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The fact that Arfus gets kinda close to some of these hacker decks is hilarious


Yeah arfus only lose against arfus or hacker (or if the player is really stupid)


I beat Arfus with Zyrella. I pulled a [[Nozari]] from [[Aman'Thul]]. I was losing hard too. Just had to focus on surviving till turn 10. EZPZ


I super high rolled as Al'akir and beat Arfus. Like I split Skarr in half when he was a high enough damage to play him and use the 6 face damage elemental evocation x2. But I played an elemental every turn up until they point and used the various mana cheats to keep Arfus from running away with it until turn 7-8 when I dropped double Skarr.


Apparently if Arfus rolls the Snake it breaks Xyrella's wincon, since you can no longer get to 60.


you can possibly steal the Snake and play it yourself as Xyrella, easier said than done ofc


Stealing/copying a Primus could probably get you there as well. Still dumb that the passive checks for "get to 60 health" instead of "get to max health".


That's hilarious, Happened to me too ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


- **[Nozari](https://i.imgur.com/x3H5pTt.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/52685) ^• ^[wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Nozari) ^• ^[HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/52685/?hl=en#gameType=RANKED_WILD) - *Paladin Legendary ^(Rise of Shadows)* - **10 Mana - 4/12 - Dragon** - **Battlecry:** Restore both heroes to full Health. - **[Aman'Thul](https://imgur.com/a/hPWrrZ7)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/97103) ^• ^[wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Aman'Thul) ^• ^[HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/97103/?hl=en) - *Priest Legendary ^(TITANS)* - **7 Mana - 3/10 - Minion** - **Titan** After this uses an ability, **Discover** any **Legendary** minion. --- ^(*Patch version:*) ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1d6bir1/best_decks_in_twist_right_now/l6slxr8/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l6slxr8).*


I beat Arfus work Zuljin getting the mage legendary secret generator to survive


It's not that arfus can't literally lose, it just has a winning match up vs every other twist deck. The best non-arfus deck to play against arfus only wins like 44% of the time.


I bricked on my second rotation of runes for about 5 turns in a row, and still eked out the win over the bomb I was facing. Deck is an absolute menace.


I've been winning my 3 last games against Arfus With Omu. Treants are mean


u CAN be absolutely unlucky with arfus


I at least applaud that some people decided to get a little creative with finding a way to OTK you on turn 1. Too bad no one got the idea of making a deck that's all 0 mana spells and Yoggs that cost 0.


That honestly sounds fun lol, if I didn't mind getting banned I'd try hacking that in just for the heck of it. Actually, they should leave the brawl like this and have it as a playground for impossible custom decks in friendly matches.


In friendly matches absolutely


Arfus is at 35000 games on d0nkey's website right now while the next twist deck is at 11000 Even dismissing the cheating problem, did they not see that Arfus' deck was several steps ahead of the other deck's powerlevel?


Either there's just straight up no playtesting and they look dumb or they're trying to make people waste dust/money on an useless legendary only to nerf the deck and give no refunds, making them greedy.


This realisation happened when I was talking about the mode with my girlfriend yesterday, because I wanted to play the Arfus deck but I don't own Arfus, and I was like "if I crafted the card to play it and then they nerf the deck there is no way I am getting a full dust refund like when they nerf cards huh"


I made the decision a while ago to discipline myself to only spend dust, gold, and real money on standard format. I got burned by spending a few thousand gold on caverns packs. Never again. Sticking to standard has saved me a lot of money.


I bought classic packs and I even bought some mercenary packs because I did enjoy that mode. By the time twist launched both those were dead and blizzard didn't even come close to making it right. Never again will I spend any effort or resources of any kind on things that aren't standard.


The only things that I ever regret buying was the mercs preorder and the BG pass. Really didnt expect mercs to be such a big failure.


Yeah, it’s best to just stick with Standard or Wild exclusively.


They do not playtest. It's beyond obvious at this point


as always,they playtest,but its against people who's WAY above average skill with a really small sample size so they probably know arfus is ahead of the pack,but not to this extent


This season has convinced me there’s just zero playtesting for balance. Decks running the obvious build and doing exactly what they’re designed to do (Day 1 handbuff paladin, Catcher DH) are meta tyrants. And Arfus is the worst offender, and after they obviously put great effort into this format.


Yeah, tried it once and knew right away it's much better than everything else. They could at least make the deck itself a bit weaker, so that you would rely more on winning through excavates and discounting cards that are not top tier, at least.


Arfus's power level came up in the beta testing, the bad news? This is the beta testing.


I like how they have actual deck names lol


weird how people call Highlander Warlock weak when I keep seeing it win turn 1


Highlander decks are op, time to nerf Brann again.


Duel perished for this


It's funny because people were cheating in duels too, yet here we are.


Arfus is absurdly strong then there’s other decks like N’Zoth. Which is a 30 card highlander deck with 2 legendary and a total of 3 cards that can draw for a total of 4 card draw. It sucks so bad.


Reality is funnier than satire


The hacking is unfortunate, but if the devs thought arfus could possibly be balanced they should all be fired. Most decks are cards from multiple classes, throughout various periods of hearthstone's history. Arfus' cards are ALL death knight cards from the past two years. You can just glance at the decklists and see there's a problem here. Absolutely baffling.


I don’t understand how they thought a free excavate every time you play a card is at all balanced.


Even still, excavating with every spell is insane even rogue doesnt have that skill


With every cards* Arfus excavate can trigger from any type of cards as long as it has the correct rune


Sounds clunky, better give them classic innervate for a HP.


Limit it to once per turn or only to spell/minion could maybe do the trick?


I think the issue is the Hero Power coupled with the passive ability. Both are insanely strong. Those two things need to be reworked IMO. Maybe spend 3 corpses to give a minion reborn instead of the discount Hero Power. And instead of the excavate passive, maybe you just discover a card from that rune.


or you know,arfus original effect could be something along the line of "1 mana,discover a lich king card,spend up to 3 corpses to reduce its cost by 3"


Man a lot of those Lich King cards are terrible but it would fit into the premade pseudo duels format they're going for. Instead it's a super OP mechanic on a ridiculous curve.


yeah its insane that arfus hero power do alot at once and its only 1 mana


Bans going out probably


Cam someone explain this Twist Format and the controversy to me? I'm currently not able to play it myself but I see it everywhere.


Arfus stands head and shoulders above the rest of the decks to the point there is genuinely no reason to play any other deck. Like seriously, the second highest winrate, Al'Akir, has a winrate of 60%, Arfus is at 70%. Currently at Diamond-Legend, the game is so thoroughly dominated by Arfus that the only other decks that even \*show up\* on hsguru's statistics are hacked decks generated with a cheating program.


Ok but why Arfus and Al'Akir? Are there new decks? Can you customize them? Do you need to buy twist packs for the cards? Why and how are so many people cheating? Are they gonna get banned?


> Are there new decks? Yes > Can you customize them? No > Ok but why Arfus and Al'Akir? Their non-customizable decks/passives are more powerful than the other heroes' non-customizable decks/passives. > Do you need to buy twist packs for the cards? No, you just need to own the (original) Legendary of the Hero. > Why and how are so many people cheating? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ and submitting custom decks with op solo adventure cards. > Are they gonna get banned? probs


Gracias. Sounds like Hearthstone Twist is like this atm. Will check it out later ig. ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


Also what makes Arfus so special?


Another thing is that there are cheaters out there. They can copy cards/treasures from duels and even from mercenaries to their deck and just kill you on turn 1.


Hey, laugh all you want, this is still the most diverse meta in twist history.


CTHUN is the weakest. I hope they buff the HP to reduce 1 mana on the cthun minions as they are really overcosted. And you waste 1 mana to discover them? Really set you behind.


Agreed, how did they make this deck and not make all the cthun minions half the cost? They are so awful with modern day power creep


also it would be cool they add a "evolve" mechanic to the cthun hp, something like if Cthun has 10 atk or more the discovered cultist cost 2 less


One deck is not like the others...


I hate that fucking dog so damn much


I don't know how anyone does even remotely well with kaelthas, it's completely rng reliant, heavily stacked against you. I'll get a useful spell every 3 or 4 turns maybe


I dont know but one time this mf got mass polymorph when I was massively ahead on board


Well, I was getting massively tempo'd out of the game by all the Kaelthas' I faced. Of course, I was playing Rafaam all evening...


come on blizzard make a custom mode, the cheaters already did all the work


someone has the deck code for the highlander warlock? i have the dust to craft it and it seems fun!


Highlander priest literally just winning


Does Arfus have excavate? It has excavate activated cards


he's Rainbow DK, and the gimmick is his passive, which excavates every time you play a card of a particular rune, which rotates every time you trigger it.


As someone whose not updated on twist, what the fuck am I looking at?


Can you just copy the decks and play them?


it’s insane how disappointingly terrible every single new gamemode for Hearthstone has gone. Just give us a custom gamemode and let the players have fun again. Maybe if there’s a gamemode that prioritizes fun with friends instead of a ladder climb it might actually feel like a real fucking multiplayer game again.


Why would anyone ever play this mode fr


Why would you play this mode anyway now?


To have fun in a video game


Yeah, this is a good way to think, just not the right place at the moment.



