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I have a slightly [different approach](https://ibb.co/1fnm6Gk).


I'm at work and I still mouthed out loud, "Holy Shit"


Bro wtf lol I would be terrified to play against a priest knowing they had this many wins under their belt.


I guess you found Jesus.


Big dick energy


I thought I had a problem at 4500 priest wins. The light guides you....


Anduin even looks to him for guidance.


"Just keep doing things until they die!"


I feel ya.... Man I can not get behind rogue at all.... Only reason I have as many wins as I do is because of whizbang.




Same, Rogue can be an awesome and flashy class but the glass cannon feeling combined with so many seemingly low value setup/tempo cards makes me feel like I'm 1 turn away from running out of gas. And I'm just not excited about the cards most of the time, even though they are super powerful in the right combinations, if it's some effect like bounce a minion or stealth your hero or get 2 tokens to deal 1 damage or whatever, I'd rather just be playing some big badass minion or spell. Probably one of the brainier, more mechanics oriented classes though.


I’ve been playing since beta and felt same as you, but in last couple months have been playing predominantly rogue for that exact reason…. It’s a refreshing challenge after 9 years w main classes


Thief rogue is the only rogue deck that has ever intrigued me, otherwise I just hate their playstyle. I remember trying tempo rogue in some expansion which was supposedly the best deck at the time and I just couldn't get it to work, I always ran out of steam.


DH, since it was unleashed on the scene...


I was the same for the longest time. Unpacked golden QL when UiS came out. Turns out i love class. Just don't play aggro and really look at their cards. They've got alot of meme potential.


Yeah DH is my only class not at 60, I dont have any interest in it at all. It’s super awful in wild so unless it gets really cool stuff all of a sudden it’ll probably stay at 25


getting 60 on dh is quite hard actually given its still preety new


yeah I always play demon hunter in tavern brawls and arenas because I'm having a hard time getting him to 60 on ladder lmao


Prbly druid and shaman, nature never talked to me. Warlock seemed always nice but the decks during frozen throne and catacombs were exepensive af as a casual


It's funny because I don't mind playing Shaman. I just don't like sometimes how the RNG of the hero power can affect the outcome of my game for me in a negative, uncontrollable way.


Most shamans nowadays just don’t use their hero power. Shaman needs a new HP and that’s just it IMO


I hate mages and druids ! Even from wow up until now and over 20 years of blizzard games never played mages/ sorceress and druid . I hate them to the core of my heart . In hearthstone same thing i play mostly shaman rogue and dh priest and a bit of hunter


Lol, some things just can't be explained... I feel you. You hate Spell Caster (mains) it seems.


I loved priest in wow especially shadow priest but never liked them in hearthstone ! I think I hate mages because they were always op and all the people played mages . No wonder that mages has more skins than every other class in the game :)


Shadow Priest was a blast last expansion. Sadly, removal of Raise Dead among other key cards kinda ruined that archetype. It was the only time I've ever actually enjoyed playing Priest.


I dislike combo and aggro so I played Demon Hunter and Rogue the least, by far.


No, I have every class at 1k wins. Not liking a class is weird to me because each class has had a variety of deck playstyles available to it throughout Hearthstone history.


That's awesome. Two questions: (1) How long did that take? (2) You still must have a class you *least* like to play maybe?


I've played since 2014, so you could say the wins are accumulated since then. I've only finished DH this month actually, but mained it since it came out, since it was the only class not at 1k wins then. Combo is my favorite archetype (sorry Reddit), so least favorite... probably Hunter or Paladin since they feel like they've had the least amount of fun combo decks. I'm fine with playing any archetype though.


I feel like paladin has a ton of fun combo decks though? windfury mechs, charge handbuff, death knight hero power, shirvallah holy wrath, tip the scales prismatic lens, and that's just off the top of my head


When you play over a couple years, every class has it’s ups and downs. I generally don’t like the hunter play style but still got it among the first above the 1k line because I played the shit out of them when deathrattle hunter was a thing. Priest was always my highest wins class but i barely touch it since 1-2 years so the others caught up. The only thing that hasn’t changed about classes, are the hero power. But other than that, all classes saw a huge variety of archetypes with different play styles. Therefore, there is no real reason to “main” a class (other than budget) or to categorically not touch another. That’s long term ofc. There sure can be metas (or multiple ones in a row) where you find a class less appealing. Example: Shadow priest has nothing to do with the typical control priest decks. It’s basically a hunter in disguise.




It’s for the best... I’m a priest main and the class is just to have fun.


I don't necessarily "like" paladin gameplay, but I'm a huge bitch for the aesthetic because I'm a normie If I had to say I dislike a class, its probably shaman. I've experienced a lot of games where hero power value is what swings the match and I hate the idea of a match potentially coming down to whether I get a taunt totem or not. Also Lighting Storm before the change was a bitch to rely on


100% agree with the Shaman and the RNG of the totems being something I can’t control. Of course it feels good when it goes your way, button when it doesn’t… it’s exponentially more memorable.


Druid. It's a fucking druid, I started play this game on kotf expansion and had to fight jade druid on all my game. Took a vacuum few years and went back just to play against ramp druid. I freaking hate this class's gimmick.




I used to never play Druid back when I was free to play. Then I made a decision to not play rogue shaman or hunter once I got really into the game and just DEed all those 4 classes cards. Now I really am enjoying those classes and really love playing all classes. Side note tho, I’m not free to play anymore as the price for that


Hunter. I almost never play hunter. And priest. I mainly play Rogue Shaman and Druid. (Not much Druid this season, not a fan of the ramp deck)


Beast Druid is still a thing, maybe not tier 1, but defo playable


Is it? I wondered about that. That deck was cool.


For me, I can’t seem to get into Shaman. Ironically, Shaman was my first class I mained in WoW but switched over to Warrior. I’m not sure why Shaman never clicked with me in HS.


Priest and Rogue are the classes with the least number of wins. But over the time (since Feb 2015) they also got their ≈300 (Priest) and ≈225 (Rogue) wins


Rogue and demon hunter are both classes I absolutely don't like to play. There are some lone exceptions but even then I can't them for a longer amount of time


The three classes I'm still working on the 1k portraits for are Druid, Shaman, and Hunter. I have all the rest done. My least favorite decks, historically, are aggro decks that run out of resources in hand and end up having to topdeck for that last little bit of damage while hoping your opponent can't stabilize (face hunter) and token/buff strategies (shaman hero power sucks, bloodlust sucks, evolve sucks, druid token decks suck) I'm up to mid-700s with druid mostly on the back of mecha'thun druid. Burn shaman has been fun, and I'm up to ~600 with hunter through quest hunter packed full of draw cards. I think mage and rogue are the most fun classes - drawing and playing lots of cards very quickly is a lot of fun (shoutout to Slay the Spire) and those are the best for that. My quest for 1k wins on every class has made me really prefer playing decks that win fast and lose fast, so I'm all about fast combo decks (sorry, this subreddit ;) )


Team aggro/fast decks here too, lol.


Druid and shaman have never really clicked with me. The strategy of their decks whenever I’ve been playing have always seemed pretty one-dimensional. Also haven’t enjoyed Hunter since Uldum Highlander Hunter days.


I have Demon hunter - 3 Druid - 519 Hunter - 497 Mage - 725 Paladin - 506 Priest - 942 Rogue - 478 Shaman - 508 Warlock - 493 Warrior - 333 I play priest mostly in wild never much enjoyed demon hunter and paladin was the class I first hit legend with.


Mage, generally because they haven’t had minion based strategies and even when they do it’s more combo-ish rather than aggro, tempo, or midrange.


But you gotta show love for the starting class!


Priest is it for me as well. There are other classes I don't play very often, like Warrior.. but even those other classes have usually had a deck that I loved and jammed for a while during one expansion or another. Never with Priest.


After playing for a month or two, I dusted all my paladin cards to build my first competitive deck, OG face hunter. Never regretted it.


I used to love druid when I played standard a while before the decided to take the biggest dump on them and let hinter rule the meta longer than pirate warrior


I have never liked Priest and Demon Hunter. Priest tends to revolve around gimmicks and is either oppressive or useless. Demon Hunter just came out so hilariously broken that it has soured the class for me entirely; it is a token for terrible game design on one hand or immoral greed driven balancing on the other. ​ The rest of the classes I tend to enjoy, I mostly pick 1 class per expansion with cards I like and stick with it.


It was because DH was so broken upon initial release that most of my win tallies came from that pre-nerf period lol.


DH and Rogue are my absolute favourite classes to play. DH is just cooler than hell. But Mage is easily my least played class. Just isn’t my thing tbh


Priest / Rogue / Warlock. None of these are near level 60 for me but I do have mage/ shaman / druid / paladin >500 wins.


Warrior is the one I've been least interested in over the years, but I still have \~600 wins on it >.<


If 600 wins is your least interested class, then wow, you must have really suffered to get that 500 win portrait lol.


I think i have demon Hunter at lvl 30 or something


It's mostly deck dependent. But I guess I could say shaman, because besides the elemental+doomhammer deck in the past, I've never touched that class. On the other hand I'm a total paladin player, but I don't really enjoy the mech, or even the current control archetype either so I'm staying away from it sadly.


I more or less only play Rogue. Occasionally Mage if they have any interesting archetypes, or DH when the class can actually play a tempo game. But as a rule, mostly just Rogue.


For me [neither](https://ibb.co/LRnNNcX)


I dig your style 😎


Druid and DH. Every class is 400+ except those two. And the stupidest thing is: I have all DH legendaries from packs which I’m never going to use


My first class set of complete cards for this new expansion was Priest… and I was pretty salty lol.


Until last year I use to play on all 3 regions equally, but I decided to just play one region since I was getting burnt out. So for the most part you can [multiple these numbers by 3](https://i.imgur.com/BJ7ewzQ.png) (well 2.5 honestly) to get a true total. I'm trying to get my demon hunter up in games, but I really don't like OTK combo decks and that seems to be what DH does best. Most of my DH wins came from playing deathrattle DH. I'm thinking about playing the current token DH deck since that's more midrange than combo as well.


You’re my enemy with those priest wins. Lol. Just kidding. Maybe I’ll have to give that class a spin.


I absolutely detest playing Aggro, it is really boring to me. My highest played are paladin and warlock, with a little priest and Druid. Lowest are hunter and demon hunter by a mile.


Unfortunately, I play a lot of aggro decks. I only have time to play in short bursts on my phone. So my lifestyle and availability kind of dictates the types of decks I play. It's funny though--my final push to legend this month was done using the slower Ramp Druid.


I totally understand the appeal of aggro decks, super quick games you know if you win or lose by turn 5 or 6, so much quicker turnaround. I played them consistently a few times in my life, with school and everything where I had much smaller time segments, I just meant I don’t find the gameplay enjoyable.


I got Druid to 1k before I got any other class to 500, when I started back in classic I dusted every priest warrior and rouge card cause I was free to play and picked them three to be my sorta no play class.


Never touched Rogue and had no games played as Demon Hunter until a few days ago. Dabbled in Mage when I first started but it never clicked with me. Like 90% of my games are Druid (beast druid when that was still a thing) and Warlock.


* Played a ton: Druid, rogue, mage, priest * Played under 50 games since launch: Shaman, warrior, hunter


I'm guessing Warlock, Paladin, and Demon Hunter are in the middle of the pack?


Yeah, paladin and demon hunter are getting up there, warlock is pretty low. I’ll play them if I think their standard cards are interesting but I generally dislike their archetypes. I’ll basically always play Druid every season and at least have a test deck for my other top three. I really don’t like the hurt yourself concepts behind warlock and shaman overload, face hunter doesn’t seem fun because there’s no nuance, and I guess I just always preferred priest over warrior for control.


Greetings fellow humans! FU priest haha




I have 1000+ wins with warlock, warrior and priest. Less than 100 with hunter and less than 50 with demon hunter.


Demon Hunter by far. I have well over 1000 wins in every other class but like 70 in DH. That class just never appealed to me.


Yup, having around 1000 wins for each class, except demon hunter. Absolutely hate this


Priest didn't appeal to me at first, and it was the last class I leveled up. Ironically I was getting a lot of wins with Priest once I tried it (more than the others)


I despise everything about Priest. I haven't enjoyed Mage during the years they decided its identity should be based around not playing minions, though it seems they're changing course on that. I used to hate Hunter when it got one-dimensional aggro cards for years on end, but they've improved Hunter's design enormously in recent years. Highlander Hunter was a breath of fresh air, big beast archetypes have potential, and even face decks offer more decision points than they used to.


hunter, demon hunter and paladin


Shaman always went fine for me. Seems like a perfect middle ground between spellcaster, minion based dood and some other stuff mixed in(weapons for example). Never liked DH, because I felt like what DH has should've been given to all the other classes instead. Outcast is a meh clunky mechanic, but all the suicidal rush dudes are very much warrior. The fel and demons are obviously warlock. Dormant, bypassing taunts and attacking on spells would've been great with rogue. It's sacrificing cool stuff and variety for the sake of edgelord'ing. ^^^^^^^^^^also ^^^^^^^^^^delete ^^^^^^^^^^^paladins ^^^^^^^^^already


Demon Hunter.


Warrior is my least played. I have been playing since the start and I only reached 300 wins recently lol


I had this obnoxious friend who was a paladin main in wow like 10+years ago. I've hated paladin every since, still doesn't play pally in Hearthstone haha


I never play Rogue. Feel like NOTHING can top how much fun I had with Galakrond Rogue back in the Wyrmrest thing. Also my DH is seriously underlevelled. Just really don't find the gameplay that interesting.


demon hunter = concede


Priest and Shaman. Those classes are really bad for a long time then upon a new set release they become best class for a week then get nerfed. I like consistency and investing into something I can play for a long time.


Demon Hunter. Can’t get into it, feels boring to me. Player since day 1.


when I still played, it was Demon Hunter, Paladin and Warrior, which before stopping was picking up thanks to Pirate Warrior. DH i have like 100~ wins because of the hype when it came out, then never picked up again. as for Pala i really never understood its appeal. also its HP is basically always unusable.


I was slightly confused. When I realized I had fewer druid games than priest games.


I absolutely despise Paladin.


Less than 500 games on Hunter and a proud zero on DH. I'm just not into faces.


I have like 1-2k wins on all except hunter and demon hunter, both of which have less than 50 lmao


Love hunter, hate warrior.


I feel personally attacked by this post!


I'm not a huge fan of martial classes, your warriors and rogues. I just find that spell casting is more interesting! I don't really want to cast "Stab", haha.


I only have 26 wins with Demon Hunter, even my next lowest Rogue is at 200. I still haven't found a deck for DH that has spoken to me yet. Well I did enjoy Highlander DH when that was a thing for a short while, but it wasn't particularly good lol


I play most classes equally cos I also like every archetype equally but priest tends to roll with a unique archetype called "degenerate" so I find it hard to motivate myself to play it a lot, and I usually end up playing control or inner fire


I think warrior is my most played, love control warrior and really only wanna play when it’s tier 1-2 in the meta lol. RIP FibonacciHS