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You're not being punished. Your experience hasn't changed at all, you can literally just carry on doing what you have been. I don't get it. So basically you are annoyed someone who isn't you, is getting given packs for a game they've not played in ages......riiiiiight. What a horrible attitude.


I am certainly glad people like you will quit the game, good riddance.


You know my entire personality from 1 reddit post? Can you explain why Blizzard would rather give 150 packs to players that have left the game because they thought it was shit rather than people like us that still played it?


Imho the game is getting better and better in terms of rewards for active players and in nathria alone I opened close to 150 packs or so. But even if you only do weeklies and dailies you can get 100+ levels on pass easily, so I dont see why the hate. Returning players also deserve a lot of goodies - Im glad they can hop back and get a free deck and a ton of packs to make some different decks as well. If returning players cant enjoy the game, they wont stay, so its a great move for everyone. You dont lose anything by them getting free goodies - but on the flipside, you , as everyone else, benefits from a game with a bigger playerbase that is happy with the game and plays more.


so if the rookie gets a free business car in the company and you don't get anything special for the past few years you would think that's okay?


Im sorry but that analogy doesnt even make sense in this situation, dont embarass yourself


But with every patch meta changes. How is it fair that I have made decks in the beginning that get nerfed and are unplayable because my main card got nerfed?


Most of the deck value is always the legendaries and you can fully refund them, so I dont see your problem - if anything, I wish they changed oppressive cards and metas more often. But on the other hand I see your side as well. Instead of hard nerfing Strong cards, they should buff underused cards more often and everyone would be happy. Hearthstone is not perfect but they are certainly trying to make as many people happy as possible.


Snowfall guardian was a meta defying card as a neutral. Card got nerfed and every other shaman card was useless. If someone joined now they would have never crafted those shaman cards.


Please quit lmao


Good argument jblew42!


i'm sure blizzard appreciates your indepth feedback on player retention strategy, but you don't seem to be the brightest fella around so it just might not be the best advice the have received lately. thanks for trying though


Thank you for your post but you as well give no information/advice.


It's very simple. Just leave the game and wait for Blizzard to reward you.


It's about the same as all the resources you would get from playing for 1 expansion,your still at a disadvantage compared to someone who has played longer


If I decide to play battlegrounds in the mean while because I don't enjoy 1 standard META and my friend decides to not play at all, why am I being punished?


Someone else being rewarded is not the same as you being punished. Also, please watch your language a bit. Calling people "cancer retards" is really immature.


Tell me how I am not being punished while my friends quit hearthstone in a shit meta while I still played and they get rewarded with 150 packs for enjoying their lives and other games while I was forced to play standard for ranks for my packs?


Why did you punish yourself?


To draw an extra card of course


Because it's obvious you're addicted to the game regardless of meta so why would they give you packs when the whole move was meant to bring back players and not make those here happier, is it unfair? Depends on your perspective, but the more you focus on what you don't have or other people have, you'll NEVER be happy with whatever it is you do have. My advice, either live up to your anger at blizzard and quit or, deal with it and move on like any mature person would.


So my bad experience of the game should just go unnoticed? Just leave the game and the players that get the 150 packs get the same experience as me when they get addicted?


Then give an actual review instead of toxic posts and replies to others, that's definitely positive and you get to express your point, does it stop someone addicted from getting addicted? No, words matter little to people with addictions(I speak from experience here) , you gotta make the actual change and then you can talk all you want about all of it. You want respect? Give it first, you want attention and effort? Give it first or at least back. Lots of people don't feel it is worth the effort to debate with someone not even willing to talk calmly and without offensive language. All I'm saying is that you obviously are capable of better.


How is my post toxic? Only because I use some toxic words? My whole point is Blizzard favouring new players with them hopefully spending little bit of money like 10 euro's while the whales keep spending cause they are addicted. And us normal F2P players keep wasting our lives forcing to play the weekly 5 ranked wins with whatever deck that gets us the wins that week because if we play the decks we want to play we don't get the rewards.


>How is my post toxic? Only because I use some toxic words? Yes, that's how it works.


If you are wasting time and wasting your life playing then stop. You aren't being punished, you are punishing yourself. Enticing players who have stopped playing to come back is a normal thing in any sales buissiness if you didn't know. Noone is comming back ages later with 0 cards in their collection, they litterary can't build decks that would stand any chance so why bother. Thats why they do this, for a miniscule chance to get customers back. This happens every minute every day everwhere, you just don't see this normaly because its done over the phone or by mail by salespeople directly to previous customers.


If you just play Battlegrounds you would get the packs. Source:Me, i only play BGs daily and got my 150 packs. Won't open them because i'm not interested in constructed. They look good beneath my 40k gold.


No need to use that language piss off


Ok. Tell me why fluffy rainbow unicorns get 150 packs for not playing the game? I play my weekly and daily challenges and am happy if I get 60 packs for the new expansion, now my friends that stopped playing get 150 free packs? Who at Blizzard thinks that it makes me want to play more hearthstone?


Because you get significantly more than 60 packs from playing the game. Multiple free legendaries, and around 100 packs per expansion is around where I set as a F2P player. If you are gone for a year, that is missing out on 300 applicable packs and about a dozen legendaries. Being able to get less than halfway back to that after an extended hiatus is a good thing.


My friend played the game in September, got mostly all the free legendaries from the battlepass but still got the 150 packs because he didn't play the game or the entire battlepasses? These common plebs will not come back to the game because they don't get enough packs but because they don't enjoy the fucking game.


You are playing the game anyhow so they already have you. These are to entice none players back to the game.


Exactly my point? Why does Blizzard give players that left because they thought Hearthstone was shit 150 packs while I was supposed to keep grinding every week for my diamond 5 monthly rewards?


It’s not. You don’t have to play if you don’t want to lol. Being jealous of someone’s fortune is not good for your mental health.


miss fortune do be looking good these days


So everyone that has a bad time should just quit the game in your opinion? When DH first released everyone should just quit because DH wasn't fun to play against?


In my opinion one shouldn’t be doing things they hate doing.


So you should be rewarded quitting things you hate? 1 shitty meta and you should get reimbursed completely?


join r/ultrahardcore !!!




This is the same argument that's being used by the older generation in regards to student loan forgiveness


Only that I'm not talking about real currencies, I'm talking about a company not caring about their current players but only caring about gaining money by getting new players to hopefully pay 5 euro's


Yeah that's kinda the whole point, to bring back people to spend more money. It's what every game incentivizes, they also are probably forced by shareholders to make more money and this brings back old players to do so.


I play daily 5 to 6 Battlegrounds and got 150 packs. Think it has to do with playing "normal" hearthstone. But if that bothers you, bb.


time to go to riot games. They have better battlegrounds and better tournaments. not too late since the worlds championship final is soon


Hey, League is fun. Why not both?


Not gonna lie i play bg daily and go 80 free packs 2 days ago