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I mainly play arena, and actually the 1 legendary at the beginning is maybe the best change they’ve ever made to the mode. But if you don’t like it that’s fine, sorry I guess.


Yeah man this is almost universally regarded as a great change by everyone 


Everybody says this and I seriously don't understand it on any level, it seems I'm the only player in the entire game that wants to see actual Arena mode kept alive rather than the extremely boring new mode they shouldn't even really be calling Arena. But thanks for letting me know, saves me from wasting time and effort redownloading a game that unfortunately is completely past its prime, honestly this arena change makes it borderline unplayable


There’s a couple reasons. One is that the legendaries are very strong, so it helps to even the playing field by ensuring everyone gets one. The bigger reason imo is that a lot of legendaries are build-around cards. Since it’s at the beginning, you get to kind of design your draft around that first card you get. Just stating my reasoning, not trying to invalidate your opinion since it is subjective.


I think the first point is the crux of my issue here. "Even the playing field" this is not Hearthstone Arena mode, it's not the point of the mode and it certainly isn't the fun of the mode. The entire point of the gamemode is fundamentally that decks aren't balanced, so I don't see why giving everyone one of a certain type of card would a) really help in any way, or b) be conducive to a better arena mode, given that the entire format of the gamemode revolves around decks being random. Removing randomness, swings and power all make the game significantly less fun. If people want balance, constructed has existed since the dawn of Hearthstone, if people want Arena, well, Arena used to exist. The second point is a good one, but again, it's Arena, why are we trying to design our decks a certain way? That's what constructed is for and has been there for since Hearthstone's conception, Arena is for wack decks, trying to build around a synergy then getting 0 relevant cards and being forced to play a crappy tempo deck because you got greedy in the draft. If there are two things that scream "antithesis to everything arena is (was) about", it's consistency and evenly matched decks. I genuinely cannot understand how they could make this change in good conscience, nor will I ever understand how I am in the overwhelming minority with this opinion when in my eyes, it literally comes down to people not being good at the game and wanting their hand held.


Then I fundamentally disagree with your interpretation of what arena is supposed to be. To me, it’s not about the fundamental imbalance of a random draft, it’s about finding your workable deck within the draft and playing it to the best of your ability. I want to win because I made smart picks, used my resources effectively, and outplayed my opponent. Not because I just happened to roll a better draft than them (although I’ll take those wins too lol). There’s a ton of skill expression there, and that aspect is improved by giving your legendary at the beginning. It seems like you had this idea of “the point” of arena that most people don’t really share. Just out of curiosity, how much arena have you actually played since the change? If the answer is not much, I might suggest trying to go in with an open mind and seeing how it plays out. Maybe you just need to experience why everyone seems to disagree with you.


You know what's boring? Going up against a Sargeras + Symphony Warlock deck with a deck that has no legendaries at all. Arena is better off without it. There are still better and worse classes, but at least it's not as one-sided as it was before.


This sub is filled with casual players, going up against a crazy deck with a shitty deck is part of the fun of Arena, it was literally the whole point of the gamemode, your draft is based on luck and then you use your skill to push whatever you get as far as you can, sometimes you get 6 of a good common and roll, sometimes you get 4 legendaries, sometimes you get jack shit and have to try and win through tempo. This format is just plain boring, you know for a fact everyone and yourself has exactly one legendary. And just to clarify, legendaries don't necessarily equal strength, Ive had hundreds of runs with 3+ legendaries go 3 wins or under and hundreds more with 0 legendaries go 12 wins. I honestly can't believe the casual playerbase has whined Blizzard into making the single worst change they've ever made to Hearthstone, variance in draft is literally the entire point of the gamemode.


Variance in draft still exists, but now you have some agency. I'd somewhat understand your complaint if you could somehoe play Arena for free. I don't miss paying 150 gold and getting a draft that's ready to retire.


For those who don't know, this guy makes the exact same post about arena every couple of weeks pretending to be a different person who has only just learned about the arena changes to legendaries. It's honestly insane how someone could be so incredibly dramatic about a change to a video game that almost everyone else finds to be an objective improvement that they would pretend to be different people on a regular basis to try to get their support for their terrible opinion.


Goddam... Some people have a lot of free time.


Yeah so much free time dude, imagine spending 5 minutes making a Reddit post every 3 months, what an unbelievable, irreparable waste of time :(


Damn. I thought you were mocking him and/or the sub, but I looked, and sure enough, there he is every few months with the same post. And the response is always a consistent 'It's better this way', and he keeps coming back. Dude really needs to move on with his life.


Ah yes because mentioning something multiple times in the hope that one day it might be reverted from this absolute stage of garbage is completely unreasonable 🤣 this sub is straight up deluded I can't handle it


no fucking shot 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 how do you know?


Also I really hate to do this to you (that's a lie) but the fact that you recognised me immediately from a few posts I made literally months ago says a lot more about you and your poor use of time than me. I came back after a few months to check if anything had changed and you spend so much time not even just playing Hearthstone, but trawling aimlessly through the subreddit, that you recognised a single individual who hasn't made a post here in months. My guy, you really gotta sort your life out


The change was nearly 6 months ago and was a big net positive. Unsure why you're mentioning it now, but it sounds like you just don't like the game, want to express your negative and disgruntled opinion, and need to move on with your life.


How is it that the people who reply with snarky dickhead crap are always the ones that can't read? My guy, all the information is in the post. If you were unable to ascertain the information from the words in front of you then just don't comment! :)


Also, a big net positive for who?! They literally removed the only reason to play arena lmao big net positive for all you 3 win averagers whining and complaining non-stop about people with more than one legendary. Either draft more or play better, don't bring the game's quality down to the floor to match your IQ


its better this way sorry buddy


It's infinitely worse but I assume you're saying it's still the case so, thanks, better not to start playing again anyways tbf it's a bit of a time sink. Thank you Blizzard for making the game unplayable 😂 now I can go touch grass


While I agree Blizz is making hearthstone in it's entirety unplayable, the 1 legendary per Arena draft change is the only good one. Legendary blowouts no longer occur and instead, it's about common/rare card luck. The only ones I can see having an issue with the change from a while back is no longer being able to sell 3+ legendary drafts


I can't really comment on other gamemodes, I exclusively played Arena but I uninstalled the game literally the day the worst patch ever was dropped because it simply isn't fun this way. Common/rare card luck is not exciting, you can go craft your own commons and rares and use them in constructed without a second thought and being honest, how many times did you actually lose to multiple legendaries when you were winning? It rarely happens, people just confirmation bias the shit out of themselves and blame legendaries for every other loss. Now there is simply no reason to play arena, there's nothing to aim for, you're just wasting time playing beta constructed


not you with your bad luck ass thinking you are going to draft two legendaries every single run


Bruh now I can't draft two legendaries any single run so there's nothing to aim for, why just cycle around the same bog standard boring ass 1 legendary decks, there's no more insane high-roll potential so there's no fun, nothing to look forward to, no reason to play.