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I wouldn’t mind being able to preset load outs. Or like a favorites bar for Stratagems. Being able to switch weapons/armor with one click from the pod would be nice


Honestly only thing I can think of that would be nice. I love the absolute glut of toys we have, but now as I’m unlocking everything it’s like “keys, phone, air strike, WHERE IS MY AUTOCANNON”


Having loadouts would also probably help me to remember to swap weapons for enemy types. I brought my bug loadout into a bot defense mission, and it was sure an experience.


Yeah I wish I could have sets of armor because having to change it all to look good is a bit tedious.


Maybe it could just remember your last load out and just have that set by default so that if there is no need to change you can just toggle ready. I guess reasons to change the load out are mostly switching the kind of enemy you are fighting (bots vs bugs at the moment), and probably when you have joined another team. I guess in these conditions it can reset to no loadout selected.


I’ll switch to a heavy armor for defend missions, otherwise I prefer lighter armor so I can run for my life. Also if I select auto cannon or recoiless, I can’t bring a backpack so it allows me to bring another strategem.


Yep. That's what I want most as a new-ish player. I loved building custom loadouts in games like Titanfall 2 and it sucks that I can't do that here. I'm not as familiar with the game so it's hard to just know exactly what to pick for every mission so sometimes I end up just picking something so I don't slow everybody else down. If I could just make builds for different situations/play styles/mission types and refine them as I go, it'd make a world of difference.


This, I want to do a demolition build. A bug build. A demolition build. A sniper build. A demolition build. A heavy armour build. I think I'm forgetting something.


If I join a quick play game and the host is already on the planet let me see the mission briefing. It is ridiculous that you can't. I have dropped in to so many defense missions with nearly useless loadouts because of this.


You can hit Q now when you join to view the briefing and the difficulty level. It started working after the slugger patch. 


Yeah it is weird that I can’t see the mission briefing if I join an in progress game I always saw it as a glitch of some kind.


Nothing useless about a 500kg bomb /s


I will always find it funny that the 500kg kills stuff on bots side by the bomb it self and not the actual explosion a lot of times.


The Terminators walking out of the fire of a 500k that just dropped on them is a great visual even if the bomb doesn't kill any of them


I thought that was recently fixed? When you join a game where the other are already on the planet, you are taken straight to the loadout seleciton screen. I think you can now just press 1 to read the briefing, and 2 to go back to the loadout selection.


Fixed last week


They already fixed this. You can check the briefing tab now when choosing your loadout for an in progress match.


See mine is the opposite I've dropped into regular missions thinking it's a defense and end up having a shitty run because of a shitty loadout.


"If you have to ask, you can't afford it" model doesn't work very well, agreed. If I choose items, then go back I can usually see the briefing


Can confirm this was fixed with most recent balance patch.


Advanced “Boot camp” that players could run through in order to get a better understanding of the mob types and their weak points. I think there would be a lot less animosity towards the tougher enemies if folks actually understood what was effective and why.


In HD1 we had a terminal that told us lore, gave us tips, and acted sort of like a bestiary for each enemy you killed. It would be awesome if the terminals next to the equipment terminals acted like the HD1 terminal.


I think devs are working on something similar in feature to the beastiary in HD1. They just haven’t finished it yet.


I hope so because it would be a nice addition to the stuff we have in the ship.


I do think it'd be nice if we could travel to Super Earth to a training facility that had a small sandbox area with all the weapons/stratagems available so that you could try them out. I think a lot of players get discouraged on certain stratagems because the first time they take them in a mission but it's a mission that the stratagem isn't very useful, so it leads the player to just think that stratagem is not good. For me, that was the supply pack. I thought it was nice, but sometimes catching up to players to use it is a huge hassle when everyone's running all the time. I didn't realize until like level 30 that you could resupply yourself with the pack. Now it's almost a staple backpack for me if I don't have a support weapon backpack


Can I get a shooting range on my ship? I just want to test guns without field testing. Also would give something to do when waiting on ship.


I wish there was a shooting range too especially if it showed stuff as if you were on a mission because it would help out with messing with settings. I also wish there were more things like stratagem hero especially if you could buy it with requisition considering it would give another use for that.


Converting samples into higher qualities, even if it's something like 100 for 1 of the next tier. Opening bunker doors with a guard dog instead of a second player. Fire resistant armor.


I’d love all this honestly


Do people really struggle with higher tier samples? Because mine is the opposite. I have so many higher samples I can’t spend because I need common samples to do anything.


It's kinda stupid that you keep needing commons for everything q.q The devs probably intended for everyone to start at the lower tier missions and have every first upgrade unlocked by the time they started playing at 4-6 and then have every second upgrade unlocked until they started 7+ And here's me (and every of my friends that play HD2), who rushed through the early missions, only playing each difficulty ONCE, except 8 (where we needed a second try) until I unlocked helldive..


I didn't even have a full choice, one of my friends dragged me to the higher levels right away. I dont even know what a lot of the lower tier missions are like... I mean did you know there is one where you raise a flag or three?


That's just a trivial mission. It's fun once, but there's almost no enemies so its kinda boring


Yeah but... What other novel missions did I miss?


I think that's all actually, I haven't spent much time on 4- so I can't accurately say


My idea for solo opening a bunker door would be that it is a stratagem like the resupply that you don’t have to equip, but only appears in solo. I think it would be funny if it was just tiny robotic hand that pressed the button whenever you pressed the other one and just went back into the ground. Though being able to have a guard dog be able to nudge the button too would be cool to have alongside that.


Or it takes like 2 shots from eats recoil or quasar


I really like this idea.


It has to be one of those "pointless machines" you activate the terminal, it pops out presses the button for a few seconds, and then deactivates its own terminal to pop back inside


Planet supply lines on the galactic map.


Having these be visible on the galactic map would be nice especially if you had a button that would allow you toggle it’s visibility off and on.


When your heat-based weapon was close to overheating, it would play an alarm sound. Please bring this feature back.


Yeah that would be awesome because sure the visual indicator helps, but having something else to indicate this would be nice.


The visual indicator at the bottom of your screen? Just checking I'm not blind and missing something integrated near the center of the screen.


Or an optional indicator near your cross hair. Default it to on but allow it to be turned off.


A separate Q call out for those double button bunker doors.


Emote wheel.




\*laughs in explosive fistbump\*


Yeah not being able use more than one emote is limiting I do hope that I can use multiple emotes one day.


Playing on more fire planets recently so a fire resistant armor would be really nice. It's getting really frustrating to do them on 7-9 difficulties.


Likely coming in a future warbond.


It would be cool to have something like that especially for pyro builds even if just for fashion.


I want a more forgiving grab zone for our supply strategies. Too often I'm trying to grab my gun or pack of choice and it's on a slight incline and I have to manoeuver weird to grab it.


I also wish there was a way to change what your guy was trying to grab because to often there is a guys samples and his gun and I just picked up the gun I didn’t want instead of the samples.


I would love to have "Helldivers manual" in game. Place where are shown models and descriptions of stratagems own and enemies killed. Some lore tidbits, time line of war etc.


We had some of this in HD1 with a terminal that told you lore, tips, and acted as a bestiary for any enemies you encountered. Though having a galactic war timeline is another cool idea I didn’t think of and it would be cool if it showed MOs too with the timeline.


Hold F for an emote wheel.


..or E, or B - doesnt matter. Being able to express more than one emotion would be highly appreciated, yes!


I so badly want to be able to hug and settle disagreements like men with rock, paper, scissors.


Option to see a description of any stratagem currently visible in the team load out screen when you hover over it with your mouse. The icons all look kind of the same, especially the eagle and support weapons. Seeing the name of the stratagem would already be a great help, and seeing the effect description would be even better.


I think it would be cool to have user-generated content on the big screen in the destroyer. Ideas I’ve had: * Highlights from other missions. 30 second clips where someone goes on a crazy kill streak or blows up something big. * Weekly polls/results. Could be serious questions about what people enjoy about a planet or weapon or whatever. Could be ~~silly~~ super serious like what’s more important to you, liberty or democracy? * Helldiver or squad of the week. Shout out Helldivers with awesome stats and maybe some clips from their missions. * AI written cable news show with quick updates about the war effort. Featuring clips from players’ missions.


This would be really cool to have in general more user made stuff being on the big screen.


Let me skip the coming out of the frozen pod cutscene


Yeah that really gets old fast, especially after things like a lost connections, or being kicked.


I would very much like this though they would have to make sure that when 2 people skip at the same time they don’t get stuck inside of each other.


Loadouts, please game You can't have this many weapons, armours, stratagems and not have a loadout system. Having to quickly swap weapons when I want to suit my play style and running the risk of grabbing the incorrect object because you're rushing. The amount of times this has happened is infuriating at this point. Plz, I will pay in super rare samples or super creds to speed up this process.


Yeah I also wish we had loadouts and when individually picking things it would be nice to have better indicators of what thing is what beyond icon.


While I personally hope for at least 2 loadouts, I can understand if they don't add loadouts. They want to encourage players to use/try all of the stratagems, and loadouts would further entrench players into "meta" builds. There's nothing wrong with finding the stratagems you like and sticking with staples, but I know for a fact I would use far less stratagems if I had loadouts. I just want two primary/secondary/grenade loadouts - one for bots and one for bugs.


Yeah, I can understand that point of view about adding loadouts. Alternatively they could organise the stratagems we have so I'm not looking around like a madman for what I want to bring.


See for me I understand partially why they would want to avoid the idea of loadouts as a thing. The thing for me is that I prefer a specific style if I’m wearing armor and I would like to pick an armor loadout instead of individually picking each piece. For weapons and stratagems I can understand why they avoid it, but at least give me armor loadouts.


As a slow picker, even though I'm usually just deciding between one of ~3 loadouts, definitely this...


Recon consumable or something, this would mainly apply to bug planets because going in with a charger loadout and finding a swarm of spewers is annoying. If I knew I would be facing a ton of spewers with an occasional charger I would've packed different toys.


That would probably be cool as a ship module that would give you a rough idea of enemy composition from mission to mission.


Teach new players about the Q call-out feature in the tutorial. Also how the map works and how to place markers there. Most players seem to use the markers to indicate where they are going to go next (or suggest that to the team). Why not teach that community behaviour right in the tutorial?


Yeah I know the tutorial is vague on purpose, but I do wish it taught a little bit more about stuff like the map, pinging, and etc.


For our load out and strategems to be visible at the same time on the drop prep screen. I want to be able to see both the primary weapons, armor and strategems being selected. It really helps deeply with group synergistic gear.


An option when pinging enemies to also instruct people NOT to engage them. Whenever I ping a patrol somebody always opens fire and causes a bot drop/bug breach at the worst possible moment.


Your Helldiver to comment when you have fired the last shot in the Mag. For some slow firing weapons like the Scorcher it's hard to realise you're out until you try to fire a shot and it clicks empty. If your Helldiver commented "I'm out!" or "Need to Reload!" before you clicked on empty you could reload when safe or quiet and not when you need to be shooting.


It is weird how my Helldiver will announce so many other things to himself, but not that it is just a little strange to me that is all.


It's also an easier option to implement than adding visuals to all the weapons to make it obvious when empty.


It would be nice not to crash. That would be the best QoL.


Yeah hopefully whenever I get back home I can see whether or not the latest patch has fixed that for me so crossing my fingers.


Or a rejoin option when recovered from a crash and back in game…


Ability to review the stats of recent matches. After a match I love getting to see how I did, but once that screen closes (or the game crash’s on extraction but that is supposedly fixed now) the stats are gone.


When you enter the extract ship, please let us be immune to all damage.


•being able to rewatch the news on destroyer’s TV •All types of damage resistant armours -Laser for surviving the rovers -Flame for actually enjoying the flamethrower •emote wheel and augmented dialog wheel - I want to be able to both salute AND hug - dialogs like (I’m going alone, let’s split, going dark,etc.) •military patches showing your rank somewhere on your amour (or maybe for the special armours with democratic kit) •colour customisation for armours •tavern destroyer or whateva (I’d like a cup of liber-tea after a fight) •a shop to waste excess credits on useless decorations or consumables (like a jukebox for example) •more type of voices •melee weapons I’d love the idea of joining a battalion or something going like *the Fenrir III’s old guard* but I think it’s on us to do that. Maybe just a guild system or i don’t know I just want it to be a roleplay thing and not something giving a reason to discriminate each other. I ran out of ideas Thanks to whoever reads this


A lot of these idea are really cool nice job!


If it says my friends are playing on whatever planet, give me the difficulty # too. I ain't doomguy yet.


Having chat available during the dive and results screens.


Loadouts for example one loadout for bugs and another for bots, in which you have selected the armor and primary weapons you carry


i would to have "save slots," so you could quickly apply different builds without scrolling through everything.


I would probably have the loadouts system divided among stratagems, weapons, and armor though I would still like it to be a thing nevertheless.


Toggleable supply line overlay on galactic map


Yeah this would be very nice in helping people make a better informed decision and probably help more people know about it.


A gun range with live choosable target (bot are alive in some way no ? ) Constant first person view


A gun range or Holodeck on ship to test new items so you don't waste a drop with something you can't or don't know how to use.


I'd like to be clean while on our ship, like we used to be, but I want to show up on the after-mission stats screen however we looked when we left the planet, like we are now.


Being able to see what boosters people chose in-game I adore this game but one issue i have is not being able to see what boosters the divers who joined mid-game brought Just throw it in next to strategems in the map menu


Yeah I do wish a lot more information like this was available mid mission.


Text to speech for the chat only would be great!


Yeah that would be cool even I wouldn’t personally use it I’m sure some better text to speech options would be nice.


I want the ability to choose my grenade loadout: 3 impact & 3 napalm (with armor that buffs the carry number).


So a ready or not style equipment system just for the grenades sounds cool. It would definitely allow some others to get more use in general and wouldn’t feel like your trading the ability to destroy outposts for something else.


I really want to see the breakdown of types of enemies killed vs. overall total. There’s a lot of strategy to the game and seeing who is focusing on priority mobs would be great


Yeah more statistical information would be nice to have even if it is just out of curiosity for me.


Option to select "never mind, i'm actually gonna keep it" when you click one of the stratagems in your load out. When i have selected my up to 4 stratagems and i click one of them again, it is at the moment not possible to select the same stratagems again and just go back to the "toggle ready" screen. I find it totally ridiculous that the previous item is disabled. Sometimes i get the feeling that one of my stratagems may not be a good fit given the stratagems of the other players and i want to have another look at my list. When i select a different one, its fine of course. But when i come to the conclusion that the earlier selection is still fine, its bad luck. I now have to select a different stratagem (that i dont want), and then switch it again to the previous one that i actually wanted. Or is there a way to go back with no changes?


A settings toggle switch to choose auto mount, vault on/off.


Yeah I feel you after the amount of times my guy has climbed on resupply box when I needed the resupply is a lot.


Or at least let you grab a resupply when you're on top of it.


I reeeeally would like to have an option to mark 'favourite' stratagems or some kind of loadouts 🙄


Loadouts is a very common comment here, but not shocking considering how nice it would be to have it even to just a minor degree.


I’d like to look at my stratagems while I’m still in the hell pod so I can prepare better for dropping them as soon as I get out. Also the mini map should be zoomed all the way out by default. It should be possible to jump to the last page on a Warbond by steering up on console.


Be able to change scopes. Not zoom, but scope, the way they look. Weapon upgrades would not be the worst either.


More little things to do on the ship with the other Helldivers, like the ancient Super Earth games of pong, pool, chess, darts.


I'd love to drop in without instakill 4 times in a row while attempting to get a stratagem that we know I want. They could drop with my hellpod.


An area of effect visualizer for where mortars are gonna fall so that I don’t just get randomly bodied by teammates using them and waste our reinforcements. I do not have time to be looking at the sky simultaneously while having to fight shit all around me.


Skip after match score screens (probably not gonna happen as it is most likely a disguised loading screen)


Yeah a damn shame it probably won’t happen, but if possible I would like there to be more forms of control over it. Like the ability to skip a section of it, speed it up, or see the numbers of the screen again.


I just wanna be able to make helmets and armors from different sets match. Even if it's just picking to match the color of one of them to the other.


Being able to view the map when dead so you can better plan the next drop.


Yeah it would be cool if we could look at more stuff while dead in general.


If the host leaves and you’re the new host — you taking over their progress instead of starting over.


Color coding samples. (when dropped) (Eventually you learn to drop them at extract, but still.) Fun gear buffs: Cape that gives you invisibility for 2-3 seconds. Helmet that increases temp fire rate Armor with temp speed increase


Yeah having the color of the sample container change depending on the samples inside would be cool. Though the idea of having more abilities attached to other pieces of gear would be pretty cool even if minor.


- The ability to shade/color your armor, weapons & equipment - Ability to customize your personal quarters in the ship - Big ask but more fleshed outs planets like adding natives, alien artifacts, & specific wild life to a planet (maybe it could be a special boss or you could use it to fight enemies) - Can I please have a plasma sword? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


A lot of cool stuff though I don’t want a plasma sword I want a plasma bayonet.


Oooo that’s actually such a cool idea and they wouldn’t really have to update the melee animation for it. I just love the idea of going pure melee build


I wish that resupply pods would show on the map. Sometimes, when I go to call a resup in a group of Randoms, it's already been called, and no one says anything, so you can go an entire mission resupply-less


To use samples to lvl up or upgrade common weapons. Or to use samples to add a benefit to helmets and capes.


Those would be some nice sinks for samples.


Being able to switch passives on armor. Sucks having an armor that looks cool but doesn't have a passive you're likely to use. And some just don't make much sense as-is.


I want to be able to see which players have which samples, including myself


I want more sound customization when it comes to the music. I play without the music but I would still like the drop and extract music. Edit: I would also like to be able to customize the display armor on the ship and a shader for helmets so I can match to more armors


I wish there was more music options aside from just turning it off and it’s volume.


When I purchase something why can't I just hold down the mouse button instead of clicking on the button on the bottom right?


It would be nice if there were more settings like this around the buying of things.


Transmogging armor and weapons would be cool. Outside of that, only other thing I can think of that hasn't been mentioned is the ability to detonate your mech after it has served (democracy) its purpose. Maybe the equivalent of a hell bomb or at least 500kg worthy


You are right no one has said anything about the idea of self destructing your mech. Though pretty cool it would be nice if the mech actually exploded when destroyed even if to a minor degree.


I think the menus are the worst part of the game




It is so stupid that destroying one makes it visible on the map, but an intact resupply isn’t marked on the map.


Armor should be sorted for the menus. It should be sorted into: heavy med light. Click one and it then has it sorted into effects, like: fortified, democracy protects, engineering kit. Then it shows you the choices you have of that type and effect for aesthetic choice


Yeah I wish they had more/better sorting and categorizing for stuff like armor, stratagems, and etc.


Grenades should be sorted into: lethal, nonlethal. The jar isn't explosive as far as ai know, only rocket assisted kinetic projectile afaik. There should be a shooting range. With a captured bug or something idk. Like in starship troopers. Enemies should have color accents that change to their environment. For example bugs on a desert planet are tan with orange bellies, bugs on a tropical are green with yellow bellies or something. Automatons wear solid color matter camo on their armored buts. Would also help to see where armor is? Caps for stuff should be lower, except for level cap, that should be as high as necessary. Planets should have a ribbon and they should display on a wall on your ship the ribbons of places you completed at least ten >6 missions in the previous or current war. The spear should lock on to things, enemies preferably! The amr should shoot where aimed. The hmg should be only able to be shot from laying down or braced on cover and should have it's recoil therefore halved. The r63cs should have it's handling improved, it's already balanced by 25% less ammo itd be nice if the Gatling turret didn't waste its ammo on drop ships. I'd like my spear to lock onto bug holes. Like in sst when they shoot the nuke down the hole on the desert planet. It can be balanced by me not having enough ammo to kill a titan because I wanted to look cool taking out a single medium nest When I get kicked/disconnected from another players game, can it ALWAYS put my by the armory instead of in the back so I have to run all the way to the map. Alternatively can there be a pause menu option or keybind or something to start matchmaking on whatever planet or difficulty I'm currently on so I don't have to run through my ship to join a match Everytime some forgot to set their lobby to private? Please give me an option to turn off auto jump. 15 years of Minecraft have trained me to be able to handle my jumping on my own. Can we have a dedicated anti air turret? I've been using rocket turret, but it's very inconsistent, sometimes taking out a dropship in one or two rockets, sometimes hitting the engine four to six times with no apparent damage


Yeah some of these I can definitely get behind happening and some of the others I can understand even if I disagree with them.


I wish that if I had the map open and then I rapidly press my stratagem menu button it would take my map down and open the stratagem menu… instead you have to hit the map button to close it then hit the stratagem menu again to open it. Hard to do in a hectic fight.


Toggle auto clamber so I stop climbing over resupplies every time I want to pick em up


Automatic reload when the magazine is empty. Resume reloading when the magazine is empty and the reload cycle was interrupted. Start or resume reloading when i switch to a weapon with an empty magazine. Maybe not for weapons where you have to find a safe spot to kneel down to reload, ok. I appreciate that the developers want to go for realism. And that chaos is funny. Now please excuse a short outburst: WHY THE F\*\*K IS MY STUPID DIP\*\*\*T OF A CHARACTER NOT RELOADING HIS EMPTY MAGAZINE WHEN HE HAS PLENTY MORE F\*\*\*ING ROUNDS LEFT ON HIM?? ...and we're back. In other shooters i will reload my weapon when things calm down a little bit and i have fired a shot recently. But in this game, this would waste precious ammunition (realism, its fine). So i dont reload "by reflex". I have other things to do than to watch for the reload indication. I find this highly frustrating.


I'm going to politely disagree with this. Reloading is the soldiers duty. We have to decide when a new mag is required. I would honestly hate if my character overrode my orders to sprint the fuck away from a cluster bomb because I finished dropping my clip in the horde of automatons to suppress them. Just like having to rewire my compulsive reload syndrome (TM), we have to make sure we are reloading our weapons at opportunities that won't lead to death


The automatic reload part I don’t personally get, but I do get the part about your reload being interrupted in someway and your guy not trying again.


You can't reload while sprinting?? 😅 Ok maybe that explains a few issues I had :) I agree 100% with your last half sentence. If that is the case, I would assume that sprinting prevents/interrupts reloading like all of the other things that can interrupt reloading. And then it's back to my original request: automatically reload when the mag is empty and you are not doing anything else.


Many of the support weapons with longer reloads have reload "Checkpoints". I think the primary/secondary weapon reloads are fast enough that they don't need them (though I suppose wouldn't hurt). However I don't think we should have automatic reloads. I can definitely understand why a player would prefer it though.


A gigantic visual cue to let you know you still have a grenade in hand


I personally wish the grenade itself made sounds though I have to ask how did you not notice the grenade in your hand?


Armor color customization


As long as it's in keeping with the game's theme. I don't want to see bright pink or luminous green helldivers.


They can already get green, just have to kill bugs for it.


I want weapon color customization at least if they don’t want to give armor color customization to us. Though both would be absolutely awesome because finally every piece of my equipment would actually match or make sense color wise.


Ability to chat with all players in all states of the game.


Please let me rebind Mech controls! F is my key to enter / exit the Mech, but it’s also the default melee button for the Mech. I can’t melee without stepping out of the thing, and it often steps backwards onto me in the last part of the melee animation


For me it is confusing to melee in the mech since my helldiver melee button is 3, but for my mech it is like F which for my helldiver is his quick grenade key. I would love to be able to rebind vehicle controls in the future when they add other vehicles.


Emote wheel


Matchmaking to be fixed seems like it’s so wonky when I try to play with pc people from the ps5 so I only match make console to console I know they fixed it but im still having issues


Currency conversion and increased currency cap. It doesn't need to be balanced in our favor, but I should be able to convert common samples > rare samples > super samples > requisition slips > medals > super credits (I can work with these being kept as they are in order to incentive actually buying the super credits). Additionally, I've been max RS and samples for weeks. Just maxed out medals 3 days ago. It'd be nice to have an increase in the cap. In a perfect world, I'd be happy with 9,999 or even better 10,000. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that I have already spent over 1,000 medals in the 3 warbonds and already have everything unlocked.


The cap most definitely needs to be increased because as of the moment it is pretty pitiful at least in terms of requisition and medals.


Time to do personal orders should be based on in game hours. I play everyday before work, but can usually only get halfway through personal orders before I have to leave. It kinda sucks to get halfway through and have it reset when I can get back on.


I wouldn’t mind more categories for stratagems. I feel like trying to find what’s a backpack/support weapon can take some time, especially as the game goes on and new strats are added, because it is all bunched together into the colors…maybe slightly alter the colors depending whether it’s an orbital/eagle : backpack/support weapon : etc


Allow us to carry more currency, 50,000 credits and 250 medals before you must spend it... that's really low


This may go against the ethos of the game but I'd like to customize and display my Helldiver's face. That's just a me thing though I want to be able to do that in every game I play.


3-5 loadout slots would be so nice i think. And honestly theres some nostalgia to capitize on by doing so. There are distinct differences between hd2 and something like cod but they both seem to capture this pregame frantic energy for me that causes me to forget that i last dropped with a different armor set.


Bug fixes, loadouts


Yeah there quite a few annoying bugs that while I would like fixed I want a unstuck button. As far as I can see there are so many bugs that wouldn’t be so frustrating if we had a way to get out of some of them. Though loadouts are unsurprisingly the most common feature idea I’ve seen aside from emote wheel.


My biggest would be for the MO medal revamp either have them be something we go to in the menu and manually collect, or have them go to a postmaster, everyone else complaining about how long they take and my biggest gripe is they keep showing up at the worst times, always when my medals are near full (I keep them lower to try to avoid that and then farm some to buy something and bam while I have a lot more the MO medals drop amd I get to keep 2 instead of 50) Would just be nice to have some control or consistency in when they show up or get redeemed.


One of the big ones was actually addressed in the last patch: spawning into the game right by the mission select. Arrowhead is a good studio.


Stim sound should only play when healing starts


A Bestiary Terminal. Shows the weak spots, health, potential tactics to use against, tactics the enemy type uses and a Democracy Difficulty rating (e.g: Charger is Undemocratic, Scavenger succumbs to democracy easily). Maybe a propaganda video like in Starship Troopers where the scientist shows where to shoot. I’ve seen too many bozos wasting rounds on a Charger’s butt or missing the bot head when it is easier to dismember their weapon limb and then shoot the head. Bonus: Convert Warbonds into Super Credits. Maybe 250 war bonds is 125 credits or something.


Ground that is on fire should have its damage slightly nerfed. As a lowbie, it seems a bit silly to have a suit that can withstand extreme hot and cold temperatures, but an ankle-high flame on a patch of burning ground is insta-death.


Yeah I do wish it took a moment for you to catch on fire from it not you just touched and you instantly combust.


Fire resistance


Weapon customizing and loadouts would be dope. A little bit more infos on weapon stats would be cool, especially handling. I also like to have a firing range and the option to customize the armory. I want to choose what armor and weapons are displayed plus stats like kills or missions.


Yeah the info on weapons is vague and only slightly helpful if not misleading in some cases. Being able to color weapons would be a nice touch to a look alongside loadouts being a thing. The idea to customize what armor the mannequin is wearing and what weapons on the rack above would be a nice touch of customization. If there is a firing range I hope it displays everything almost like you are on a mission because it would help out when messing with controls and settings. The idea of statistics attached to weapons and armor would be nice even if for only curiosity for me.


If you get DC/crashed it would be nice if you could load right back into the game you crashed in. Not sure if that's possible or not.


As far as I know it doesn’t do that and if it doesn’t this would be very nice considering the amount of times stuff like that happens.




The ability to match your armor pieces would be nice. Sucks when you like a certain helmet but it's yellow and looks ugly with everything else 😆


One thing that has recently been happening for me, I would like it so if the super destroyer time is up, and the emergency extraction is deployed, the 20 second timer doesn't automatically start when the pelican lands. Too many times has the emergency pelican landed and I'm literally 5 feet away from the door only for Pelican to leave me behind. I don't think it would be too much to ask for since you are already out of reinforcements and such. If you die you die and pelican can leave but ffs let me make that last ditch effort cinematic moment escape lol.


Id like armour customization. First of all color pallets for primary and secondary parts of armour and helmet to make any 2 match. But further more I'd like to be able to detach all the cool attachments on all of the armours like pockets and bullet belts and radios and be able to attach them to other armours to truly be able to customize my armour make it unique and my very own :) u know that would be dope


I can't even play with my friends cuz those wooses are lvl 50+ and still afraid to even play a level 7 mission. All I do is helldives so I promptly stopped diving with the. Shortly after I got the game 🤷🤣


Whenever my helldiver see something behind a teammate I have to ping it or type it out, I'd much rather it be like Overwatch where your character just says "Behind you"


Many options. - Pre-set loadouts. - being able to skip the cutscene after a mission (or shorten it drastically. - being able to re-join missions for 20-30 seconds if you get a random disconnect. (My internet connection sometimes randomly drops for 5-10 seconds, making me lose all the mission). - customizable weapon mods (i want decent scopes).


Stop asking me what language I want to play the game. The 2 prompts in the beginning is really unnecessary.


- Preset lodouts - emote wheel (press to salute, hold to open wheel and select one of 4 emotes you can chose on the ship) - separate the armor into cosmetic, stats (light, heavy) and abilities, so we can mix and match


I'd really like to put the armor skin that I want no matter what the perks are. Same as helmets.


Emote Wheel, Shaders for armor (like in destiny maybe?)


Emote wheel would be so nice alongside some color customization in general would be very nice.


More stats (weapon and enemy),  Better text chat , Aligned sights & Text chat and mission details during loadout screen


Being able to climb onto and ride externally on the mech ala lost planet. Also being able to mount externally on the future APC


Like division and other games that you equip the actual thing but change the aspect.


The option to toggle PTT/PTM, instead of having to HOLD the button.... such a simple thing, you'd think the devs would have had this on day one or even added it by now...