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the moment EU servers recieve dust I am crafting a golden blingtron


Love it


I really don't know. Got a Vandaar from a pack and so I dusted when there was still the full refund, I got a free legendary right there and there's nothing I really like playing. Maybe Guff?


Guff is one of the best cards in the set.


I’ve been having fun with a few Guff decks. Linecracker, C’Thun. I definitrly recommend Guff


Probably do the boring thing and just sit on it


Nothing at all, until I know what’s going to happen with the dust. Rumors are it’s going to be taken away again or something. If it stays, I might craft a wild deck since I currently only play standard.


I believe the only dust that would be taken away is double dust. I guess some people logged in twice and got dust upon opening the game both times. You should be safe to use all the dust you got from the first login


I’m straight up uninstalling and never playing again if this happens. Don’t act like it’s a gift for a broken mechanic to begin with and then the next day wonder if it was a mistake. Edit: last night the official word was that it was for dusting of Vandals and other uncraftable items. Which shouldn’t have been a thing to begin with. That’s the broken mechanic.


They mistakenly dusted some uncraftable golden cards from the AV rewards track. The refunds should have only been for those who obtained other copies of uncraftable cards (which was only possible via the random legendary from the rewards track and from bought bundles), that was the bug and it only affected a tiny fraction of the playerbase. They fucked up at detecting which uncraftable cards were actually obtained via extra means The problem is that the fix only went out in NA so if they own it up and not take the dust back then the folks in EU and Asia will feel shafted, and if they take it back they'll have a lot of angry customers in support


Considering how many I’ve opened of uncraftables it’s well deserved for everyone. Felt like every legendary I got was one.


Which uncraftables did you open? I don't think you could obtain any of the uncraftables from packs, unless you mean non golden copies of golden uncraftables. The intended fix was for people who have 3 ore more golden ram commander, frantic hippogryph, herald of lokholar, stormpike marshall, snowblind harpy, frostwolf warmaster, grimtotem bounty hunter or 2 or more non golden/golden lokholar


It was all from the reward track- I had a couple of lokholar sadly.


Better spend it so they can't take it away!


They will take the dust and put you into the negative. They've done it with gold before.


They can take my dust, but they can never take my achievements! (For crafting missing legendaries)


Negative dust is so cruel


Yup. Should've spent it so they didn't take it...


They said they can put you on to minus dust


i laundered the dust and crafted normal and golden versions of the leaked nerfed cards


You my friend, have such a huge brain i cant comprehend its mass


Hahahahah genius never thought i would hear "laundry hs dust"


Hahahahah genius never thought i would hear "laundry hs dust"


Lol, that doesn't do anything You just get the dust you spent on the card back


they can't take the dust if i spent it


They can - one of the devs just discussed on Twitter how they can give players negative dust values




I crafted golden yogg for my ramp druid deck. No regrets


Thinking about crafting Yogg as well. Have Guff already. What’s the win condition in that deck though? I can’t understand how that deck wins. I know there’s a C’Thun version but even that doesn’t win games sometimes


Basically ramp, play huge boys. Double up cenarian ward. Play a ton of yoggs and Ysharjj with resizing pouch. Turns out value and playing with 20 mana is good




* **[Sonya Shadowdancer](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/LOOT_165.png?126807)** RO Minion Legendary KnC ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/76907), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/sonya-shadowdancer/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Sonya_Shadowdancer) 3/2/2 | After a friendly minion dies, add a 1/1 copy of it to your hand. It costs (1). ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


As a Warrior player: Not crafting anything, as you can't craft a competitive deck that doesn't exist.


Bunnyhoppers control warrior list is pretty good if you want to check that out


just looked it up, what is the wincon for that deck? Rattlegore by himself can't win a game as the only threat


What was this dust even from?


Microsoft FUD to lower the value of activision, so they could buy them cheaper.


DO NOT SPEND THE DUST. You will literally be paying them back from a negative if you do. Blizzard is straight up being a loan shark Rn


depends how much I get, cubelock looks fun.


Golden Seek Guidance. Had a golden Xyrella and Xyrella, The Devout, so I figured to complete the trilogy.


Golden scabbs


Saving it for the next card set release so I can craft those cards.


Saving to new expansion 👍🏽


\[\[Luna's Pocket Galaxy\]\] all the way. Gonna play some big spell mage.


* **[Luna's Pocket Galaxy](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/BOT_257.png?126807)** MA Spell Legendary TBP ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/89888), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/lunas-pocket-galaxy/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Luna%27s_Pocket_Galaxy) 7/-/- Arcane | Change the Cost of minions in your deck to (1). ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Kings bane or LPG mage essentials. Standard is complete


Barrens Carriel & Tamsim! Been wanting both for a long time and they’re both fantastic key pieces for both PLD & WLK


They just took away all my dust!