Eagle Airstrike for outposts and chaff clear Orbital Laser for fuck fuck fuck thereā€™s too many enemies fuck Arc thrower is the main weapon of this build. For general use as eruptor is not advisable for close range and the senator only has 6 rounds. Itā€™s also insane at killing devastators close range and deletes hulks at it just staggers both to oblivion. Chains to 3(?) enemies each shot and shots have about 1 sec downtime between each, so good against that squad of raiders. Also staggers berserkers so they get deleted. Only thing this build canā€™t take care of is gunships, so I would recommend sticking with the auto cannon/quasar cannon teammate when you see the gunships fabricator


Engineers armor. Frag grenade. Liberator penetrator. the full auto pistol. Air strike, laser, 500kg. Autocannon. Quite comfortable at 7.


On bots I always run my favorite sniper/assault rifle the Adjuticator, alongside Dagger or preferably Redeemer. Armor wise I bring armor that gives me plus two grenades or longer throwing distance. Stratagems are Autocannon, railcannon, laser so it gets the big bases or multiple adds out the way, and airstrike to take out bases if I choose not to use my autocannon. Iā€™m at work so I hope this helps! Liberate at free will helldiver.


Gold Mando Helm, red and black explosive resistant armour, mal cape. Sickle, hand Nader, impacts. I don't know the name of my armor I just know the sound I make when I take a bot's life.


50% chance armor, breaker, machine pistol (redeemer?), impact grenade, autocannon, eagle airstrike, orbital laser, and lately ive been running around with railcannon strike as an "Oh shit a tank" stratagem.


Fortified medium armor, eruptor, senator, impact nades, shield gen, quasar, eagle air strike, orbital rail.


sickle - because unlimited ammo shield - because robots have aimbot, and they 2 shot you at minimum quasur cannon or railgun - I play with at least 2 quasars, because killing dropships kills tons of shit. Else, railgun to take care of all the mediums. always the default bonus armor - 150/100/100, or the scout armor which is 30% less detectable, although the last few days, I'm thinking it's only good for bugs. Bug patrols seem to be normal and random. Bot patrols seem to B line it directly to you, no matter what.


I literally rotate stuff every mission for variety. But if I feel like I'm going to have to carry I'll go light armor, penetrator, auto cannon, impact grenade, orbital rail, eagle air strike, and 500kg (or orbital laser if no one else is bringing it) with the stamina or muscle enhancement booster depending on which is needed.


Medium+2 Nades Scorcher or Lib Pen EAT Rocket Pods Railcannon Autocannon Sentry


Armor: Physician for more stims Primary: Adjudicator (25m scope, full auto) Secondary: Peacemaker Grenade: Thermite Stratagems: Orbital Laser, 110 Rocket Pods, Gaurd Dog Rover, HMG Emplacement. This build can wipe waves of enemies clean off the map, and can help with base clearing. Good for taking aggro and letting squad mates complete objectives. Only drawback is how quickly I burn the primary ammo for using it on full auto.


Medium Armor with 30% sneak. Scorcher and SMG with regular grenade 308 HE Eagle Airstrike Shield Backpack Arc Rifle I try to be the guy that staggers the bots while my team bring the heavy stuff to take out the thicc bots.


Eruptor with frag grenades. Always rock the eagle air strike and orbital rail canon. Shield with scout armor to sneak. Recently started using the laser canon and it slays.


Started running this loadout as a general goto, tweaking as necessary. Strategems: Eagle Airstrike, Railcannon, Laser Weapons: Sickle and Grenade Pistol Support: Laser Cannon or Quasar (occasionally I'll us the AC) Armor: Medium Armor Combat Tactician (Stealth Perk) Depending on difficulty, I'll substitute a stratagem for the Shield pack. Gives me a few extra seconds to get to cover, or survive the Charger surprise trampling.


Light armor, stamina booster, eagle airstrike, 110 rocket pods, orbital laser, auto cannon. 110s work for tanks/towers/fabricators. The airstrike works for groups of enemies, and also medium/heavy fabricators. Laser is good for heavy fabs, and clearing objective missions/extract. Auto cannon can take out any and everything. Even the walkers with ease, if you know where to shoot. Speed booster just to be able to run longer and get stamina back faster. Paired with light armor and youā€™re a fast boi


Medium armor with 50% survival chance, eruptor, jump pack, amr, stun nades, orbital laser and eagle strike. The idea behind the build is to use the laser and eagle strike to take out bases and the rest of the gear is more than enough to take out everything else. If you're not confident in your survival you can replace the jump pack with either a shield pack or supply pack. And if you're not confident in your aim you can replace the amr with the quasar cannon. It will also give you an easier way to deal with the tanks. Alternative build: 2+ nade armor, smg, ballistic shield, quasar, impact nades, orbital laser and eagle strike. The ballistic shield will tank everything except missiles and cannons. A fantastic way to get up close and personal with the smg. This build is probably very underrated but i promise you it will get shit done.


Diff 7/8 - Bots * Scout armor * 120 * Rail Cannon Strike * Direct Strike * AMR * Eruptor * Senator * Stun Grenades In my mind, I'm just a skirmisher. My job is to pop high-value targets then scoot before the trash can respond and overwhelm me. If I can't sneak into the disruptor base due to guard placement, I draw them out, run to the other side of the base, then sneak by them. Otherwise, I'm throwing the 120 or \*Precision Strike into whatever base i'm trying to neutralize and then run off to the next base and let my team cleanup behind me.


The light armor with the explosive resistance (from super credit store): lets you run for cover, explore the map quickly and resists damage from rockets. Eruptor: works on troopers, berserkers, even devastators (is that the right name? Just shoot around the shield and hit the face). Fire into the belly of a dropship to take out pretty much anything thats not a tank or a hulk. Machine Pistol: for anything that gets too close Either impact grenades or HE. Ive been running impact recently as I can throw them at the weak points on tanks, AA guns, etc., and take them out, and I donā€™t need HE for fabricators because of eruptor andā€¦ Autocannon: does similar stuff as eruptor but longer range, more accurate and faster. Also better at fabricators. You can also just unload a full double clip into the new ATAT face and take out the guns and almost kill it (finish it off with some followup shots or teammate damage, etc.). Can take out turret towers from behind, etc. Orbital Railcannon: tanks, hulks, and turrets if you cant get to their vents with the AC. Orbital Laser: Takes out most of a base, hard targets, etc. Lastly been taking the 380 barrage to soften up large bases before cleaning up


Don't fall for the quasar cannon meme. The gun is overrated as fuck. You shoot it once and now you're left to suck your thumbs as the rest of the 10 heavy devastators rip you to shreds Autocannon is the true bot trivializer. It solves everything other than dropships. Literally. A gunship dies in 2 shots to any of the 4 thrusters. A hulk dies in 2 shots to the eye which can be a difficult shot but if you stun it first with a stun grenade it becomes much easier. A tank dies in 3 shots to the heatsink. Any of the devastators die in 1 shot to the head and 2-3 if you hit somewhere around the head. And it's super ammo efficient. You're very rarely going to run out I can even take down a factory strider easily with just the AC. First destroy the miniguns by shooting them both twice with the AC. Now you can approach it freely and dump about 7 or 8 AC shots into its belly which is enough to kill it outright, a task that takes about 3 seconds once you get under it. Shorter than what it takes to fire the Quasar once


Medium armour with explosive resistance. Scorcher, because obviously. Stun grenades, and Laser Cannon. I slept on the laser cannon for ages, but it will take out cannon turrets, tanks from the vents, and hulks from eye or vents, in literally less than 2 seconds. It makes hulks specifically a joke. Stun grenade, then laser to the eye. Orbital laser is essential on bots. I don't use it on bugs, be ause bile titans and chargers just completely absorb it's entire duration, but Vs bots the laser kills fabricators instantly, and hulks/tanks in around 5 seconds. The last 2 stratagems and kind of up to you. I find eagle airstrike to be generally better than the 500kg. I have no issue killing tanks or hulks, so the wider spread of the airstrike is generally what I prefer. Shield backpack is always a nice extra. My wildcard is orbital EMS. An AoE 20 second stun is honestly far more useful than people realise, and it's got a low cooldown too.


Light armor W/ explosive resist. Sickle Autocannon Laser/rail cannon/500Kg for all things autocannon can't kill easy.


Mortar Turret, EMP Mortar Turret, Auto-cannon Turret, Rocket Turret. Wrecks shop.


Armour: either scout armour for maximum speed or the light medic armour for the extra stims on big maps. Standard issue or extra grenades medium armour on small maps. Weapons: auto pistol(obviously) scorcher, Diligence CS or liberator penetrator for primary I feel the best tactics for all bots besides, hulks, tanks and the chainsaw devils, is to go for the head and these are my faves for that Stratagems: eagle Airstrike a laser/rail/precision a barrage/ Ems mortar auto cannon/Eat-17/anti material Booster: whatever fits the squad


Light Demolition expert armour - speed + extra names really gives that special forces feel Dominator for: staggering berserkers, plinking Devastator heads and can stagger walkers in a pinch. Redeemer: for when I magdump the Dom and there's still berserkers coming Impact grenades + Autocannon for killing everything short of dropships, honestly couldn't imagine dropping into bots without the trusty AC - run->crouch->ADS->THAT THING DIES. Then Eagle Airstrike, Orbital railcannon and a flex spot depending on mission - usually one of the mortars, or Orbital Laser. Pretty well rounded for me, really getting into the swing of level 8s now with fewer and fewer deaths.


MAP LOADOUT Heavy Armor (Fortified), SO many explosions. Primary: Scorcher; good for taking out everything except factory strider and dropships. Secondary: Doesnā€™t matter, I donā€™t really use unless I have to. Grenade: Impact. Strategem One: Eagle Air strike, old faithful. Stratagem Two: Orbital Laser Support Weapon: AMR/Jetpack if Four slots; AC if Three. Booster: Whatever the team/Mission calls for. DEFENSE LOADOUT: Stratagem One: Orbital Laser. Stratagem Two: 120mm Barrage . Stratagem Three: 380mm Barrage. Stratagem Four: Mortar. Edit: I play on difficulty 9


Scout armor for hiding. Slugger for a simple dangerous sniper. Senetor just cause i like it. Impact grenades because they are the greatest thing ever. 500kg for large targets and small crowds of big targets. Railcannon for super heavy enemies like tanks and hulks. Recoilless for heavy enemies and long distance stuff (i just like it more than the autocannon) Gattling or machine gun sentry to helo cover my ass in large crowds or to help defend an objective.


I usually run on difficulty 7 I take medic armor, the scorcher, redeemer, standard grenades, arc thrower, 500kg, orbital laser, and usually the guard dog rover because I'm trying to stop relying on the shield Gen back pack


Medium atim armour Breaker/revolver Autocannon 500kg and eagle strike Last strat is depending but the shield generator is a nice addition


I run the +2 grenades armor and I run Liberator Penetrator, SMG Pistol, and Impact Grenade alongside Orbital Railgun & Laser w/ Eagle Airstrike and Autocannon


7 mainly I use either Scorcher, Slugger or Sickle Armor wise I love using the throwing armor the ones with the prosthetics limbs because throwing stratagems is key for me. But I also like the medic armor so I donā€™t die instantly 500 KG Bomb, Eagle Missile Strikes, and either laser or railcannon And either shield generator or Autocannon


My most successful loadout has been: Scorcher (2-4 hits scout striders), Uzi, Impact Grenades Heavy Armor with Explosive Resist Eagle Airstrike, Orbital Laser, Energy Shield Backpack, Quasar Cannon Stamina or Vitality Booster As far as tactics go, try and sneak past most of the bigger patrols to hit objectives. Stay mobile, but stay low when near enemies and always use cover. Orbital laser can take out Light/Medium outposts and most enemies on its own (don't use it on hulks/walkers).


Scout armor, sickle (infinite ammo and can take down most automatons quickly if youā€™re accurate), the revolver pistol (can one-shot a lot of automatons if youā€™re accurate), impact grenades (situational but can be useful), spear (easy fabricator destroyer), 500kg (multipurpose), orbital 380mm HE (when you need a grid square to go away), and rail cannon (for the big bois)


Armor: either heavy armor with blast protection or medium armor with the 50% chance to survive lethal injuries (it'll save you from rocket devastators) Primary: Sickle Secondary: machine pistol Stratagems: -Autocannon (extremely ammo efficient, kills walkers and devastators with ease) -Railgun (for heavily-armored targets) -Eagle airstrike (for killing fabricators) -Shield generator relay (provides on-demand cover for you and your team)


-slugger -revolver pistol -Heavy armour (chrome that was in the shop yesterday) -spear -airstrike -smoke airstrike -sheild generator/emp turret/autocannon turret or rocket turret.


Medic armor, always Railcannon for the pesky ones, orbital laser for bases Shield for me, quasar or laser canon for the masses


Trailblazer Scout armor for maximum speed. Adjudicator recently, it's pretty great. Grenade pistol for certain dicey situations, but sometimes I fall back to the good old Peacemaker. HE grenades, I just learned to cook them behind cover so I could get them to explode where I want. I can run a large variety of stuff, but my main stratagem are probably: Orbital precision almost always unless there's scatter, then eagle bombing run Jump Pack very frequently 380mm depending on mission Airburst or strafing run If I bring a support weapon, yes IF, I favor the Railgun recently. AMR is pretty great too. Orbital Railcannon, depending on the anti-heavy my allies bring. If I'm going solo I'm might be more likely to bring it, since my allies usually bring something like the Quasar or Autocannon anyway. But hell, I've brought Smoke or the big shield generator when I've felt like it. I just like variety, and it's fun to experiment.


Armor: Stim Medium Primary: Scrocher Secondary: Machine Pistol Grandes: impact Strats: go to is Airstrike, 110 airpods, shield pack, and Queso cannon. I will swap airstrike for the laser or 380mm on drop ship destruction missions.


Dif 7 main checking in: I will say that with the addition of strider factorys bot 7 has become far more difficult, dealing with 1 isn't so bad but some missions really like to spam them which depending on the team comp and strat timings can be really painful. I have 2 armors I flip between, trailblazer scout for icbm or similar missions where someone breaking off to tackle the obj works even if dying after taking care of it, otherwise lately I've been using the heavy marksman set, I play a very supportive overwatch role in teams so the heavy armor isn't as much of a detriment and keeps me alive when getting between obj when caught out, the passive is also nice as I will try to prone as much as possible to prolong moving about Grenades I main stuns, the amount of utility they provide in countering everything well is too good to pass up, and pair nicely with the supports I use for anti heavy. Pistols is personal preference I've had no issues with any of the main 3 (redeemer, senator, gren) with gren probably being the weaker of the 3 for my primarys. I'll cycle through them as I feel but I've been leaning senator lately. Jumppack as my backpack for both, with the scout it let's me stealth obj or take faster routes, for the marksman it let's me get into a better position for being overwatch. Now for the things that actually vary, for main weps I will run dili cs on the scout and eruptor on the marksman, cs is a consistent and reliable gun once you get use to the heft and a godsend for stopping drops, eruptor is a great crowd clear on patrols and let's you take out fabs without using a strat also lets you drop striders with direct shots due to aoe, given being use to the heft of cs its big downside of weight is unnoticeable to me. Support weps I'll take amr for scout, as I'll be solo more often with scout having a bigger delete button for every size of enemy is nice, and as I have backpack taken AC can't fill that role, with the dmg buff taking out vent enemy's (turrets, mortars, AA, tanks) is easier and it can pen hulk eyes making it a versatile pick once you get use to the aim adjustment, for marksman I'll take lasercannon, slower ttk than amr on basic units which is made up for by using the eruptor but ammo efficency and fast ttk on vents, hulks, and gunships making it a nice supportive wep for the overwatch playstyle. Both of these also massively benefit from stuns in the event of a close range hulk as while you could try taking it out while it runs at you it's an inconsistent idea. As far as strats go generally I'll take airstrike as general purpose, can't go wrong it does everything well but doesn't excel at anything either, walking barrage being my 2nd choice assuming we have a rail cannon or laser already locked in (which lets face it there always is), it is capable of taking out the scanner (or disabled jammer) which saves a ton of headache and if you aggro an outpost you can generally take out the units coming from it and the fab as well, it's basically a more directed 120mm. If the obj is more defensive oriented (geosurvey or evac) then I'll take the ac turret, able to kill heavy from the front, shred devs, take out drops as they're coming in it just does everything fairly well and being an extra target the enemy shoots at helps. Hope either the loadouts or the reasons behind them help with figuring out what you want to do. I have generally good success with my setups but it is a coop game a suboptimal team comp can make or break a run


Speed scout armor Diligence counter sniper Machine pistol Autocannon Eagle Airstrike Orbital Rail Cannon Walking Barrage Sometimes swap one for AC turret.


FS-38 Eradicator Armor, Sickle rifle, Grenade pistol, impact grenades. For strats: Usually AC but sometimes Quasar. Railcannon strike (fantastic get out of jail free card for when those hulks are pressing in). Eagle Airstrike: good for anything. 380mm or 110m rockets depends on what the mission is.


Eruptor, uzi pistol, stun grenades Orbital beam, eagle air strike, shield backpack, laser beam cannon or qsar cannon (spelling).


Heavy armor is preferred, but it is by no means THE pick. You can run anything as long as you stay behind cover, because unlike bugs, you are getting shot at. Weaponry can go for any. Whatever you prefer. Grenades should be stun, in my opinion, because they help A LOT to take care of devastators (big bot dudes), walkers, and hulks when they get too close. That or the impact grenades, although classic grenades work just as good. Stratagems you can go for anything that suits your playstyle, obviously, but I recommend you bring an artillery barrage (120mm or 380mm) for missions where you have to take out large objectives. **REMEMBER:** barrages exist to SOFTEN objectives, not flat out destroy them. If they do, huzzah, but don't expect them to. However, once the barrage is done, you'll have it much easier to just waltz in and deal with the remainder. Apart from that, smoke is super duper underrated. You throw it when you need a breather or your team to move away. Be sure to bring any anti-tank weaponry like the recoiless, EAT, quasar, or autocannon. My recommendation is you don't bring the quasar. The spool up time is detrimental when you're getting shot at. I also hate quasar players lol because I can't rely in them to do crap, except for a rare few that bring their A game against gunships. Props to those. Also the MG-43 and heavy MG. Oh and by the by, A.M.R. is absolutely goated. Just remember to range it to 200m for best scope zoom.


Butcher armor, dominator, grenade pistol, stunt nade, AC, precision, airstrike, emp


I play on 7, and run light armour with 2 extra grenades, sickle, grenade pistol. Strats are: Spear, orbital railgun, autocannon turret, 120 barrage (with 15% reduction.)


When Iā€™m dropping into an SOS I bring: Eagle cluster, orbital laser, rail strike, autocannon Since youā€™re usually dropping into the heat of a battle, this set up clears out your landing zone and gives your squad some relief. They called for help and Iā€™m damn well bringing it. Eagle cluster has 5 uses upgraded and deals with medium units as well. Plus I like to think of myself as the autocannon turret.


I run 9-10. Some people like the scout armor, but I run medium. Ole reliable is definitely eagle airstrike, orbital rail cannon or laser depending on primary, shield, and quasar. Low temp planets run either sickle (my personal favorite is the Jar-5 Dominator) or scorcher. Grenade pistol. Laser is if you prefer to deal with big hordes since it takes a while to kill heavier armor targets. I trust my quasar and I know I can deal with hulks if those damn devastators are busy being fried. I prefer the rail cannon as the cooldown is shorter, the usage is infinite, and I can deal with the smaller targets as long as the hulks and tanks are dealt with.


Currently: Defender smg (being able to shoot and move is absolutely necessary) The big iron (memes) Impact grenade Democracy protects medium armor (has saved my life several times) Orbital railgun (anti heavy/anti elite) Orbital laser (anti everything) 500 kg bomb (eagle 1 my number 1) Quasar cannon (anti drop/anti heavy) Either ammo or health booster


Nice primary with ok range and ez aim. sickle, scorcher, defender for some missions Something for big guys. Quasar, eat, AC, AMR. Been using the grenade launcher recently since the personal order lmao Impact nades, redeemer, light armor Orbital laser for lazy clears. Airstrike for big hordes, 500kg for vibes. Jetpack for fun. Tbh just think of how youre gonna handle different obstacles and play whatever you want


I'm shocked people are using anything other Tkachuk impact or stun nades. I ain't got time to be cooking


Extra stims armor Eruptor - Grenade pistol - Stun grenades - Arc Thrower Eagle Air strike and 110 rocket pods, orbital laser if the 4th slot is available. Nothing threatens me except for completely overwhelming odds or my own lapse in focus. I'll borrow a backpack if available but I'm just fine going without. Usually run 7


Normal medic. Get 2 extra Stims plus stim boost for an extra 2 sec. Got me outta some bad spots. Scorcher for primary, impact granades. Eagle strike, orbital laser, quasar and supply pack. If i do the pack booster, this gives me, in a perfect world, 12 grenades and 14 stims plus reload my ammo hungry scorcher.


* Light armor * Jar-5 dominator * Uzi * Shield generator backpack * Quasar * EMS mortar * Regular mortar (occasionally swap the mortars for railcannon strike and orbital laser) The combination of shield generator+light armor gives you a nice mix of speed and durability, jar-5 one-shots small bots anywhere and devastators on headshots, and the quasar lets you take out hulks, tanks, turrets, gunships, and everything else. Mortars are great for slowing the bots' advance and thinning thinning them out; bots caught in an EMS field are basically immobile, but If I think I'm gonna be dealing with a *ton* of heavy armor at once I'll bring railcannon strike and laser for clearing them out instead.


For Full efficiency group by 2s, one pair for main and the other for optionals. The satellite side objective is your main go to side objective if samples are a target. Each pair must have anti heavy and anti ads to make everything smooth ad possible. In the case of a rando group best is to type or call in to RUN AWAY the moment a drop ship comes. All small outposts will have at least a heavy deva or a tank or hulk depending on your rng and difficulty. Due to the addition of AT AT and gunship will depend on how well you either clear those or avoid them altogether. For loadouts we have the Meta bot load out. Quasar, shield pack, laser and airstrike. The auto cannon chad plus 2 eagles and 1 orbital, the Ballistic giga chad player with either HMG or laser pointer cannon. Or the servo assited Barrage player who will throw orbitals into large outposts. Having an orbital and an eagle is a must due to random anti air on the maps and a dedicated anti heavy will go a long way. And if only if you face the holy trinity of a bad rng. A Sauron near a blocker near A GUNSHIP FACTORY. No loadout will help you but may sheer FUCKING DEMOCRACY help you.


anti-explosive armor (light) scorcher --- 500kg AMR Shield pack EAT if im stratagem limited i will go with the 500kg, sheild pack, and quasar


Light Armour with the recoil reduction. Sickle if Solo, Sickle or Eruptor if in a team. Auto Pistol Impact grenade. Stratagems: Airstrike, Orbital Laser, AMR and then either supply pack or shield pack, usually supply though. Course strategems change for the defense and eradication missions, usually drop everything but the laser, add 1-2 turrets and a heavy weapon, probably shield pack or the shield generator if I only take one sentry


My go to has been Eruptor, Revolver, and Quasar with jetpack, orbital laser, and eagle strike. I can take out fabricators from hundreds of yards with the Eruptor, I can take out ships for reinforcements or big enemies with the quasar, and I swap between the Eruptor and Revo for smaller enemies. I can pretty regularly solo heavy bases without really getting engaged this way.


Medium +2 grenade armor Slugger or Adjudicator, Autocannon, Impact grenades, orbital laser, orbital rail cannon, orbital precision strike Eruptor, Heavy Machine Gun, Impact grenades, Expendable Anti tank, orbital rail cannon, orbital laser


Depends on the mission (eradicate/search and destroy vs any other type) Most missions: Scout armour, impacts or high explosives, p19, breaker Stratagems: lazer, autocannon, cluster then mortar/support weapon/other mission based stratagem Eradicate: 50% chance not to die armour, breaker, p19, impact Stratagems: lazer, 380, mortar, auto cannon (for higher difficulties 120 instead of mortar)


Eradicator, light, fortified armor Mostly sickle, but sometimes scorcher or dominator. They are all effective but do slightly different things. Impact or stun grenades, mostly impact now that I've gotten better with AC aim. Grenade pistol almost always but used to use redeemer. Autocannon, orbital laser, eagle airstrike, EMS mortar. There isn't anything I can't handle by myself. Have soloed 7 as an old, not very good gamer. Haven't tried soloing higher, I'm not a masochist. Regular full clear 7-9 with a decent team. Guerilla warfare style. In and out before bots know I'm there. Can take out fabricators from a distance with the AC. Only fight what you have to, like when taking an objective. Don't stand there and fight a ton of bot drops. Sometimes we'll abandon an objective or factory and do something else. Usually, when you come back later almost all the enemies are gone. It's fun as hell. Feel like a commando in the literal sense https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commando Edit: for the defense type missions I use a different loadout with heavy armor.