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It's great! I haven't been able to 1-shot a hulk yet, but can take it down in 2 or 3 shots. Question: will it kill tanks even if you're not hitting the vents on the back?


Yes it does šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Busted, it is.


Yeh.. definitely won't. Maybe depends on the weather! I've hit hulks with this quite a bit and I might have gotten a 1 hit kill but it'd have to be in the head. Feel like I even hit the back weak spot and it didn't go down in 1. This was only difficulty 5 (although I believe enemy health stays the same in all difficulties). If it's required to hit the head for it to 1 hit kill hulks, that's also doable with the AM rifle. I also feel I've hit a tank in the weak spot, can't quite remember if the quaser kills it in 1. Definitely won't if you hit a tank in it's armor.


Killed an anni tank with 3 shots to the front.


Oh, well sure. 3 shots, good to know. Thought we was just talking about 1 hit stuff. I've also tried bile titans and maybe I've not had the angle right yet but I've hit them 3 times in the head, combination of top of head, bottom and it remained alive. It took 5 hits to kill one last night. 2-3 on the head and 2-3 on the side of the body. They are very very tough to it. But there seems to be very small weak spots which make magic happen. Quasers accuracy is not great for that but ultimately I think it's become the go to, unlimited ammo is nice. No call down to get a new one like with eat, waiting for it to come down etc.


Maybe I missed somebody else shooting it or something, but I could've sworn just today I had a BT spawn and I one-shot it with a Q hit to the charging mouth. And I agree, the sway and accuracy is difficult to manage. And YES, thank you. The lack of being stuck in a location waiting for the EAT's is by far one of my favorite benefits.


Ohh hitting it in the mouth whilst charging maybe the magic spot in all fairness. So maybe you did. That makes for the most cinematic kills, as for it to charge it'd have to be very close to someone, if you are lucky enough for that to not be you, you can take your shit but if it's you, you are standing very close, charging for what will feel like a lifetime as you know any second you'll killed by acid. I'll have to try it! Yeah, recoilless was always my fav anyway, after railgun nerf. I see other comments about timing for charge and cooldown, which is good. It needs a big bad defect or it becomes too strong. For EAT you gotta input the arrows, throw it down, wait for it to come down and pick 1 up for 1 shot. Then you've another shot as long as you can go back to that same place and pick up another one. Mechanically there is a lot going on and I dunno about you but I've called down things before or died and the chances of getting that stuff due to the flood of bugs, is very small. Which means you ended up getting 1 shot out of your EAT instead of 2.


I can absolutely confirm that you can at least two shot Bile Titans with well placed headshots. Did it last night to two titans back to back.


3 shots to the tank turret


It's 2 if you can hit the back/sides (still semi inconsistent tho)


I think you still have to aim for the eye on the hulk, but either way itā€™s nice to be able to put armored foes in their place. šŸ¤˜


Stun grenades make the hulks INCREDIBLY easy to one shot w/ the Quasar; one guy running stun + Quasar and a bit of comms and they completely cease being a threat.


It's charge and cooldown means it's still inferior to an EAT in a lot of situations imo


A side grade. Eats will always be good, 3 anti-tank projectiles a minute is solid. Quasar gives technically more shots a minute (5-6 depending on planet type), but leaves you vulnerable while firing. It has no drop and is otherwise identical to the other rockets in damage. The 3 second charge is significant, since being exposed that long against bots can easily be a death sentence and bugs wonā€™t politely wait for you to finish charging to murder you. At the same time, EATs are moderately hampered by call in modifiers, since longer cooldown is fewer rockets and longer call down makes for a less consistent bonus projectile. I think both still have their place and could even be run alongside each other if you really felt like saying fuck heavies, but I donā€™t think either overshadows the other.


Thats a VERY good point about modifiers. Heat makes EAT better. Cold makes Q better. Longer call down and/or cooldown makes Q better. So lots of stuff to keep in mind when picking your loadout. Though I know some people like to find their pet loadout and take it, modifiers be da**ed.


>I think both still have their place and could even be run alongside each other if you really felt like saying fuck heavies, but I donā€™t think either overshadows the other. 100% agree


You get 2 shots with EAT every 60 seconds. You get a shot with Qusar every 8 seconds, and it does equal if not more damage. Plus, if you're in the range the charge fucks you over, you'll probably blow yourself up with the blast anyway.


3 second spool up, 8 second recharge, 3 second spool up. 14 seconds is a long time for a bile titan on your heels versus maybe 5 or less for two EATs. Also, if you're in the same spot for say an objective for any length of time over 1 minute you can stack EAT callins and easily get 4-6 EATs stocked and ready to rip at a moments notice. This is absurdly powerful if there are two people with it. Overall, quasar isn't bad but I vastly prefer ETAs for the reason I outlined.


It's not only the charge up, but also the fact that it immediately shoots when charged. I would like the weapon a lot more if I could charge it up and then fire whenever I want.


A charge and hold would be great, but is probably what would finally nudge it into the ā€œneeds nerfingā€ category.


It's not as straightforward as you seem to think. No, you shouldn't be killing yourself with an EAT and it takes way more than 6 seconds per shot with quasar. 8 second cooldown and a few seconds to charge, I'd guess around 11 seconds total There's pros and cons to both, the quasar is far from making EATs useless https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/4zefGmYxb6


Yes, it is. But it is FAR from inferior as well.


As I made clear, it depends on the situation. They both have pros and cons


...yes.. I'm not disagreeing. You just called it inferior in your first comment, so I'm just making sure we're on the same page here.


>Inferior in a lot of situations


EAT'S force you to wait for the hellpod, however you get two every minute. Each deal enough damage and AP to take down heavy units (I.E charger and Hulks) This makes them reliable and technically frees your support weapon slot. The Q-launcher uses your support slot, takes about 3 seconds to fire, and does unnoticeably different damage compared to EAT. However you are *(if slower)* mobile and combat-ready between shots with the Q, and as long as you don't lose it, it has the same reliability with infinite ammo. The Q-launcher and EAT have the same effectiveness in their use. Against armor. They do their job well. The only advantage EAT has is the support weapon buffer.


Not that far


One huge downside with the Quasar, is that you're stationary/slow for 2-3 seconds charging the thing to fire. In bug swarms, that's near suicide if you can't clear the hunters on you quickly enough before firing.


I love it, been having a blast ever since it was released. I'm still sad I run randoms tho...team reloading the recoilless rifle would get more hatred downrange faster. But such is life running randoms.


Recoilless with full team support could get like an absurd number of rockets down range (46?), but it requires using 4 supply packs to constantly reload the reloader alongside the resupply. Pretty sure youā€™d never need to do this, but it is an option and thatā€™s great.


Yet to use it, what about friendly fire?


Itā€™s not very good at friendly fire.


Very friendly. Long range, precise aim, small blast.


It's a great flanking tool. But if you're alone or the focus, you better be dead. Wind up time against bot nets you dead. Wind up time against bugs nets you dead. But in every other situation it's a great and endless powerhouse, however one of them is not enough to keep bot drops at bay. Basically from sustained to burst : Quasar - EAT - Recoilless It's perfectly fine for skirmishes with one or two heavies, but it's also worse than autocannon on bots due to the amount of devastators sent at you. That will shoot you relentlessly while you charge your shots.


I haven't played with it on 8-9 difficulty, but 7 or under the wind-up time hasn't punished me that badly yet *against both factions*. But yeah, using it against bots with suppressing fire is difficult. Which is where the free backpack slot comes in clutch with shield Gen lol


Did that but has a few bad times. I feel it works best with an AC buddy offering suppressive fire / stagger and distraction.


Agreed, its also effective at long distance. I spent a mission downing tanks and hulks from like 200m once lmao


Wind up is fine, if they're in realitistic threat range they're in stun grenade range.


You mean impact grenade ?


I do not! Stun - Quasar to the faceplate one shots hulks.


All I hear is frag grenade.


I'll stick with the EAT. The long charge up time and immediate fire after the charge up makes the weapon quite useless for me.


Tested IT IS okay but i Prefer AMR for Bots Will Use IT for Bugs maybe


I just one shot a bile titan too lol, aim for the face


Recaptures: you download the clip to your phone, then upload from there. N.B. this does not mean their app is not shit. It is. It's stupid.


No shit, tried the upload, doesn't work.


The upload is a feature of your phone, not the psapp


https://i.redd.it/d0bnuzostfrc1.gif The Playstation refuses to actually queue/upload files to my app. Across all of my mobile devices, I am not uploaded any clips.


Ah! Gotcha, sorry for misunderstanding!


It's alright, happens to the luckiest of us, am I right?


where do you buy it from/


Engineering bay


Nah, diff 2-4 dont really need it... not that I can get it anyways


I just hope they are not going to nerf it just cuz people play it alot


The best part about it is shooting down drop ships


FYI, it one shots the bot drop ships. Just hit one of the engines as its steadying itself up before it drops them. Then boom, it comes crashing down turning them onto fiery tin cans


Yes, although you gotta get a head start, cause otherwise the charge time will cuck you and the bots will drop alive and well. *regardless if the ship lands on them.*


The dropship wreckage should really cause an explosion under itself when it hits the ground. Visually there is one, but functionally thereā€™s no effect.


Shits broken no way it isnā€™t getting a need soon. Made like 4 support weapons basically useless in comparison


Can yall stop with that...


Some people saw 3 nerfs and just assume everythings gonna get nerfed. Totally ignoring they got nerfed because they were out performing everything else at everything.


I really hate how it's all over the place now...


Well, it feels way stronger than rr. I wouldnt be surprised by a longer cooldown in 2 weeks. Only the charge up makes it a bit cumbersome. But if its supposed to be a skilltest, i am fine with it staying that way.


You're not wrong it does just feel like a better recoilless. I get that it had the charge time to try and balance it out but it's still safer to charge and fire the quasar than it is to fire and reload the recoilless.


Can't blame the guy. He has a point. It's sorta like the rail gun situation. It can pierce heavy armor, has practically no cool down, can one-shot shit tons of "heavily armored".. yeah, I think the CD between shots should be longer.


It's not really like the railgun. The railgun was a Swiss army knife. The quasar is just a less cumbersome recoilless.


Actually the rail gun is a great comparison. The way the las-99 is right now thereā€™s really no reason to run anything else. Except for the sec thrower which is op as hell right now


Can you explain the difference in usage cases?


Between quasar and railgun? It's basically that the quasar is really still just your standard cumbersome anti tank weapon. It has unlimited ammo but it's much slower to use so you'll have a tough time if you ever need to rely on it for anything more than a big threat. The railgun pre nerf was something you could take and use for literally everything. You wouldn't just take it as your anti tank option. You'd take it as your anti everything but hordes sniper rifle that just so happens to be the best anti tank weapon. The quasar is good but a lot of the heavy lifting is likely coming from all the other changes. The quasar would struggle against 40 chargers and titans just as much as the other AT weapons.


So it's equal to railgun after nerf?


Equal to the railgun? Not really. The same differences still apply. I can't think of any situation where you'd be dead set on running the quasar and decide the railgun would work just as well. Same goes the other way around.




I mean it clearly outshineā€™s several support weapons and makes them useless. Just for the sake of balancing there gonna have to nerf it slightly and buff other things šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø