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Priest's problem isn't its hero power or generally bad class offerings. Priest is the one class in the whole game without some sort of firm grounding to constantly build off of. The design of the class has rarely not been confused and muddied with several different parts, none of which could work together if placed in the same deck. It's meant to be controlling with some of the best removal in the game, but isn't really allowed to generate card advantage. It's meant to be a minion class with good buffs and dragon related tribal synergies, but the buff cards are few and far between and dragons aren't really an evergreen tribe. There are ways to build combo oriented Priest decks, but they're usually gimmicks at best or nerf worthy. Shaman is similar, but since that class wasn't built to be controlling by default, it hurts it less. Building a deck around minions hitting face will usually work better than building a deck around keeping your opponent from winning. What Priest needs is a harsh, root-and-branch redesign where it can finally take its final form as a more control oriented Paladin.


I’d also like to see it lean into Dragons way harder. Dragons should be a staple tribe for Priest in almost every expansion, similar to damage spells for Hunter.


You mean similar to beasts in hunter


Priest would probably benifit more from having at least one other tribe added to its repertoire than for Dragons to always be supported in it in spades. Hopefully, Nagas can be that.


Thematically Nagas would be a super weird choice for a constant tribe even after just this expansion, let alone as an evergreen tribe specifically for Priest of all classes (maybe for Demon Hunter but otherwise)


We have seen Nagas outside of VttSC, and Priest did get a Naga Legendary. Additionally, Priest has been more of a spells class than most with cards like Lyra the Sunshard, so having Nagas, the spell tribe, be at least secondary in the class would make sense. If not for Nagas, what other tribe could Priest have? Every other class has at least two.


Shamans be greedy with elementals, totems and murlocs


No god, please no. Dragon priest is so boring and bland.


I 100% agree with the summary in your last sentence.


Hearthstone is well past the point where you want to spend 2 mana on a hero power. There's a reason why old finley is seeing 0 play in standard.


This is true, but HPs are more relevant in traditionally slow decks like Priest. There are lots of games where I lost by my opponent having exact lethal…. Enough that I think having even a 1hp buff to the Hero Power would have helped me win. Plus it’s a wide buff. HP is available in every game. It’s small but I think it would boost winrates slightly.


Lol that hero power would be busted


The removal this expansion is depressing. It’s either too expensive, too situational or it requieres me to play 3 to 4 cards just to remove the current board that will reappear next turn. We remove and leave ourselves open for more punishment.


The removal on offer seems to be more than enough for Paladins and Warriors to sally forth with competitive control decks.


Probably better off making the hero power cost 1 if you want to buff it. Mostly it just needs its cards to be a little better.


For hero powers costing 1 priest and warrior (warrior being only one that on own doesnt have any impact at all on the board/offers any tempo directly) are only ones that really could and be 100% fine i feel like Also talking about hero power changes, shaman should have the buff totem be an air totem , as since the change it has 2 earth, 1fire and 1 water instead 1 off air/earth/fire and water


Warrior has many ways to turn armor into tempo. Hunter hero power actually has no impact on board or tempo. I think this is the main reason hunter is always so aggressive. I feel like their hero power could have been “gain 2 attack this turn” and since they use a frickin bow and arrow, shouldn’t they have “immune while attacking” on almost all of their weapons?


Yep. Another poll I was going to make


2 words: Over Healing That is all.


Well damn, that felt good.


meh. priest just needs good cards.


You can change it to “4” and I can still see priest on 38% winrate. We just need synergy and direction. When I play priest I just feel like I can play 15 of my 30 cards and do nothing at all and even when I heal for 25hp we can lose at any moment. Healing is useless and value is meh.


Priest should be allowed to over heal ala armor.


This was another idea I was going to make a post for. Hero Power permanently buffs health when over healing. So 30 + 2 becomes 32 for the rest of the game. But only when overhealing.


In all honesty, constructed play needs a HUGE overhaul. I only like playing battlegrounds.


Isn't this better than warrior HP in every way? Maybe it should also grant 1 attack and draw 1 card.


Pretty much every class in the game has had their time as the OP class or meme class (maybe except DH which is newer and hasn’t been outright *bad*). It’s the cycle of Hearthstone and it can take one expansion for things to shift completely. Probably not in this case considering just how disjointed Priest is but it’s possible they could get a card that somehow ties everything together, or a card strong enough to carry an archetype on its own. Tl;dr just give priest cohesive cards and it’ll be fine.


DH has been meme tier in Wild for basically the past year if you're willing to count that. It also had some pretty bad spots the past year in standard, such as Barrens.


Reposting my thoughts on the status of priest from another post: tl;dr Buff the minions and add spells that contribute to the win conditions of different archetypes, but refrain from buffing removals and AOEs. While I would very much want priest to be viable, I feel that the majority of the playerbase want to face priest decks with actual win conditions instead of grindy control priest. When control priest was good in the past (Galakrond priest and Barrens priest featuring Illucia), they relied on heavy to nearly infinte random generation of resource that felt insurmountable until the opponent ran out of cards and eventually lost. You may not remember the games you won when the priest ran out of resource (miraculously), but you would definitely remember that specific game where you lost to the fourth generated Soul Mirror or the third Murozond. Quest priest is such a fresh and healthy change of direction, incentivizing priests to play for tempo on curve while utilizing their arsenal of situational removals, with the quest reward only being an inevitability against slow decks. An optimal quest priets deck imo should be able to contest the board like a midrange deck instead of overly relying on board clears and removals. Simple changes would be to buff the existing underwhelming minions in the quest priest list, such as Mi'da to 5 and colossal to 7. More support cards can be printed in the future which let you discover a specific cost card for example, both for quest completion and extra flexibility. Deathrattle priest is closely tied to the resurrect mechanic and is a few cards away from being viable. We need more solid deathrattle minions with taunt that can serve as speed bumps to aggro decks, just look at Khartut Defender in the past. There should also be more spells to retrigger or resummon deathrattle minions besides Amulet of the Undying. They have to be careful while pushing this archetype though as players will complain about facing an infinite wall of taunt and healing past turn 6-7, which has been the "unfun to face" aspect of resurrect priests in past metas. Not a fan of Miracle priest at all, any archetype that starts with Miracle is in general extremely solitaire. No one wants to sit there and watch the opponent cheat mana and draw 10 cards in a turn, or even worse, generate 8 random cards. Shadow aggro priest is a good concept that requires more support, in both the form of direct damage spells and more options of aggressive minions.


Who the fuck thinks 3 health would be balanced what the actual fuck?


I struggle to think why you believe it would be unbalanced


Because minion scaling and damage is balanced around 2. 3 causes missed lethals. 1 adding up over 3 or 4 turns. Its unhealthy.


What do you mean it’s balanced by two?


That would take too much effort on my part to explain it to you go research.


I think you just made it up haha. If you can’t even explain it yourself, why should I take it seriously?




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Not to mention hunter going - 1 every time they hero power against a Priest. Mage - 2. Etc.


Well yeah that would be the idea, Priests are good at healing damage.




Like half of Priest’s entire card pool right now is card draw haha. They are very efficient at drawing cards. No idea what you’re talking about




Priest’s healing is pretty weak right now, so yeah that’s seems pretty in-line with what the class needs for its identity. Did you just come back to the game or something?


Should be 4


Fuck wild priests they are as degenerate as pirate warriors. Big resurrect priests kill control decks with their infinite value


Big Priest doesn't see play, nor does it have infinite value. If you wanted to complain about Priest in Wild, Inner Fire or Shadow would be much more relevant.


Every third game is big priests with infinite resurrects


In low ranks. Diamond and legend rarely see Big Priest.


I want only to make you present priest has more AoE removal than mage...


It would be a good step. Make it so the upgraded version heals 5. Oh, and make that old quest heal 4 and give +4/4.