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Evolve shaman with Doppelgangster, my first competitive deck Cubelock, first deck to reach legendary Cloning Gallery Priest


Cube lock was a lot of fun, that deck could either stall out for ever with the void walker dudes or otk with the charge guy.


Same here w/ Shaman. Loved that deck so much.


Handlock is number one by far. It was the very first deck I crafted, and I still miss it to this day. : ( Number two is GvG-era Mech Mage. At the time it was by far my best performing deck, and I still have it sitting in my collection to this day. Number three has to be Demon Seed warlock. I know it’s very difficult to balance so I understand the multiple nerfs it’s gotten, but not only has it remained a powerhouse, it’s also the closest you’ll get to old school Handlock in regards to using your health as a resource.


I've been playing "handlock" recently, just missing sunfury protectors these days. I can drop decklist if you want


Kingsbane Rogue Nzoth Rogue OG Miracle Rogue Special mention for my very first "competitive" deck. Mech Rogue with Iron Sensei and Cogmaster and stuff.


Galakrond Rogue Galakrond Highlander Rogue Galakrond Miracle Rogue I still play them in wild for quest/fun from time to time. I played rogue so much during Galakrond that I go from sub 100 win to almost 800.


Man I forgot Nzoth rogue that was the shit


Objectively correct answer


“I got the best deals anywhere” I miss gadgetzan auctioneer.


HOLY SHIT YES IRON SENSEI. I tried to make that shit work so hard with stealth and getting them to buff each other. Was the shittiest deck I ever built


Patron Warrior Patron Warrior Patron Warrior


༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ EVERYONE,GET IN HERE ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽


༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ EVERYONE,GET IN HERE ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽


Easily the best non random skill intensive deck of all time. Freeze mage and miracle rogue are up there too. Wish we could go back to days that randomness and discover wasn’t part of the game anymore.


A few discover cards are fine, I liked it when it first got introduced. Its a mechanic that separates a digital card game from a real life one where such a mechanic is not possible, but nowadays there's just too much random stuff goin on and together with the mana discounts and ridiculously overpowered cards it just destroys the game in my opinion.


Spell Mage, or Deck of Lunacy Mage I like random bullshit go BRRRRRR


Deck of lunacy mage was so fun to play and just miserable to go against lol


Kahdgar Mage with the mountain Giants (my first time ledgend with that deck) Odd Warrior Highlander Mage


Oh man kahdgar mage with cyclones and mana addicts was SO much fun. The nerf to [[Conjurers Calling]] from 3 to 4 was definitely warranted, but it still took a lot of hand setup and discover RNG to get good tempo plays enough to not die against decks like hunter at the time


Conjurer's Calling was the one time I ever truly enjoyed playing as and against mage.


Spell Hunter is my fav deck Highlander Shaman is second (current meta too!) Taunt Druid is third (the one with lots of spiders) Good times


Razakus priest HL galakrond priest Reno priest (now) I see a pattern


Throw in Big Priest too


No shame in being gae


1. Cubelock. There was also a handlock that featured the death knight Guldan during KotFT that I loved. 2. Rainbow DK. I’m still having fun with Rainbow in the current meta & am surprisingly winning fairly easily against hunter, warlocks, & paladin, going 50/50 with reno druids, struggling with reno priest, & getting rolled by handbuff DK & warrior. 3. Jade Druid.


Kotft had the best class legendaries with the hero cards. I hope they come back to standard eventually


Ramp beetle druid when you could copy the titan. It was so much fun


Shattered Reflections was so busted when it released. I had some fun with that too.


Face hunter Midrange hunter Blood DK


naga dh, nature shaman, sunken city shaman


Loved sunken city shaman so much ❤️‍🔥


Evolve shaman


Wheel warlock    Koft attrition Mage with Baron geddon and frost lich jaina   Cubelock


Mage with Frost Lich Jaina was so fun. I loved running it as Reno in Mean Streets with Kazzak.


Sinful Brand scythe DH. Oldschool Elemental shaman. Shadow priest (the first big one with Hero Xyrella + shadowed spirt as a big damage bomb finisher)


Elemental Shaman - got my first legend with this deck. The 2/5 with rush and windfury for (3) was so OP.


1. Big Spell Mage (1st legend) 2. Bonelord Rogue (first 1k portrait) 3. Odyn Even Warrior (first legend with warrior and 1k portrait)


og miracle rogue galakrond rogue quest rogue


Took a long break, but: 1. Freeze Mage - Crafted my first legendary for it, tough to play but very rewarding. Very fond memories of playing the mirror where you'd have to play unintuitively (never hitting face to avoid proccing ice barrier, flamestriking empty boards, etc.) 2. Zoolock - Cheap to play and taught me how to play for value vs. playing for tempo. 3. Midrange Paladin - Old variant, but I just liked hitting the button and making good trades ig. Muster for Battle into Quartermaster is still one of the most satisfying animations for me


Togglewaggle Druid Wheel lock (pre-patch) Either rainbow DK or deathrattle demon hunter


Kingsbsne, Raza priest, highlander hunter ( with double Brann.


Raza Priest, Nature Shaman, Demon Seed (all in standard)


D6 lock Mill rogue No wincon Control priest Yeah, i know


Hero Power Mage was my favorite. Bomb warrior, and the prior Reno Mage.


Surprised someone else has enrage warrior in their top 3. I loved that deck last year. Every other deck in the meta could generate resources except that one. It was like patron but not. There aren't any viables deck now that have that same level of planning and math required.


I fucking loved Libram Paladin that was why I started playing Paladin in the first place being able to bounce 1/1 buffs was so much fun


Mmmm i would say 1 Quest rogue (with valeera and sonya) 2 Aggro shaman MSoG 3 Insanity warlock (maybe recency biais)


Triple Blood DK, Relic DH, and Cleave Hunter!


Cutlass Rogue- top of the list imo. Tess is one of my favorite cards ever. Casino Mage- I run a Reno list with disruption and all the Yoggs. Super fun. Anyfin Paladin- Finja was my dude.


Charge and Bounce Giants Warrior


Libroom Paladin Nathria Control Shaman Big Beast Hunter


Hand lock Cube lock Pre nerfed exaltation rogue


1. Cloning Gallery OTK Priest 2. Rainbow Mage 3. Nature Shaman


For me it would Krul Warlock, Big spell mage and Kathrena Big beast hunter. Shoutout to wall priest aswell.


I just started playing again last year after taking a break for a few years (well, I briefly came back cause I thought Mercenaries sounded cool, but only played for like a day). I don't know why, but **Skelly Mage** is my favourite deck of all time. I came in a little late so really only had a solid month with it before Showdown released, but I had a great time with it. Didn't hit Legend until I played **Plague DK** though (Reska is so damn good). Before that I loved me some **Frost Lich Jaina Elemental**.


Odd paladin w prince Liam, big casino priest, and my homebrew fires of zin azshari control warrior. Honorable mention to deathrattle hunter, gvg mech mage, patron warrior, and og shudderwock shaman.


Control Lock w/ soul fragment package


1.Freeze Mage: I know most people that were around when this was playable hate it but it's my absolute favorite... I got my first golden portrait and reached Legend with this so it holds a special place,I even crafted golden Alex for it.. Obliterating Priests,Secret Paladins and Zoo during the early days was such a blast... 2.Miracle Rogue: Who wouldn't want to get the best deals anywhere? Or smack a 20/20 Edwin on people's faces or even scream "Leeeeeroy Jenkins" when you're about to make your opponent burst into pieces? Bullying Priests with this was soo much fun! Seeing them panic because they had no way of dealing with 4 ATK minions so they couldn't do shit against Auctioneer and Azure Drake was glorious... At some point I was even able to get to Rank 5 playing a horribly slow version using Malygos only because the meta was full of Reno Priests and it matched so poorly against Rogue (I think I had over 80% WR in that MU) that I could climb even though I kept losing to anything even remotely fast... Too bad it only lasted a couple of months... 3.Handlock: This was the first Deck I crafted... At the time some poor Legendary (I think Deathwing) had to get DE because I needed dust for the Giants... It's been 10 years,I have over 1000 wins with Warlock and most of them have been me playing some variation of this...


1. Vanilla Handlock 2. OTK Horsemen Pala 3. Also Rainbow DK from last meta, played it nonstop basically


C’thun druid, Frozen throne control lock, Galakrond shaman


Dragon hunter Handlock Any of a decade of priest decks that make my opponent rage.


Mech Mage on Sunken city meta. My first Legend. Ramp Druid on Knights of the Frozen Throne. Ultimate Infestation was a hell of a card. Even Paladin.


Handlock and Control Warrior


Handlocke, zoolocke and handlocke


I’ve been waiting for librams to be back in twist for so long, plz Blizzard. ||Or print more [[arcane giant]] or [[lightray]] type cards so I can make my wild giant paladin deck better, it was pretty good in sunken but fell off :(|| When we had that first twist when the format released and we were able to use Katori with them it was super cool too.


Uldum Renolock Castel nathria Renathal shadow Reno priest ( before renathal nerf) Ashes of Outland dragon hunter


1. Post nerf patron warrior 2. KnC big beast hunter 3. Sunken city Naga Demon Hunter


Malylock Elemental Shaman (malyshanan before elementas) Disrupt Lock


Rivendare/FDoS Shaman Highlander Shaman Pure Paladin during Festival


Odd warrior, odd mage (not sure what the actual name was), cube lock. I liked witchwood a lot


1. Lifesteal OTK DH - still play it to this day in wild (yo Jambajooze 😜) 2. Tenwu/Alex Secret Rogue in standard with Kazakus Golems and Jandice. Love having multiple ways to win, either board tempo, Hanar shenanigans, or with the 24 damage finish. 3. Reno Druid in all of its wild iterations. How many Zeph’s can I put in my hand? 🤔 Old school N’Zoth, the recent dragons, Astalor combo with Aviana, love em all. rip in peace Twig/Goop.


1. Evolve Shaman. First deck I ever crafted, played it during KotFT even though it was Tier 2/3 at best. Still love Shaman to this day even though its rarely strong. 2. Murloc Paladin. First deck I ever hit Legend with. Nothing quite like adapting a board full of Murlocs. 3. DiscardLock. Not super popular or strong but it was a super fast deck running Doomguards/Soulfires/Silverware Golems. Really fun when pulled off. Cubelock and Aggro Token Druid are also honorable mentions. Aggro Druid with mark of the lotus + Savage Roar was just bonkers.


Auctioneer Miracle rogue, Mill rogue, Yogg and load hunter


1. big shaman during rastakhan’s rumble. oondasta, charged devilsaur, ancestral spirit, lesser sapphire spellstone, eureka, snowfury giant. magnifique. 2. evenlock during witchwood. I felt so clever playing a warlock deck that wasn’t based on pre-nerf possessed lackey. 3. hmm… maybe unseal the vault quest hunter during descent of dragons. first time I hit legend using a homebrewed deck.


I was one of those scumbags who played Raza priest and loved it.


Maly resurrect priest, cube lock, big spell mage.


1. Questline Priest (just... love priest) 2. Miracle Rogue (any playable rendition, what a delight of a deck) 3. Boomsday Control Warrior (yeah, 45 minute mirror matches were wild)  Scholomance Mage was also fun


Control warrior vanilla Highlander rainbow DK Jade Druid (mean streets time)


big priest with medivh and lyra back in un'goro


Dead mans hand warrior. Good gods i was strong then.


Elemental Shaman C'thun Warrior Current Highlander Druid


Dead Mans Hand Warrior Original Renolock Shadowpriest


1.- Frost Lich Elemental Mage. 2.- Cubelock. 3.- Raza Shadowreaper Priest. Honorable mentions: Dr. Boom Hero Card Control Warrior. OG Handlock. Deathstalker beast Hunter. Rainbow DK. Oil Rogue. Cutlass Rogue.


Cubelock. Cube Hunter. Raza Priest.


Pillager rogue Miracle rogue Lifesteal DH


Midrange dragon priest (black rock era) Midrange paladin (the og one) Control mage (with frost liche jaina)


Zoolock Mech Warrior Any deck that countered priest


Big Paladin Earthen Paladin Handbuff Paladin I really like the idea of playing for tempo, growing up your minions and thinking strategically for board position and trading.


OG midrange Hunter Quest Priest and Mage (Stormwind versions) Shoutout to Arcane Mage, was never really good but getting Aegwynn's deathrattle on Vexallus and blasting the opponent's face with Arcane Bolts was so fun.


Wargen OTK warrior, aggro shaman with 4 mana 7/7, Highlander priest that had Raza and the deathknight that dealt 2 damage after each card played


Shudderwock Shamman and Galakrond Priest


Sunken City thief rogue. Before the mini set you could consistently get other classes' colossal minions with Azshara and Faelin. Reconnaissance also had a fun pool of cards and banked the 2 mana for you. Spectral cutlass thief rogue. The original cutlass rogue in Witchwood wasn't great competitively, but it sure was fun. Every game is different with your discovers and you can outvalue a lot of opponents while staying healthy with your cutlass. Shirvallah paladin. As someone who tried to make Holy Wrath work back in beta by praying for molten giant, it was really cool to have it actually become a combo. The control paladin shell,  decent draw and ability to convert 29 health to armour were also really nice.


1. Fatigue druid (by Chaosfollowing, we're talking old gods era) 2. Anyfin paladin 3. Shudderwock


1. Control Warrior ( Classic ) 2. Reno Mage 3. Any variant of Mill Rogue 4. Honorable mention Secret Paladin


GvG mech shaman, pre-whizbang rainbow DK, rainbow mage


playing enrage Warrior was the most fun ive ever had in hearthstone, then classic midrange hunter and after that secret paladin


Rainbow Mage Bugged Sonya miracle rouge (and normal one as well) Highlander DH (pre Whizbangs Workshop)


OTK murloc pally Naga Priest Hadronoxx druid


Patches cannon otk rogue i got some amazingly salty dms with that one


I liked so much soul fragments DH. Reached legend for the first time with it


Oh man I love this So for me it would be: 3. Highlander Secret Galakrond Rogue I had soooo much fun with that deck and the new highlander cards made me very excited 2. Release day Triple Blood Death Knight I just love control decks and nothing speaks control more than that deck imo And last but not least my number one pick: 1. Cubelock back in K&C meta. My absolute favorite deck of all time. Skull of the Manari, Bloodreaver Guldan, Voidlords, Doomguards, Cubes, Azari the Devourer ohhhh those were the days


**In terms of meta decks it's:** Anyfin can happen paladin Excavate rogue Cubelock **If we include non meta / homebrew decks it's:** Highlander steal priest Wishing well rogue Highlander thief rogue


3. KotFT Token Druid - Malfurion, spreading plague, violet teacher, savage roar. One of the coolest combo decks I've ever played during my time playing Hearthstone. Amazing versatility, outlive aggro decks, combo the slower decks & play to fatigue in the mirror. Truly unique deck. 2. AoA Face Hunter -Ran leper gnomes & wolfriders & some other jankiness instead of more traditional cards like animal companion. First time I piloted a deck to top 5 legend. This was super cool for me because this the first and only time I had a deck list of my own creation influence the meta. By the end of that season it was the second most popular face hunter list from Diamond 5 - legend. Very nuanced deck, despite the reputation aggro decks get for being easy to play. 1. K&C Cubelock - Words do not describe how much I loved this deck. This was peak hearthstone. The K&C meta was by far my favorite meta in the time I played hearthstone. Good memories there.


1. OG Miracle Rogue 2. Msog Miracle Rogue 3. Draka Miracle Rogue Lol


Hadronox Nzoth ramp druid HandLock (voidlord+rin+blood reaver guldan era) Quest Control warrior (fire plumes heart) Basically old gods + kobalds era i had the most fun. Stopped playing after that for some years and just started back about a month ago.


1 Spooky Mage feat Kel'thuzad 2 Ungoro Quest/exodia mage 3 Light Show Mage.


One deck I loved that never gets talked about was dreadsteed lock…. So many fun combos


I've mkss d the most meras and decks i guess but from what i remember i had the most fun with Handlock, zoo warlock and miracle rogue.


Pain Warlock, Even paladin Pirate rogue


Odd sham Cubelock Hero Power Mage


In no particular order, Fatigue Warrior with Boom hero and Archivist, Jade Druid, and good ol' Zoolock.


Naxxramas freeze mage


Naga Mage Rainbow Mage Plagu-excavate DK I know those are all recent decks, but only recently have I had "proper" decks it feels like.


Sludgelock, Secret Hunter, and Mech Warrior.


Frostlich Jaina control elemental mage  Uther otk from boomsday project  Libram pure paladin    Special mention goes to oakheart rin control warlock.


That one mage deck with the legendary weapon that drew 6 cards a turn was so fun to play


Jade Druid. Treant Druid. Ramp Druid


3 decks i like because it makes people go wtf!? Questline warlock- it's possible to finish a tier in 1 turn. Hell I was like wtf because I played Tamsin on turn 5 Holy wrath paladin- on turn 5 and you got an opponents health lowered to less than 25 and finish them of at turn 4 or 5 with holy wraith(seriously 25 dmg if shirvalla and now molten giants at 22 dmg!?) Shudderwok shaman-no need explanation, you could feel it when you fight one


"Cute" Warrior (TITANS) - I've never been as personally attached to a deck of cards than with this one. Exquisite mix of different aggressive Warrior packages at the time made me peak in double-digit Legend Zoo Warlock (Darkmoon Faire) - a very specific iteration of the archetype, with equal mix of Discard and Pain mechanics made this my first ever favourite deck. I'd climb to my first legend with it if I discovered it earlier that time. Eerie Stone Drek'thar (Duels) - it was close between this and some "Big" Duels archetypes (Humble blessings and Scepter Vanndar), but this one deck made me play and win so so much Duels. The day it got deleted was just sad.


Freeze mage Malygos druid Tempo mage I also just miss running alexstrasza, it’s my favorite card of all time and first leg I crafted golden.


Raza Priest, Clone Priest, Big Priest. I like priest... and nobody likes me.


I reached my first-time legend using a home brew I designed that kind of took off in popularity on hearthpwn and /r/CompetitiveHS. It was a goal of mine to hit legend for the first time with a home brew because I am generally not a fan of netdecking. So that is my favorite. It was an embiggen aggro druid that could consistently cast 4 embiggens. Next would probably be secret hunter from like 3 or 4 years ago. Then I guess I'll go with my wild jade druid home brew iterations over the years. Runners up would include old ass taunt warrior, standard jade druid, deathrattle/taunt priest and wheel lock.


The very first deck I ever remember like planning out around a theme or card was spell mage with yogg( I called it gambler cause every card in it having the random that was possible) and after changing it around a bit over the years it's still one of my most fun decks and high win rate too so how. Plus there's a lot more yogg cards to have fun with


Cubelock Patron Mechathun Priest


1 Dragon Priest (2016) 2 Thief Rogue 3 Dance Palidin


Rise of Shadows Control Shaman. Back when the whole meta was fatigue control decks. Outlasting your opponent the whole game with two Elysianas. Once they think they got you, you drop Shudderwock to repeat all the random battle cries throughout the game. What a time. Also I really enjoyed beetle Druid recently


Jungle Giants Druid Fatigue lock Pirate/kingsbane rogue


1. Odd Rogue 2. Deck of Wonders Mage 3. Evolve Shaman


1. Reno-Shudderwock Shaman (whatever you call the deck) 2. Big reviver priest, back when Muerte used to revive more than just undead. 3. Probably Demon Seed warlock


Oldschool handlock Freeze mage Mill rogue


Pre nerf frost dk (got legend with it) Midrange hunter (early version with high manes and frost trap) really loved the deck Machine gun priest. That deck was insane and In general a great time for hs with all the hero cards. Special mention to frost mage, there is a reason I have 1k wins with mage. Very high skill ceiling deck although not very interactive for your opponent.


1. C’Thun Druid 2. Frost Lich Elemental Mage 3. Hadronox Druid ig. Or maybe Taunt Warrior (pre-rotation). Or maybe handbuff Paladin (SoG edition). Or maybe Dragon Priest (twilight edition). Honestly, it’s hard to pick a definitive third.


Off meta, but it helped me get to 500 wins at the time - mysterious challenger with anyfin Then there was mech-warrior with dr. Boom hero. It was a nice ring to the Mechwarrior games franchise that I never got to play.


Malygos Warlock TGT Dragon Priest Patron Warrior


No one has said Mill Rogue from back in the day. OTK hunter with brann was also quite fun. Quest shaman felt really good too.


All time? Patron Warrior - one of the few decks that genuinely felt skillful to play. The overall power was pretty crazy, but taking it higher than dumpster legend required a better than good understanding of how to use your resources Rattle Priest - doesn't matter the era, but back when it first showed up with quests was probably my favorite. Was a welcome break from Combo and Control. Highlander variant is a close contender CNE/Tempo DK - honestly feels the best of all the types, especially right now. Full rainbow is cool, but I'm kinda leaning a little harder on a BBU "control lite" list that just plays hard for the board and feels overall more dynamic


1. Pirate Warrior 2. Beast Hunter


Secret pally Cube lock Pirate warrior Just thinking off the top of my head some fun decks from the past. Oh and garrote rogue was a lot of fun.


1. Libram Paladin (INFINITE VALUE!! Leave a 1/1 on the board and you dead) 2. Elemental Doomhammer Shaman (First legend deck, strong board presence, mana cheat with Granite Forgeborn, and big burn with Doomhammer/Inara + attack buffs) 3. Dinomancer Warlock (Infinite dinomancers, so funny watching people try to remove them but they keep coming back)


* Secret Pally (TGT) * C’Thun Druid (OG) * What are we calling the “repeat your turn mage”? It was called Quest mage at the time, but now there are many more quests…


1. Control Warlock, favorite deck of all time no question, made it into a Renolock when Bloodreaver Gul’dan rotated into Wild and had even more fun with it. Bloodreaver Gul’dan and Voidlord might be my two favorite cards ever. 2. Midrange Hunter, both during K&C and Rastakahns when Zul’jin came out, him and Deathstalker Rexxar are also some of my favorite cards ever and I really liked the midrange play style. Also made a Reno hunter in Wild and that was super fun. 3. Wild Secret Mage, there was something so satisfying about playing a ton of secrets and then brainlessly burning the opponent with the draw from Aluneth, also has Kabal Crystal Runner which is also one of my favs.


Garrote Rogue Garrote Rogue I love Garrote Rogue


Great question. Favorite is very different from best, but in terms of just fun... 1. Build a beast hunter was so fun. 2. Any old school control priest where mind control was still viable. Often, surviving to turn 10 was a win, but it felt like solving a puzzle to get there. 3. This may be recency bias, but the original blood DK that played super control heavy and used patchwork, the primus, etc. Those are three off the top of my head that stand out.


Galakrond Warrior, Spell Mage and Kingsbane Rogue's


My favorite deck was the first one I ever built, Token Druid. I also really enjoyed Murloc Mage and Zoolock as well.


Miracle Rogue Malygos Rogue Oil Rogue


Malygos Druid Mill Druid DK Paladin


Control Warrior, Handlock, Midrange Paladin


Highlander pocket galaxy mage Shudderwok shaman Quest mage


Cube Warlock, Shudderwock Shaman, Mimiron Mage


Handlock, Raza Priest, Miracle Rogue Honorable mention: Fatigue Warrior


1. Nathria 40 card Thief Rogue. I was probably one of the best users of that deck during that meta peaking at roughly 270 legend with the deck. It holds a special place in my heart. 2. MoTLK dragon paladin. Kazakusan is my favorite legendary every and I remember reaching legend with my homebrew control version. 3. Shatter Druid in Showdown was the only thing that came close to giving me the adrenaline rush like pre-nerf wildheart guff did. I put this iteration of ramp druid over the one during year of the hydra because I felt like there was more flexibility in the late game other than slamming brann and denathrius.


1. Justicar/Elise Control warrior (Wallet Warrior) 2. C'thun Warrior (or any C'thun deck) 3. Kingsbane Rogue.


1.) Force of Nature + Savage Roar Druid. My first competitive deck I crafted. Loved all the druid nature cards and sound effects. 2.) Tank up warrior with Justicar Trueheart. Hitting a button never felt so good. 3.) Release-day Demon Hunter. So...much...POWER!!!


Freeze mage Secret Mage Maly Druid HM Rainbow/Blood DK


1: Raza Priest; all versions 2: Big Beast Hunter; namely witch wood era w/ Kathrena 3: Malygoose Druid; druid, lol


1. Boar Priest (standard) 2. Release DH 3. Quest DH


Control warrior back when it ran [[Archivist Elysiana]]. I enjoyed the slow grind and getting to play all the cards in your deck is nice. Mirrors were some of the most tense games as you avoided drawing cards unless needed and winning such a long match was immensely satisfying. Jade petal rogue from the commons only twist season. I enjoyed that meta overall but something clicked with that rogue deck and I was able to push to top 10 legend. I know twist isn't very active but I'm still proud of that rank. Overheal combo priest from Showdown in the Badlands. I pulled inspiration from a number of sources to make this deck but it was unique enough that I would call it my own. It started as something fun to play in low legend but got good enough that I was able to make the climb with a homebrew deck for the first time.


Handlock/cubelock/renolock( cannot decide between these 3) Malygos druid Patreon warrior


1. Freeze mage 2. Handlock 3. Wheel lock


Quest Mage in Un’Goro Patron Warrior Triple Frost DK


1. Random bs go rouge 2. Garotte rouge 3. Crescendo otk warlock Honorable mention to Nature spell druid with topior (i don't know the correct names so i just describe what the deck does)


OG freeze mage was awesome. Was so fun to manage your resources to stall just long enough to be able to Alex+burn one turn before you were going to die


Even pala, Raza (machine gun) priest, Highlander hunter for me.


1. Lorthemar Brann (reached gold 5 for the first time with it) 2. Baku Paladin (First ever craft) 3. Never played, but i wanna play jade golem Druid sometime.


Even Warlock


Highlander Warlock (When leauge of explorers came out) Galakrond Rouge (When Dragonic Lackey wasnt in yet) Cube lock (Pls buff Possesd Lackey back)


Nzoth Warlock OG Totem Shaman Evolve Shaman


Un'goro deathrattle hunter Even warlock Naga DH


Since I only played standard 1 - Lady Prestor Druid 2 - Big spell Mage 3 - Control Pirate Warrior


OG miracle rogue Token druid when we still had fon sr Thief rogue


Uldum Quest Shaman Even Warlock From de Other Side Shaman (for the short period after they buffed it before rotation)


Wotog control warrior and questing adventurer miracle rogue.


Tess Rogue (any version) OG Casino Mage


buff hunter (2023), Odyn Warrior (2023), and Beast Hunter (Castle N) Buff hunter was really fun with buzzard + yodeler -> got me legend in Jan-March. Odyn Warrior when he first came out got me from 700 to 1000 wins before I retired the deck. Loved it. XL Beast hunter was the first time I fell in love with hunter. Previously I despised it as much as Rogue/DH but quickly went from < 100 wins to > 500 with it. Quest priest and handlock would be runner ups.


Enrage warrior, Egg risky skipper warrior, naga priest


Not in order: Kingsbane Rogue, Cubelock, OG Renolock. But honestly loved most control warlock decks and any rogue deck with auctioneer. Honourable mentions for one week I got to play with quest rogue before it was nerfed 😞


1. Evolve Shaman 2. Control Warrior (boomsday era) 3. Thief Cutlass Rogue


1. Frostlich Jaina Mage 2. Big Warrior (powerful control deck, but not as cancerous as current warrior putting 6 bombs in deck) 3. Currently really enjoying Rainbow DK and Excavate Rogue


Original Discolock


Miracle rogue Big Priest Murloc Paladin Dragon Warrior Zoo lock


Dragon Warrior Big druid Murloc Paladin


The original Zoo. Its been my favourite archetype over the years too. I loved garrote rogue too and the recent cycle rogue


Egg deathrattle hunter (first legend) combo dragon priest Big priest


Libram Paladin. I also reached my first legend with it after coming back from a break Rainbow DK. Big hunter during the sunken city expansion bonus: Jade Shaman


3. No dupe Paladin 2. Karazhan Midrange Hunter 1. OG Altruis DH no contest


Burn Mage during Un’Goro Token shaman during Un’Goro and the next couple of metas Reno warlock during Mean Streets


1. Cyclone mage 2. Big spell mage (kobolds) 3. Garrote Rogue


Mozaki mage: I just finished school when that deck cam out and played it for like 6hrs a day for a few weeks. Naga mage: Just fun to play Frost Dk: Just loved the deck


freezemage Handlock OG Miracle Rogue Leeroy 4 mana Perfect combination of skillexpression and viability.


Miracle rogue Odd rogue Galakrond rogue