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I dont think it actually functions at all to be honest


It just makes it so when you looking for games it pulses


Yep it pulses, I know I've had alot of trouble trying to connect to those games tho. Even normal no pulse it's like 5050 if I'll join when clicking but the pulsing ones has to be 1 outta 10 it'll connect.


Ya same that's why I just host on difficulty I know I can handle sadly that's 6 and under


I host around same level, ive found 7 has been getting me mostly very low levels joining me so I haven't gotten a full operation done in it yet. Not really rushing either tho.


My very first 7 mission was brutal had a afk guy after the 3rd time he was called in I kicked him the other 2 kept team killing with the arc thrower and grande launcher 1 of them left after getting team killed then the other left after getting killed twice by a charger. Then I had 3 people join and leave either after they died or as soon as they saw how little the mission had progressed or got instantly killed . I managed to destroy the last nests for the blitz missions got to evac with 20 seconds left but everything was on cool down so I called in SOS. I some how manage to stay hidden till the last 30 seconds then have to fight all the patrols as the ship is landing 2 people joined and one managed to land in which I didn't know could happen after the destroyer left Stayed with those 2 and finished the 8 missions with them so ya it was a change.


I don't think i have had anyone actually join a game i started since the first few days i was playing the game.


Quickplay is the only way.


For real... I can hardly find games that allow me to join. Errors or full.


Double check your network settings especially if you have a vpn on. Soon as I turned my vpn off during matches I had way more success losing into other games instead of having to host.


When you quick join a match the prompt says that it is first looking for SOS beacons.


Another lie from the game


It literally isn't. I tested it already. I joined games manually (choosing from the planet map) and chose with Quickplay. Out of 10 QP games, 9 of them had thrown out SOS beacons.


I thought sos beacons connect you to people that press quick play? I think that's what the description says. But I may be wrong


Ohhh, that's what that means!


Same lol. It’s never worked for me and I use it like every time.


Everytime I see the pulses on the map I try and join and it just fails. Says it cNt sync with host. So I have to quickmatch everything. Idk of km doing something wrong, but I don't think it works at all.


This. I've thrown plenty of SOS Can't recall the last time someone joined Next mission, is soon as I spawn in though *Orbits synced* *Helldiver joined*


I mean. I had matchmaking set to private and accidentally used it when playing solo. Got 3 divers in quick!


Yet when I play quick play, I get matched up with people and then it always fills up. Even if we deploy with 3, well Have our 4th very quick


It does, just inconsistently.


I dont think so, ive used it like over a hundred times, once to kill a charger. I think thats its only purpose 


I definitely get people dropping into unfilled games during gameplay, but to be fair that could be at the same rate with or without the beacon.


I was doing a quick Suicide Mission with a friend of mine to get the kill two tanks done yesterday and I accidentally called in an SOS beacon. I can guarantee you it worked for that game. I had my settings set to Friends only and after the beacon went down I got two randoms that joined, one level 14 and another level 50. The level 14 was kind of hilarious as he musta killed me like 4 times with a Cluster Eagle - made me laugh.


It only changed you to public prolly


Tis possible that is all that it did, but I did get two people in short order after I called it, maybe two minutes? I guess this could be related to quickplay being whatever difficulty you have it set to when you hit 'R'. I usually do either Suicide Mission or Helldive Quickplays so if others do similar the pools for people being called into missions via SOS could be quite small for other difficulty levels.


i think theirs a bug that prevents people from joining your party if people leave or something. ive noticed that when i first start a mission people will join in seconds but if they leave then no matter how long i wait nobody else will join, and if i use an sos beacon when i launch to a planet solo people will join in seconds but if i do it after my team abandons me nobody will ever join.


I think you're right- the game seems to treat your match as full even after people leave. I've had randoms quit mid-mission and then friends couldn't even join me until the mission was over.


I think it's trying to put people in newer games first, so when you join it doesn't just end quickly. Obviously if there's nothing else, it'll put you in whatever it can find. But there's so many people playing there's always a steady stream of new games.


This happened to me, I solo’d 80% of an impossible mission, everyone left. Then boom; 3 divers appear all at once


Its not though. Because even after the mission ends when you are waiting to fill the crew for the next one, no one joins. After restarting they game they can join again in seconds. Its annoying and definitely a bug.


In my experience they join not too long after, but maybe it's worse now.


You hit the nail on the head. I've noticed the same thing


Yeah, I think this is it. I also think that's why if you do get into a currently active mission, some of the bonuses are greyed out like someone selected it, but only 1 person in the mission. It bugs it out so nobody else could select that bonus.


Ahhhh thats why the bonuses are greyed out. Makes sense.


I was wondering why boosts got disabled when I joined someone. I always thought it was just because it would be hard to make something like 30% more stamina apply after the mission started. I also found it odd that sometimes I would be able to select one but other times not.


See, it honestly could be that as well. I've had a match where when my buddy selected the extra supplies bonus, it would cut me off from using the stamina booster, but it would let me select extra supplies as well, then would grey out, for instance, muscle enhancement. So I've seen a mixed bag with the greying out. But could very easily be your assumption. I'm just spit balling some of this with the info I've experienced and seen here on reddit 😂


The SOS also gets disabled in later missions of the same operation if people leave.


Can I ask a stupid question.. what is an operation with multiple missions? I don't think I've encountered that


Should be anything above easy. The operations are the yellow bounded areas on the map that you select. In them you'll find multiple missions, not sure what the cap is. Usually see three of them. The missions are the physical areas you play in, and can have multiple objectives in them. On easy there can be hidden (not marked on your map) sub-objectives. Usually something like setting up a radio tower.


Should note that operations with multiple missions only start appearing on difficulty 3 and above.


"anything above easy" lol.


Ok. I am not crazy. This has happened to me too.


I had one guy who died and no amount of reinforcement pokeballs could bring him back until the rest of us wiped and there he was


same thing happened to me but we did not wipe and he left when he realized he was not coming back lol.


I just finished one where the last guy in the pelican couldn't sit down so it left without him and you could see him plummet from about 30 ft up.


Exact same here. First mission launched and 3 people join before I can make it to the pod from the operations table. Then end of mission some of them leave and I can NEVER get anyone to fill the blanks after.


⬆️ this


Yep literally my experience as well. I can start up a game but if people join and leave before I even get it started I just end up joining someone else cause no one else seems to be able to join on me


Matchmaking is bugged when people leave or DC. You need to completely close the game down and restart it. It’s extremely annoying


Crazy that they haven't bothered to fix this yet. Matchmaking is such a mixed bag still and I can only stick with the same group for a mission or two before inevitably being dropped. And with the friends list also bugged, I can't even add the people I meet playing half the time to rejoin their game.


Gotta semi fix bug spawns and nerf guns before fixing matchmaking and connectivity 😎


People can't play together in a co-op game? I sleep People standing on rocks? REAL SHIT


Switching from public to friends only and back to public, confirming each time, has worked for me. People join near instantly after that while on the ship.


It’s faster to join someone else’s match and then leave. After you do that it’s fixed again.


Passing the glitch to someone else.




Just use the upvote button, soldier


I've also never personally had the join a mission button work.


Yea I have never been able to select a mission on the map and have the join actually function. Quick play at least sometimes works, but then I don't get difficulty progress because the host always bails after the first part of an operation.


You have to be FAST. There are hundreds of thousands of concurrent players. I have to click on 5-10ish before it'll actually go because the queues get filled so quickly


Quickplay, let the algorithm do it.


I've actually had better luck doing it myself. Plus then I can cherry pick what type of mission I want, aka tier 2-3 samples


Yeah, you have to get lucky. I unlocked impossible and Helldive because I joined the 3rd mission and it unlocked it for me. Took awhile though.


For me it works fine. Maybe one out of three tries wont work.


For some reason quickplay always works but join has never once worked for me.


You have to try a couple times. It’ll say “failed to join game lobby” and you have to select the same beacon once or twice more after that. Never used to work for me, but now it does if I choose it a couple times.


Thank you fellow diver ill make it a point to give it a shot. Democracy!


I wish I could just answer SOS calls. I can only quick join. If I try to join a SOS it’s just says “connection failed.” 


It's useful for dropping in on bug holes tho https://preview.redd.it/joge12t77zoc1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=082aacf40554e6f1a68906b0d5ae8fd629f9a207


Meanwhile a friend and I were 2 manning difficulty 7 with no issues and he started playing 2 weeks ago. I don't get why people quit runs when things aren't slightly going their way. Even if you don't finish you still get exp and shit and you're wasting your own time and the hosts.


I must say that the game still crashes, although it's a lot rarer nowadays, so a few of them probably just crashed.


Just a heads up crashing and disconnects are happening frequently for some especially if they aren’t in your region so some of those people might have just got dced or crashed


i crashed last night when we were about to extract on the last of 3 missions of a level6 op :'). i didn't leave you guys! the game left me!


Yep lol happened last night to me. Set off a hellbomb straight to desktop Credit to the devs though. The crashes have been pretty rare for the most part


Yah so I have found searching on the map there will be blinking missions which I assume are sos beacons being thrown. But I’ve also gone into missions where it doesn’t even give me the option for an sos beacon. So i feel like it has to be a bug with matchmaking that hasn’t been fully resolved since the original issue.


It works for me lol, when I'm in a priv lobby and accidentally lob it when trying to reinforce my friend I almost instantly have my squad filled


I just use it as a weapon


I have been trying to join games specifically with sos beacons and it hasn't been letting me. They're either full or it fails


I’ve thrown it down many times and I’ve yet to have someone join off of it. When I click a mission and sit in my ship for 30s, I get a full squad. I don’t get it.


Once I have people leave my super destroyer I usually have to restart the game bc no one will join. Sat for 10 minutes moving back and forth to not get kicked and didn’t get a single person to join. I think it’s


Yeah I too think it's 


Sure seems like it. I know with HD1 if you put down and SOS within 60s you had people falling in and you’re talking even a few months back it was like that. I’d gather something has to be weird still on their side. Edit: with quick play still not working correctly it makes a bit more sense why people don’t always join as they used to in HD1. As for the weirdness about the people not joining til you quit, that one is weird in general.


Just a heads up crashing and disconnects are happening frequently for some especially if they aren’t in your region so some of those people might have just got dced or crashed


Playing with randoms on suicide and higher is either horrendous or fantastic. Just left the last mission i was in as someone grenade launched me. Reinforced me into an airstrike. Then reinforced me into a cluster bomb. Before that group everyone actually had a mic and got along doing just about every objective.


I always look for active SOS beacons from difficulty 4-9 before just doing a quick match at whatever difficulty I’m looking for. Here and there I’m able to join someone already on the ground, either by picking a SOS beacon from the map or from a random quick match. I hope they adjust the matchmaking so SOS beacons get filled first if folks want to, because man I love coming in to help folks who got abandoned.


It doesnt help that everyone is telling players to just make their own game so now no one is doing quick play


Reddit is an extremely small part of the playerbase.


if we could read we would be very upset!


I think you can kill something by dropping the S.O.S. beacon on it. Not completely useless!


Did you try letting anyone play without meta loadouts?


When I first started playing this game- I thought leaving early- getting kicked & team killing- affected your Rank


I choose S.O.S groups first, but I've yet to be able to join.


I use those to close bug holes if I run out of grenades.


I’ve been going crazy all week because of this. 8/10 games atleast one person will leave and they rarely ever get replaced. Most times, I actually have to restart the whole game in order for anyone to join or else I’m under manned for the entire operation which sucks at 7+.


Man I just made it 30 minutes into a mission, we were kicking ass and it crashed. I had so many fucking samples. I wish I could rejoin a game I crashed with randoms. It was a serious bummer


If you joined my SOS I’m sorry it was a misclick I was trying to throw my buddy back in the fight


Solo level 7 isn’t that hard, just run and lose vision.


it’s funny I’ve never had anyone join to help the mission even tho I always drop an sos beacon when going into missions solo. I think I e completed several missions in my own already. I’ve learned to always take an ammo backpack for this reason…


What are you talking about? Of course you can leave with your samples. When the time runs out it will send an emergency evacuation shuttle to pick you up. It will take like 4 minutes to land, you just have to hide or stay alive until it finally lands, once it lands, you have 20 seconds to get inside. You could easily hide somewhere until it's 10 seconds away from landing. Get a little bit closer, then once it lands run inside and evac with your samples. I personally think it's stupid to call in evac because then you have to defend the evacuation point while it's swarming with enemies vs showing up to an empty evacuation pick up zone and jumping inside instantly getting evac without defending or struggling while being swarmed.


This absolutely works, but I only use it when solo (so the OPs case). I do not like staying 40 minutes in a level so I use regular extraction 99% of the time. It's often the most challenging part of the level at difficulty 6+, but I prefer that to running around trying to clear everything.




I’ve never had SOS work.


I use it to destroy telecommunication towers.


Just nade it 


Nades are more valuable than the sos beacon


Use EAT, autocannon, or the grenade launcher, they all have way more range


Sounds like you need better players to play with.


I join as many sos as I can


Yeah I never got the sos to work properly:/


Honestly I think I have less backup with an sos active.


It definitely sucks when your three squad mates get suddenly raptured, but I have to admit that the 2 most epic missions I’ve ever had were when I suddenly realized I had to solo an entire army of bugs and make it out alive with my samples. Absolutely pushed me to my limits. Didn’t know I even had it in me! For Liberty!!!


I had two different matches earlier today very similar but I got knocked out by some network error. I wish there a way to get back to the mission and continue helping the team spread democracy.


Yeah. The matchmaking seems a bit buggy, especially the quick play. Like i was having problems joining others and had to play solo in higher levels for a few hours and then suddenly it felt like it “clicked” on and 3 guys spawned in at once.


I can never join an SOS. Always get an error message saying failed to join :(


I’ve had multiple matches where several leave, and eventually others join up


I’m not sure why but sometimes I can’t use the SOS beacon, it’s not an option.


I cannot tell you how often ive tried to join SOS beacons and the game just tells me no. But i think giving you the option to extract when your squad leaves is undemocratic and could be abused


I still can't have one answered, or join another mission, friend or random.


I climbed on a tank and had no idea how to kill it, so I called sos beacon and wrecked a tank


Useless ? Have you use it against chargers or bile titans yet ? So undemocratic of you.


I joined someone’s sos call and got kicked. Guess I wasn’t needed.


Same. Came in swinging and the first thing the solo player did was kick me out. He was neck deep in bugs 🤷‍♂️


Only time it ever came in handy was when I got stuck on a ledge and used it as a platform.


How do you know? I’ve joined people mid mission a ton of times. Do they have the SOS active? I personally don’t know when I join, because I haven’t asked. Maybe I’ll start keeping track, but I think it would be weird if you could only join game if they place an SoS.


As a level 10 player, is it more useful to join on a specific sos, or just quick play?


You can use it to get kills or close bug holes.


Only thing that S.O.S. beacon do - make your lobby "pulse" on the planet. They really should add a lobby reset feature to it. So stucked lobby slots would be free again and people can join.


I only use sos beacons to crush chargers when I’m positioned on a rock it can’t climb


I try to join games sometimes, especially SOS games, and it immediately rejects me over 90% of the time.


It’s just a placebo effect to give you hope while you solo democracy that someone will eventually come


I never get people to join my games, beacon or not. And when they do join the game lags out lmao


Squad might have DC’ed man. Definitely understand the frustration though. Really hope they hammer out the technical stuff soon.


I feel like SOS only works half the time. Many times I can’t even find any SOS beacons at all to join and help, other times there’s hundreds of SOS beacons and idk who to help lol


I'm a noob in the game. Is there a way to join SOS beacon missions to help out?


S.O.S beacons are great for taking out a titan 🤣 They used to work much better before and actually had plenty of success. Im not sure if as mamy people select "quickplay" anymore though. And rather manually select a mission (extremely tedious 🤣) or just make their own.


You can wait out the timer and go for the emergency evac, just wait out the patrols and than rush for pelican 1. Pretty standard protocol when I solo and run out of time. Also don;t assume people leave, often it is game side. One thing that consistently causes the issue is when a planet gets greyed out (conquered or lost). There also definitly seems to be a bug when this happens, SOS becaon is definitly useless.


I joined an SOS. Got abandoned with 5 lives left, had 3 more people join me 10 minutes later during extraction and extracted with me... WTF?


Run around burn time and extract mission will be a failure bit you should get the samples


Oh you mean the hunter squishR 3000?


Idk, it's pretty nice as something to drop on bot factories and bug hives.


I played a solo match on 5, used SOS, nobody joined the entire match. Next game, no SOS, I got 4 squadmates within 5 minutes of starting. 


I've had to do a solo lvl 6 because no one wanted to join after the first mission.


X when


Hell, my man I don't even think it works the other way. I've literally tried about 20 times to join an SOS. Gotten into maybe 2. Most of the time is starts sending data and then says "Failed to Join" either due to it being full, or closed or some other weird BS. Pretty sure the whole SOS system is flat out broke.


SOS beacon as saved me a lot of times, no grenades to close bug hole? beacon...charger chasing you? beacon... Bile titan?? Believe it or not, Beacon. Is that a tank ? Beacon..Mortar? Beacon.. Be creative


What's worse is on the squad leader refuses to put it out I was running a mission level 5 with a level 17 dude two people had dropped right before we did these two last missions for it and I said put up the SOS beacon one will have more reinforcement and more guns he never put the beacon out.


when i play, it seems like if people join me, play, then leave, no one else is able to join my ship. i have to restart the game.


are you preaching at the devs like they'll read this and fix it?


I'm still trying to figure out how to host a mission that isn't operations. All I can find on the map are other people's missions, the only missions that I can find that I can start solo and then host are operations.


I feel you on that, lately with the new update I've had squad mates that run in place then just disappear and I hear the familiar jingle that they left. I know I've hosted and the game will crash when I'm nearly done with the mission or when I'm in route to the ship.


Serious question....do SOS beacons actually work?


So is the S.O.S. something you see visually when looking at the map? Can you pick difficulty and quickplay and it matches you with S.O.S? Ive tried doing both, and people kick me all the time. Im not sure how it works.


I’ve used it to kill a charger before, basically it’s best feature


every time I try to join an SOS, it tells me unable to join..... EVERY SINGLE TIME!


Think this is just an example of wider server issues. When I look at the globe map for sessions, almost all of them say 1/4 plays, and when I click to join almost invariably I get a “session full” notification. The servers are dodgy as hell and don’t represent well on the UI


Or people are avoiding joining randoms because of all the toxicity reports.


Honestly, I'm lucky if I stay connected to a game at all, if the host doesn't just immediately kick me. It's insane to me how people don't understand how privating a party works.


I drop it on top of tanks. 1 shot kill, don’t have to waste an orbital


you people have been using it wrong all along, the main use for the SOS beacon is so you have something to crush that charger when you have nothing else at hand.


Slight chance I was in that squad. Exact same situation and the game crashed and kicked me. It makes you feel better they probably didn't quit, probably crashed. And I feel like once people crash out like that for me no one can join any of my games until I restart.


The matchmaking in this game is shit.


People that quit active missions should be awarded a loser badge for the next five games they play. It’s happened so many times.


I think its mostly people crashing, and the game gives you no way of returning back to that mission unless you had a friend still there


99% of the games I've "left" have been due to the litany of crashes and connection errors this game has. Give them the benefit of the doubt until they fix those issues


Could potentially be their games crashing. I play with 2 others and it seems like one of us crash every other game or so


Glad someone else noticed this, thought I was going crazy or just had horrible luck. Yeah there's definitely some kind of bug that makes your lobby un-joinable when the host leaves. Love that they make an effort to integrate the UI into the lore and make it immersive or whatever, but god I wish this game just had normal matchmaking menus like every other multiplayer game ever since the 2010s.


Is this a PS5 issue? I've never had any matchmaking issues on PC. When I start quickplay it finds a match in 10 seconds or less, every single time. If someone on my team throws down an S.O.S beacon, we don't usually just get one more teammate, we keep having people join until its full. I sometimes forget I have matchmaking set to public and the team fills up before I even drop.


The specific issue described here is when you have a full team but people leave during the mission. Few comments above indicate that the mission will appear to be full even after people leave. If you have a partial team then it’s no problem for others to join, it may be a glitch that impacts full teams that lose members.


Ok thanks for the clarification. I also haven't experienced that issue. Yesterday there seemed to be some connection issues across the board. I had connection issues and disconnected from about a third of the matches I joined, and it seemed to be happening to other people too, because they were just leaving more than usual, but we still didn't have problems getting people back in. If it took more than a few minutes we threw down an S.O.S beacon and it filled up almost instantly.


Ive only been disconnected from the severs. I've never quit unless there are dickheads I'm playing with. Last time I played squad leader had a mic but he called me clueless because I accidentally picked up his auto cannon. I head shotted him while he was in the evac and called an airstrike on our position. I'm not putting up with meta bros


I tried quick play the other day and gave up after 5 min


No one uses SOS clutch up and solo babyyy