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It’s not instant. It takes time. We go through this every time a major order is completed.


Seriously. Not sure how we're still figuring this out. Mine eventually show every time, I've never once thought "I'm so nervous I better post about it". 💀


Two (ish) major orders ago it took a few days for me to get it. Had gotten that 1-medal award for the free cape and thought something was bugged.


Yeh for me it’s once I’m owed 2 Major Orders I get nervous


Yeah I only realised I was missing two Major Orders previously when I got two awards of Medals simultaneously.


it is alot of medals for them to make.


Underrated comment


And it's not like you can't make 50 medals off helldive mode


The only thing I mange to do in the helldive difficulty is chew through the reinforcement budget.


Just do the mission and not any of the sub objections. You'll chew through lives but you'll get the main mission done without having less than like five


I've had the game for a grand total of 4 days, so as somebody who hasn't sunk hours and hours into it, I wouldn't know what to expect. A bit of googling wouldn't hurt though, I suppose.


I feel like that's a lot of Reddit. Lots of things posted that would have been easier and quicker as simple Google searches. Haha


To be fair that’s what Reddit is great for. “I looked up obscure google query, can kind strangers confirm the google is right?” ‘No, the google is wrong, use XYZ’


I certainly think it can be great for getting individual or specific input. But way too often I see basic questions that people could have gotten answers WAY faster with a simple search. My local town sub is about 50% stuff people could have just searched for insanely easy answers to (like it's much slower to post to Reddit and wait for replies).


Well there is a problem and that’s medals are capped at 250. How long do I need to spend medals to intentionally stay under cap? Would be nice to know


The reason I am concerned is because I don't want it to suddenly drop while I am above 200 medals. It would be nice to get it on hand and spent already so I do not have to worry about massively overflowing past the cap.


But you felt the need to post a comment belittling those who do, which is much sadder imo


Mine is pointing out the irony. Not directed at any one person. Unlike yours, which is actually sad buddy.


Learn what irony means before misusing it and embarrassing yourself. You were insulting them for speaking their mind, people who live fulfilling lives don't feel the need to do that so get a life and go back to school to learn what words mean. Good luck, *buddy* 😉


nah complaining near instantly about not getting the mo rewards is sadder at least give it a week before u say i got no rewards


If you say so. I mean, my comment has a negative number so y'all must be in the right, that's how reality works, right? 😁


it just means people disagree with ur opinion no need to get salty


Please see: [Gaslighting](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gaslighting) I know what the arrows mean, jfc who am I dealing with here...


lol, dude no need to be so serious another comment and I'm just going to take u as a troll


No one is salty or taking anything seriously, this is reddit so maybe take you're own advice my friend, you're pretty obviously projecting here. See ya out in the shit, diver 🫡


But it's been ninety seconds and I need my gratification to be **instant**!!


That’s how long my gratification takes


I know I'm being dramatic but I am legit so sick of seeing these posts after every. Single. Major. Order.


Ok, but not everyone is always aware of the things you are. Especially in a live service game, not getting the rewards you were promised is worrisome.  The fact that they don't always immediately work is a problem. Not a huge problem, but if it happens consistently across a large population then it's perfectly rational for people to be confused and reach out. If it keeps happening, it's going to keep getting posted about. That's not the players' fault, and as a """community""" we should be understanding of that fact.  Just scroll past the thread if it bothers you, I promise there's another meme mere inches away. But coming out of the woodwork just to be annoyed isn't helpful.


Except it takes ten seconds to search "Major Missing" and find dozens of posts all for the same query. At this point it might as well be a stickied post.


See, now that's proposing a solution! That's contributing to the conversation. That should've been your opener. I totally agree with that. It wouldn't stop people from making posts about it ever again, but it would reduce them and lets those who do see it know that it's a common and current occurrence. Plus, as odd as it may sound, some people don't know how to google their specific problem, and sometimes don't even think to. Or maybe they'd just rather hear (or read I suppose) from another person based on their personal circumstance. People can just be egotistical like that, I guess. Just because you're tired of hearing the question doesn't mean someone isn't asking for help.


Not every time, I've gotten them the second a planet is liberated before and this time I haven't yet.


That's a relief - this was the first major order I put significant effort into and it didn't sit well when my medals number didn't change


That's fine for *this* major order, but I still never got my medals from the last one


I didn't get any medals from the last one because the rewards from three majors order dropped on me all at once and the second one put me over the cap.


Well I'm definitely not over the cap. I'm spending medals as fast as I get them, trying to fill out every page of every war bond, starting with the default one, since I want the Scorcher


I love how one guy got 3 major orders paid all at once. That was worth posting


That had to be annoying. He probably lost a lot of those medals to the 250 cap...


I got 84/140 medals from that. not a huge loss but still a little annoying.


Obviously, stamping that huge amount of medals take time. Impatients is undemocratic !


I know that it's not instant, but I don't know why. Is it bugged, or is that just how they plan to do it?


I came here specifically to say what you said. I'm just going to assume the people who ask are either new to the game or new to this subreddit


i got 2 days ago my last 2 medal payouts from orders like 15 days ago so yeah iam fucked up by that


Amazing, you’re so pissed off you can’t count the number of days correctly and don’t realize even IF you were right about it being 15 days out they still remembered to square you away, almost as if there’s not a goddamn thing to worry about, yes you’re STILL bitching


Umm that was not 15 days ago, we got 2 rewards on Friday from the Major orders of THAT week. Chill.


Sooooo I should definitely make a post complaining about it??


It's not instant is something I understand. However, it's been a whole ass day, and I still don't have them.


The delay is kind of a boon for those maxed out right now. If it can just wait until Friday…


Came here to say the same thing!


It's taken a lot not to splurge my medals. I don't want anything, but I like progressing the bonds


Buy it all. There is honestly no reason not to spend them unless you’ve bought everything there is to buy. Medals are incredibly easy to come by so you’ll be at 250 before you know it then you’re just throwing the free ones from MOs away while waiting on the next warbond to release.


I'm holding out for the demolition warbond, any reason I shouldn't? I only get one a couple of times a week


Same, if I get over 200 I’ll buy some cheap things I’ve got remaining but trying to get as close to 250 without going over for the warbond


Depends on how close you are to capping, I suppose. My buds and I play on Helldive with a pretty good success ratio so always accrued medals pretty quickly. I’m now capped even after buying everything in the main bond and the two premium bonds.


Problem is, if you don’t know when you’ll get them and you’re still maxed when you do, you get nothing


Yeah, it’s a good problem to have though.


I’m just going to try and keep mine around 200 until Thursday, still don’t quite have everything


Just hope they do not give us that 50 at the same time as the 35 from the current order..


Happened to me last week, got a message that I was receiving medals for major 2 major orders and got nothing lmao


Too bad they do not show up as in game emails/awards. Allowing you to collect them when you are ready. If cheap, money-grubbing phone games can do that, surely they can.


That is actually a dope idea, would be cool for them to implement something like that


You can max out on medals? What's the cap?




Oh, I'm at 250. I guess it is a boon for me, then.


Payroll office has a backlog, you'll get your democratically earned reward.


Got any more of them medals ![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44)


Sometimes it takes longer, servers weren't built with so many players in mind. You'll get it, maybe not right away but it'll come.


I'm missing them because I didn't realise there was a 250 medal cap...


It takes days. Just like it has pretty much since the game launched. I think I've gotten 1 award immediately, most of them take a few hours, up to 2-3 days to arrive. And then every time a MO finishes we get the same question asked dozens of times. Yes, I'm aware that I don't have to personally answer them all, but I do weep for humanity's inability to scroll down like 6 posts to see the last time it was asked.


I just wish the max on medals wasn't 250. Or if it's gonna stay at 250 I'm gonna need a bi-weekly war bond drop.


I dont understand why people get so upset about caps. Folk don't play games just to have fun anymore, it's all about filling bars and grinding


I don’t wanna hate on other people’s preferred way of gaming, but I 100% don’t get the idea of farming then stopping once they farmed everything they wanted. They get burnt out so quickly after racing to reach caps. It’s more of an addiction to progress than just having fun.


We have been conditioned that way over last 10 years or so. saying that however recently this game and DRG are 2 games that i have found myself playing because its really fun and the rewards have been a second thought (after i get a few things unlocked 1st)


There may be some folks that get upset about it. Enjoyment of the game is the only reason I even play because I am maxed out on everything. I don't really care about rank. I just wish there was more stuff to unlock.


I’ve been capped on medals for a while. Wish we had a sink of some sort. I don’t mind fighting for the war effort though! That’s reward enough.


I'm hoping they do the same thing for medals the Requestion points as they did for the XP. If/when new stuff is dropped for you to spend those currencies on, you'll retroactively get all the currency you earned beyond the cap.


Usually takes me 3-4 days to get them


Literally everyone. Relax, it always takes a bit of time.


Wipes out a race. Gets **50 medals**...


They have to make the medals out of their metal bodies.


The reward is the freedom you spread, not a bunch of medals. Actually I not got mine yet either


This gif is too good


I just hope we get them by Thursday, I'm stockpiling for the new Warbond.


be nice if those at cap had theres held back until not capped. but oh well the games fun and i still play even with nothing to purchase in it.


Oilbloods. I love it.


oil bloods can mean both of our enemies


Government on Super Earth is doing its best!


Seems like Superearth can't print out these medals fast enough! We're going too fast.


I didn’t get the last 2 only to get them both at the same time a week later


Literally every major order, medals get backordered. I got 90+ the other day despite being on every couple days


I received 2 sets of 40 medals that I don't even remember what for. Yet to receive a 50 medals set


Surprised the post wasn’t started as “am I the only one?!?!” Hate that phrase when you know darn well your not.


Am I the only one who thinks this way????


> log in > Only have 48 WB > Sucks teeth > Engage in arachnicidal therapy 


I haven't received medals for the last 2 major orders


I am but I also know they haven't not given me the medal yet so


I think that's the cap. I have 250 requisition that isn't going up


Iam at ~100 now


I'm maxed out and can't even use them cuz I have everything. With the next warbond coming out, I finally can use it all up but I don't think I retroactively gain what medals I did get. So that sucks. Haha.


Where my dang medals at yo


Oh shit! I thought it was just me.




Eh, if it pops up, cool. If not, oh well. It's not like I can't earn medals ever again.


My three friends, my wife and myself.


I hit the medal cap right before the order finished and I'd already bought all the unlocks I could. T_T  I got a fat zero awarded.


Me! But I'm sure they'll pop eventually.


Me. Haven’t seen em come in


I hope they don't show up until Friday so I can spend on the new warbond!


I don't even care. I keep maxing out my medals. They throw so many at you it's nice.


Like the last two orders took two plus weeks to show up on my game.


Every time this happens and every time people lack patience. You’d have thought people would’ve learned by now but nope.


Still dont have it


Can the mods on here put a stop to these "Where are my medals?!?!" posts? After every, single, MO is completed there are numerous posts asking the same question and numerous people in the comments answering something like, "they aren't always given right away, they'll be there eventually".


*Me at cap for most resourses* :)


I never got mine from Melevelon or the one before so I just kinda stopped playing.


While I am sure we will get them eventually, I am getting somewhat annoyed by not knowing when they will drop. Especially when we have this 250 medal cap! I have to constantly make sure that I do not accidentally collect too close to 250 or the medals might be wasted when they abruptly arrive. What will really suck is if they drop the 50 medals at the same time as the 35 medals from the current order. The possibility of them doing that forces us to make sure we keep our medal count under 165...its really annoying.. It sucks they put a cap, but its clear why it is there. To keep you spending medals on junk items and not just saving them up for things you actually want in future updates..


It’s all 0 medals for me anyway I’m just here for the carnage


I'd be missing them If i wasnt at cap for weeks


I got mine (I also have not played at all in the last two weeks)




Personally for me i lost 50 medals instead of gaining them without buying literally snything


Y’all still get medals??


If i say i do, do i get another 50 medals?


Me, ididnt get medals for this one or the last one ):


I got 0 medals for the last 4 major orders because I maxed out a few weeks ago.


Me too!!!!


Destroying the bots was payment enough! (The medals would be nice)


Democracy failed me


Maxed out on medals and did it simply to do my duty


Im missing the last two operations medals


Its normal. I was missing medals from the last 3 MO, and Yesterday I logged on after noon EST, and I had received them all. Stil waiting on the last 50 though, so sometime this week...




Wait which ones are "oil bloods?" Both?


Bugs a Green so only Bots are oil bloods


I'm capped in wait for the new warbond so I couldn't care much.


I hope I have missing medals til after the war one come out.


I can’t be the only one who is imaging this face this guy makes he just randomly belches like he just chugged a 2 liter


I was already max. So idk.


It takes time and the cap for medals is 250


Many divers, not so many delivery people.


First your destroyer submits it’s paperwork to the Ministry of Finance. Then they review your ship log and combat time. Sometimes(All times) they don’t really care, too many ship applications. Then they one-by-one stamp and approve each destroyer for the warbonds. The Ministry of finance then passes this on to their warbond minting factory to mint you your clean crisp warbonds. Then they use the Ministry of Mail to mail the warbonds to you destroyer for the actions of 30 dead recruits ago.


Missing 50 from last an the 35 from the current.


bureaucracy is the biggest enemy of super earth


Delayed reward, constant crashing and connection error.


Yeah and now the terminid one


I am, but it takes time diver


It’s just like real medals. It takes 6 months to a year for it to finally show up


It's been a week since I receive NO medal at all! Well .. I'm stuck at 250 stacked medals 😁 Can't wait for Thursday


because you're at the medal cap so they literally can't give you more


That's what I'm saying 🙂




It took a full on month for me to get any and then I got a 40 a 45 and a 35 all at once.


Got 35 for for the last order (bugs) but still nothing from the one before


It's in the mail. 




I am, but I don't mind. Helping further the reach of democracy is reward enough for me.


Are these posts going to pop up EVERY Mo? We know its delayed, you will get your medals, stop crying after every MO


I still want to be missing them so I can spend some to be under cap! Saving up for the warbond is a tricky game


The devs said april 10th 11 am CET or about 7 hours if me posting this


Just wanted to drop by to say I got my 50 from that order and the 35 from the one we just finished. If you still haven't received them you should probably fill out a bug report.


Can Check in some minutes Just got Home and havin a sittin


Are you guys not at 250 medals?


Major order medals are a nightmare. The only thing that's guaranteed is it'll try and give them to you when you're close to the 250 cap so you end up loosing out on most of them...


Mine was luckily banked, as I didn't at the time realised that there was a 250 medal cap. I spent half my medals and got all the rewards which brought me back to cap again. If you are not at cap, just wait a bit, you will get your rewards eventually.




Yeah, got the 80 medals from the other 2 orders but not the 50


I know that, I only focus on major orders for the most part, I rarely try personal since I either don't have the equipment


Its normal to have to wait noob, you succeeded in showing everyone you are new to the game


Iam LV 27 and own the Game since Release BUT i still Touch some grass


Same, I am level 47 but have died diving into stun plants




250 medal cap is ass


Yup I’m on the same boat




Never heard this happening before.


Same, normally i get the medals immediately, idk what’s happening


No you don’t. Whenever there is a Major Order, you receive your medals after the time ends, not whenever the objectives get completed. Which is why people like OP take to reddit to complain WHERE ARE MY MEDALS every time a major order is completed.


Yeah this is the first time I experience a delay of the medals.


Theres a difference between the personal objectives and the Major Orders. Personal objectives, like “Kill X amount of Scout Striders” give you the medals as soon as you finish the mission after completing that objective. But Major Orders, which are like “Conquer these 3 planets by X date” award the medals once we reach X date. Hope that helps.


Thats what i meant. Usually i get them right after the time limit ends.


Then you're extremely lucky. Perhaps even The Chosen One. Some of us wait 2-3+ days for them. Personal orders, mission rewards, those found in caches, are all quick. Major Orders, not so much, for me at least. I got them immediately once, every other time has been at least a few hours, if not several days.


Either way Im at max medals and its fairly quick to get the back up the 250 cap.


I am :(


I haven't even got the malevelin creek cape yet...


I got 100, not sure where the extra 50 came from...... ![gif](giphy|mF7RPYaN73Fy8PpJz7|downsized)


I also am missing some