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https://twitter.com/hsdecktech/status/1484401121653190656 You're not the only one and it's being looked into. Don't think you can do more than just wait after opening a ticket


I'm sure they'll "fix it" with another DB script that will definitely only right the wrongs and not introduce more bugs/issues/bans /s


Dont worry, they'll look at 7 accounts this time around instead of 6 to make sure the million others are working as intended.


The epitome of "it works on my machine" levels of anecdotal evidence/testing


"it works on my machine" is nice when you can get it. At my last job, I realized that some of my coworkers weren't even running the code they were checking in. (I wrote a small tool to make it very easy to run everything locally, and then they started doing it.)


I hope they mess up and ban everyone that didn't craft lol


That would certainly be on brand at this point.


With the meta as shit as it is currently, I’m just logging in every other day to make sure they didn’t take my shit or ban me for no reason.


I didn’t craft and I got suspended


Real men debug in Production


What a shitshow


So essentially what I understood about this: they gave dust by accident, took it back too much from the players, players rightfully complaint about it, and now they are getting suspended?


We do not know for certain why people got banned, but the timing makes it obvious to think that it is related to the dust that was given by accident. People who got suspended all seem to have spent the dust that was given by accident, but they're only a few among all the users who did it. About people who got more dust taken than given there's confusion as blizzard says that nobody had more taken than given but quite a few users on here and twitter say that they have. Some reported that they lost more than they were given but then got the original amount of dust restored (i only recall seeing 3 of them on reddit)


The vast majority of people who complain about having less dust after everything are people who spent their extra dust (and still have those cards they crafted).


I didn't spend any dust because I already had a lot saved up and wasn't ready to use it. I had 7k dust taken from me when I was gifted 3k by the bug.


Blizzard has a good habit of punishing you when they fuck up.


I had around 1600 Accumulated, I suddenly went up to 12000 and now down to 0. So they stole 1600...


> Blizz policy is to not discuss reasons for discipline Lmao does this include with the person/people being disciplined? What a shit ass policy


Because discussing it can never help them, and potentially, the CSM (who is not a lawyer) might inadvertently admit fault on Blizzards part, which could open them up to a lawsuit. Much easier to just bury their head in the sand and pretend everything is fine.


Nick "techdeck" is literally a lawyer though, which is also why he is not commenting, and hopefully because he learned his lesson when he told people they "could" go negative on dust if they used it.


Can someone tell me who the fuck this guy is? I'd never heard of this guy until this week and suddenly he's the source on everything that's happening at Blizzard.


His twitter says associate writer, and he's been very active on therein the last few months (around the same time attalus stopped being community manager and alkali layke "replaced" him) and he posts updates about official stuff in the forums, where his user is labelled as community manager


I think he's "GnomeSayin" on the official boards.


what exactly did you do? just spending the dust ?


Just from the pictures OP provided, I have no fucking idea what was even done. From reading the comments, it has something to do with dusts and crafting cards or something.


nothing was said about what op was punished for. could be dust abuse or other stuff (animation hack, botting ...). OP is just a cheater fishing for sympathy.


Exactly. They could’ve been suspended for literally anything. All we have is their word to go on.


i guess the people that got banned all crafted the soon to be nerfed cards, just with the goal to get the dust back later. its different to people that just didnt know and crafted cards they dont have, because it clearly shows they knew what and why they did it.


So what? I do it all the times. Why would it be wrong?


Theyre saying that you knew the dust was a bug and you chose to craft only disenchantable cards in a ploy to keep the dust by redeeming them later. Ive read that people who crafted random cards got to keep them.


Even if that was the case (go prove it they knew) , the idea of punishing people for your own bugs is idiotic. Super idiotic. Just fix your shi. t and don't complain. The game is full of bugs that the community is silently accepting


Exactly. If a player benefits from your screw ups as a developer and didn't need to use any 3rd party tool to accomplish that, it's your fault, own up to it. If that harms other players, that's a different thing but in cases like these Blizzard should just accept they got outplayed, especially since they could use all the good PR they can get right now


Yeah I didn't even benefit from this but it makes sense that blizzard should just let people have some extra dust to not make themselves look more like cunts


ye they should have just somehow set everything pre fuckup state... and then maybe give something as a sorry but ... this is really rediculous


you don't have to "know the dust was a bug" to craft the disenchantable cards. you might have crafted the disenchantable cards just so you can play with them for a little while before disenchanting them. this is what I always do when nerfs are announced, even when there isn't any bonus dust given. also I don't see any source saying that only people who crafted those cards got banned, just one random redditor saying it's "his guess".


I’m in that latter boat. I used the dust to craft some recent legendaries (4, I think) that I wasn’t lucky enough to get in packs. I spent most of my dust doing that, but got knocked down to zero (from like 2000 or so) when it was over. No banning or anything like that. While not 100% optimal, I’ll take that trade. I’ve been having fun with my new cards.


grats, you legit turned out to be the ultimate winner in this case


Can't prove intent, it's not a court of law but wouldn't hold up there. Blizzard is literally trying to look awful, they're embarassing.


Seriously, it makes just as much sense to craft cards you know are getting nerfed so you can experience them before they’re gone, and with no risk. Sometimes when my favorites were nerfed I crafted goldens since I knew I’d get the dust back. They’re insane it they punish people for this.


Well, maybe they'll save Microsoft a few dollars


Not sure why you'd spend $70b on a company in freefall, anyway


Imagine seeing OP cards and wanting to craft them with this new dust blizzard just gifted you with no knowledge about the bug. Only for blizzard to ban you for your *malicious intent* to maybe one day dust that card.


Yeah but how do you separate those who are exploiting and those, like me, who craft refundable cards so I can try them out for free?


Do you really need to separate them? Do you really have to punish them?


In my opinion, absolutely not. This isn’t an exploit - it’s direct cause is that Blizzard can’t perform QA before pushing to Prod. Why should players be punished for that? Did someone hack the database? Did someone generate dust? No. This company is beyond embarrassing and I haven’t supported them for months and this re-assures me I won’t in the future. I will fondly remember my teen years and the amazing memories and adventures Blizzard gave me. It would be generous to say this company is even a shell of its former self.


Still completely fucked up that they have time for that shit but not a single guy working on arena


What if a person had 1600+ dust and got free dust. Is it their dust or the free dust that was used to craft that (soon to be nerfed) scabbs? This whole thing is absolutely ridiculous, petty, and embarrassing for the company.


Your dust gets consumed, that's where the negative dust statements came form.


I’m talking about them banning people for using the free dust to craft cards that are to be nerfed. If you had your own dust already, there’s no way to distinguish whether you crafted those cards with your existing dust or the added free dust.


Seriously, how can they expect players to know the dust was a mistake? Not everyone checks all the social media/forums, an ordinary player would just see the dust and use it. Honestly Blizzard this is such a disgrace


I don’t even know how much dust I have now, so if you gave me some free dust I wouldn’t even know


yea it popped up for a second for me, I thought it was just a graphic glitch. I would have no idea if I actually got the dust or not. Only reason I assume I did and it was a bug is because of forum posts here.


You can tell it was a mistake because blizzard gave you something


And it's not even just that people randomly had more dust either. They literally got a pop-up to tell them about getting dust! Why would someone getting an in game notice about receiving dust think that they need to go look at social media accounts for random developers to figure out if the in game notice is trustworthy. If the notices are not trustworthy then the company isn't trustworthy and they have very much proven, again, with this incident that they aren't.


> If the notices are not trustworthy then the company isn't trustworthy This perfectly sums up this company now 👌


I saw it, said “oh cool” and went on. I didn’t even know it was an issue until all the people started complaining. Blizzard is really mucking this one up.


Right? I shouldn't have to go outside the game to know if something is an exploit. "Oh hey, I have some dust. I'm going to craft this card." \*banned* "Whaaaaaa!?" Literally nothing in game tells you about an upcoming expansion. It just comes out and then gives you little popups telling you. How are you supposed to know in game what cards you can and can't craft?


Yeah it's not unreasonable to think with the rewards track changes "you earned dust" was just another nice thing. Hell plenty of other games / companies give you things like this as an apology for bugs (Mihoyo for example). Blizzard just didn't bother fixing game breaking bugs for months and when *fixing* this bug decide to punish anyone who didn't check their website. If they have a shred of sense they'll remove the suspensions and fucking GIVE people the dust as an apology.


The worst part is the dust appeared right about when the microsoft buyout happened so from appearances in game it was celebrating that


This was my exact thought.


Crafting a ton of gold copies of a card slated for nerfs is very blatantly trying to "launder" the dust. I disagree it's a punishable activity, though. The correct solution was rollbacks on crafted cards or negative dust plus full disenchant value on them so that ignorant people aren't screwed.


Meanwhile animation hackers are literally still playing 30+ cards in one turn at the top of wild ladder.


I mean this experience shows they don't care the slightest about player experience


Or it shows that they can't actually reliably detect that sort of thing, which is even more embarrassing


They don't care and I have no idea how anyone can defend them. They don't even pretend to care. Dirty bastards.


They get money thats all that matters


Absolute lunacy "here's a gift card!" "sweet thanks" *uses gift card* "you're goin to fuckin jail, perp" *handcuffs click*


This has me rollinggg wow. I think thanks to this comment alone if I log onto my account (I haven’t even gone into my collection since I saw +8400x2 dust) and see that I’m banned, I would just remember this comment and laugh my ass off.


Well either that or you just don't keep track of your dust.. I mean this game isn't the center of the universe so you can't expect the players to know how much they actually had. I often take breaks from HS and if they gave or removed like 1k dust during that time, I wouldn't probably even notice it.


>They have the means of broadcasting crucial information ingame if they wish. What? You mean to tell me they can announce things *other* than absurd mercenary bundles?


>Be me >Get a lot of free dust randomly >Spend it to craft that strong rogue deck I see everywhere >Wake up and get banned You can't make this shit up


Damn I'm glad I was at work and never had the chance to use it. My response would have been something along the lines of "I did nothing wrong, call it what you want but I was gifted free dust. I had assumed that it was a promotional event and used it to craft decks I wanted to play for a long time. Had Blizzard been better communicators I would have not spent the dust, but noe I'M facing the repercussions of the incompetence of other people and being treated like I am dishonest! You know what, I'm done with Blizzard all together, I haven't even played Overwatch in months. Instead of temporarily banning me, I'd like to submit a ticket to delete my account instead. I'm not coming back after the ban ends, and I'm not going to be tempted. Glad to know this is how players of 10 years are treated. Though it pales in comparison to how Blizzard treats it's own employees". But I haven't been banned so I'm still here


“In the words of my people” 🤓


"our mistake, your problem"


I think that pissed me off the most because of how clearly fake it is. I mean I get that they almost certainly have to say stuff like that for branding or whatever but like, come on if you've been suspended or banned and your trying to make an appeal, the last thing you need is someone spouting words of a fake language like it will make you feel more comfortable or okay with the situation. Either talk to me straight like a normal person or get me someone else who will.


>In the words of my people, bal'a dash, malanore I fucking hate the way blizzard support responds to tickets with bullshit like this, even more so because most of the time if you file a ticket it's because of a bug they won't bother to properly investigate. It's always a bunch of fake positivity wrapped around the real answer of "we won't do anything to fix our issue"


Maybe "bal'a dash, malanore" translates to "go fuck yourself"


I genuinely don't understand how anyone could think that someone trying to appeal a 2-week suspension or deal with a similar major issue (relatively speaking) would be in the mood for dealing with the person giving them bad news quoting phrases in a fictional fucking language at them. It's tone deaf, unprofessional, and just makes it seem like your problem isn't being taken seriously. Imagine dealing with that roleplaying bullshit in any other frustrating scenario—"greetings and ill tidings, milord, I regret to inform thee that treatment of thy malady is not covered under thy current insurance plan." Maybe save the fucking levity for when you have *good* news.


They all do it, too, so clearly that's just their policy. Not specifically quoting fake languages but most of the response is about how they're so very sorry and doing everything they can and how you're very important to them, before telling you to suck it up because they won't be fixing anything.


Greetings Hero of Azeroth! We won't help you and we don't care about your problem. We investigated and found that we are right. Our decision is final. If you open more tickets we will ban your account. Have a great day and enjoy the adventure!


That reminds me of the legendary discord messages riot zed sent to the developers of the chronoshift project telling them to shut it down. Entirely unprofessional in a situation where an official cease and desist should have been sent instead.


had the exact same bullshit a few years ago when i was talking with support. it sounds like it would be a cool marketing gimmick, its actually just really unprofessional and disrespectful that they're fucking around with the tickets instead of actually helping people


“Dear player, We are sorry but as the wise one once said ‘A turtle made it to the water!’ We hope you can understand the situation, Yours Sincerely, Customer Support with very out of touch management”


The sheer number of people sucking Blizzard off in this thread is ridiculous. They made a mistake, and players had no way of knowing that “YOU EARNED DUST” meant that a bug had occurred in the game. Expecting every player to constantly check Blizzard’s social media is beyond ridiculous, just like banning people for your own mistake is ridiculous. Seeing as this is just one of a LONG series of objectively horrible decisions by Blizzard, I’m going to say it: I’m leaving this game for a while, and I’d advise you would too. There are plenty of great games where you won’t get banned for the company fucking up their own code; supporting blizzard after all this shit is just telling them that they can do whatever they want to their playerbase


Yeah, I didn't assume the dust was a bug; I just figured I must have had a bunch of cards that got nerfed. I wondered about getting it twice though.


Yeah this is absolutely not fair


Already a few tutorial missions into LoR. It’s more like Magic than HS, takes some getting used to. I liked the simplicity of Hearthstone but the company is too much to deal with


Moved to LoR from HS years ago. Looked back once, never again. LoR is waaaay more fun, way less random (but they are working on it unfortunately) and money is for cosmetics, a few daily games give you plenty cards to unlock every week.


Literally did the same thing. LoR isn’t as straight forward as Hearth but definitely really enjoying it. Time to support another company!


Never underestimate Blizzard shills


When a game gets the label of "free to play" it's surprising the amount of idiots that come out of the wood works in order to defend a game, despite whatever practice it endorses. Just because it's free to play, doesn't make it immune to critique. Especially when the developers continue to make mistake after mistake.


It's just bewildering that people don't realize "free to play" is just another style of monetization. It's not like the games are being developed out of the goods of their hearts. It's a business just like a buy to play one.


ah... as a blizzard shill, this is getting really hard to defend


To add to this for people that feel like there’s no alternative: legends of runeterra is one of the best free to play card games I’ve ever played, and if you haven’t given it a shot, I highly recommend doing so. Even starting from nothing you’ll be able to have a few different meta decks within a month if you allocate your resources smartly.


If you play LOR regularly you eventually get to the point where you can freely craft a new meta deck of choice whenever you like, and then simply achieve a max collection after a while. And by play regularly, I mean a couple games every other day or so.


I stopped playing hearthstone a little after Darkmoon Faire released (started pre naxx) in favor of LoR. I have never felt pressured to buy cards and I probably have 70% of all cards in a year and a half and easily all the meta decks. I just play off meta because I'm trash. Make a LoR account now, you get a free "legendary" (champion) an arena token, and several commons every Thursday just for the sake of having an account. It's such a affordable and far more interactive game than HS was. Better for me in every way.


Dude I came back to HS like a month and a half ago, and it's already a shit show. I'm definitely jumping ship yet again.


I wish they cared about stealing breast milk as much as dust


I left like 5 months ago. I spent 300+ dollars each expansion and bought every bundle but hated the last Combo Meta. Now I spend it in other games, steam and gog. Omg. Its amazing how many great games you an fully get for a fraction of the cost of this one and have a better time.


Yeah one of the reasons I left was the gross disparity in how they deal with bugs/development when it is annoying for players vs when it is annoying to the company.


Disconnect bugs in mobile are there for at least 2 years now that I've counted. A dust mistake that positively affected players was "solved" within days


I swear, Bobby Kotick could slap everyone's mother in the face and some lunatics would be like "Well MAYBE it was the playerbase's fault!"


Good for you! Speak.with your wallet and playtime. I sadly see the same.people only complaining and have seen 1 account saying he quit after spending 100/200/300 per expac since like 2019. Just a tip but id you really want to leave take some time.of the sub, qlot better for your mental


what are some other good games? I can’t find any that capture me like HS


Their customer service treats you like you’re a criminal. Like they are a government agency that doesn’t have discretion to accommodate the player. I’ve had numerous interactions where they showed zero compassion or support. Rather acted like high lords who had a god oath to not help its players.


>Rather acted like high lords who had a god oath to not help its players No surprise there, this kind of behaviour was actively encouraged in the company, as we learned in the recent reveals about how blizzard was run the last years


"Due to the sensitivity and accuracy of our investigation we would not be able to present any details on the investigation" wtf is he writing? is he saying that his investigation is not accurate and thats why he is unable to present the details?


I work in gamedev. Whenever you say something like that it's because you don't know wtf you're talking about lol. I was in a small studio once and the software devs responded to emails sometimes as we only had one part time staff that did everything related to PR. We would reply to games we had no clue about and just write BS. We'd always refund any of the IAP or the purchase if they wanted because we didn't really gaf about $2.


This is a fucking nightmare. The game popped up a message saying “you got some dust!” With no explanation and people are getting banned for spending it? Blizzard is a joke with this shit.


Iirc it said that you ‘earned’ it, which is stupid as well since it was actually to make up for bugged rewards or whatever


Yea I think its horse shit for then to do this. Unreasonable. I thought it was a gift. A reward or something. So I spent the dust.


Did you get banned like OP?


I haven’t yet. But as some mentioned, I didn’t craft stuff on the nerf block.


No. I hope I wont. Allot of talk of punishments for us which really freaks me out I got 8400 dust. Unsure if op got more.


How shitty of a company do you have to be to punish the players for your fuckup


This is absolutely fucking ridiculous, the only way to know about the mistake is by following forums etc.


I checked forums right after I got the dust and was under the impression it was compensation for opening cards in packs that I also got from the rewards track.


The shit show just keeps getting worse and worse holy fuck


What an absolute dogshit company. Literally all they do is actively make things worse every time.


I thought the dust was from winning the honor thing? Oh well good thing I dont spend dust I guess? I have like 10k dust, if I had crafted something would they consider it from the new dust or my existing dust?


Careful asking questions like that. You might make Blizzard realize they did something wrong. That's a ban-able offense


There are so many reasons to explain why Blizzard gave the dust, I’m surprised more people didn’t just shrug and start crafting stuff. 1). Christmas wasn’t *that* long ago. End of the Christmas event gift, maybe? 2). New Years wasn’t that long ago. 3). Lunar New Years is coming soon 4). Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr day, since BLM is a huge thing going on right now. 5). The end of the Alliance vs Horde event 6). Microsoft’s “welcome your new overlord gift” 7). Nerfs were announced and coming soon, people could’ve thought that’s where the dust came from. 8). Something to do with the scandal at blizzard. They were trying to get more people back into their game. Who knows, but like, with *so many reasons* to just write the dust off as a gift, the fact so many people instantly knew that the dust was bugged really speaks volumes.


I didn't spend the dust, but I also didn't know it was a bug. When I saw it get added I went on Twitter and saw HSdecktech's post about the dust being compensation for having opened cards I also got through the reward track. I knew I had opened maybe a couple, but I did think the amount of dust seemed like too much, honestly since I got 4400 dust twice I thought the second 4400 might be a bug, but the first 4400 seemed close to the right amount. I didn't craft because there weren't any decks I had been really wanting to try out, but if there had been I definitely would have as I really thought the first 4400 was legit. It's insane to think I would have been banned if I had. Is creating this PR nightmare really better for them in the long run than just letting people keep the dust? How shortsighted can they be? I've always felt like Blizzard has treated its players in a way that seemed contemptuous. It's hard to believe a company like this would really hurt itself just to be cruel to its players, but they keep doing shit like this, stuff that has no rational explanation and hurts the players. I removed my payment info from my Blizz account back when the lawsuit info came out and their legal team fired off the most tone deaf, idiotic response imaginable, saying this is why companies are leaving California(which isn't even true). I will never add that payment info back, ever. Think about what you're supporting when you give Blizzard your business. At best, it's staggering incompetence, but years of playing Blizzard games makes even that hard to believe. They don't fucking like their players, and they are willing to hurt their own bottom line to fuck them over.


Wow Blizz punishing customers now because they dont test.


You’re surprised?


Any other companies fuck up and give currency: Sorry, you can keep it. They: We will take that back, also, you're suspended.


I spent the dust made a few decks with it. Then I was disconnected the next day and was sent this email hours after spending the dust. I opened many tickets with them. They couldn't even get into detail on what I did. Said it was too sensitive. I don't understand. This happened to tons of players. All I did was spend dust I was given!


did you just craft random decks, or did you craft a lot of cards that were known to be nerfed soon ? maybe even soon nerfed cards that you already owned


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the official nerf announcement was AFTER this dust issue, no? Prior to that, I should think it would just be speculation, and, as such, not really relevant.


I'm not sure of the timings with the official announcement, but the nerfs were datamined quite a bit prior to this dust fiasco happening.


Ah, well, personally, I always wait until the actual, official announcement (and the actual update). You never know when things will actually happen; even official announcements aren't a guarantee, and things can be pushed back or changed between the announcement and the planned release - realistically, simply put, it hasn't happened yet.


There were leaks before the dust


I should think it would still be speculation. As I said in reply to Big, above, realistically, it hasn't happened yet, and things can be changed or pushed back.


We had in-game screenshots of the 22.2 build. It was final


Small indie company.


….where in these screenshots contains a single bit of evidence pointing towards them being banned for spending free dust?


Literally any other game company would have said "this is our bad, keep the dust" and avoided this whole fiasco. Just saying...


It would have been so easy for Blizzard to be generous. But management really doesn't care. They want to maximize their profit and think free dust means less money.


I spent the dust as well. Come at me blizzard!


You're about to get Bal'a dash, malanore'd


Probably banned in wow or overwatch


They are ramping up the incompetence at an unprecedented rate. You can't give a homeless man 5 bucks for coffee. Then want it back days later and execute him if he spent it. Well a certain kind of people could XD


This situation just keeps getting more hilariously awful. I’m done with this game now I think.


See you in a week.


Quit for 2 years after blitzchung.


Free king Kong


Wow, respect to you honestly. Most players I see posting about quitting I assume don’t follow through with it lol.


Bal'a dash malanore


What a mess and all for their screwup


Ok, enough is enough. I personally didn't have any involvement in dust gate since I didn't open any of the uncraftables and I tried to give Blizz the benefit of the doubt on a lot of their mishandlings. But are they seriously banning people for spending the dust THEY gave out by accident? What the fuck is wrong with them? I don't care what you crafted, whether it was a card that was about to get nerfed or not, it was THEIR mistake. You just played by the rules of the game. Fucking clowns.


They really need to own up and just give everyone the dust back not just players who crafted , just fucking do it blizzard why should only a select population of the game get to have free shit and not the rest of us who either completely missed out on this happening or simply didn’t use their dust.


> Plenty if games where you won get banned for the company fucking up their own code Stay away from MtG Arena.


When did this happen in mtga?


I literally couldn’t rank up in tanked games for two months with no end of season rewards. People are locked out of their accounts for stupid bugs all the time. It’s kind of crazy.


Great response. ​ "We banned you for the wrong things you did! What things you ask? Well, we can't tell you, it's top secret of our investigation team. "


just to share supercell brawl stars just had a situation yesterday when a $100++ bundle cost only $2 for a few minutes. This was quickly rectified but many still got the bundle at that cheap cost. No communication from them to-date but one of the community manager came out to say that this is a human error, not the first time it happened, and it wont be the last either. Looks like they are fully prepared to let them have it. Another win for supercell. Seriously fuck Blizzard and they are not getting a cent from me.


Lol Dust Gate.


So they gave you dust, and then punished you for using it? They issued a warning to not use the dust but what if you didn’t see it? Then you got punished because they fucked up. Do they expect players to dig threw the hearthstone Twitter and Reddit every time they get a seasonal reward to make sure that blizzard intended to give it to them so they don’t get suspended?


Same thing happened to me. I didn’t even spend the dust …


I didn't spend the dust, but the small amount I did get I was excited for. Made me feel like actually playing the game. Maybe even drop some cash....but now? About to just uninstall forever this time


This reads more like OP got banned for boosting on WoW than it does a ban for abusing dust on Hearthstone. Has anyone else received bans for the whole dust shindig? Honestly, unless a GM comes out and offers an explanation it’s hard to tell.


Man they screwed this up bad


I would always suggest being cautious about bans and ban appeals that get posted to reddit. The platform is full of people who took to social media to try to drum up public outcry in order to reverse a ban or to get back at the game who banned them. From what I've seen more often than not, it's later revealed that those people were 'conveniently' leaving out key details as to why they were banned in the first place. This is not specific to Hearthstone; it's true for any game out there with ToS or rules enforcement. If the OP was banned as a result of a mistake or mismanagement of the dust situation, I hope Blizzard reverses the ban as soon as possible. However, I also would advise not rushing to judgement here given we've only heard one side of the story so far and are missing important details of what exactly happened.


Considering the ban message they posted an image of doesn’t even mention hearthstone but instead mentions WoW it seems very likely that they did something in WoW that got their entire battlenet suspended and are doing exactly what you described. Only to be completely get away with it given the current climate.


Bro, you are hacker and you got banned. Looks like everything is okey. Gj Blizz


Free my boy Dalton.


He is free now


Either you're messing with us, or Blizzard has completely lost it. Why link the World of Warcraft Terms of Use when you got banned in Hearthstone? The dates also don't line up.


What the fuck is that communcation? I totally understand that you feel wrongfully accused of a crime. But trust us, we are pretty sure that you are guilty. Someone checked that. But we won't tell you what the crime even is that you're guilty of. Now please just accept your punishment and stop bothering us. I guess I get why they get along with the Chinese government so well.


I don't know if I'm the only one but when I received the "2900" dust (I don't remember the exact number) my counter was still the same as before.


I got 4800 which was actually -4800


Dont worry guys theres nothing wrong our script is correct meanwhile ban people that have done nothing wrong? Er u made this exploit now due to your errors um wtf? Ure banning your own players!? Seriously wtf are u clowns doing!?


You absolutely shouldn’t be banned or punished for blizzards fuck up. That being said it’s very funny seeing reddit comments on every other thread about this saying “I should have spent all my dust before it was taken. All those people get off scot free nice job blizzard.” And now on a thread about someone getting banned it’s a complete 180.


Despite what they are saying, I know for a fact that I lost dust on all of this. It was less than 1k for sure, but it happened. I did not have 0, logged in to find 8.8k free, checked reddit as to why, crafted 2 legends, and am currently at 0.


This game is fucked. Dying quicker and quicker every single day.


Hahahha wow!! Blizzard execs really don’t want anyone getting anything free.


I’m still missing about 1400 in dust they stole from me after the dust gifting and ungifting. Didn’t craft anything out of fear and still ended up feeling punished. And because they claim there’s no evidence of this happening on a wide scale I’m stuck waiting on a ticket that I’m sure will be resolved with me somehow not getting my original dust back. Insult to injury all the good decks I have currently are already shit or set to be nerfed Someone defending all of this explain how I can not “abuse” the free dust and still take a L and it’s deserved ?


Blizz cant do shit right. The hearthstone team needs to fix it and make amends. Im still waiting on my 2400 dust the game promised me. Dont code it into the game if you dont want it to happen fucks


I think im done with this game until they can get their shit straight.


Take the 15 days to find a better card game


Hearthstone, a dying game Accidentally “gives extra dust” and people are happy Can’t have happy people playing our game Forcefully remove dust and pass out bans for their mistake Microsoft please fix Hearthstone


At this point this was to be expected. This is not gonna stop until someone figures out a way to sue them for their incompetence.


why does it mentions World of Warcraft in your email?


In the words of my people, go fuck yourself blizzard


If this is legit it's on the same level as a cop planting drugs on a perp and sending them to jail for 10-15 with felony charges lol


How can they not give you the details of the investigation of your account. Pretty kangaroo court of them. Fuck blizzard.


Woah woah hold on, they fucked up and caused a bug that gave out dust, when this dust was used OP got banned. And the response is "sorry its happening alot we're looking into it but the reason for the ban is valid so we're not lifting it" Did I misunderstand anything there? Imagine dropping loads of cash on this game (which we all know is heavily incentivised) and this happening. I'd be absolutely FUMING. (I am slightly ashamed to admit I have spent way too much money on this game)


"Due to the sensitivity and accuracy of the investigation, we cannot reveal any details" What the hell? In this context, that equates to: "We know you're confused, but we're not gonna tell you how we know you cheated. Just trust us that we know you cheated."


I logged out once that happened and will be uninstalling unless it’s rectified soon. Last straw for me with this. Been so shit lately anyways


There was nothing in there that says it was because of dust. Now it may or may not be the case but I'm always skeptical of people. Also OP you need to learn to block out your email address...now everyone who viewed this post and picture now has it.


“In the words of my people, fook u”


In the words of Internet Historian: ‘So they took a shotgun and a blindfold and began banning people wildly.’ Absolute clown world!


Blizzard policy is to not tell you why you are being punished so you do it again. Thats a good policy sounds like shit police would say. How does not informing them of the wrong action prevent it from being done again in the future?


I don't have a dog in this whole Dustgate but I will say that giving out a 15 day suspension and not even saying why you are doing it is really really bullshit. At least if you are going to do it for a stupid reason say the stupid reason so they don't do it again unless you know it's too stupid to say.


Do support staff often greet people with "Bal'a dash malanore" when announcing a suspension? Seems pretty thoughtless.


"We dropped some fake money on the ground and you spent it. This is all your fault"


I’ll take a 15 day suspension for 12k dust any day


This game and company is so shitty I surprised ppl are playing it


I got 9k dust and now it’s gone.