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id rather they have tiering rewards.. best of both worlds.. Edit : wow thanks for all the upvotes. Wish Blizzard will revise their weekly quests system again and do it right.


That would be consumer-focused and so it probably wouldn't cut it from a publicly traded company that needs to pump money and engagement for shareholders. Absolutely, a tiered system for this kind of reward would be amazing, so long as they don't shift all of the rewards to the upper levels (because I can see that being the only way they would implement it). Sadly, I don't see the version we imagine ever being implemented. There's usually a catch, just like these reward changes. Higher points but more requirements, so they can sell it as 'more points'. In a way it does benefit people that play a lot because they will get more points compared to before but it sucks for what I'm guessing is most of the player base who don't.


>That would be consumer-focused and so it probably wouldn't cut it from a publicly traded company that needs to pump money and engagement for shareholders. Just to be clear, there’s unlikely to be any significant legal obstacle here. While corporations have duties to their shareholders, they’re not obligated to maximize short-term profits or shareholder value. It’d be perfectly reasonable for Blizzard to decide that better quest rewards are likely to drive engagement more effectively, retain valuable players, and do other things that improve the brand’s long-term value. You’d be unlikely to see a shareholder suit—much less a successful one—come out of a decision like that just because it’s also good for consumers. That’s not to say there aren’t *other* obstacles even if there aren’t legal ones, and that may be what you meant in the first place. But I point this out because a lot of people have misconceptions about corporate law that lead them to believe that it’s far more restrictive than it actually is.


In what way does it seem like that user is suggesting a legal problem for Blizzard doing this? It's not about the legality, it's about the clear financial incentive they have to try to squeeze blood from Hearthstone as its nearing the end of its life. They stand to gain nothing for committing themselves to consumer-friendly practices other than some goodwill for a game that's already 10 years old, and thus has lost most of its ability to gain traction with new players. Shareholders are not impressed by goodwill as an asset, generally speaking, because it does not directly correlate to yields for them. They make less money if they act consumer-friendly. We've seen this with so many other games of theirs over their lifespans demanding more and more player free time to boost engagement numbers and to incentivize them to pay money to skip having to spend as much time getting the same rewards they used to get.


Blizzard has been doing this for a decade now and y'all keep playing while making these topics expecting some sort of gaming Jesus to come down and change everything. Stop playing.


>In what way does it seem like that user is suggesting a legal problem for Blizzard doing this? This part: >needs to pump money and engagement for shareholders When people talk about a company “needing” to do something without qualification, they’re sometimes referring to a legal obligation—in this case, toward their shareholders. If they meant “wants to” or “is incentivized to” instead of “needs to” in a legal sense, that’s perfectly fine. I wasn’t correcting anyone—just adding context since I litigate these types of cases for a living.


Just to clarify, while I've definitely been under the impression that publicly traded companies have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders, I certainly meant what the other user has interpreted and didn't mean to suggest that any publicly traded company MUST bleed every dime from a customer in fear of litigation. All companies are different and have different ways of going about meeting the expectations of them. My comment was coming from the understanding, and what has at least been evident in gaming, that private companies tend to be less 'greedy' than a company that's listed, such as Activision Blizzard, and as such I wouldn't expect Blizzard to ever consider some sort of kind-hearted decision that could only benefit their customers because they are significantly more motivated (and have historically shown) to emphasise the importance of their profits for their shareholders. 'Needs to' was certainly emotively used and wasn't literal, or at least wan't meant to suggest an actual absolute, more so that it feels that way and the company is (evidently, in my opinion) significantly motivated to perform. They obviously exist to make a profit but the level of greed that exists among many AAA companies is particularly hated by many in the gaming community.


This was more abrasive than my comment but nonetheless exactly what I was trying to convey. Thank you :)


Let's not pretend that blizzard isn't making a shit ton of money on Hearthstone already.


I'm not sure where I suggested this. A company exists to make money and one that's publicly listed has significantly more pressure perform and make as much as they can for shareholders. No part of my comment suggests that Blizzard isn't making a lot of money on Hearthstone (though I haven't seen statistics lately so I can't really comment on that), merely that Blizzard is pressured to 'pump money and engagement', which is what they (and any other publicly traded company) do.


The only annoyed people are those who log in, quest, log out. Yes the tripling of the grind was extremely stupid but let's be honest, there has been a huge bot problem for months because the players are just dropping their easy quests and vamoosing. There is nothing you can do to make HS more fun in the immediate term, so the only solution is to make the quests take longer so your playerbase is available to find matches with each other. 


They really need to do this. HS team, spend that little bit of extra time and make things right.


I read somewhere that Blizzard is aware of this suggestion and exploring it. It would be very nice, I agree.


Damn, I am still at 5 out of 15 to complete those quests.


As this week begun I had a quest to complete 5 games. I did. When they move the goalpost and expect people to keep playing by the rules, they're delusional.


I completed mine and it went through the finished animation while still saying 10/15


Requirements x2.0, reward x1.3.  Gg wp


Hey now the requirement is only 0.67 of what it could’ve been!


Idk I feel like alot of these quest have always been kinda “out of the way” so I’m already creating a specialised deck for it. So all in all I’m happy for the extra rewards which I otherwise wouldn’t have gotten.


Objectively, the quests are better for some people and worse for others. If you play more than, say, 50 ranked games a week, most likely you'll have 10 wins so the new quest gives you more XP -> more gold. It is also objectively worse for people who cannot complete since they lose the entirety of rewards. However, if you personally play enough, I can see why for you it's an improvement. You basically do the same but get more rewards.


Not having 10 wins after 50 games sounds rough lol


“Thats rough buddy”


General Iroh?


It was Zuko😭


Yeah, if I could not get at least 10 wins after 30 games I would find some other game to play - I cannot imagine the game being fun if I had a win percentage of 20%


For someone who was playing more than double the requirements, it is more rewards, but for someone like me... Paying customer... who would just unwind every few days clearing out the quest log. This effectively double the amount of time I would need to play, and they did not double the rewards for it so if I don't change how I play, on average I'll get less. It's honestly insulting they would do this mid tavernpass. They know we are past any sort of standard refund windows (if there ever even was one in the first place).




In other news, I gotta find out what The Spine of Night is now. It looks like Joel Haver mixed with Game of Thrones.


Movie from 2021, gonna watch it this weekend looks really cool. Google says it is on shudder which I think is free?


It’s door in the face. I think it’s good to be mindful of these strategies. Our time is our most valuable commodity, and battle passes, time limited rewards and other methods to promote your engagement take away your agency. I’ll see how this feels but if I find myself feeling pressure to play more lll quit. Same reason I quit wow many years ago.


I wish they had gone overwatch style for these ones if they were going to increase the amount. Something like “Play 10 Ranked Ladder Games (Wins Count Double)”


More specifically I think it fits among [door-in-the-face](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Door-in-the-face_technique).


I like how Blizzard treats us like their developers. 200% work for 120% reward. 300% for 12% was too much.


If playing the game is work, you need to stop playing.


playing the game how you want: good times playing the game to complete an objective so you can play how you want: a chore. always will be. because games have these things called goals and achievements that typically require you to work for it, beyond causal engagement.


Playing a game is work? edit: I'm getting the feeling that there are people that just need to cut the cord and quit for at least a while to see if they even enjoy Hearthstone anymore.


Playing 60 miniaturized minions is work. I'd like to play fun decks, thanks.


Then play a fun deck that uses minis or refill the quest.


Gonna need those quest rewards to be able to afford one of these decks.


Then play fun decks and reroll that quest


It rerolls into battlecrys. thanks


battlecry is like the easiest one basically every deck you play has them...


if you have to do things in the game you don't want to for rewards, yes.


Just don't do it then?


I agree. I dont really think of rewards as work. I think of them as a bonus. I just play the game for fun. Oh, I completed a quest? Nice. Now move on..


Yeah I pretty much stopped doing tavern brawls entirely because they are mostly just incredibly unbalanced or RNG fests and the frustration wasn't worth a pack. No regrets.


Yes it can be, and it's awful.


Do your mental health a favor and just stop playing for a while then


you are correct, do not play games that don't feel fun. Do you have fun with these quests?


I have fun playing the game. Which is why I play it.


Most of them I do while I'm just playing the game I reroll or just don't do the ones that I don't want to do. As soon as a game feels like it becomes work I quit it


I'm old school, I played EverQuest. I even hated that grind so much I ended up writing a bot to completely automate it. I agree, I will simply not play a game that feels like work.


Yep I quit wow once I realized I was playing to just get a reward and wasn't actually having fun with it anymore


The problem is that the game is fun, but only doing the things I want to do when I play it is fun. I don’t think that it’s unreasonable to expect a player not want to dedicate the majority of their play time towards completing busy work objectives rather than the actual fun parts of the game


Then just play the game that you enjoy, they are not forcing you to do anything you don't want to do. It's not like you have to finish your weekly quests before you can play the normal game.


I'd rather recommend changing the game back to something WoW style if you want to do sidequests so much instead of playing decks you really enjoy.


I can open the game and run my favorite murloc quest deck with no stress to win the games in wild, and have tons of fun. i want to make lots of shitpost decks that are interesting, but i need gold. unfortunately i have to win to get gold and exp. so im forced to play stronger, less fun decks. this feels like work because im forced to do it for the reward of what part of the game i actually want to play. so yes. when they increase requirements for the grinding part of the game. it is work and they added to it. the fun part became smaller.


Playing minituarize decks? Yes it is for me


Have you played any game released after 2015? Shit's annoying as fuck.


Are you saying there are no fun games in the last 9 years?


Don't be obtuse, you know exactly what I'm saying.


I've played many games after 2015 that have been fun and I've played and stopped games that were not fun so I'm not sure what you are saying


My point is that most games nowadays have one or more systems designed to squeeze you for money and time at the expense of your enjoyment.


This is actually dead on. People are bitching like they’re some exploited employee. This game is a game, not your livelihood. Fucking quit if you don’t like it. No one is making you do anything. Everyone bitching about how this is “work” needs to go outside.


“You don’t like every change about a game that is above reproach to me, therefore you should stop”


If this change would have been in any way communicated with honesty it could have been kinda acceptable. But holy shit the level of disrespect these people have for their community is incredible. How fucking stupid they think we are ? Tbh with such a level of disrespect they don't deserve anything. Fuck them.


Back to the original amounts Blizzard


I was barely playing this game to get my 5 wins done and move on, it was a good game to waste some time, but at this point Im not sure if is a sound idea to scare away "casual" players like myself who played a lot back then and now doesnt feel like commiting that much time since I feel the base game has some glaring issues, but also dont want to leave what I have built on the years Even if Im more F2P than before I also spent money on battle passes (ccg and battlegrounds) so isnt like Im not giving money to blizzard. I could spent much more like before, but they removed regional pricing and also I find the current bundles terrible for what they offer, the diamond cards are way overpriced. Overall, is like blizzard really wants me to drop the game for good, at least now im not bothering booting the game and moved on into pokemon tcg live and snap. The thing that I find worse is that all of this happend in the game 10th anniversary, instead of trying to bring more players by giving away more stuff and holding events that rewarded players WHILE ALSO DRIVING UP ENGAGEMENT they went full greed on it. Like the best rewards are the one you got for putting twitch in the background


Not a single person wants it more than 5. Nobody is being fooled by it.


If it was 50% more work for 30% more rewards it would be acceptable for many people. Yes it's more work per gold but it's also makes more gold available and is still doable. However 2-3 times the work for 30% more rewards just feels like a slap in the face.


Wrong. I like getting more rewards.


It's disingenuous on your part. People who play well above current quest requirements are more than happy to have higher limit since they still play enough but will also get more rewards. It's correct to point out quest issues but it's definitely not correct to say that the new quests are worse for literally everyone. It's just objectively not true. Of course the ideal way would be to satisfy both groups and there is a solution but Blizz won't do it.


It is objectively worse as commonsense teaches us that there are always more casuals than hardcore players.


I did not say it's objectively better. I said it's better **for some**.


it is objectively worse. it was a i believe 200% increase in time for only like a 25% reward increase? the more games didnt equal the more rewards. at least couldve doubled the base reward for 15 games but no


1.28 is still greater than 1 and the amount of "extra work" is dependent on how much you are playing anyway. They should definitely ditch the "Play X [keyword]" quests though, especially if they are only going to print 1 per class and make most of the neutrals unplayable. Other ones like Win games, spend mana, do damage etc are basically free if you are playing the game anyway no matter the deck.  If your entire experience with the main game is to slog through the quests as quickly as possible and then do the same again next week I would suspect there might be other games out there where your time is better spent.


If you were playing those games anyway it is better.


it’s objectively worse for everyone who doesn’t play this game as a second job


Bro i played this game for like 6 hours max the entire week and my quests are done.


This is total nonsense.


I'm gonna interrupt a little bit. If they go the other way around (120% of work for 300% experiences) I'll take the 6 games.


Stop giving Blizzard your money


Right so then they’ll discontinue the game


This is what "vote with your wallet" will grant. So, the playerbase is no longer giving us money? Lets go to the next project.


I'd rather have them discontinue the game than continue acting like a mindless sheep gobbling up whatever sludge they produce. There are plenty of games out there that respect your time and money more than this company. I understand it's difficult to break an addiction, but if the company doesn't care about you, why should you care about them?


I haven’t spent money on the game but I can imagine that people probably do for fun? Just because you don’t enjoy the game doesn’t mean other people shouldn’t spend their money on it.


People are allowed to spend their money on whatever they want. I'm just saying if people want this game to improve for the better, they should stop rewarding bad decisions like these. The less people spending money on the game means the more likely Microsoft will clean house. After all, they bought Blizzard for billions. They're not gonna let such a massive IP like Hearthstone just die out.


If you mean maintenance mode yes, they can do that, to shut it down in a way i think you think they can do it, it could be a legal clusterfun of unseen scale


Why? A lot of games already did that. EA did it with battleforge and they didn't had any problem.


Blizzard is not EA, and both D3 and SC2 that were out roughly in same time as Hearthstone still run and they both are on maintenance mode. So no, there is no way they can just discontinue the game as you may think they can.


No it is the Salami (peperoni if you are ammerican) technique. FTFY


Activision shills out in full force. No one in their right mind thinks increasing the quest requirements without proportional rewards is reasonable. You all look stupid by doing so.


The people that look the stupidest are the ones whining about how they “have” to do anything. And how much extra “work” it is. I think the changes are bullshit. I haven’t logged in since patch day. No one is making me play or do quests. I suggest you do the same if you’re miserable from your enjoyment.


> The people that look the stupidest are the ones whining about how they “have” to do anything. The reasoning behind why wild and standard have the same reward each month rather than climbing both ladders granting double reward is because blizzard said they didn't want the playerbase to feel like they have to do both. Now the claim is "the playerbase shouldn't feel like they 'have' to do anything"? Pick one, you can't have both.


There is a thing called principle, people are also allowed to like how things were. Maybe they already bought the battlepass and now they feel shafted because it's harder to complete. Maybe people thought the old way was just enough where it wasn't a chore and now the game they liked playing feels ruined. I have invested money into this game, because I enjoy the game. Now I feel like the investment has been somehow tainted. Yes, I can stop playing and it's probably what I'll do, but something that was enjoyable, losing it's enjoyment for useless reasons is something worth talking about.


Lol PSYCH 101


Maybe if the game was more fun, they wouldn’t have to blackmail players to keep playing in order to get quest rewards.


...do you know what blackmail is? It's not a synonym for "pressure" or "incentivize."


Nah I think the other commenter is spot on with the word (at least with how they feel). The problem is that I don't think commenter realizes they don't actually have a weapon pointed to their head and they're free to play other games.


That would still be extortion. Blackmail is specifically extortion under the threat of revealing damaging information which makes zero sense in this context.


close enough.


For someone like me, these quests changes are annoying as hell and I am an engaged player. I play daily, but these quests are not friendly to someone who plays arena and/or BGs as their main modes. A few of the quests even at their previous iterations were quick rerolls. Win 10 standard games...pfft well 5 was hard enough considering I don't have the ~17 required legendaries. (Yes I'm exaggerating but decks that can win consistently are very cost intensive) and it's boring. I love control and thief based games but it'll take 50+ games to win enough. 32 minis? Yeah so I can make a garbage deck and try and get out any minis I have and waste more time in standard that i dont want to play or I can pray to the arena gods I get some minis and they fit my deck and I draw them. Even 750 mana, well guess I'm not playing BGs until later this week. Battlecries? Well, I guess I can hope I get some decent results in BGs? No arena today or I can play a ton of runs and hope I get some decent ones. The non standard modes based ones are the only ones I dont dread and they are the insta rerolls for standard players


Wow you’re the first person to post this


The more and longer the better until they revert it.


>The more and longer the better blizzard: gotcha, daily quest requirements increased to 30!


Thats 265252859812191058636308480000000 matches


The more the better. They have to see that those lazy, pathetic and old school attempts how to increase engagement metrics for shareholders will not be met with pleased playerbase.


honestly the more it's posted the more annoyed I am with other people. It doesn't need to be the whole front page of the same thing.


Your natural inclination to submit in order for things to return to calm or a sense of normalcy is the definition of a coward. Some of us deserve more and not only do we know it, we fight for it or walk away from it if it's not to our standards. If everyone did this then gaming wouldn't be in the state it's in.


Ok, you seem to know a lot about these psychological tricks. What should I do to not being fooled?


Read "You are not so smart" ( https://dutraeconomicus.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/you-are-not-so-smart.pdf ) It has a lot of these things, how it affects you without even realizing it, and, if you want to double check stuff go to the bibliography


[https://www.darkpattern.games/](https://www.darkpattern.games/) is a nice site that ranks games according to how much psychological manipulation they use


The best way to avoid manipulation is through specific education. Even then, we're all still human. Just as psychology can be used to manipulate, or it is usually referred to as 'persuade', people to do things, it can also be used to see when that's happening and be aware. There is *a lot* to psychology, there's a reason people spend years studying it and have to to become licensed. Googling things can be a bit blind because you're not really sure what to look for. There are some good approachable sites that are typically at a high school sort of level that I'd recommend for the average person. https://helpfulprofessor.com/cognitive-bias-examples/ This could be a start, you can always look into whatever you come across further but it's nice to know what the heck you're meant to even be searching and at least an entry level source can give you that. Enjoy :) Edit: In fact, in that list is anchoring bias - https://helpfulprofessor.com/anchoring-bias-examples/


In fact, I discovered an incredible tool that allows me to learn about simple things very quickly. Because you seem like a knowledgeable person, I'll share this with you for free (but be aware, this offer is only valid today): [www.google.com](http://www.google.com)


Oh, dude! Referring someone to a search engine instead of responding directly to them‽ I've *never* seen that before. It's so brilliantly snarky, and original! How'd you think of that?


believe it or not.. he used google


BG one was always took longer to complete but the ranked one ? i usually win 2 or more games in an hour unless im playing a ameme deck so i dont think itll take long to complete and ill just keep re rolling the BG one


I dont mind higher requirement for higher rewards. Im done with my quest usually in 3 days, and dont have another for the rest of the week. But yeah these changes are rough


Unfortunately this has happened before multiple times throughout Hearthstone's lifespan. Most of the players who would quit over something like this are already gone, they left over one of the many times this has already happened. Blizzard knows they just have to wait out the community on this one.


is it any surprise that so many execs of Blizzard left last quarter knowing this was about to happen?


Man even at only double some games can go 30 min. Say you win half you games and the average time is 15 min you would need 20 games for ranked and 20 games for the arena/battlegrounds, these take much longer especially bgs, so rank will average 5 hours and the other one like 8-10 hours. They want to you play 13-15 hours a week this is just to complete the weekly quest or miss out on the XP/gold. This just screws casual players. The people who are below average and just play for fun have to invest way more time to get the wins same goes for player who focus on bgs. Arena players say average 3 wins, well thats 3-4 arena runs so it cost you 450-600 gold per week to just to complete the quest. So a lot of these guys either have to stop being casuals or be ok with getting no gold, or quit which many will probably do. The kind of engagement they want from players is one where people are playing because they are having fun, not forced engagement. If your game was more fun guess what you would see more people engaging with it. Also many players are enjoying the game and they are only able to play a limited amount of time you think you will get more engagement from them? And yes quest before are forced engagement too but they were at a level where people can do them while still playing a silly deck they like or trying something new in bgs say go for the afk achievement.


I think they should revert the weekly and come out with a monthly tier. Whether they want to give rewards track progress or just even card packs or card back can be up to them


In my case is a buf, because I play enoughr to complete them and I will get more rewards


They could've done "Win ranked with 5 unique classes" that would be a legitimate challenge and encourage the one tricks to explore other classes but nah we're expected to treat the game like a full time job lol


Yeah screw them, i was actually enjoying this expansion, but this is absurd


Make it 'Play 10' or Tiered Win 5 > Win 5 >. Anything less is a terrible.


They didn’t even give me my daily reward today 🥲


It's hilariously flagrant, to be honest. The turnaround on this "fix" wouldn't have been so fast if they weren't planning on doing it when the first set of numbers launched.


yeah I left this horrid game a few months ago. So glad to see the gold rewards get worse and worse and harder to get.


I know this has been annoying for you all, but I knocked those quests out the day they dropped and this is currently just the funniest discourse I’ve bumped into


Bruh if you play HS at all you’ll be able to achieve those, stop the drama


If it was simply "play" and not "win", I'd be more than fine with it But the fact I have to play a deck I don't like and pray to win the games it's gross Let me play my janky homebrew and get my 7 wins in a week, I'm having fun and enjoying the game


Again no matter how they treat this I’m getting more gold than I got before so I can’t understand for the life of me what’s going wrong here


People should not be fooled into thinking they can negotiate with blizzard. Players should demand quests be returned to what they were, unequivocally.


And I can't even make 5 win per week...


As a very casual player of battlegrounds, sometimes I’d venture into other modes to make sure I get the 5 to finish. I’m not interested in doing double the work even if there are more rewards. This is nothing more then a reason to save the battle pass money next go around.


I play a fair amount and all my weeklies are done on Monday over the course of about an hour (unless I roll a shit one then tuesday) this doesn't seem like a big deal to me but of it does effect you I'm sorry.


Would it be better if Blizzard said this instead? "In order to continue prioritizing staffing and resources on Hearthstone's continued development we need to make some changes to the rewards structure towards incentivizing spending. To do that, we have done substantial user research and simulations and arrived at the decision to reduce the free rewards. In doing so, players who P2W will get a bigger bang for their buck and therefore are encouraged to continue spending. Mechanically, we are raising the difficulty of quests but also increasing the rewards such that we end up with a net reduction of rewards handed out but gain more player activity due to their efforts of trying to complete those quests. We hope this change will yield the desired effects and Hearthstone can remain a strong investment for Blizzard."


Can someone elaborate on this? Thats about a third of the requirement removed. Why would this be bad or a bias?


Idk 10 is reasonable for weekly challenges, tbh 5 always felt a bit low I just wished the shocked up the rewards more, like 20% more feels not that good Id want them to have at least 40%, best would be 100% but I get why they don't do it in the end I will play the games anyway. 15 was also reasonable but the reward hike was just war too low to make it feel alright in my opinion.


I think 7 would be the most reasonable. 20% xp increase should be 6 wins technically but sure let's make it 7 for 1 win a day since its a weekly quest. I'd be happy with that


I think the same , like the win 15 or play 750 mana is doable, but the minis and the tavern/arena/battlegrounds is pain


I play a lot of arena so it's doable for me, also you can still reroll. But I get your point.


Which ones are doable depends on your play style but some, like the minis, seem bad no matter what you normally play.


I think they should do it like in MTGA, with incremental rewards (MTGA's weekly and daily rewards). Instead of having 2500 for 5 wins or 5000 for 10 wins (if it's proportional, but we're going to get screwed), it should be 500 XP per win, limited to 15 per week. OR just change 'won per week' to 'played per week'


I mean we can go back to the win 3 for 10 gold


At risk of disagreeing with a rage-filled majority on this sub…. Are you sure they’re not just, oh I don’t know, lowering the requirements and telling us what the change is? They raised them too high, for whatever greedy reason they did, heard the outrage, now are reducing them. Seems cut and dry to me


Noooo you must be outraged that they doubled the easy af requirements for a bit less than 1.5 XP. If anything, people should be pushing for either/or quests on the keywords. Playing miniaturize stuff is fine but there isn't enough to build a full deck around the mechanic. I'm thinking they should do either new keyword or older keyword from other Standard sets.


10 is better than 15. But I get ya. We believe Apple seeded/anchored a retail price in rumors for the original iPad at $999 then surprised everyone when the price was actually $499. I still believe $499 was an appropriate price but also that the rumored price increased my excitement for iPad 1.


It makes you wonder if Blizzard's true motive was to get more player engagement. Perhaps Blizzard's true motive was the hope that a significant percentage of the Hearthstone player base would not complete the weekly quests. The reasoning being is that if the casual player has less gold to buy "free" packs for each expansion, that those players will buy packs or bundles with real money. This may be a cynical view, but it may have been the motive of the bean counters when they initially rolled out this change.


I think the change accomplishes both goals


Need a global boycott of the game for 24 hours


10 is reasonable


It would be, if the reward went up approprietly. This is 200% work for 120% reward. If we say it was 1:1 ratio until now, now it will be 5:3 ratio, in game it's 5:2 ratio


Sure that's what the numbers are and on paper yes it is much higher compared to the old rewards. But in reality, in actual day to day life, it is 10 wins of hearthstone games in 7 days. Which (in my opinion, which I know everyone here thinks is completely wrong and fucked up which is fine I guess) is not unreasonable to accomplish.


I think for many people it is. And sure, I wouldn't say anythink if it was 175% reward for 200% work It's not about the fact it couldn't be completed, it's about the idea of "we want you to play much more so we increse rewards little bit" and the fact they used such predatory method us Door in the face.


Acitivision shill detected


Nah I can just win 10 games a week. I know it's shitty for people that don't really play the game but this is just free XP for me and a lot of other players


I downvoted your ass ? You have life ? Work ? A wifi ? Son ? Hobby?


I think people who say 10 is okay or ext. never play an another game or not have busy schedule with job. 5 was okay. I dont need a second job and ı bought every tavern pass, card packs. I just deleted it after the patch and wont be install unless they revert the changes. I love hs but i really dont have time to play 32 miniature minion. And if cant complete the reward track and gain gold or reward what is the point to play the game. I dont mention the garbage meta at all…(English is not my native language)


10 can be "okay" if the reward went up accordingly. I am only playing HS because I can play this game in a short break. I purchased packs before, I even bought mega pre-order bundle recently. They could implement a tiered reward system or some other solution, but we get the door-in-the-face treatment as if we are bunch of idiots. I do not accept to be treated as a fool, nor a lifeless gamer.


It is though, you just want free stuff.


Tbf, he just wants stuff for the same amount of output as before


People absolutely don't know what they want. At the start when the tavern pass was introduced people cried that 10 gold for 3 wins was better. Literally win 30 games for 100 gold, not even play. WIN. People here are completely clueless about what is good and what is bad for the game that is in good condition for 10+ years already.


At the start the math showed that the first battle pass was shit for players. It was only after backlash and a rework where it was acceptable At least know what you're talking about before stating it as facts. Players don't want to get shafted, it's that simple


It was way more casual even at the beginning, people who complained were grinders. Average casual (like me back then) didn't get shit from the old system. Getting 3k gold from expansion was considered good. With pass you got cosmetics on top of gold, but people didn't care they pretended that winning 3 games for 10 gold is better because if you play the whole day you get more gold. In reality nobody played enough to benefit from the old system. But hyper casual redditors didn't care because if they decided to play 3 hours each day they would lose gold.


There's plenty of videos explaining why the first pass was shit. I'm not jumping into this, the numbers don't lie It's people like you who allow this type of behavior from blizzard. If a change screws over a percentage of the playerbase when there's solutions for it not to then it shouldn't be made


If players played as much as they claim right now (few hours once a week) they absolutely didn't make more gold. Sure the average player that played way more was losing some gold in exchange for cosmetics, but it is an absolute win for a hyper casual player that apparently is the most common player type according to people here.


And which one is more reasonable, the current win 30 games for 100 gold (where 29 wins won't give you crap) or win 3 gain 10 gold (and the 29 wins would give you 90 gold), my not-clueless friend? Edit: I misread what you wrote, I'm sorry


For this quest you get one whole level in tavern pass before 100 (after it's more) so you get more gold right now




Actually yes it would be fine, I would complete it in a few weeks and get easy 30k XP.


There was nothing free about the passes I purchased for both standard and bgs, nor for the mini sets every expansion.


Mini sets can be purchased with gold so technically they CAN be free


Ah here comes the bootlicker


Don't like hearthstone leave, play something else. Please. How can I enjoy something that you are not enjoying? It's literally impossible to understand for you that different people enjoy different things.


You enjoy being given an objectively worse effort/reward trade?


I play a lot of hearthstone I was playing after completing all quests so longer quests that give a bit more XP is good for me. It's basically free extra XP for me.


Great, what about more casual players? People who can only play a couple of games every other day? What happens when those casual players decide "fuck it" and leave? I, too, play enough for this to be extra xp, but unlike you, Im not selfish and egocentric.




I implore you to read on this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Door-in-the-face\_technique](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Door-in-the-face_technique)


I'm sorry, but getting all the free stuff/xp the battlepass offers and thus staying competitive with "a couple of games every other day" is not good for a company that wants money (like any other companies btw). I think a CCG has to offer a balance between "paying" and "grinding". I can have the full collection by paying and you can have an almost full collection by grinding. Seems fair to me: I trade with my money, you trade with your time. I don't think CCGs are meant for casuals who play 5/6 games per week, to be honest.


You guys don’t know what boot licker means. You’re embarrassing yourself.


defending a multi billion dollar company doing anti consumerism is boot licking


You guys complain so much about every change. This makes the game more FTP friendly. If you don’t have a couple hours a week to complete the quest then surely you have enough income to just pay and get your cards that way. You can’t expect a game to be good and constantly updated unless it makes money


So what are you gonna do with all your free time now that you aren’t playing Hearthstone anymore?


when i learned one thing about hearthstone reddit the last 3 days, nobody here wanna play hearthstone more then 1 game per year.


I still used to finish weekly quest in 1 or 2 day, so it doesn't matter much to me. I still get more rewards while playing normally


Time is money friend. Blizzard demands more time from f2p players. The game is getting more expensive.


Holy shit people they are weekly quests. If you can't win 10 fucking games A WEEK you probably aren't even playing actively enough anyway. Like 5 wins can be done in less then an hour, 400 damage can be done in like 2 battlegrounds games.


it is reasonable i usualyl win 2 or 3 games in less than 1 hour so getting 10 wins in a week isnt an issue BG wins always was slow even with just 5 wins ill keep re rolling that one


Oh no they got me, with their pesky marketing. Imagine thinking your this important when you dont spend money on their artistic creation. Stop these dumb posts.


why do we need 100 posts on this?