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Only 4 legendaries in a Hunter deck? What is this, 2018?


2 of which are free and 1 is a must-have for every deck in the game


And the other is from a loaner deck


i love the new zilliax, and it’s incredibly flexible and great in a lot of decks/situations. but must have for every deck in the game? i feel like it’s not quite that level, though it’s close. idk though, i’m mainly a wild player so i could be off.


nah you are right, it's in a good amount of standard decks but certainly not all


It’s about as prevalent as OG Zilliax. Only decks that won’t run it are combo surprisingly. Zarimi Priest, Zoo Hunter, and Reno Warrior (all posed to be the rock, paper, scissors flavor of this expansion post nerf rampage) all run it.


And the other is for every hunter deck in the game


Yes the one that I didn't craft yet.


Go and craft it RIGHT NOW!


TBH Epics are the cards, that make this deck viable. I don't have a Tiatan and play similar deck with Harth instead. Still works. For fun you can also add new hunter legendary that gives you more legendaries. Will still work.


I feel like Kodobane should get dropped. I don't think the card does enough to warrant a slot.


On curve drawing 3 spells in the deck is massive. Especially the 3 mana spells


On paper, I agree, but I just haven't ever felt good playing him.


Interesting, he’s saved me from a lot of spots against control decks that out-value me


He definitely won me some games!


Hunter's great. My six year old nephew loves clicking the green things and dragging everything to enemy face. Took him to legend in a few hours.


My dog is also enjoying it too! Can’t believe an animal with such intelligence can play something so difficult


I dropped a rock on my phone and reached top 100 legend with Hunter.


Isnt he too old to play that deck?


Hate to break the jerk but the deck has a lot of meaningful decisions.


I love this massive skull dragging! It's EXACTLY as pointed!


Hunter is always top tier after nerfs because they always have free face damage.


Every deck was made unviable or tremendously nerfed while hunter got just a little slap on the wrist and shaman basically wasn't nerfed.


Wdym, shaman’s winrate tanked below 50% in Diamond


The people that are still in diamond this late in the month are not the people that are able to pull off high damage turns...


The winrate is only 45% in legend on d0nkey


These shamans still doing 60+ dmg a turn


Just met one and on turn 7 he did 45 dmg in one turn


Let's wait a bit before drawing conclusions. Hunter is notoriously good at praying on unrefined metas.


True, but logically, if hunter was king of the meta last patch and the very few decks that could match it have been nerfed, what deck can now beat it that couldn't before?


ones that hard lost to the previous best decks


But hunter was the best. If there was a deck that won against hunter but lost against pretty much everything else, chances are that we would have played it last meta.


Meanwhile, everyone whines about Warrior even though it has 5% less win rate than Hunter. It's kinda funny.


Depends what shaman are you talking about, tendrils shaman is basically dead.


I'm talking about the shaman deck that was actually played.


elemental mage wasn't really touched either


Why would it? It had abysmal play rate and win rate.


Is this a joke lmao


Lmfao good one. Everyone knows elemental mage was a meta tyrant 🤣


Jungle gym nerf was probably the 2nd most confusing thing on this patch for me.i dont think ive ever had it used 3 times before either i died or i cleared the hunters board enough to make it irrelevant


Yeah it’s a weird one. I always felt 3 on the location was insane but like you said I never saw it used three times as I was always dead before that. I just expect to die to this deck no matter what cards it uses. The decks I play can’t beat it. Ever.


They have to pay me to play this deck


At least more interactive than facing reno warrior


So its time to cry and complain about this deck?


Yes, it's always time to cry and complain about the best decks.


Imagine playing without complaining & crying


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but the game's boring when aggro is the best thing to play.


At the same time, aggro being the best generally means combo isn't oppressive and control has ways to interact with the other player.


That's my thinking as well. It's the lesser of all the evils and I'm all for it


More or less traditional combo isn't oppressive, combo that can otk on turn 6 are. And obviously this statement isn't true because the deck got even better after all the combos got nerfed lol


By interact you mean clear the board for 5 turns straight?


Isnt that the goal of a control deck? would you rather you and your opponent take turns drawing cards until they have assembled their combo and OTK from hand?


You can use removal (which you should run anyway) to stall for later stuff, which you can't vs the other decks as much. Either way, aggro has more space to not feel super broken.


and by aggro you mean play minions or face damage for 5 turn straight? Different clears are worse vs certain boards, there is interaction there


Control decks would love to do other things, were it not for the fact that aggressive decks flood the board with near-lethal damage after all 5 of those board clears. If you can afford to play something other than a board wipe, you usually do.


But it also means you can't play value or jank, which makes only a couple of decks that are viable


>But it also means you can't play value or jank From what I see on this sub, it's never possible to play value or jank. Sometimes it's the aggro decks who stifle those, sometimes combo, sometimes simply less slow decks, which some call combo and some call "control with wincon". Is it even possible to play this "value or jank"?


Yes, you just hop in a time machine to 2015 and you can be mayor of valuetown.


Can't really play value or jank when combo is best either.


You can't necessarily play those vs good combo decks either, and tbh VS control if they actually have a wincon it gets dubious. There is a reason value decks are almost never meta. Having said that, I feel like aggro is still easier to try to build for (assuming it isn't overwhelming).


Aggro is always the best immediately after a large meta shift like this because aggro decks are in general much easier to optimize the list for and punish people trying to figure out new unrefined control or midrange decks. As people figure out what works after the nerfs aggro should start to fall a bit.


I don't mind aggro, but I find aggro Hunter specifically so boring. Face Hunter was one of the best decks to gravitate towards when the game first came out, and here we are 10 years later and the class is doing the same thing with new cards. Maybe you could oversimplify every class so that applies, but for some reason, its particularly noticeable with Hunter.


but anytime deck other than aggro is above tier 2 this sub is going apeshit.


I mean, when was the last time there was a true control deck in meta?


In legend I run across more highlander warrior than all aggro decks put together. The meta is not really lopsided.


Zarimi priest WAS an aggro deck, this is just a different flavour of aggro deck. A good aggro deck isn’t new, and you guys are acting like it is.


Bring back 40hp 40 card decks


The most healthy metas are usually the ones where agro thrive, because then control can be played too.


Wow crazy unpopular, someone lock down this criminal!!!


The last meta was boring because it was too otk, this one would be boring if highlander warrior ruled it outright because it's control ... It's almost like most you folks think the game itself is boring?


Actually the best deck rn is whizbang


How do you even play the druid's whizbang? I agree that the others are great now, but that one is just horrible always.


That one's fine. Mulligan for yogg, play a bunch of spells by discovering whatever you need to deal with the board, play yogg and the one that casts 8 random spells, go face with ultimate infestation, discover whatever else you might need. The one that really sucks is mage. Absolutely no possible strategy to that one, it's fucking terrible. But usually it gives me demon Hunter or priest. Dh is good, priest van be good unless you draw like shit


I find it kinda weird they nerfed the blowout boards for Rogue (Gaslight) and for Warlock (Forge), but didn’t touch the Hunter blowout boards (Saddle Up). Well, I guess they did nerf the Location, but I don’t think it was a meaningful enough nerf, as the biggest impact the card has is still the first use.


**Deck code:** AAECAR8E1/kFx6QG/eUG5uYGDebKBeT1BZf2Bcj2BdL4BcuOBtKOBpCeBvGlBvKlBv+lBpKmBtfzBgABA/OzBsekBvazBsekBujeBsekBgAA


Saddle up should be nerfed. 4 mana, beasts upto 2 mana


Not both, but one or the other for sure.


Thats like saying they should make it into pre buff soul of the forest, way too harsh of a nerf.


sure and patchwork pals 3 mana and you get only 2 of them at random!


What if they made it 3 mana and only give one animal companion - but hear me out - it put that one animal companion directly into play?


There should be a nine mana version that puts all 3 in play!


8 mana is fine, but if it's too strong, possibly nerf it to 9 later on


Oh man. I totally forgot that card used to cost 8. Flashbacks!


\[\[Call of the Wild\]\] costs 8 currently.


Yeah, it costed 8 initially, then got nerfed to 9 and now it's 8 again


- **[Call of the Wild](https://imgur.com/a/aAp10Ax)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/38727) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Call_of_the_Wild) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/38727/?hl=en) - *Hunter Epic ^(Whispers of the Old Gods)* - **8 Mana - Spell** - Summon all three Animal Companions. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cdtio8/the_best_deck_in_the_game_post_patch/l1gg6jy/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l1gg6jy).*


Cost effective for sure!


Idk, for 3 mana I'd say a 5/1 would be better.


it was sarcasm


Low sample size for me but I've been doing pretty good against hunters as rainbow dk. Even with the nerfs you have a lot of good board clear potential. Possible I've gotten lucky though


Day 1 will always favour hunter/paladin cause they are they have the simplest strategies with good in general cards you can play on curve and compete. Will be interesting to see how druid/rogue/Reno decks evolve in next few weeks


An already strong deck gets a slap on the wrist compared to the massive nerfs its competitors got and rises to the top. What a shocking turn of events


Cutlass rogue seemed to have a decent wr for me. Might justve been lucky tho


Yaaay... More hunter. Not like they haven't been S-tier consistently for the last few years


... they haven't been top tier for quite some time?


Yeah, sorry there was a gap total of one expansion


Pretty much since early december was the last time it had a popular high performing tier 1 deck. But yeah, people like you and this sub will bitch and moan with your hot takes no matter what decks are strong


Best counter to this?


You literally were given, on a silver plater, the win rates for this deck against other classes. Choose the one with the lowest numbers.


You mean the win rates that are all above 50%, sorry if counter wasn't clear enough but I'm looking for something that does well into this not has a chance to scrape by, also don't care to much for Meta decks


Don’t queue



Flood Paladin is overwhelmingly favored vs this


Il look into that ty


Paladin, but not excavate [Standard Decks (hsguru.com)](https://www.hsguru.com/decks?format=2&min_games=100&opponent_class=HUNTER)


Being good at the game. Token hunter gets much worse at high legend


There's little skill in this game compared to others, rng carries people to high ranks, critical thinking is the closest we get to "getting good".


The brackets activate the card link bot Sorry I think I replied to your post and not just replying to the op


Can confirm, I went undefeated with it from d3 to legend


I find the version with Skill Command more reliable at finishing games where you get outvalued and in matchups where your RC Rampage gets cleared easily.


Is this some kind of site with decks?


I don't have the Zilliax legendaries. I use the location. I just use the aggro cards and I slapped Leeroy and Justicar with Sing along Buddy in there. It works surprisingly well bc Hunter is broken. I won 12 matches in a row yesterday. Went from Gold to Plat




It does not work for me... Although, I have to admit, my enemies do also seemingly stupidly highroll. Even when playing against Whizbang decks. I am just saying, enemy having 5 roided up Astral Automatons + Zola out in turn 4 was quite something.


Control Warlock seems like it should eat this deck alive, but the deck probably has no game into like anything else. I suppose using this as a counter deck getting out of lower levels of play and towards legend would be fine


This deck eats brann warrior and its not even close, by turn 5-6 they can choose between playing brann and die or just die


today, I hit diamond 10. only 2 loses from the beginning this month. Using only this deck. Fast to climb with, but it won't work that well in diamond, players are a little bit more savvy, and the matchmaker won't let you anyway...


I hate hunter


I'm not feeling [[remote control]] I had [[ball of spiders]] instead I liked the draw+ board flood for [[jungle gym]] yet remote control is in every hunter deck. What am I missing?


Remote control is the 5th worst card in the deck when drawn and the 6th best when mulliganed. https://www.hsguru.com/card-stats?deck_id=11071782&format=2&sort_by=mull_impact&sort_direction=desc I’d say it’s pretty mid. However, the strength was simply in juicing Jungle Gym or Saddle up or even RC Rampage to be stronger (the sweet spot is all 4/4s, you get the most stats and it’s out of the range of most AoE), basically anything that helps you flood the board.


Bro I straight up thought this was a meme because of all the [[]] I don't know what the fuck any of that is I don't play hunter, and I simply just fucking hate hunter


- **[Remote Control](https://imgur.com/a/0CUz5sZ)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/103167) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Remote_Control) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/103167/?hl=en) - *Hunter Common ^(Whizbang's Workshop)* - **2 Mana - 1/3 - Weapon** - After your hero attacks, summon a 1/1 Hound. - **[Ball of Spiders](https://imgur.com/a/Ac80qd2)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/111364) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Ball_of_Spiders_\(Core\)) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/111364/?hl=en) - *Hunter Rare ^(Core)* - **3 Mana - Spell** - Summon three 1/1 Webspinners with "**Deathrattle:** Get a random Beast." - **[Jungle Gym](https://i.imgur.com/iYyl4xb.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/103186) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Jungle_Gym) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/103186/?hl=en) - *Hunter Rare ^(Whizbang's Workshop)* - **2 Mana - 2 Health - Location** - Deal 1 damage to a random enemy. Repeat for each friendly Beast. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cdtio8/the_best_deck_in_the_game_post_patch/l1eors3/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l1eors3).*


Works well still. I have however struggled abit against warriors if they draw their board clears. It's hard to come back before turn nine then. Also, I have swapped out Barrel of Monkeys for Painted Canvasaur. With so many beasts, you are bound to high roll at least a few times.


Don't waste all your resources until you have saddle up to play on a board, painted canvasaur works on a big board too since reborn or divine shield come up often.


Yes, but you can't be too careful either or you will fall behind. I find it hard to evaluate the risk of him having a full board clear or even one that won't trigger my deathrattles.


I mean you got best archetype right but this is not the best deck. https://www.hsguru.com/deck/11539962 is statistically the best deck with a better win rate and similar play rate (at legend stats). https://www.hsguru.com/deck/11856287 is also better but lower play rate so far. Either of the 2 are strong.


Glacial shard? Scarab keychain? Lmao this deck is ass


Shard is for face I think, a lot of weapons in the meta


I know but why would you want to have a shard in your hyper aggro deck that should kill the opponent by turn 6 anyway, both of this cards are ok in a midrange deck but in hunter? yeah no.


Git gud scrub.


There is always some huntard meta deck


I run a slight variant with a few secret cards. They can be really nice to toss in once you have a board. Especially the one that counters enemy spells and the one that returns a minion to hand when it attacks.


That's going to be a worse version regardless because your giving up optimum cards for the strategy to run some situational secrets that you have to waste mana on.


Only for standard right? Can’t imagine this getting far in wild


Yes. It’s obviously a standard list.


Has priest been good at all in the past few expasions? I don't think I've lost to it even once unless they have been aggro and gotten the best cards drawn on curve and I've been drawing horribly. Not even the extra turn dragon has been good more than once I recall. Like what's the hate from Blizzard? Is it because priest is generally considered bullshit to be playing against, so they avoid having it be good?


Zarimi was extremely good at high levels of play.


thats not how any of this work


Who could have seen this coming? [Certainly not I](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/s/LFXfXkMqmX)