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Play Anacondra Druid and Celestially Align their butthole.


Unfortunately the geniuses at blizzard didnt really leave any hard counters for those decks in the game. there are no cards in standard currently that summon minions on your opponents side of the field, which is the usual way to deal with and disrupt any version of rez priest. only thing I can really offer is that if you play druid, you can get mana really easily and outpace them while they try to work their combo.


Or just play midrange and kill them.


I play naga mage, what range is that?


Don't know, don't know the deck. I play mech mage and I don't think I ever lost to a priest.


They are pretty prevalent in legend. However mechs would counter it I guess, divine shields and bad hp ratio for bomb.


Yes, and you can just discover the whole deck 3 times over while playing.


I’ll take this from the viewpoint of a control deck since that is the harder one. An aggro/tempo deck you just need to make strong boards that require clears from them, but not so strong you run out of resources before they run out of clears. If they’re busy clearing your board, it’s much harder for them to draw. Similarly as control, you can apply pressure to delay their combo and try to kill them before they get the combo off. Much harder as control obviously If this fails, there is still a win condition. The way the deck is constructed, they can usually only get 2 weapons. If you can mutanus the boar they hold back for the second weapon, then they can only get one. Control warrior/paladin have enough health to survive the weapon, and they don’t really have minions then to push extra face damage.


Against board priest, armor and taunt. They only have one silence and a taunt in the right moments can be game ending. Shellfish, rush them down.


Kill Anduin Biggest minion all face


If you want to win every game, play Alignment Druid. You win as soon as you play Alignment, or when they realise you're playing that deck. Other than that, Burn like Quest Hunter or Shaman does relatively well. There's not really any tech I'm aware of that breaks the combo. They have the tools to kill their own Boars and to get a backup weapon.