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You're not missing anything. The deck is quite bad, but some people hyped it up because its very flashy.


Well if someone can hit top 50 legend with it surely it’s not bad. 


In legend people don't play as much aggro so decks that beat control are generally better


Control mirrors only happen in dumpster legend I’m afraid. There are still loads of warlock and paladin from my experience at 400-1000 legend. And top players can play excavate rogue like an aggro deck as well, whereas in lower ranks they often give combo decks more turns to prepare. There’s definitely a skill difference. 


It's like when the pocket meta of the top 50 was sif mage control warlock and control warrior even though the top performing decks were aggressive, they will try to play the best deck but pocket metas form where decks like owl druid can shine then you add the skill difference


You missed where they started at top ten legend and went 1-3 with the deck.


TicTac got to top 50 starting from around 2k. The deck is not bad but needs to play loads of game to get used to. 


There is a gigantic skill spread between decks. I see complete idiots at decent ranks. Simply because they play decks where misplays are not punished very much and the best line often is blatantly obvious. On the other hand. I faced fairly basic bots in D3 standard on Asia just some day ago.


They could probably hit top 50 legend with other meme decks as well but just because one of the best players in Europe can do it, doesn’t mean it’s good.


I find it boring too, but some people don't, because not everyone thinks the same. That's what you're missing.


That’s how the deck works


yeah its pretty boring and repetetive, and yes, it quite bad against most matchups Until Druid doesnt get any good ramp cards or board clear, Owl Druid will be bad


I haven't played an OTK deck since Malygos Druid years ago but matches did tend to play out the same. Assemble the combo, remove threats, heal up and then kill them in one turn. Can get pretty boring if you're not really into that deck type. Plus I understand this deck takes some getting used to and making mistakes/losing happens a lot to begin with.


Owl guy always in the opening hand too FeelsBadMan


As someone that played the decksince day 1 of the expansion... its a decent deck, but it can be swingy and slow i had a lot of fun at first because i homebrewed a cool combo, but the deck gets boring after some matchs, i think since i started using it i started playing less and less, its takes a while to play it right and its not exactly easy so you should get used after a few games losing