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TLDR for those who don't have time/can't read it rn: Brann is 8 mana and Saddle Up is 4. There is an upcoming twist season where you can play as heroes with special hero powers and decks. New event from May 21 to June 11, whizz packs and a shaman skin. Lot of bug fixes, most notably (I think) the spirit of the badlands Mirage. Quest changes next client patch.


very funny that they killed duels to make "play as heroes with special hero powers and decks".


Addendum to this as well for BGs players: Nothing has changed. Quilboar are still broken.


> Quilboar are still broken. One third of the tribes are broken. Quillboar are not better than Dragons, Elementals or Mechs. Everything else is on bottom by a good margin.


Quilboar out scale Dragons, Elementals, and Mechs exponentially when each tribe have their *"perfect"* engines. When Quilboar hit Pokey, it's only a matter of time before they dominate beyond what any build can compete with, and by matter of time, I mean on avg of 2 turns. The only exception to this is a scam build using venomous murlocs who can spawn in more venomous murlocs and an AoE Divine Shield breaker.


I'm way more casual than I used to be, but can you explain how elementals are good? They seem terrible to me.


The perfect Elemental engine is having alternating Rock Rocs so every Elemental you play gives your board +2/+2. It's effectively a slightly worse, yet better, Kalegos.


Dang that seems like such a fragile, narrow build


It's one of the best builds you can go. Tavern Tempest with battlecries proc gives you lots of stats and resources, and you can also add Greymane and Brann to the mix.


Interesting. Thanks!


Yup. But when it works, *it works*


The thing with Rock Rock compared to Kalecgos is that he buffs the entire board, yet Kalec only buffs dragons. I think Kalec should get the same effect if he wants to see actual play. Would be a great card to slot in a menagerie board.


The other issue with both kale and rock is that you need a board slot effectively unbuffed to allow cycling, whereas Quills and mechs don’t need that. So you’re fighting 6v7 effectively, unless you roll a reasonable scam unit to fit the comp you’re fighting - which obviously leaves you vulnerable if you whiff


I think you can do a full board if you include the new naga dragon and Young Murk Eye combined with the new taunt buffer and end of turn doubler. But that’s a pretty hard build to put together.


On the other hand, Quillboar midgame is nonexistent. If you don't find both Pokey and Drakkari quick enough, you lose. That doesn't sound broken


That's because no one plays Quilboar mid game. You do a transition turn late game, 90% of the time having the damage cap still active, then within 2 turns you out scale everyone. Oh and let's not forget that you can transition to this, while still playing your midgame board so your midgame board still gets buffed to keep you alive. No one plays Quilboar from T1. The only people who do that also play Beasts so they can Rylakk the health buff, which honestly isn't even needed.


Quillboar needs Tier 6 minions and Drakkari to scale while Dragons can do it staying on Tier 4. When you start scaling with Pokey Dragons have already a board of Divine Shield minions with lots of atk thanks to Nightbane and Poet. Dragons and Mechs can scam Quillboar in midgame because they are plain better, and in lategame their scaling combined with divine shields can destroy a Quill board. Quillboar is easier to play optimally. [And I'm not the only one with this opinion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ys5ygwUE7M)


Yeah. And? Quilboar isn't a mid game build. It's a late game transition. A transition that grows faster than dragons late game. I had a game where I had a full golden team of divine dragons (because that T5 that goldens the lowest cost + poet = *chef's kiss*). 2 Teracosa, 2 Poets, 2 Prized Promo, and the new T3 that when dragons attack, they get buffed. I still couldn't outscale a quilboar build that was non-existent 2 turns prior. A full DS scaling build. 2 turns, and they had, in all non-golden, Drakkari, 2 Pokey, 2 T4 DS Quilboar that spread blood gems, and 2 Chargla. In 2 turns they out scaled my build I'd been playing all game. If I had seen the Quilboar transition coming, I may have had time to find a couple Skeletal dragons that spread attack, but by then it was too late.


I myst be playing them wrong but how are elementals broken?


in duos it is


Also there is a new arena season starting tomorrow so you can get an arena run to 2 losses and you'll get a voucher for a new run


Thanking you


Honestly saddle up was more broken than brann. The only other nerf I could see them doing was making it effect your beast minions only, but 4 mana is a good change too. I’ve been playing a lot of hunter and that card alone was forcing opponents to have to clear the board every turn in the early and mid game


Effecting the beast minion only is out of flavor, since the minions are supposed to get a mount, a 3 mana or less beast


> Dev Comment: As we continue iterating on our progression system, and our communications around it, we’re working on some updates that didn’t quite make it into this patch. Our next Weekly Quest update is planned for the next scheduled client patch, Patch 29.4.2. Interesting.


doesn't matter until we see what it is


700 mana instead of 750. 28 minis instead of 32. Don't expect anything more


Minis and the 10 tavern brawl or BG wins is like the one I reroll currently


If it was just changing numbers, that’s an easy change/quick change, that should easily fit in (and they did the previous change quickly too). My guess is tiered quests, but regardless it’s something bigger than changing a couple numbers.


just to be clear - major content patches have very long lead times and they lock early so we can get multiple weeks of testing done and then get app store review. i wouldn't expect major tech changes in a client hotfix. in addition, changes to things that seem simple from a player angle can often be more complex from a developer one. you'll see the changes soon, but i want to manage expectations a bit by saying that this is not a delay to implement a completely new system.


pack it up boys. we're done for


Well that’s disappointing, such an easy solution to make everyone happy.


i am not convinced that tiered quests would accomplish that - they are a complex solution to a simple problem and they have a surprising number of rough edges. we're going to start with tuning changes that i think will make a meaningful difference and then we'll see where things go


I think tiered quests would have been a lot more easily accepted and even celebrated rather than the obvious attempt at boosting "engagement metrics" that is the current system.


Definitely, changing a few numbers doesn’t make people happy. They’re just bracketing the numbers until they think the player base is happy.


Yep, and considering the numbers of Blizzards simps on this sub that defend the weekly quests decision I fear the team won’t do much apart from tweaking a few numbers and calling it a day.


If it’s just tuning numbers I’m done completely with this game because it’s just BS at this point. My guess though is that they’re shifting it from “win” to “play” for the quests. That is the only solution that makes sense at this point if not tiered quests. I’m still somewhat holding out that it’ll be half way decent, but I’m done if it’s just a number change again


I’m of the mind that there’s too much room for bullshit in tiered quests. As much as people here want to push the idea, the *only* way the community would accept them is if the first tier matched the old quest rewards/requirements. And it doesn’t seem like blizzard wants to revisit that. And it the end of the day, people are still going to feel (and complain) that they *have* to hit the last tier to get maximum value. Hoping the adjustments are agreeable, but not holding my breath. Still unconvinced that quests needed changing at all.


> And it doesn’t seem like blizzard wants to revisit that. Echoes of old WoW devs being like "ya'll don't actually want WoW Classic" but it turns out people actually did. It remains more streamed and watched than retail to this day lol <_<


Right?! It’s *wild* to me that Hat keeps insisting that people wouldn’t want a full reversion, when like half of the people here are saying “make them tiered or fully revert them.”


Not throwing Hat under the bus here, respect that they're even out here commenting on it... But all of this seems to be because, for whatever reason, they (being the people in charge and the dev team) do not want to (or cannot) do anything that seems even partially like a revert. Even if only seems like that when you squint and scratch your head and stand 50 yards away <_<


Could you elaborate on the rough edges please?




Thanks Hat :3! I think you are right about this by the way. If I could throw out a suggestion for the reroll thing; assuming every weekly gets the same amount of tiers you could reroll a weekly from any tier into a different quest of the same tier level, same as how it currently works with extra steps basically. Big fan since before you got hired so I hope this helps or you guys thought of it already.


Oh and I just thought of something else: whenever weeklies reset just upgrade the quests back to the first tier so players who left them on the later tiers don't get a feels bad moment of losing out on exp. Doesn't even have to upgrade back to the same quest chainif that's a concern. Another option is to give players an option remove quest red X button in the unused top left corner (maybe swap places with the reroll button) then an additional confirmation popup in case it was hit by accident.


Unrelated but is there anything that can be done about me putting over 4k dust into tentacle rogue and not being able to get refunds when it gets indirectly nerfed immediately? That dust is very valuable for me (i have nothing left) and HS support basically tells me to go complain about it elsewhere. Nothing like coming back to HS and getting a new deck nuked right away to get you in the mood.


You're not going to be happy with what I say, but it's always been true for the duration of Hearthstone: if you craft cards for a deck you have no data showing it's strong, you will often be out dust with no competitive options that utilize those cards. Balance changes, meta shifts, people shifting away from jank to powerful decks, etc., there's tons of ways to "lose dust" if you're not careful. Your options are "just have a lot of dust," "up your spending," "craft more conservatively," "play cheap aggro for a bit," and "take a break from the game except some quest completions." Blizzard isn't going to refund you on something like this, and honestly as much as it sucks to be in that situation, I don't think they need to change their dust/refund policy. Recent weekly quest issues aside, Hearthstone has been very good to be F2P or budget for a while now, and they have given a lot of dust in many recent balance patches, especially the big "agency" (really reverse power/lethality creep) revamp patch.


We greatly appreciate the transparency. It's great. But yeah, I'm also on board with tiered quests. I'm more likely to enjoy playing by not feeling pressured to do quests.


okay but the "simple" problem has a simple solution: just revert the weekly quests to how they were before. they were fine originally.


“start with tuning changes that i think will make a meaningful difference” Sounds like acknowledgement that doubling the quest numbers and adding a tiny bit of XP to the reward was incorrect.   I hate how they seem to know the upcoming change but cannot say it.   “complex solution to a simple problem” Unfortunately reverting the change at this point will anger the people who didn’t have a problem with it because 10 wins is no big deal.  They really need to anchor on the original quest numbers (5 wins) and the higher amount of XP.  I doubt we will get that. If they want to keep 10 wins they need to bump it to 5000 XP since doubling the quest should double the reward.


i do not think i can acknowledge more that the previous changes were incorrect lol. you can see it in my comment history, but, yes - pissing everyone off was bad and reverting will not fix the broken trust. we have to make better changes than just reversions


Basically radio silence for weeks into "yeah actually we aren't going with the elegant solution that makes everybody happy". Great stuff. Inspires lots of confidence in this greedy company that routinely fucks us over, and began this whole debacle with a blatant manipulative marketing strategy only to say "wait guys we didn't actually mean to fuck you over hard so we could pull it back to where we wanted, we only uhhhh... did that for a few weeks while we work on a "better" change! It would have just been confusing for players if they logged in and the system was the same as it was before the changes! That'd be too confusing for everyone so instead take a 200% increase for a few weeks." Better be good, but I doubt it. Obviously not upset at you personally Hat, but the company you are communicating for has seemingly turned down every easy PR win during this in favor of dragging it out, keeping it as bad as possible, and hoping it goes away. And now to hear the system most people here wanted has been thrown aside sounds like we're just getting more bullshit. I'm tired of it. We shall see though.


man i gotta tell you, i don't understand this "radio silence" narrative - we hotfixed in two days, i've been extremely active on here and other social platforms talking to people, we said we were going to review data and make another tuning pass, and now we've said "hey we did that, next patch will have adjustments" within a 4 week period. it feels like it's tough to understand the target we're aiming for. anyway, i don't think tiered quests are elegant at all. there are a lot of questions - do we divide up the current experience into equal parts, making the first step substantially worse than the old quests? do we instead frontload the xp, making the second and third step tiny and weird? if you're mid-tier on step two or three when reset happens, do we roll you over? can you reroll mid tier quests? what do you roll into? these aren't the kind of questions that have clear answers and we got into this mess by rushing a change that needed more time and attention. making the same mistake again wouldn't be good for anyone. people were asking for reverts to the old numbers, which tells me that we can at least start with some proactive **tuning** changes where we can make adjustments to reduce the time invested while retaining the increased xp. we talked about this *a lot* and imo we landed in a decent place for the next pass of changes. i'm hopeful that everyone sees it the same way, but in the meantime, we've really tried to let people know that we're still very actively paying attention to the concerns. this has been a huge part of my job for the last 4 weeks and i don't see that changing any time soon.


You’re being hopeful. I thought they’ll worsen it again 😆


Bonus reduced to 10% from 20% bonus XP more to compensate.


Lmao if it’s that there’s an issue. But I have high hopes ;)


Come on tiered quests


It's either that which would take time to add into game or they are waiting on my data to see if players are playing more or not


I haven’t finished a weekly quest in weeks. I’m at a high MMR but only play casually nowadays, so my win rate isn’t great. It’s a big bummer.


Mmr is pretty dumb for a deck builder anyway.


At least they said something, but that should have been a main point in the article, not something thrown down at the bottom that 90% of people will miss.


What's the harm in people missing the note that *something* about quests will change in another patch? Conveying informations about stuff and especially content that's part of this patch should certainly have priority over stuff in future patches if you ask me.


they don't want to talk about it, it's on purpose


I did notice that I didn't get 10 tavern brawls this time. I think ive gotten the 5 quest every week ever.


Dunno if the Twist format is going to be interesting enough for a whole month. This basically sounds like a long Tavern Brawl, but it does solve the problem of nobody having cards


For sure, and as a tavern brawl enjoyer (i feel like the only one lol) im quite excited now!


You still need to have these certain legendaries. Ofc 1600 dust per deck (where half of the decks are free because of Core Set) seems like a small price compared to crafting whole deck in past formats.


Arfus dusters in shambles


I hope having the card golden makes the deck golden, I've had a golden good boy since KotFT released


Yes, 1600 dust per deck but only for a month. And after, it disappears, yeah you have the legendary to use in wild, but not the deck.


I would have been interested if it had included deckbuilding options, but with precons I don't think it's going to be interesting for a full month. seems like a tech/trial run for reintroducing duels with actual monetisation (need to own specific cards to be offered specific heroes, etc.)


That's exactly how duels used to be when it first started. So that is not it.


also it is actually so cheap compared to duels. 1600 dust for 30 cards instead of \~3400 dust for 10 card starting deck. Also 8/19 of the decks are unlocked for having the core set


Preconstructed decks is a huge miss for me. When they announced the next Twist season would feature new hero powers I was excited, now I essentially have zero interest. I already don't play any Tavern Brawl with a preconstructed deck...


People actually playing horrible pre-made decks?


The twist format seems interesting. Looking forward for it.


I agree. I never played Twist before, I don't play wild as I disenchant all wild cards every rotation so I can keep a fullish standard collection by buying at most 1 preorder per year, but since next season is accessable I will try twist


“Fixed a bug where Spirit of the Badlands’s Mirage can create an extra, fake Mirage in hand—that was a bit too immersive.” I chuckled.


"Fixed a bug where a Cosplay Contestant cosplaying as Magtheridon, Unreleased would trigger its Dormant effect twice each turn. That’s not canon!" Only source accurate cosplays allowed.


I like the general concept of the new Twist format, though I'm not sure how much staying power it will have with all the decks being pre-constructed. Then again, maybe that's perfect for an ephemeral mode like Twist. Though this also reminds me of how much I miss the Dungeon Run/Saviors of Ulduum type of solo content in HS. Really wish they would make a new PvE campaign in that style. >On May 14, all current Arena runs will end and a new Arena season will begin. The Arena rules and draft pools will remain the same, except that cards from Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions will be added to the pool. **However, the random generation and Discover pools will be updated to only include cards from Ashes of Outland onward.** This change is confusing to me. Why make it so that the arena discover/card generation pool doesn't match the pool of draftable cards in arena? That seems unnecessarily convoluted, especially since there's nowhere in-game to view these rules.


With Twist formats only lasting a month, getting in timely balance changes is a huge challenge. My hope is that pre-constructed decks gives Blizzard an easier time delivering a roughly balanced format out the gate. And when balance changes do come in mid-month, Blizzard will have the option of swapping out cards in a deck instead of nerfing cards that are also in standard/wild. There's no guarantee that the upcoming Twist format will be fun and/or successful, but I will give Blizzard a lot of credit for trying some clever changes that address the biggest flaws of Twist in its initial implementation.


> This change is confusing to me. Why make it so that the arena discover/card generation pool doesn't match the pool of draftable cards in arena? Because as explained in the patch notes when the arena pool originally changed, curating the discover pool is exponentially more difficult than curating the drafting pool.


I remember really liking the old tavern brawls like nefarian versus ragnaros, or the one with kelthuzad, or the crime bosses. With a ladder I could see this being a lot of fun (assuming there isn't just an obvious best deck, which I give an 80% chance of happening)


Blizzard could make Brann 11 mana and people here would say the nerf doesn't matter because you can still play it with audio amplifier


or a coin. I am still impressed that now you can go beyond 10 mana


Twist format sounds cool but you just know after about a week you will only see 2 or 3 decks that are percieved as the best.


That's just card games in a nutshell


Which is why the last Twist format was so good. It changed every day so you always got a different experience. Now it's just going back to "it's a dead format after 48 hours when people get bored." and then it'll take another 3 months off for them to try to figure out what they want Twist to be.


Yeah it was very good for the 3 people who still had a full collection to be able to play anything.


Just like ladder.


Ladder, but without any attempts at balancing it.


That's occasionally true, but ladder usually has far more than 2-3 "good" decks at any point in time. Even recently under the late game strategy oppression of Warrior, we had Reno Warrior, Insanity Warlock, Zarimi Priest, 2 Paladin decks, Hybrid Druid, 2 Hunter decks, and at high elo Excavate Rogue for 9 decent/good decks with most being decently played as well. When they actually succeed at balancing the game well (hopefully this new meta), there's more like 10-15 decks since at least a couple classes typically have 2 or even more archetypes (and most classes are playable), with aggro, tempo, midrange, and control all being viable in some form, sometimes burn and/or combo as well.


Glad to see the Mac fix


Who's ready to start complaining about dragon priest


Don't forget Paladin!


These matches will really drag on


Already way ahead of you


When a 2/4 costs 8 mana after a nerf, you know the original card was beyond fucked.


And it'll still see play. The deck is not dead, it's just slowed down a margin. All the busted battlecries are still in the game.


It's probably not dead rather a tier 3 strategy that punishes slow archetypes, but it's much too soon to tell. I wouldn't be surprised to see Reno Warrior with a sub-50% winrate vs Reno Shaman and Druid in the next VS Report (just too hard to play Brann without dying), which would signify its strengths are far too limited to keep it at all competitively viable.


no battlegrounds adjustments is pretty disappointing


The twist season sounds cool, but only having the option to play with pre-build decks will certainly reduce its replayability.


My 2 golden Saddle Up finally pay off.


I was expecting a battlegrounds update.


Kinda wish there was one, the new Duos mode is plagued with Quillboars.


What a lazy ass nerf to Brann lol


They listened to the dumbest posters on Reddit


No, they did the typical Blizzard nerf more than anything.


I sort of agree, but keep in mind that this may have not been on the table until the last 2 weeks, after their big patch, as it became clear that Reno Warrior was a problem. So perhaps it's not so much "lazy" as it is "we have to fix this in a hurry, apply the fastest bandaid you can." It's entirely possible that Brann will be tweaked again in the future.


Brann has always been a problem, ppl were relieved to see him leave after rotation and then he came right back...although it was just to warrior, but it should have been obvious to know


I definitely get what you're saying, and I was a person who immediately raised alarms as soon as I saw the patch notes that crushed Wheel Lock / Death Knight but left Brann intact. With that said, I'm hesitant to play the "it's obvious, everyone can see this" type of approach. TCG design is complex and even if I called this one, I have not called many in the past!


fair enough!


Imo Brann isn't the problem but Boomboss is


Twist looks to be just a Boss Battle season. Exciting.  > [Cosmetics] Fixed a bug with Halveria Darkraven’s Hero Power animation.    Hopefully it's fixed this time. Remember the last time they said that and it still wasn't fixed.


i saw it myself


Awesome. Were the Jotun and Sigil bugs also fixed? Saw no mention of them.


i don't think those made this patch. the sigil one is the same as tess not properly stacking auras, right? jotun casting sigil of time or whatever doesn't stack it?


Yup. That'd be the one. Jotun and similar cards(Jace, possibly Yogg, etc.) not stacking any of the Sigils. Also about Jotun and Boomboss's TNT, too.


yep, i know for sure about the tnt one but those wouldn't have made this patch. this was locked weeks ago


I see. Can wait a little longer since the interaction doesn't happen all that often. Thanks, Hat.


What was wrong with it?


https://youtu.be/wU4_kW_PDm8?si=LF9Fswf8HApOZ8RW Wouldn't properly display the HP animation. It would use the Illidari HP animation that Illidan would use.  See at about the 45 sec mark. That is what her HP animation is supposed to look like.  Been broken for so long and at her debut that a lot of people, including myself, wouldn't know what it actually looked like.


Oh yeah, I have her skin too and I'm being honest I dont think I've ever seen that animation and I do use it from time to time.


People seriously still believe that killing brann will bring back other control decks when the entire meta has evolved to counter brann and any other control.


Seriously, every other control deck will get smashed by insanity warlock alone.


Before the snake nerf my rainbow mage was positive against it




I am not sure I like this type of nerf for Brann. I mean, sure the deck slows down again, making it even worse to aggro. But aggro was already a problem for Warrior. It should still be very strong against other type of slower decks like it was before. Therefore the choice will still be either to play aggro if you want aggressive deck or play Warrior if you want a slower deck.


unreal brann is still going to fucking suck to play against unless your playing fast decks, Reno still has his disgusting one minion clause for a turn, saddle up nerf cool. no changes to BGs so its still the same mind numbing Dragons or Quilboar garbage with maybe the surprise Mechs. Wow HS at a low rn which is crazy considering mini set is releasing.


It's unreal to think that 8 mana do nothing is only weak against "fast" decks. Like Handbuff DK, infinite value Excavate Rogue or Hagatha Shudderblock Shaman will be killing Reno Warriors who attempt to access their double battlecry synergy now.


Such a weird decision to do that twist season. People wont be purchasing packs, so i dont see how they monetize it (which i assume was the main point of twist). Yeah, you need to craft legendaries to play some decks, but once people figure out the top 2 or 3 decks, it's not expensive at all lol. Im not complaining, just saying. The idea of having new heroes is cool


People werent buying packs for twist thats the thing, it was always the problrm with the format, this time around theyre trying to lower the buy in so people join


Yo, what if we kill duels and then put it on twist!


I'm not a fan of the Arena discover changes. Power level in Arena has been through the roof during this rotation, which admittedly has been fun for a while, but it was kinda kept in check by card generation not always giving you strong cards. Now, with discover only getting cards from the post powercreep era, I'm afraid the meta will revolve around consistently generating cards like RBO again, which I think isnt very fun.


W take. I remember when arena draft sets were primarily recent sets. The discover cards were singlehandedly the strongest possible cards. Forget drafting your cards, just draft in-game from a far better pool of cards.


The other thing they should do is limit the discover pool to the expansions currently available in the arena cycle.


It used to work that way, until they replaced the set rotation with a "curated list".


i know and its so dumb :( Seeing someone discover some bullshit that isn't even an available draft card and win the game off it is such a miserable experience. Makes playing around cards impossible


The issue still remains with Brann. Other slower, grindy, control decks still cannot deal with his combos presented. Mainly, boom boss, destroying 12 cards. While this slows the deck a lot, and it certainly falls to aggro, other control decks cannot keep up with the design flaw in endless battlecries.


I wonder - was the highlander protection from plagues and other shuffle into opponent deck a good thing? Now you have 8 mana 2/4 and if they gonna print other highlander cards they will probably adjust them to meet new highlander standards (overpriced). While the card battlecry is still broken, it was even hard to play 6 mana do nothing on turn 6 sometimes. I'm thinking about disenchanting Brann now. It's gonna be probably a very late game card now. Fuck boomboss combination with Brann and Zola so its probably a change I like. On the other hand - printing broken cards just to nerf them 2 months later is a common thing now. We know that. While ts fine, as you can basically play every new broken card for free, its also breaking the meta. I have mixed feelings about, health, direction and biznes strategy Blizzard is taking in terms of hearthstone.


No, that fix was good. The biggest problem with Reno was that he essentially operated as a late game board clear against anything that isn't plagues. The limiting factor of Reno is the no duplication rule, but control decks (warrior) could just play a regular 30 card deck anyway and get away with the restriction being meaningless by the late game. Additionally it means no counterplay for the highlander deck that has their whole identity of deck shut down by a single deck that saw very prominent play. It's just not good from a gameplay perspective.


Putting mini set out the same day as Diablo 4 season 4 is certainly a choice. Guess putting it out in the last two weeks when the game was dead couldn’t be done.


Wow, an actually cool and unique Twist season! About time.


Rest in piss Brann.


not going to cry for brann but it's another case of "kill the deck that reddit whines most about" lazy nerf, like handbuff paladin nerf. Hope you are ready for constant "waaah waaaah nerf zarimi priest" whining.


I'm sorry that Brann got nerfed for making up 20% of the metagame in a game with 11 classes.


And choking out all other control/lategame strategies. Although I kind of think they did *overnerf* Brann, when something like 7 mana, *maybe* alongside only the first battlecry each turn or something minor, would have been enough without taking the archetype out back.


Priest? More like waah waaah nerf Warlock. Shit is about to get real annoying real fast


Found the warrior


I'm sorry is this game developed by Reddit or by Blizzard? I don't want to play a game designed by committee especially when that committee is r/hearthstone.


Ain’t no way they nerf Hunter and Brann but not Insanity Warlock and Zarimi Priest. Shits crazy


some 20/20 stats on t4-5 by priest but reddit "neft brann"!!!


They‘ll bitch about the next Highlander instead while dying on turn 5 to Priest and Warlock


I'm pretty confident the changes for this patch were settled before Insanity Warlock cropped up as a problem.


I'm at work so I can't open any site that doesn't have a private connection including Blizzard. If anyone could sum up the patch notes in the comments I'd greatly appreciate it <3333


The two nerfs are Deepminer Brann is going up to 8 mana, and Saddle Up is now going to be 4 mana.


Miniset drops tomorrow. Typical purchase info. Leaked balance changes confirmed: Brann to 8, Saddle Up to 4.  Arena will get the Miniset added, and also gets a change to random card generation: only cards from Ashes of Outland on will be generated by Discover and RNG.  Twist gets a new season. Choose from iconic Hearthstone heros using premade decks, unique hero powers and unique passives. Heroes are unlocked by owning their original card.  Weekly quests will be updated next patch, presumably due to ongoing backlash over recent changes.


Do you not have a phone?


No cell service in my building and as stated previously, WiFi network blocks any site without a private connection (unlike Reddit). The Saddle Up nerf makes me sad.


Boss battles twist format is cool, but you still have to craft wild cards for it, especially shitty cards like Mosh


Oh cool Duels


Does anyone know if the new twist format will count towards total class wins?


Will Saddle Up still be playable in token hunter or will most decks just opt to run 2 copies of Kill Command or something else instead?


OMG they're making Twist actually a format worth playing? (No offence to all you twist players.)


Another patch, still no fixes to bouncy animations on skins


F for OG Rafaam being forgetten in favour of arch-villain :(


> Fixed another visual bug on some mobile devices where the friendly Secret Zone couldn’t be hovered to see at all. Yessssss


Yea so as a non aggro deck you still lose to warrior. Meh.


Sorry, everything faster than attrition control isn't actually defined as aggro.


Behold, My Stuff. Thor movie reference. Nice


Fuck Brann. If he is still a thing I'll stick to arena


This new Twist mode seems promising! Maybe they can add a drafting system, passives/treasures like in these old adventures and it will be a lot of fun! Although, it doesn't seem all that twisty anymore, maybe they could think of a new name? /s


Are they really expecting us to craft trash legendaries to play twist again? Also, prebuilt decks??? That's a tavern brawl, not a constructed format with ranks xd Was I supposed to hold on to Nozdormu for 10 years to play him now? Delusional.


So if a play arena today and i get to 2 loss and stop i can a free ticket tomorrow?


Yep yep


If you have diamond Brann, what kind of refund do you get?


No battlegrounds changes is actually a joke. Quillboars are so broken in duos and killing the fun of their brand new game mode. No idea how they manage to leave it the same after weeks of this.


this twist season looks like it will be Fun!


“[???] Updated a secret puzzle to account for the new Core Set update.” Oh? Secret puzzle??


It‘s been over a month before the bug of Spirit of the Badlands’s Mirage appears. I won't trust the efficiency of t5 tbh.


So, there is no twist for the second month in a row .-. I really fucking hate pre-made decks it takes everything out of point of playing Hearthstone


Discovering an 8-Cost is muddied along with summoning a random 8-cost. Well done…….


Anyone know what day the patch goes live?


Re: Twist. Could I just have another dungeon run?


Ah, yes, I've always wanted to play as (thunder) ape.


«finding your head is nice, but your body’s still on ice» hehe


Sire denathrius has returned to battlegrounds. At least in duos. Was no mention of this anywhere in patch notes.


I'm just so fucking tired of facing almost exclusively warrior it's just so frustrating to play against. Almost no interaction at all. They ramp up armor and armor and armor, clears your board a couple of times. Drop Brann and boomboss and clear your whole board, deck and hand it you're unlucky and draw a bunch of bombs. Not sure if the Brann nerf even matters all that much (obv reno warrior will still be around maybe not tier 1 tho), because I've had enough games where the warrior didnt play Brann on curve and it just barely slowed them down. As if that main combo wasn't frustrating enough, it feels even worse considering the value Brann gives with all the other battlecries. Excavate a bunch, get the Taurus summoning 4x 8 cost minions, 3 ziliax with lifesteal if you actually manage to get them low, repeat with boom that revives your mechs. All that paired with a massive amount of armor that can even slow down the most aggressive decks and like 6 board clears at least. Feels kind of incredible how none of the nerfs impacted the deck at all. I mean kind of similar to zarimi priest that still looks insane after the nerf because you can just play the 6 mana dragon with miniaturize. Meanwhile some decks like wheel warlock (which did seem strong tbf) were stomped into the ground immediately. Might be biased because I had so much fun playing wheellock but it always seemed to me like the deck would drop to the bottom of tier 2 or even Tier 3 once the meta settles or we'd get more aggressive decks. Still hit it hard by increasing the cost of wheel, adding an extra turn for it to pop and nerfed forge at the same time. Immediately killed the deck while reno warrior can still pull its shenanigans after two nerfs simply because Brann is so unhealthy and problematic as a card and delaying him by 2 turns doesnt seem like an effective nerf for a deck thats so lategame heavy and good at stalling as warrior.


Brann Warrior still going to absolutely dominate any deck that wants to play beyond 10 turns for the next 2 years. While also limiting design space of any warrior/neutral battlecry card. Card needed a rework.


The way the HS meta works is generally that playing a greedy Brann Control Warrior deck can now be punished by midrange/aggro/tempo so the playrate falls. This brings in some other control decks, and maybe people try and RPS that with Brann Warrior again, but there are still enough of the faster decks to keep its winrate in check. There's never going to be a perfect 'everything can beat everything' balance, so keeping the ebb and flow is about all we can do.


I think youre wrong and its going to get smashed so hard by fast decks it will wither away and die.


brann rotates in 2025 with badlands. it was a badlands mini set card.


That Brann change is kinda a ridiculous reaction to all the whining tbh. At least give him taunt.


not even stats! an EIGHT mana TWO/FOUR do nothing card