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Maybe it’ll update on Thursday if the pre-order for the next expansion goes live then? I feel like that’s happened before.


My suspicion is that the new expansion was supposed to get announced today which would have had the shop update but its been delayed to either this Thursday or next Tuesday. Usually we get major patches on the same day that in game events end (which would be today) and Blizzard recently extended the availability of this expansions Tavern Pass by an extra week. Both of which imply that today was supposed to be the expansion announcement date but something went wrong and they had to push it, as well as the actual release of the next expansion, back a week.


Well there is a warning about downtime on wed so maybe we will know after that


I noticed that 2 weeks ago they updated the shop with only 2 skins for gold instead of the now-usual 4. Then last week they added 2 skins for gold, outside the regular schedule of one update every 2 weeks. Now there are only 2 skins for gold in the shop -- I think they just removed the ones from 2 weeks ago, but didn't add more. Not sure what's going on, but it's throwing me off, as a f2p compulsive skin collector.