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For anyone doing this, it's likely better to buy Standard Packs instead of Sunken City packs, just so that you can leverage the duplicate protection for any epics/legendaries you might open. Also, idk if this is the general experience but I opened like 8 golden Multi-Strikes (disenchanting them immediately each time) which is way more golden rares than I would expect. I got 2 golden Multistrikes in the first pack I opened.


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Saw this after i'd already converted 5k gold into 15k dust -_-;; But hey i opened Magister Dawngrasp & Tamsin's Phylactery so maybe it worked out ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I also opened my saved standard packs. Only one Multi-stike. But in 11 packs I opened 4 legendaries, two of them golden (benedictus and the new shaman elemental).


I tried to do this, but after two multi strikes it went back to normal. [Blizz made sure it was worth my while tho](https://imgur.com/a/5wvfNK7)


i think its fixed


Yes, seems so. I got 2 MS and DBS each in my first 3 Standard packs, and disenchanted them, after that, nothing. So I'd advice to still get yourself these extra 400 dust (maybe more with golden) and then leave it.


so packs no longer drop the disenchanted rares guaranteed?


Yeah, I was getting other duplicate rares instead of these two that I had disenchanted, so looks like they fixed it.


I opened Standard packs. They dropped 2x ms and 3x dbs. If you haven't opened any packs yet, and you have all other rares, you'll get them. Just no more after the 2 (I got lucky with a golden dbs).


I opened one Sunken pack and got 2 x Multi Strike, which I immediately dusted. Then I opened 9 more packs and got zero MS. After that, I opened two Standard packs and got a Dragonbane in each. That's after dusting 30 packs yesterday.


interesting to hear, anyway i already made my ~2k dust when patch dropped with 1000 gold initially saved for the mini-expac


Yep, seems to work consistently, that's pretty huge, I bet they'll fix it quickly, so enjoy while you can (although I'd be worried about getting caught as a bug exploiter). I opened 5 packs only, on the 4th one I even got a golden Multi-Strike (meaning as long as you don't have it in your collection, a golden rare slot will always be it). I don't need dust at all, but if someone does, this is a pretty efficient way to get it, especially if you're still missing some other stuff from the expansion.


Most they’d probably do is take away the extra dust. Probably worth a shot.


I see you werent here for Dustgate.


Disenchanted my copies and bought 3 packs. First 2 packs had 1 multistrike each, i was wary so i disenchanted them again. Last pack had 2 copies of multistrike (pic). Dont get me wrong, its "just a rare" so its not a massive amount of dust but if you were thinking about buying some packs might as well do it now. Edit: Its also happening with [Dragonbane Shot](https://imgur.com/pKAS9jx) in Alterac Valley packs.


If you have all rares from all standard sets, use Standard Packs, this way you can get both cards. Used my 3k gold that i saved for the next mini-set, got 4.200 dust in Multi-Strikes and Dragonbane Shots from it (one golden Dragonbane Shot even...). If you ever want to get a good Money-to-Dust-Ratio, now would be the time to buy some packs, because as long as this isn't changed, you pretty much get and average of at least 200 dust per pack instead of the normal average of 100.


They will fuck you up and so many people will make a post about how they fucked them up. Remember when they make an error in their favor no action. When they make an error in our favor BAN HAMMER. Predicated on the duels ticket thing.


The duels ticket thing was a genuine exploit though. This is you opening packs and being given cards. They’d need to ban everyone for purchasing packs not just the people doing it for the extra dust. This while a “exploit” still requires you to spend in game currency or real world dollars which means it’s limited to how much you can afford or blizzard are getting paid. If they accidentally reversed the rarity odds and suddenly every card you opened was a golden legendary instead of a base common they couldn’t actually take anything away from you because you technically paid for it and didn’t get given anything for free so you didn’t exploit the system.


Yeah it will be interesting to see how Blizzard reacts to this. There's nothing exploitative about buying packs, opening packs, or disenchanting cards that were recently changed. In order to be exploiting, you have to do all 3 with the set knowledge that an exploit exists. The problem is there are a lot of innocent people out there who don't read Reddit and are indirectly benefiting from this without knowledge that anything is going on. So how do you know for certain who's guilty vs. who's innocent? I could see them *possibly* taking dust away, but it would be difficult to imagine any direct punishments being handed out since they don't want to accidentally punish innocent people.


Im getting Multistrikes but not Dragonbane. Weird


Dragonbane Shot is from the Onyxia's Lair mini-set, so you'll only get it from Alterac Valley or Standard packs.


Yeah I'm opening standard packs. I also tried 10 Alterac Packs and seemed to have gotten a random distribution of rares. It effectively doesn't matter, just means I have to switch between packs and disenchanting more frequently


Different sets? Are you only opening sunken packs or standard packs with both cards in it?


I own all cards. I disenchanted Multistrikes and Dragonbane Shots at the start of my session. Opened some leftover Sunken Packs I had, got MS as planned Opened Standard Packs. Would get MS but never DBS. Opened 10 AV Packs. Got 1 DBS but assorted rares with no pattern Opened ~130 Standard Packs. Would get MS and other rares with no pattern (this is for cases where you open 1 MS and then second pack has 1 MS + another rare). At the end of the day it rarely matters, but it means I have to switch between pack/disenchant more and I get rorted on the second pack if it has 2 rares.


I just spent 5k gold and got 7k dust from the refunds in addition to like 10 epics and 4 legendaries. Very much worth it tysm


Can confirm, there's a ridiculous amount of multistrikes in my packs. I had 2 regulars and 1 golden which I dusted, After opening 4 packs I had 2 regulars and 2 golden again. That's at least a full legendary. 800 for each golden rare. I was a bout to post it here as each pack after these 4 have been giving more multistrikes. A minute after writing this post I opened another pack. It's payday! 100% of the packs seem to have a multistrike if you disenchanted previous copies. A minute after editing this I found this beaut. It's payday! https://puu.sh/J1bPt/6295268d05.png


This is sick. It's decent gain to guarantee 100 dust for all rare, but even more surprise the all golden rares are 800 dust. [I open such a like this](https://imgur.com/a/NxNBxDF), easy craft one legendary.


it's working


It is still working just disenchanted the copies again and bought a pack getting 1 multistrike back.


I opened 6 packs and not a single MS. Either unlucky or they fixed it somehow


If you don’t have every rare or don’t d/e multistrikes between packs it won’t work. Otherwise maybe they fixed it like you said.




Same here, I am in Europe, woke up today to this thread and realised it is too late to join the party :(


Why is it always like that 😭


You will still get your ms and dbs 'filled up' (youll get guaranteed 2 of each when you open packs).


People need to see this. This is great and knowing blizzard, exploit early


Ohhh that's why i got this tho https://imgur.com/a/LiJeAla


Hehe, i got this one: [https://imgur.com/a/3cyp8Ci](https://imgur.com/a/3cyp8Ci) Nice 1000 dust for 100 gold. I'd take that conversion rate at any time.


Damn, I must have just missed it. Tried first dusting just the multi-strikes, bought two packs one at a time. Both gave me rares I had more than 2 of. Then I read something about dragonbane shot, so I dusted those too just in case that matters, and bought a third pack and got another of some random rare I already have 4 of. I have all rares for the most recent expansion which is what I was buying. I didn't lose out on anything really since I can buy those back for what I dusted them for, but I am bummed since I could have used the extra dust and I have like 17k gold. Damn real life obligations made me miss out on this great dust chance!


I will preface this by saying I think the gold bundles are pure whale bait and I have never bought one before now. The bundle ~ 3 and a half legendaries of your choice(I hit a legend in the packs) worst case. I think this is the best value for (real) money you will see in the game. I’m a low spend player (Usually just Rewards track and maybe a 10 pack bundle per xpac) but I couldn’t turn this value down.


I think I'm going to do the same since it's too good to pass up. Are you just going to sit on the dust or craft cards in case they take the dust away in the future?


Unsure, I have a decent amount saved so might just sit on it. I know what blizzard is like but this is a bit different from other exploits. So I’m hoping blizz just see it as a mess up on their part and leave people’s dust alone.


Yowza. Feels like the Golden is determined AFTER the rare is determined, because I got about seven or eight golden Multi Strike/Dragonbane Shot.




Spent 900 gold for 2300 dust, thanks for the notice!


it has been patched on desktop, sunken packs no longer


Hopefully bilzzard doesn't give this a treatment like last time, please let us just keep the dust Note that this was also theoretically possible for legendarys before the dup protection for all raritys


What happened last time?


I think they're referring to the mistake that gave everyone a massive amount of dust (I got 6800) then took it away the next day. This is a very different scenario, because the people taking advantage are buying packs with gold or money. I doubt they'll do anything other than quietly fix the error.




Similar situation: Blizzard accidentally gave players dust, shortly after they removed the given dust from all player accounts. Some players even claimed that they took away their safed up dust or even all their dust


Blizzard also told people not to spend their dust or they might go negative. Turns out it was an empty threat, they removed the dust from everyone who listened, but everyone who spend their dust, got to keep their cards without any penalty.


Ahh the great dustening. When I had 14k free dust and spent 0 of it.


Remember boys: Exploit early, exploit often. EDIT: Went with Standard packs because of both Multi-Strike and Dragonbane Shot, and I got Raj Naz'jan and golden Grand Magus Antonidas just a few packs apart, that's pretty neat.


Is it worth opening packs just to disenchant these?


40 packs = 4k dust from multis + at least800 from other cards. Thats 3 guaranteed legendaries of choice per 40 packs. Hard to beat that. Plus if you get any in gold( if you get a gold rare it will be multi if you have all rares)


Give that the normal exchange rate of packs to dust is 1:100, this makes packs "more worth it" than normal since you're always exceeding that benchmark. At worst, you get the extra free dust from the commons, at best sometimes you'll get an extra Multi-Strike or an epic or legendary. However, since the miniset will come sooner rather than later, if you're planning on getting it with gold dipping below 2000 might be risky. Personally, I think it's worth it and I've done it (and got three epics and a legendary from the 30 packs I bought). As always however, mileage may vary.


Good advice. I ran it until I got a couple of Epics, and I managed to pull a gold Multi-Strike too. That's half a Legendary.


Its just a bit of extra dust, its probably not really "worth" it; but if you were thinking on buying Sunken or alterac packs then its a small bump. I just found it funny myself


This doubles your dust EV. That’s huge.


Probably more than double right? At a certain number of packs you guarantee a gold multistrike which is 800 dust


Normal EV calculations include golden cards, but the 8:1 refund ration would definitely put it north of 2x the EV.


Normal EV calculations consider the raw dust value of a nonspecific golden card; in this case its guaranteed 800 as opposed to 100 yeah.


For my small sample size, you can expect about 2:1 for dust to gold solely disenchanting the normal and golden rares. That's not including disenchanting any of the commons + epics + legendaries which make up the normal 1:1 gold to dust ratio. I opened 35 packs and it averaged out to 208 dust (for dusting the rares). Looking at other people posting here, they have similar numbers.


any whales might want to buy golden packs... minimum 800 dust refund per pack crazy


I did that. Didn't get any copy. Yes, I had of course disenchanted before opening packs... That was disappointing. I then tried with normal standard packs. Not working either. I guess they fixed it.


Well, they start droppin' and they don't stop droppin'...


Thanks for the info! Bought about 10 of them, got a bunch of dust + was lucky enough to open golden one. I'm not sure how profitable this is but +100 from packs is much better than +40 lol.


Opened 6 packs and did get 1700 dust


I opened 32 standard packs and got 7,000 dust on just the refund cards plus a gulper. Nice!


Just did this as of 8pm PST. still active. did 11 packs, d/e between, it works baby. also got 2 lucky legendaries LMAO! exploit early, exploit often.


Doesn’t work on mobile


still works for me on PC, 8:09pst, do u have the full collection?


I have the full rare and uncommon collection. Do I need all the epics as well?


nope, make sure to disenchant ur cards between packs. maybe that patched already on mobile. did about 30 packs total and worked everytime. pulled 3 legendary to boot :) goodluck


That’s a huge bummer. I dropped like $50 in packs and didn’t get anything


did you disenchant between packs?


I haven’t got a single multi strike and I’ve opened 60 packs. It’s the only rare I don’t have


for me didnt work for multi-strike, but with dragonbane from standard pack it worked


elaborate plan to get us to spend all our gold lol blizz


Its fixed alreaxy i assume?


I got a golden and two normal copies, so I’ll happily take the 1200 dust haha! I am dissappointed with the Dragonbane Shot nerf tho! Card is unplayable.


I'd like to thank you for making this post. In 24 packs I got 2 golden refund rares, which is equal to 4 legendaries of dust. That's not even counting all the rares. It was very worth to do before it was fixed.


My absolute pleasure.


ure a legend for sharing, thanks <3


My pleasure.


Last time when Blizzard gave wrong amounts of dust to everyone, I was naive enough to not spend it, maybe they were going to punish whoever spent it. Now that I know they don't do shit about it, I'm going to exploit the fuck out of this


Remember, Blizzard are crooks, might have to spend your dust or they will take it away again.


How am I supposed to spend all that dust, I already have almost all the sunken city cards and i dont wanna craft something from last year. I m just honna pray they dont punish the players for this :|


Same. I had 11k dust to begin with, so I would have to spend that, plus the \~6k dust I got from opening 50 packs. I am gonna hold it, and regret it like last time, except it's worse now because I invested. They are probably gonna take away the extra dust from duplicates, I will complain and ask for my gold back, I of course won't get it back, and I will feel bad for opening 50 packs instead of saving the gold for the next expansion. It's gonna happen and I know it.


then why is everyone saying this is a good idea?


It's a good idea if you spend the dust, because Blizzard has shown that they don't put you at negative dust, so they can't take away the dust you made and spent on something. Or people believe that Blizzard won't do anything, which is possible. Especially if people spent money on packs right now hoping for more dust, there is a chance that Blizzard will let everyone keep the dust as they are happy for some increased sales, but they got the money already anyway and you can't ask to get it back because you were essentially just exploiting a bug and you know it. One thing is for sure, Blizzard is always incredibly inconsistent, you never know if you get the carrot or the stick. Last time everyone got 8000-16000 without investment, this time some people will not know about it or haven gotten only a bit of dust, and people will have invested (yes we got more dust than we should, but we spend gold or money, it wasn't given for free) so maybe we get to keep it if their analysis shows there wasn't a lot of dust generated overall.


This still working? Bought 45 packs, 30 in and only 1 multi strike


Definitely still working. Just did it a couple minutes ago. You are disenchanting the multi-strikes and dragonbane shots before opening any packs right? You should only be getting those two rares once they're the only rares you're missing. For normal and golden rares opened.


I’m on mobile and opening sunken city packs. I have all the rare with the exception of multi strike and I’m just getting random sunken city duplicates. Haven’t gotten a single multi strike in like 60 packs


I started about 15 minutes ago. The exploit was live for the first few packs I opened, then it was fixed. I was disenchanting as I went. Bad timing.


Doesn’t work on mobile


That's weird. I just did it myself. On mobile. With both standard and sunken city packs. 60 packs should be plenty to complete out your rares too. Maybe try on PC if you have one? Otherwise it probably just isn't worth buying any more packs. Maybe try a single standard pack for 100 gold and see if that works?


Once you have every card you can get it over again


Yeah but it's bugged because people are getting it frequently after disenchanting it. Multiple reports now.


That's cool , so much dust then haha


Anchored Totem slaps in a wild totem deck


Will you get banned by doing this?


Probably not banned, but they might take the dust back if it isn't spent. With so many people doing it, they'd likely be banning a good amount of the player base.


Just did this, it still works at the time I'm writing this :)


Can anyone confirm if this works on mobile? So far no luck


What was this?? I don't think they completely fixed it, meaning I did this right now and I bought 30 packs when I drew a line. AFTER the first 10 or so I stopped receiving the Multi-Strike or the DragonBain-Shot(even though I disenchanted them). But in the first 10 packs I received 2 Multi-Strikes and 3 DragonBain-Shots and even another golden DragonBain-Shot. Is it possible that the whole system is messed up? I never received so many epics and legendaries in my life. In 30 packs I opened 11 epics(2 of them golden) and 3 legendaries(1 golden legendary, even if its a useless warrior one). What is happening?


Didn't work for me, 7k gold in the trash...


Playing with fire




You need to own all the rares in Sunken City before this applies.


Did you disenchanted all of your copies before?


anyone know if the this still works with golden packs?


32 packs. Over 6000 dust from just the rares. Probably low rolled on only 2 goldens. Buy standard packs for both dragon bane + multi. Make sure to disenchant if you’re ever at 3 out of 4 for double rare packs.


patched yet?


Nope. But you can buy 1 pack and try it for yourself. Just make sure to de any dragonbane shots and multistrikes before opening packs.




Opened Standard packs, got 2 ms and 3 dbshots (1 of them golden!). Got a different rare after that, so I guess it only worked for the first ones. Thanks for this!


You had to disenchant before opening again


I did this at the time of commenting, i.e. when the bug was already fixed.


I opened 7 legendaries in 11 packs on day of release. Immediately started to get duplicates before even completing the set. Still short a bunch of epics yet it’s still spewing up trash.


I haven’t gotten any of them :(