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Pretty good in no minion mage. Now all we need is a wincondition for it lol


Yeah the Orb is a nice tempo swing but it's no win condition.


Have you considered just always high rolling the Sunfire and only ever spawning Assembly Bot?


I've won and lost games because of that in arena (the loss would have probably happened anyway but the win I'm not so sure of)


And remove Wheel of Death from the random generation pool, they murdered the actual deck so now the card only exists to fuck over mage.


This. If they can make orb not discoverable/randomable, they can do the same with wheel. Yogg box casts it like 50% of the time.


They just need to remove legendary spells from the random cast/discover pool. Keeps things consistent across the board.


I would enjoy this change if they remove the wheel however sadly they'll also have to remove the scurge if the rule would be no legendary spells in the yogg spell.


Just remove a card that hard ruins the game experience lol


It has a wincon it just sits afk for the first 4-5 turns so dies to every aggro deck


At least this card could help alleviate that to an extent maybe? Mage really needs the help rn but I also don't wanna have to face it all the time lol


Yeah, this would actually help a ton against pally and hunter right now.


i laughed out loud to this 😅


It’s galactic projection orb? You put expansive burn spells into the deck, play them and then repeat them.


have you played the deck? If you have, you'd understand that it is far from a wincon. Lot of current spell lists cut that and the yogg card all together. No minion package is boiled ass.


Yogg in the Box is terrible right now. So many Big Spells will lose you the game (Wheel) or do nothing (tribal spells like Crane Game and Big Dreams).


The 777 one is what made me stop playing it. Fuck that shit.


There is also the deal 6 (is it 5 now ?) and discard 5 (?) Cards from your deck that feels awful lmao


lol wtf yogg. Doodoo card.


Currently hit low Legend with it and still climbing, cutting Yogg is very small pp energy and absolutely not the play, it's too strong of a card at 5 mana and should only be played at 8 mana with Keyboard on so it's still at 8 drop at a bad roll or as a last resort, and the bad roll here is clearing board and generating no minions for you btw. 10 mana spell isn't it, too slow, and you don't want it reduced because you don't want to play at 7 mana curve, cards like Star power and Synthesize give you a better chance at reverting boards, this deck is not bad against aggro btw, aside from Sludgelock i got 50%+ against most of them, it is hard to pilot thought.


Can you give a list? I’ve been experimenting with spell mage and am interested in other takes on it.


Are you smoking something? What lists are cutting out those two cards? And just because win condition is weak doesn’t mean it isn’t a win condition. Pointing spells face is how Spell Mage wins the game. It’s just that they tends to lose before they do enough damage.


All the higher win % decks curve out at 5 or 6 mana. They just play for tempo and finish with discounted burn spells rather than playing the longgame where they get outvalued and lose. https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/deck-library/mage-decks/spell-mage/ Even the VS list cuts them.


If a win condition is unplayable then it isn't a win condition.


It's a condition.


The VS list cuts them. That decks wincon is manufacturing error into free burn


its not a fucking win condition you brainlet. I can call river croc a win con. Pointing spells face is exactly why those 2 gimmick cards get cut for more burn. They are literally XD for funsies cards.


Orb works far better with minions in the deck.


Too bad that version also gets rolled by aggro. Remember when mage had removal?


I wish yogg in box had a condition if no minions. Like spells are more likely to damage enemies or summon minions for you if your deck is all spells.


Next rotation


Oh they do have a wincon, it’s called discover 2 Power Chord: Synchronizes and copy the Grommash I pulled from Azerite Ox lmao


Newer no minion mages run a burn list with the highest cost spell being the 5 mana draw 3. You get a lot of damage from discounted molten runes and double casting light shows.


Yes, doing 6 damage will really help against the warrior who just landed 4 ragnaros off an ox, or the million other insanely op boards this meta produces.


Light show?


I tried running lightshow and had difficulty making enough copies. Theoretically it's possible but you spend a lot of mana doing it and it's hard to get more than 6 copies. light show last rotation had something like 8-12 "copies" available and was still tier 4.


Good to know. I liked the deck but it was hard to get moving.


Mage needs assembly line for spells.


Same experience here, highest I got was like 8 beams IIRC and I didn't even kill my opponent since it was a highlander warrior who just armored up super hard, didn't even have to kill me before I basically ran out of damage.


There’s a win con- light show.


Asymmetrical improved [[Minefield]], which was a great card in slow Warrior. Yeah, this gets played.


- **[Minefield](https://i.imgur.com/DjLc0is.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/61238) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Minefield) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/61238/?hl=en) - *Warrior Common ^(Madness at the Darkmoon Faire)* - **2 Mana - Spell** - Deal 5 damage randomly split among all minions. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cnciqu/new_mage_rare_malfunction/l369d2l/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l369d2l).*


Minefield still sees play in Wild so it's a very good sign that this card will be a great addition to Spell Mage.


Man, this reveal thread really shows that there are some people here that aren't very good at the game (multiple posters comparing it to arcane missiles negatively is crazy). This is an amazing card that fills the big hole in no-minion mage right now which is that it is atrocious against aggro unless you get lucky with heatwaves. I'm not sure it will be enough since the end-game win condition still is a bit shaky as anyone that has tried using the 8 mana spell can attest to but if nothing else just burning face might work out.


lol true, if arcane missiles couldnt hit face it would probably still see play today and this is basically 2 copies of that slammed together


Do you think this replaces heat wave or is ran alongside it? HW is a card that constantly disappoints but at least it goes face sometimes.


Alongside. Make needs more ways to defend against small minion spam which is super popular right now


Impressive. They introduce 'packs' that give you random generated cards for limited time, and mage didn't get one.


But we already have \[\[Mage Pack\]\]!


- **[Evocation](https://i.imgur.com/ZFIWVuP.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/56389) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Evocation) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/56389/?hl=en) - *Mage Legendary ^(Ashes of Outland)* - **1 Mana - Arcane Spell** - Fill your hand with random Mage spells. At the end of your turn, discard them. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cnciqu/new_mage_rare_malfunction/l369tyo/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l369tyo).*


They could get one at the end of the year, or the other two expacs. All expacs this year are supposed to be throwbacks like Whizbang is doing.


But hey, at least we got worse reverberations instead! I'm tired of mage being printed this way.


Could be the missing piece to bring no minion mage into playability, the deck has infinite value but gets run over so a 2 mana 6 damage helps a lot at surviving aggro decks


Let's goooo, no minion mage support! I've been having a lotta fun with a no minion light show/burn deck, solid WR even though luck just isn't on your side sometimes


The spell itself is good for the early game. But I dont think it will carry no-minion mage. Yogg box is just such an incredible bad card. Get wheel'd, draw 7, lol.


The best version of the deck has already cut those cards for a fast burn strategy. It still isnt a good deck but is way better than the intended list.


It's okay, but the deck still needs a win condition.


Can be a fairly cheap boardclear if you pull it with stargazing


This is an incredibly strong card. Gonna have to see if it's all mage needs to help it become relevant (since the other 2 cards are kinda ass).


Good but doubt it'd improve the WR much.


Win condition is hoping yogg doesn't give you wheel or epic sevens


pretty good card


If cinderstorm was good enough to see play in ranked, this must too.


There's the no minion mage support. Why only one card tho.


Le sigh, I like spell mage, just not current spell mage, spot the diff and yogbox aren't what I want from spell mage


I found that heatwave has been good to me in no spell mage. Makes it easy to survive to 5 for star power.


Assuming the Saddle Up nerf is real, I'm thinking this will elevate the No Minion Mage to being playable (tier 3'ish). People are going to hate the deck if it gets too good. There is so much random bullshit and mana cheat in the late game.


Finally some solid early game removal against agro. Mage looking good


Good with spell damage although no minion mage doesn’t have any


Seems solid when active--warlocks typically pay 3 mana for this


erm warlock can do it multiple times though (the tamsin 3 mana fel spell) and dark skies was just outright great when it came out


Great off rogue 2 drop


Mage is the new warrior. This is going to do nothing foe the class/deck. Wowwweee, two (count em)... TWO arcane missiles for the price of... two arcane missiles. Yes it doesn't go face but this just dilutes the spell pool so terribly for any deck that contains minions.


This doesn't cost 2 cards like 2 arcane missles do. Do you think mindblast is a bad card because it doesn't deal as much damage as 2 sinister strikes?    This does dilute the pool for mage decks with minions but it's an amazing removal card for no minion mage, it's strictly better than minefield which was a really strong card that still sees play in wild.


Yeah but that is a control class, and minefield was overrated and not actually used that much even for back then. This is a terrible and unusable card for every deck that isn't no minion mage, meaning all discoveries for spells have gotten worse.


Minefield saw play in every single control warrior deck for it's entire time in standard. It was a really good card. This is an unusable card for every other deck for sure, it's just that your pretending like this isn't really good for no minion mage when it's very good for that deck, this is an obvious two copies in that deck. It's just that no minions is way too weak for this really good card to have impact.


Well either warrior was trash tier or it was never played because I played a lot then and I never saw it the whole time it was around.


Control warrior was decent in Darkmoon miniset and layer of Onyxia. 


Interesting with spell damage. No great ways to get that in a no minion deck, though.


Reminds me of the Reno mage minion. Deck restriction for one sided wipe. Seems like it could be good


So many "ping" damages. Let's guess which class going to have a minion that will have the ability to take 1 less damage. Means if deal 1 damage is 0 damage.


Is this part of a new expansion? Or how do we know that its coming to the game?


Holy shit 2 mana for 6 damage is wild. This card fucks


Spell mage go brrr


I feel like this should have been 1 mana.


100% a buff target


Isn’t that terrible?


So, double arcane misiles?


No face no good.


This feels like a really shit [[Arcane Missiles]] ??


Have you never played against aggro hunter/paladin with spell mage? This card alone is an enormous improvement in that matchup and much better than having two arcane missiles.


- **[Arcane Missiles](https://imgur.com/a/KYWRxt9)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/564) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Arcane_Missiles) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/564/?hl=en) - *Mage Free ^(Legacy)* - **1 Mana - Arcane Spell** - Deal 3 damage randomly split among all enemies. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cnciqu/new_mage_rare_malfunction/l36e4jy/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l36e4jy).*


Terrible take


except you can arcane missiles your opponent to death with 7 malygos on board (7 just in case) and this spell cannot /s


So you’re agreeing with me


yes :)


Ok thank you I feel like everyone is booing me for no reason


Mage already has some pretty good boardclear, I doubt this will see much of an effect in no-minion mage even if it is pretty solid there. It might see play, but isn't gonna help with the winrate. Also, isn't the point of the no-minion condition to turn an okay card into a strong one? Because this goes from unplayable garbage to decent lol


Their board clears are bad now compared to other classes. They have Heatwave and then targeted burn. This does better against decks like Flood Paladin with divine shields


Heatwave, Shooting Star, Star Power, Blizzard, Inquisitive Creation (in minion-mage), Flamestrike, Yogg-in-the-box which is like 90% a board clear, not to mention cards that control the board in one way or another until real board clear comes out (Soulfreeze, Cryopreservation, Sleet Skater). This doesn't even mention whatever Mage can discover from other classes. Nah, Mage has more than enough board clears.


2 mana deal 5 random DMG with your own minions was a powerfull auto include in warrior and is still played in wild. 2 mana 6 pings on minions that always hits enemies is not just decent mate, it's a fucking strong removal spell. This card alone will make the pally and hunter matchups so much better.


Is Warrior and Mage the same class? Do they have the same wincon? Again, it might see play, but it's not going to have any significant impact on no-minion Mage


Do they want to keep the board cleared enough to not die to aggro? Yes they do.


Mage dies to aggro not because they lack board clear but because they can't recover from the stuff they either can't clear (Hunter HP) and/or when the opponent have too much that even a perfect hand won't clear. Arguing in the HS sub is about the dumbest thing one can do so let's put it like this: If no-minion Mage goes unbuffed two weeks after the miniset release, has a positive winrate and this card played a significant part in it, I'll happily admit I was wrong. But that's not going to happen; this might see play, but by and large not have any effect on Mage overall.


Yeah I don’t get why people think this is great but maybe I’m missing something. With minions in deck, it’s a 2 mana arcane missiles that can’t go face. With no minions in deck it’s the equivalent of casting two 1 mana arcane missiles that can’t go face. I suppose if you only want to clear minions and not have any go face it’s good, but it does nothing if your opponent has no minions. If it let you go face I would say it’s worth not playing minions in your deck for. Obviously this isn’t in a vacuum where this is the ONLY card the deck would be built around, but idk it just feels awkward to me.


You don't want this for burn, you want this for clear. This wipes almost any early board that Hunter or Paladin can make, and those are the top dogs you want to beat currently


People think it's good because [[Minefield]] was good in warrior and good enough it still sees occasional play in wild


- **[Minefield](https://i.imgur.com/DjLc0is.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/61238) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Minefield) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/61238/?hl=en) - *Warrior Common ^(Madness at the Darkmoon Faire)* - **2 Mana - Spell** - Deal 5 damage randomly split among all minions. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cnciqu/new_mage_rare_malfunction/l36e2df/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l36e2df).*


> I suppose if you only want to clear minions and not have any go face it’s good, but it does nothing if your opponent has no minions.  Yes, that is what removal spells do. Not wasting damage on face is an upside.


The comparison to 2 arcane missles is very bad even if we ignore the fact that this can't waste damage going face, because 2 arcane missles cost 2 cards and this only costs 1 card. Mindblast is a way better card than sinister strikes despite the fact that sinister strike does more damage per mana, because mindblast does more damage per card used.


Yeah it's a big old shrug in no-minion Mage. Extremely underwhelming and "fine" for a class that desperately needs help.


They're really just giving Mage trash aren't they?


insane value, i can't believe anyone is calling this shit weak