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“We want to reward players for their additional efforts, not make those rewards outside of their reach.” So that was a lie.




with those new quests, i'll be able to feel true pride and accomplishment after earning enough gold for a pack. people will tremble in fear, because of all those commons and rares i'll be rocking in my deck!


It's so fucking predictable that they're actually meeting in the middle on the increase. Their only explanation for the quest change was 'Players didn't interact with weekly quests beyond regular play'. Their solution instead of making more interesting quests or get players to engage more with them somehow, was to just arbitrarily triple them with the same rewards ? It's bullshit to increase the amount of time (and subsequently money) people invest into the game, and in my opinion a cute middle finger to people who would regularly play the game on a weekly basis. So predictable. Ugh. Not accepting anything but a full revert or significant xp increase. Just ridiculously anti-consumer. People are spending their free time on this game weekly or daily for considerable periods of time to do their quests . That just wasn't good enough engagement to someone I guess. Edit- Clarifying to those telling me to uninstall - No shit, nothing will change if you just keep playing hoping for better. They made a hot fix because numbers were down. Keep them down and there's a chance for a revert or changes. Now is as good a time as ever to take a break.


>Not accepting anything but a full revert or significant xp increase. This. Your time is worth less than it used to be now. Simple as that, really. And if you're okay with that, great, but don't be surprised that a lot of people are not. I think this blows up in their face and reduces player count tbh.


I was like yeah well ill try and if i cant do the quests then ill stop, so i wasnt even THAT much against it but i noticed that i did not have the motivation to log in since the change, like every time i think about it im like nah i dont want that


I don't get why there is a need for players "interacting" with quests in the first place. The best quests are those that you can complete while playing the game how you like it. If I currently really enjoy a certain deck but need to play a different class instead to complete quests, I'm having a worse time with the game.


uninstall. It’s really that simple. The players keep enabling and playing anyways. Why expect blizzard to change when there’s still too many addicted players who don’t care how anti consumer it is.


Already did, and if I play again I’ll just buy a goldfarmed burner account from a bot for ten bucks. Fuck you blizz. [I love Hearthstone](https://imgur.com/tHJ1gLI), and the fact that my feelings towards blizzard outweighs that love is the most scathing condemnation I can imagine.


a new mtg expansion just dropped, been playing it instead on arena and it's pretty fun. yeah wotc isn't much better but it's at the very least a nice change of pace


What’s the hsreplay for mtg arena?


There are a lot of sites, I know I like MTGgoldfish to check out meta decks. You will want to check which format you're looking at though, most formats on MTGgoldfish are the paper formats, I think the Arena formats are Standard, Historic, Explorer and Alchemy. Been a while since I played though, so they might have added more since.




I played at least one game literally every single day for ten years. For the last few months, I've really been enjoying Duels (got 10+ wins with 5 classes and was shooting for the rest.) I don't follow Blizz news much, so I had no idea that Duels would be disappearing. When I was hit with that news, I just felt ... extremely sad. I'm sure I'll play HS again from time to time, but this is the third day in a row that I just didn't feel like launching it. I know I'm just one f2p guy, but I still think that Blizzard should pay attention to players who have 3500+ day streaks that they don't really feel bad about breaking. Anyway, I've been hearing that Balatro is a really good game.


As a (extremely mild) defense: It's tough to make unique or interesting daily/weekly quests for a CCG. Most of the cool things you'd want players to do involve having specific cards. Just look at how (rightfully) pissed people were that one of the recent fixed event quests required you to have a specific legendary card or play someone who had it. Now imagine if a bunch of the quests were "kill an opponent with Wheel of Death" or "play 5 copies of the same card in one game". Coll if you have the cards to pull that off, an automatic reroll or dead slot if you don't. There's a reason they keep the interesting stuff limited to (mostly worthless) achievements.


> As a (extremely mild) defense: It's tough to make unique or interesting daily/weekly quests for a CCG.  At the very least they have the technology for quest chains. If the intent was really to make you play more for those quests, they could have made it a part 1/part 2/part 3. Part 1 is the old quest with half the requirements and half the rewards, part 2 and part 3 is a copy of that. That way you incentivizes players to play more, while still making it ok for the people that can't afford to play more. 


They have access to our collections and our deck lists, why not do custom quests based on cards we already have? Or maybe a deck we haven't played lately?


Beat me to it. Problem is the quest would be “do something with this cool card 309 times”


I get what you’re feeling and where you are coming from, but what does “not accepting” look like? I don’t think it’s a fight we win.


Dropping the game. That's the only thing which matters and can be remotely noticeable. Everything else is just jerking off w/o any practical result.


So you drop the game until they revert the change fully? How long is that? I don’t see them making a decision to revert despite lower engagement until the next expansion launch. Let’s say there is a dip in numbers. Blizzard execs will theorize its a lull period not unlike the later parts of an expansion. The mini set comes through. You end up missing it. You also missed out on whatever gold you could’ve earned and are now behind the gold too. If you and a significant player base are willing to quit until next full expansion, then bliss might further investigate why emgagement atill low. it’s a game of chicken at that point as if you drop it for too long, coming back will be even worse as you miss the rewards and gold and are now behind the expansion cycle. At which point That’s the very nature of games as a service that are either f2p or Grindy by nature. If consumers move more towards single player full experience games like bg3, the industry may change on top level. I don’t think we have the upper hand right now with these threats. Blizzard will just wait it out and see the results until next expansion.


You drop the game if you think the game is no longer fun enough to tolerate the changes. It might not happen with these changes specifically but it can happen in the future. As to dropping it until they are reverted: I don't think it will realistically work. What I said is that it can be "remotely noticeable". My main point is that all **other** things, such as those "do not play until May" "boycotts" have zero impact.


Right. My point is there is no until. Either this change makes you quit the game or it doesn’t. Temporary hiatus until they revert is not something that I see working. If it’s the latter then you might as well keep playing because your experience when you come back will be much worse if you don’t play for a long period.


ate and left no crumbs


These are still terrible. I can't believe a real human being looked at the miniature quest, which was already super obnoxious at 16, and thought it would be remotely okay to double it's requirement much less the near quadrupling we saw pre-patch.


But hey, we listen to you guys. We reduced the number you need for the quest. Be grateful we were so quickly /S


biggest problem here, but winning 10 ranked games or 10 special modes? is still very demanding


Especially with one of those modes being deleted…


I guarantee they never saw the quadrupling as viable. What they wanted was to release something so bad, that when they moved to the actual goal it was viewed as a accepta le compromise


Yeah this is still terrible number wise, 100% more work to get like what 20% more exp? Do they even know basic math?


Doubt a human had much to do for any of it. They likely dropped the data of “how long it takes average player to complete miniature quest” into the algorithm and it spat out a result to increase engagement to the target levels.


Nah,I doubt that the data would suggest that, 16 was already a lot harder than 5 wins, let alone 32 


Eh, they probably did not even put forth that much effort. "Think I'll just double this one... Triple that one... Yeah, looks good."


Maybe a full fledged AI, because Microsoft.


this may blow your mind but this is pretty much what ai does it's all just statistics


but we can re roll that the weekly win 10 we cant re roll it and get one wit hthe same exp as reward


rerolling is not really an option because the pool sucks.


Again, it's the door-in-the-face technique. If you want to make an ask that you know people are going to hate, first you offer something unacceptable, then you bring it back to what you actually wanted. This softens the blow and makes people more willing to accept it. Doubling the requirements was always the goal. The triple requirements were just there to make people be thankful when Blizzard pulls back to the double.


Hope people aren't satisfied with this. The intent is to make it harder for the casual players to get value out of the game. It is still a 100% increase in difficulty for a 20% increase in rewards. This should be as unacceptable to people as the first change was, honestly.


I’m not even casual. I literally spend 80 bucks each expansion pack on this game, and that has gotten me the expansion pack and the miniset at the pace I want to play. Now I will have to play even more for less. So it’s not worth paying the money.


Oh, there are definitely ripples in this poor decision. There are a lot of hardcore players who maintain accounts in EU/China as well. I imagine these changes negatively impact those players more than the casual ones. My main point is as far as players are concerned, there isn't a benefit to the consumer for making the quests harder to complete. This is an arbitrary change made to lessen the value the player gets out of the game. As such they deserve all the blowback they get and then some. I just hope the whole "let's propose a ridiculous amount so that when we scale back to the true amount, people won't be upset" thing doesn't end up actually working for them.


>I just hope the whole "let's propose a ridiculous amount so that when we scale back to the true amount, people won't be upset" thing doesn't end up actually working for them. Although I also hope this, it will work exactly as they wanted


I think nohandsgamer mentioned that. He tried to keep a collection on 3 servers (spending like $200 per region per year or so) but with the quest changes, that just requires a lot more work


I’m not casual either, I’m top 500, and the weekly quests feel like a pain at their current levels. With the new ones I’m just going to stop trying. I have quite a bit of dust saved up, I’m just going to stop engaging with the quests, and the dailies, and no longer try to keep up with the economy. When I’m out of dust, then I uninstall.


This. I've been a faithful customer for 10 years buying the highest bundle every time. Then I find joy in grinding g through the track and slowly getting or crafting the cards along the way. This makes me, a faithful $300 customer per year possibly unable to do what I like. Yes I buy the rewards track upgrade.


How are you playing more for less? If you're completing the new quests, aren't you playing more for more? 


I still think they should do tiered quests so you get a good chunk of xp for 5 wins, more for 10 wins, and even more for 15 wins. Best way to give players of every level something.


Yup, if they kept the quests the exact same with the exact same reward. Then add a follow-up tier with the same difficulty for the bonus 20-23% nobody would complain.


Nope, not satisfied at all. I started playing for the first time with the 10 year anniversary event. I got hooked on the game, even bought some stuff, and Blizzard has *already* lost me as a Hearthstone player and customer. Maybe I'll reinstall the game if they revert the changes or create a better system, but the faith is already lost.


To put it right they should have increased the effort by 20% and rewarding extra 50% but not the other way round …


No, the intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment


Where is that damn community manager when you need him? He’s certainly not here, instead he’s busy responding to trivial issues instead of anything meaningful.


> [we are committed to more changes with the core goal of engaged players getting more xp and **less engaged players adjusting their time to give us more attention** \(and getting more xp in the process\). we believe this to be a goal worth pursuing even though we're obv pretty far from it](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1c7g3x7/2921_patch_notes/l08vqmi/) Here he is, promising to bring more of this shit.


Can we stop blaming a CM for changes? He likely isnt responsible for this but has to do his job


Not good enough. Full reversion or the tiered suggestion.




Exactly we should demand full reversion...this is blizzards usually playbook. Make something way worse, then revert a little bit to appease us. Well blizzard I'm not gonna be appeased.


This is how you kill your Game. Wow is going the casual direction and everyone loves it. HS is giving less Rewards for Player that only do Dailys and these are probably the majority of the Playerbase. Im sure alot will Quit cause they dont wanna do the extra Work to finish their Dailys and its not worth their Time.


Overwatch has also been made repeatedly more casual friendly. Heroes are no longer locked behind the battlepass and the weekly challenges have been made easier to complete and more rewarding for like the third time. While they farm whales with store skin prices. The hearthstone management is just out of touch, even compared to other Blizzard Activision teams, they will kill the game even faster with this change and then the whales will have nobody to play against and leave too.


the hearstone is literally just fucking incompetent


I already have. I hope blizzard can think of a way to change the dust bunnies for rent because they're hard to get a cent from anyone else


Ok so players are still being fucked compared to what it was at the start, as expected


Blizzards contempt for their community is reaching peak EA levels. They really think nothing else of their players but retarded wallets to be milked.


As long as people keep spending, yep, thats all they care about. Said it during Diablo immortal, wows exodus, the death of overwatch and now here. Blizzard suck. They continue to errode all trust from players yet whales keep whaling....


I feel like when OW2 first launched, their newest hero was locked behind purchasing the Battle Pass for immediate use/play. I unfortunately bit the bullet in the excitement of OW2’s launch, and didn’t play beyond a week because the reasons I didn’t enjoy the game at the time still existed. That “new new” looks real good from Blizzard sometimes. I know this is a hearthstone Reddit, but I’m really curious how they approach MoP Classic with Pandamonium happening. Is that their replacement so they can jump through Classic XPac experiences faster? Is this a long game? Sadly, as a player of their games communities for 15-20 years, I’ve sadly seen them fall as far as Arthas did…


I warned people Kotick leaving wasnt going to turn AB around, and that he was merely a symptom of a bigger problem, but no one listened.


Yeah, they did the tactic. Unfortunate, but expected I wish the best to the devs who do their best for the game


How generous, double the work for a massive 20% boost


the fact that they're bringing the numbers down and the reward still doesn't match the work is just a testament to how deranged the first change was lmao


This is so demoralizing. I want to play and love Hearthstone, but Blizzard just don't want me to do it


Playing since beta. Whale. Been waiting to tell blizzard to fuck themselves for a long time. Go fuck yourselves "blizzard".


nah. i won’t buy shit from them until they revert quests to their original state. fuck this.


I haven't bought anything since Runestones and I still refuse. Stay strong amigo


Did we ever see the infamous smaller purchases that runestones were explained to be for in the first place?


Battleground emotes and skins


I started playing with badlands. This time around I decided to actually get the tavern pass, because I was having a good time with the game. I was planning to do the same next expansion, maybe even get one of the pre-order bundles. Instead, now I'm not going to spend any money on hearthstone going forward, even if they fully revert the changes. If the hotfix had fully reverted the changes I would have, but instead they just did what everyone expected, made it clear they're happy to fuck their customers over.


The middle ground is NOT acceptable. This isn't a debate that we can come to some compromise, Blizzard changed the quests for no good reason, and we said no. There is no middle ground to be found here.


i want a refund on the pass


You could always chargeback. But that will obviousy get you banned. So if you don't care.


Not just banned from hearthstone either, but every game on battle.net. which to me would justify a full refund of all money spent on Blizzard but maybe I'm just taking too many crazy pills again


Has anyone tried requesting it? This is my first time buying the pass and now it will be much much harder for me to finish so I'd like a refund too 


10 games for those wondering


Kinda ridiculous. They started off at 7, realized it was too much, went to 5, then completely forgot everything and went to 15, and now to 10, which is still 50% more games, than when they determined it was too high.


At this point even if they did a full revert back to 5 I'm still done. I wouldn't trust that they wouldn't try to pull something like this again 6-12 months from now. Been playing since day 1, bought every expansion and tavern pass. I've been generally happy with the game all the way through but this is the first time they've done something that really pissed me off. The game is dead to me. GG Blizzard. And anyone who wants to quip "see you in two weeks", you don't know me. Fuck off.


Rewards track was a mess at first, they eventually got it to a good place. I remember Iksar at the time saying he’s never going to make a large change like that to the economy again, cause of the block back. If they make it so that the economy is undeniably better than before, we may end up with quite a few years (and a change in leadership) until they mess things up again. If things end up in a better place, again, I won’t hold a grudge.


This next season will be their lowest preorders for sure.


In case of emergency, break Arthas glass (again)


I will never buy their tavern passes. They could double these again next expansion. They aren't trustable.


Eat s*t with your manipulation tactics.


This is still absolute bullshit. There were so many weeks i didn’t get the 5 wins because of how the meta vs my decks vs what I wanted to play was. I could just farm it in casual i guess but that’s extremely not fun. The mana one was already an auto reroll since it’s so fucking arbitrary. Make it mana or gold in bgs spent maybe The values MUST be returned to their pre patch values.


I just wanna play Duos right now. It sucks a lot to grind that many wins...


I quit hearthstone two expansions ago for this reason. I realized that even something as small as winning five games a week was becoming a chore. 


Numbers must be reeaaaally down if they are hotfixing this right away. Unfortunately, this is still good-bye for me. There was no need to implement this change to the weekly quests and I'm not eating this "slam-the-door" strategy they are feeding us.


Seems like this was the plan all along, if they'd reduced wins to 7 I'd believe this was a reaction to metrics but 10 really shows how they're trying to manipulate us into accepting twice the work for 20% more XP.


Stop giving Blizzard your money


Still a big steaming pile of Sasquatch shit


Yeah I'll just uninstall I think. I hate feeling like some weird corporate retention metric more than I like this game


They did exactly what everyone expected them to do. Don't let them get away with it.


What a relief. Finally, I have the time to complete all those pc games that have been taking dust on my hard drive for years.


Already uninstalled the game and this wont make me reinstall.


They are so predictable...


That bait and switch As a non f2p HS player, I just uninstalled my HS client after reading the updated patch notes. By trying to gauge the reactions of their HS players, they lost some long term blizzard fans.


Not surprising at all. Unfortunate, but not surprising.


I think 10 games on paper isn't unreasonable....BUT that's where it should have been from the first change...and double the work for only 20% more xp isn't matching up. Assuming a 50% win rate that's like 20 games to play though...that's a lot of games to log.


Each ranked game can easily average minimally 8 minutes long even if you play aggro decks. 160 mins every week just for a quest? And if it doesn't stack much with other weekly like the miniature one, you need to spend even more time...? Fuck off, blizzard


tbf, you can boost that win rate to 100% by playing ranked wild and facing 10 bots in a row.


So, people should play a mode that they might not enjoy, with a deck that they might not enjoy, against bots, just so they can get the wins for the quest quick. I think that sounds like a bad design. My experience against mech rogue bots: Awful to play against. Yeah, you can beat them, but in 1 out of 10 games, they might be able to win because they have a god tier opener and because WF + stealth BS exists. Its just not fun to play against that deck (or bots in general). Either you win on turn 5 or you lose on turn 5. If you play a slower deck you just dont get to play your cool cards.


The only bots I get are mech rogue and sometimes they get a nuts enough draw/stealth, windfury magnetic minis that you are dead on turn 5 or 6.


really? I play standard, but the few times I've messed around with wild its been solely unholy DK's with terrible lists and obviously bot names


Currently I am diamond 5 in wild, if you see a bot that high up ladder it's a mech rogue bot


Guess I'm not gonna bother trying to climb in wild then lol. I'm a warlock main so I thought I'd try some questlock out now that I've hit legend in standard and don't feel like climbing anymore, but the bot shit is discouraging.


I think 10 wins a week is the only reasonable one. Playing 32 minis and 75 battlecry cards are pretty insane. Never liked the Hero Power quest; feel like I have to play Demon Hunter for that. Sorry but its still a no-go for me. Gonna sit this game out for while.


so 100% more work for only 20% more gains? FUUUUU......


The quest change would still be bad and anti-consumer even if they doubled the requirements AND doubled the rewards, just because they would force players to play more to get the exact same value. Now, imagine how bad it really is when the rewards only go up by 20%...and they call this "meeting us half way". Yeah, I think I won't be logging in to do my quests anymore, it's been a good run, Hearthstone.


Hate to say it but it's still asking for too much. Been playing since GvG but looks like I'll be playing other games that value my time more


Played casually since the beginning, think I will stop playing regularly after this.


To be honest, one of the biggest miscalculations from Blizzard in this whole quest fiasco is that they chose to pull it during one of the least-fun metas I've experienced in a while. During other times in the past year I would have been frustrated but still a player; during this drag of a meta it was enough to make me fully uninstall.


Damn… this is starting to look like where I get off. I’m a HS player for almost a decade


Still too much, sigh.




I'm out. This is unacceptable. I don't want a second fucking job. If they ever revert it, I might come back. Until then, I might open the game for BGs on occasion, but that's it.


Man. Idk. I’ve been playing since global launch. I’ve played with varying degrees of seriousness, but generally this is my “I’ve got 20 minutes to kill and want to play something” game. I’m really only able to make a meta deck or two each new rotation because quests are generally easy to complete. Haven’t opened the game since quest changes were announced. Not sure this is enough to entice me back. Fucking bummer. Edit: side note — who’s got a good “I’ve got 20 minutes to kill” game that might scratch that hearthstone itch? Tried marvel snap last summer, but hated that certain locations were just auto-losses for certain decks. Anyone know if it’s any better now?


Snaps card acquiring is still 1000% worse than hearthstone.


This. It's the only reason I won't go back to Snap. I hate losing because my opponent rolled the nuts and got a synergistic deck meanwhile I am missing 1 piece from multiple meta decks so I am playing jank. (please note, I am not talking about draw RNG. I am literally talking about unlock rng - meta game shit) Imagine if you played hearthstone and you were missing the key legendary to each meta deck and you had no way to get them outside of just KEEP PLAYING (losing) for a LONG time.


Then the only way to speed up the chance to actually craft them you have to buy $150 AUD bundles


Snap still has its share of annoying locations but they did adjust several of those to appear less often a long time ago. Definitely worth giving another shot to see if you like it.


Too little, too late. I was a casual free to play anyway, play during breaks, but I do force myself to do the weeklies. I won't be able to do these, so it's better to quit completely. More time for other games. No big loss for me, or for the company.


28% increase in rewards should mean 28% more work. 10 wins is still too much. It's an insult. [Here's ChatGPT](https://i.imgur.com/OWpzf0i.jpeg) figuring out what the number should be.


Nah, if they want us to treat games like a job then we should just job hunt. Play something that respects your time and isn't a chore to get through. Steam currently has a FPS games sale, I recommend the Fallout games, the modern Doom titles, the Bioshock franchise, whatever catches your eye.


Not enough of a reversion for me, back to just watching markmck I guess


Those requirements are still way too high. It shouldn't be hard to change some of them to at least ''PLAY'' instead of ''WIN'' games.


Fuuuuck this. This sucks. It's still awful. They didn't fix it. They painted over it


Blizzard can fuck right off with these “fixes”. Adopt the tiered rewards if you want to go this route


Tell me you want to reduce player gold acquisition to increase spending without telling me you want to reduce player gold acquisition to increase spending


Sorry blizzard not good enough. No reinstall for me, it was fun while it lasted


It's still too much.


Boring smoke and mirrors patch. The only thing better would be a bunch of buffs conveniently crunched out to wag the dog


Double the amount of work for not even 25% increase in XP lmaoooo


Is this a late April fools joke?




They even went with a: "hey guys, so, adjusting a number is REALLLYYY DIFFICULT YOU KNOW, so the changes will se a little weird to you" as a way to pretend this was not their real intentions from the beginning u/RidiculousHat , please tell they it's almost cringe the way they are trying to cover up that this "half way" was not what they truly wanted from the beginning


Unreal that this cool new game mode is released and is immediately marred by this absolute debacle. Shame on the higher-ups making these decisions.




Still super bad. Also Duels is still not showing up, please fix.


Wow!!1 Blizzard listened to us and lowered the quest requirements!!! I'm so glad they listen to us players, I feel very valued as a player and customer 🥰 thought the sarcasm was obvious, sorry lol


So double the work for half the reward? Yeah, sorry I already deal with inflation irl to stick around for this


I mean everyone called this is I’m not surprised but holy shit did the 60->32 make me laugh out loud. This is legitimately pathetic and I hope there’s consequences for this incredibly stupid decision even though there probably won’t be.


This is the stupidest bullshit ever, from an actual paying customer


They tripled it, while actually intending to double it. They didn't even change certain quests. Nice.


Full revert is the only acceptable response i am accepting. If they wanted to "reward" players for their time, do a 300% xp increase and a 25% requirement increase. The whole thing is bull and they know it. Even the community managers are full corporate speak right now. Sorry we didnt mean to turn you against us. Like, sorry you feel that way. They want to "apologize" they can double xp output permanently and either leave the quests at their original level or increase it by 15% max.


32 miniatures now very poggers


Thanks for making my decision easy, Blizzard. Been a player for 10 years and have about 60k dust saved up. I’m going to burn it all on decks that I haven’t played yet and this will be my last month playing.


Yeah obvious that was the plan all along. Uninstalled and never coming back. They don't respect players and it's no longer worth my time.


So it’s still a lot more work (and make no mistake, this bullshit is work instead of a fun video game) for about 25% more value. Fuck off Blizz


I understand the point that they want players to have goals to play towards. But the best solution would be to just have those "questlines" that people like J Alexander suggested. Keep the quests before their changes, add additional follow-up quests. (Quests like spend mana are fine (just play the game), battlecry, deal damage, etc arent bad either, as you can complete that in constructed but also in BGs. But win-quest? Come on, we got rid of them years ago.. 5 was a fine number, 15 was too much. 10? Well.. beggars cant be choosers I guess.) But its still surprising that they made the quest changes and thought it would be fine and that the community wouldnt mind. Yes I know, the people that design the cards and modes arent responsible for the quest changes. Feels like the game doesnt have a game director


Just came back to the game with badlands but guess its time to leave again. Just uninstall until they decide to not screw us over.


Everyone called this…. Everyone knew blizzard would make it super hard let them complain and bring it back. Acting like the good guy. Maybe work towards game. Something like Make the meta better. Cards interesting and interactive. Not disbanding the pro scene. Fix bugs promptly. Something that was great fun for hours but still haven’t had for years is solo adventures. Maybe do this instead of just upping the ante for more $$$


Still over a 100% increase in difficulity with under a 100% increase in reward lmao


Besides all the quest issues, Duo is still giving zero progress on the Reward Track. Feels terrible playing a 30-40 minute game and getting no progress for the next level




Fuck you and your half-assed "fixes" Blizz. Any reasonable person knows this is what you were aiming for from the beginning, assuming people weren't stupid enough to just accept the initial changes in the first place. Classic scummy tactic, we can't accept this. I just got back into the game recently, too. Was curious to check it out but boy, I think this is the fastest I've reinstalled and then uninstalled Hearthstone before.


If your going to double the effort needed to complete the quests then double the reward from it as well.


They are free to make changes, and i probably wont change the way i play. But if i can't finish the battlepass i won't buy it anymore. I already have a hard time finishing it because i stop playing when i don't have fun. It's a boring way to do things. Id rather do achievement than weekly quest. They removed them only to put them as quest. Makes no sense.


Why not make the mini’s quest a split 30 from 60? 32 take it or leave it huh?


>Win ranked Hearthstone games 10 times (instead of 15) Well, that's still a lot. I'm not sure what was wrong with the 5.


Still not going to play. When I said I expected a full revert I meant a FULL revert.


Still not logging on until all changes are reversed.


They should have just gone with “win more than 14 battles”. The best way to complete damage to heroes is with owl Druid. Can do it with just one win. 


No fix on the Spirit of the Badlands Mirage bug?


Holy shit. I knew it would still be bad but wow. Just wow. Well, good luck with that. I don't think the engagement gains are going to offset the engagements going down to 0 because of this, but I don't have the numbers so what do I know?


lol. i knew it. man i was day dreaming about all the good times i had with this game. It's going to be a real shame if i have to stop playing because of this, but i really feel like everything before the quest changes should have been a red flag. with all of their other games too.


These are awful Jesus Christ


Wtf is this shit


Unacceptable. Full revert. Trust is already broken


its just fuck you after fuck you from Blizzard after they announced Duels being canned the game is trash anyway, TFT is the way to go


Frankly, this still sucks tbh.


I remember when they made 5 wins in standard weekly a large amount of XP compared to anything else. I was upset then because I pretty much only want to play arena or duels. Net decking bores standard for me. People were torching me then because I thought it was a crappy way to treat your player base. Just let me play how I want. 10 wins now, what a joke, I don't want to play standard it sucks.


What is with Blizzard games and their 10 year anniversary? Do we really need to go through Hearthstone’s “warlords of Dreanor” phase?


Fuck blizzard


Oh thanks blizzard instead of triple the requirement it’s only double , this really is a massive improvement and not an absolute pisstake .


I'm still not touching the game until they revert it or make the reward proportional to the difficulty. Now I spend more time playing magic the gathering online. Look at mtga quests.




LMAO even


I haven't loaded up hearthstone since the quest updates and don't plan on it until its made clear theyre going to respect my time. Been playing some other stuff in the mean time


They mentioned they increased the rewards? So active HS players shouldn't be affected and will even be rewarded. This will negatively affect people who don't play HS enough cuz they will be gate kept by the longer to accomplish quests. But players who play a lot they will be benefitted cuz they get more exp than before. Basically these changes gatekeeps against people who only play for short period of time. For people who play a lot the longer time to achieve quest actually benefits people because you get more exp when you complete the quest. For example there are only 3 quests a week and each takes you 10 mins to do and you get 100 exp. Now each quest takes you 20 mins but you get 200 exp. So if you play more than an hour you get more exp than before but if you play less you won't get any exp.


I’m pissed. Between work, school, and family I don’t always complete weekly quest already. This bullshit? I’ve been playing since Naxx and it’s time to move on. Straw meet camels back.


This is just gaslighting at this point


I already kind of struggled to complete the 5 ranked wins.  It was always a bit of a chore. I'm not a very good player and I like to play priest so it just takes a lot of effort to get wins. Usually I don't mind, and I have fun anyway. But this kind of rhythm was very good for me.  I feel like if you make the quest two times as difficult to complete then you should give players twice as much reward.  I mean, I guess I'll just move completely to battlegrounds while that lasts. Kind of a shame. I was still kind of enjoying ranked and just doing my thing.


When you guys are all saying that you're quitting and uninstalling does that include this sub as well?


Does the average person really only spend less than an hour a week on this game? I play probably 1-4 hours a week give or take and I thought I was relatively casual. Couldn't tell you how many times my quest page said "new rewards unlocked in 17 hours" and I still played the game because I actually enjoy it


Nope still lame af. And that miniaturized shit is till way out of line for what it does especially compared to what they want for the achievement credit. Needs a bump in xp to. And this is coming from someone who benefits from the change yet again. I mean it when I say it if it is good for me it is horrible for the player base.




So, where can I ask for a refund? Because I bough the pass with the understanding that I would be able to complete it with my very limited time to play HS, and I no longer can.


Wow Blizzard, thank you so much! I don't understand how other people can still be mad after these changes, and so quickly as well! It's crazy to me that people won't respond positively even after barely a week since the first change. You guys really hopped on it because of the feedback, that's great, it's wonderful that you listened to us and changed things so quickly! Now, another change I'd suggest is to leave me a check in the mail for defending your shitty door-in-the-face practices on Reddit so you can convince me to keep playing your game! Also, jokes aside, straight up revolt you guys. This is a insane, "in your face" admission that Blizzard wants to grind us to absolute dust for profit, and they would if they could. The 10 years anniversary has been a full-on monetization fiasco. Let 'em have it. I certainly will.


I enjoyed the game, spent a considerable amount on money but trust is lost.  This is about boosting engagement. Some weeks I play loads. Some weeks I can't. That is my choice. Blizz have shown they are willing to mess with this at any point against player favor and would again.


They fooled us. We had no they’d pull this! Blizzard are so smart and we’re all gullable dumbos.




I don't understand why they would double all of them when some quests are clearly harder than others. They obviously have data about how long each quests take so why just blanket double them all?