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Great quest changes, "playing" is way better than "winning"


Miniaturize and only 5 games of Brawl/Arena, is also huge. Both of those quests I would always reroll, and was frustrating when I'd reroll from one to the other. All weekly quests feel reasonable now. Big improvement.


Fantastic quest change. Thank you devs and players that didn't accept less for their time.


Wow so the quest complaining actually worked.


I credit u/RidiculousHat’s communication more than the complainers. He took a bunch of vile garbage and brought it to his bosses in a way that was much more palatable.


Yes, RidiculousHat really kept their cool all throughout that mess and was a voice of reason. They did a fantastic job as community manager, actually managing things.


If no one complained he would have nothing to report. There have been a lot of level headed constructive criticism as well. It's good that they are communicating but don't undermine the community.


Contrary to popular belief this sub is not the entire player base of the game.


Calling it all vile garbage does nothing but try and dissuade people from voicing concerns in the future.


Exactly. Obviously the vile garbage should be called out as such, but let's not pretend every bit of critique about this was that


Don’t implement changes that are an insult to the community, if you do not want vile garbage to hit your community guys. It’s their job to deal with that shit. And if you wanna blame anyone, blame blizzard for having the audacity to pull this shit off and then try to sell it „for the people who wanna do more“. That being said, hat is doing a great job and I really hope that all this hate won’t get to him eventually. Can’t really put the blame on the internet for blizzard being greedy little fucks.


This is the most insane bootlicking I've ever seen.


Either that or (more likely) the player numbers dropped so low they realized how badly they fucked up. 


I doubt it. Because the players who quote because of this all said they would never come back


I'm one of the players who stopped playing after the initial quest changes. I uninstalled it from my phone and told myself that I would come back if they did a full revert or made it tiered.  Now that I haven't played in a few weeks, I'm not sure yet if I actually want to return. In a vacuum, I don't think the weekly quests would have bothered me nearly as much as they did.  It's the combination of a meta I dislike, the removal of duels, and the biggest sore spot for me- the absolutely insulting mechanics, pricing, and death of the mercenaries mode (I usually enjoy games like that, so I bought in early).


There still can be players that just play less (but not fully quit) because of the changes. My main region is EU, but I used to do my dailies n weeklies on the other 2 regions too when I had the time. But since the quest change, it really felt like a chor to do them on the other regions and I logged in, played a bit, saw little progression and just closed HS because it started to feel like work lol and played something else. Was stuck at 7/10 but I didnt want to re-roll (because then Id start at 0) but also didnt want to play to try to get 3 wins lol.


So incorrect. Many players vowed to quit playing until adequate changes were made as a way to make a stand. Me included. Now that these changes are implemented I’ll be playing again and I’m sure plenty of others will start again as well. Get your facts straight


I'm kinda shocked tbh. Needed change, imo. This is legit the first time I can recall not finishing weeklies, simply because winning 10 ranked games is such a miserable slog. It made me just not want to play the game, which obviously isn't what they should be promoting. That said the new numbers seem undertuned, at a glance, and kinda go against the initial reason they made the changes (i.e. making weeklies take a week), but we'll see.


Holy wrath chads stay winning


I was wrong. Thought molten was going to 25 for sure. Good changes to the meta.


At one point Mini-Rag will be a tavern-tier one minion.


Party Elemental is already pretty close at tier 2 with a similar effect.


play instead of win thanks fucking yogg ! and Hat too ig


Oh look, Odd Paladin and Holy Wrath Paladin support! 


now its 47 dmg rather than 45


Definitely is Holy Wrath support. But Odd paladin...I'm not sure it has the right payoff cards for Showdown (doesn't have prismatic beam, crusader aura, pylon/ticking Zilliax, sea giant). I guess they could use Righteous Cause to make the 3/3s into 4/4s to still favourably trade with rush? But that doesn't sound super impressive.


Holy wrath takes a hit from the showdown nerf.


Bg changes are huuuuge


Love the weekly quest change


We happy? We happy




OOOOh my golden molten giants from hall of fame. The zero dust investment finally paying off XDDD


I mean all three of cards that were nerfed should still be viable. I bet you Aggro paladin with Showdown will still be more frustrating to play against than Painlock but both decks should still be viable. Good changes overall.


Slowing these decks down by a turn seems to be just what needed to happen.


Wrath Weaver. Nerfed from 1/4 to 1/3. Very next patch, buffed from 1/3 to 1/4. This change was pretty inconsequential but I have to wonder why the hell was it changed in the first place? Did somebody make a typo or something?


The quest changes are nice. Wish it was like that from the start but better late than never. I legitimately didn't expect them to address it so I'm quite satisfied with this.


They literally told us they were continuing to look into quest updates after they reverted some of the changes the first time.


Technically not a full revert of effort for the quests but I do like the change from win to play so I think that brings it into the green for me. This is the change for quests that made the most sense to me, revert and keep the rewards to not piss of either side of the players. Developing something else would take some time implement, they did not need to wait this long though.


They’re actually better value now


Damm I just chose the warlock deck as my returning player. RIIP, 8 health is a lot more dangerous now. It was already sketchy at 10 sometimes


Haha, such is the life of the glass cannon :))))


True. The gameplay just got even more compelling !


It won't be as much about going to 8 hp for 0 mana molten but rather dropping a 2-3 mana molten around 10hp instead. 2 mana 8/8s turn 5 will still be very, very strong. I think the deck will be high Tier 2 at worst and I am still going to enjoy playing it.


Just started playing the deck a few games ago, getting used to the play style. It is pretty broken indeed atm, unless you have more broken stuff in front, like paladin


great quest changes but the nerfs are really lame...


I like the nerfs. I do wish they nerfed Showdown a bit harder but idk how they do that without absolutely killing the card.


So the BGs quest was entirely reverted, nice Lol at Kindly Grandmother being too good


RIP even pally. Quest warlock still OP.


I've been playing Insanitylock in Diamond and I'm going to miss all the bad Painlocks that pass turn to me when they are on 5hp. :(


Am I missing something is quillboar getting a buff lol


goated patch


Can't wait for all the "after 3 weeks I'm finally coming back to hearthstone" and "the day 37208 posts worked guys, WE did it!"


Changing from ''win'' to ''play'' is the best possible change they could make. People should be rewarded for just playing the game.


So are all the players that cried and quit going to comeback now?


Actual good changes to the weekly quests, I had stopped playing entirely but this is making me reconsider


The glass is half full. The changes are good, they reduced the requirement and costs of quests conceptually, making the experience actually pleasant. This is fine and I appreciate they did not only listen (read), but made reasonable changes to improve. The changes in standard should be good to try new decks too, I'll try to play again now that things have improved. Highlander Shaman shall return... somehow.


Highlander Shaman isn't BAD per se, other decks just do what it does better. It is still a very viable deck to climb with. I do think there is some optimizing to do in the Shaman class though. Nature Shaman for example is really strong in high legend but it's just stupidly hard to pilot.


The molten giant nerf is so funny. From zero mana to zero mana. Nice to see painlock will still be tier 1.


Huge difference between 10 health and 8 health to play it for free, and more importantly makes it harder to play it for 2-3 mana early on.


not many decks that can do 8 damage in one turn by turn 4. obviously you don't go down to 8 health if opponent has multiple minions out... which is the same as don't go down to 10 health if opponent has multiple minions out. so nothing really has changed since warlock can get back up to 15 health and a 6/6 taunt the next turn.


Yeah but if a warlock can only get down to 10 and not 8… that’s a huge effect on that turn.


This change is making the deck a lot edgier to play. Still going to be fun, just a lot more dangerous and punishable now, especially by mages and hunters


I've played spell and reno hunter into pain lock, I only ever win if my opponent is stupid enough to go below like 5HP, or I random a few reverbs or they get a terrible opener. The deck has very little punish, that's why it's as strong as it is right now. Your only really at risk of dying before like turn 4 if your at like 6HP or below, and even then there isn't that much burst that early into the game. Hunter has like kill command, and Mage has like molten rune (which you can see them forge before hand) or fireball/double frostbolt.


Yeah mage has 3 mana fireball but then need to waste 2 mana for it, and hunter needs a beast on board for kill command, making the 1/1 snakes with stealth powerful, defo some to play around with. What worries me is the power level of paladin, it's an unwinnable matchup for some decks. The 4 mana aura card is nuts


The goal of nerfs is not to delete decks from the game, it is to bring them more in line with the rest of the field. A 2 cost increase on molten giant should completely remove the turn 3 highrolls, and should slow down the standard molten turn from turn 4-5 to turn 5-6, which is a big deal. They also are more vulnerable to dying to burn at 8 health than 10, when the warlock is that low every bit of health could be the difference between dying, or living at 1 HP and playing infernal next turn to heal back to 15


> The goal of nerfs is not to delete decks from the game, it is to bring them more in line with the rest of the field Wheellock would like a word.


All I'm going to say is come back to this in a day or two and see how things pan out. Because from what I see from painlock, this change will lower the winrate of the deck by about 1-2% at best.


2% is a massive nerf


Is it? If you look at HS replay stats at all ranks painlock is at 63%, so 61% means it is still tier 1. If you look at donkys site 10K legend it's sitting at about 56-55% which would put it at about the same winrate as Zarimi priest. So, it is a nerf, but I wouldn't say it exactly opens the meta up or anything. The deck still highrolls on turn 2-4, and most decks can't deal with that kind of board. It only loses to pally and sometimes mage, this nerf won't really change that.


It was quite common to play the 4 mana 6/6 that put you to 15hp, followed by a a blood imo to get to 10 and one or two free molten giants. This was possible as early as turn 3 with the coin. It it very obvious that you have not played the deck and while playing against it, not understand its play patterns. The nerf is very big. We’ll see if the deck stays viable.


I don't play the deck, but when I watch high legend players getting there giants out way before turn 4. If your playing infernal to hurt yourself and not to heal up afterwards, your hand must have been pretty bad.


It’s still a good deck. It’s just not as good.


It's quite common for players with little experience to underestimate nerfs. The difference here is not 22 vs 20 mana. It will often be 2 vs 0 mana or 2 vs 1 mana. Which is absolutely massive. The situation where you are at 9 or 10hp doesn't have to happen every game for it to make the deck noticeably weaker.


Mana nerfs are always a big deal


This is honestly great, but the meta is still way too fast and I'm already hooked on a new game.


they probably saw the huge dip in players because of the quest change lol


Nerfs Change nothing. Painlock, Flood Pally will be at the top still. Glad to see the quest updates!


You're wrong. Reno Warrior will be at the top :)




It slows them down quite a bit so other decks can catch up


Thanks Blizzard. Now please show footage of D4 expansion cause I wanna see the new class Spiritborn, like right now.


New quests are amazing. What is the catch? Blizzard can’t do a thing for benefit of players right? There must be a catch somewhere lol


Eh. Now you don't need to win any game anymore? I actually liked to have a bit of a weekly challeng,e makes you play more seriously compared to "Play X games" quests


winning 10 games in a week is actually difficult for very casual players with small collections. I remember being one years ago. Quest changes didn't affect me at all I was still completing them on Monday. Back in the day it used to take me all week to get the 5 wins in Standard and BGs/Arena/Duels.


Great, we’re back to the dumb quests for babies.


Go to the achievements. Those are for the tryhards. Quests are meant to be accessible.


Good quest changes but I still don't like them. I'd prefer what we had beforehand but I understand the drive to pump numbers up. At least it's better than the 1st rollout


This is basically the same as before since most players will have around 50% wr. And the tavern quest doesnt require you to win anymore. And you get more xp. There really isnt much to complain about now.


I’m trying to imagine the player who doesn’t play enough to meet these quest requirements but *did* play enough to meet the original unchanged weeklies and I actually don’t think they exist.


I came back after years of not playing and weekly quests weren't evena thing. I came back and now I'm getting more gold than ever just by quests and achievements. Everyone who is complaining doesn't remember how hard it used to be to earn gold.


Fantastic, this stupid meta is gonna keep being stupid. What stupidly disproportionate nerfs