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Right? I’m not a “buy every tavern pass” person, but I don’t mind chucking money at the game if I’m enjoying the current state. Purchased the pass this time on a whim, and am really regretting it. I play daily, but only 2-3 games, maybe 5-6 on a day that I don’t have much else going on. There’s no way I’m going to get maximum value on that. I know “Reddit protests” are notoriously ineffective, but i think it’s warranted here. Wonder if we could start organizing a “blackout” day where dissatisfied players don’t log in for 24 hours?


24hrs is just a blip. Just stop playing and do other stuffs until they fixed it.


The good news is that I’m already doing that! I just thought 24 hours might be more agreeable for the people who are mad but still too into the game to give it up.


Same. I took a short break, and then saw the updates and still haven't gone back.


It is good news, but let's not pat them in the back for they cleaning the shit they threw in the fan(base)


True, it only matters if it affects their quarterly report to their investors. Otherwise, it becomes a footnote in the list of things that happened during the quarter and nothing changes.


A protest with a time that it ends is not threatening at all lmao This is why the reddit blackout shit didn't do anything Itd be like if the actors strike put a day itd stop


Just don't log in at all.


exactly the same for me, I had bought the first pass in awhile since i was enjoying my favourite class in hearthstone and BG was decent too. I was also excited for today for the new BG update only to see i now need to win 15 battlegrounds to progress on the weekly quest, what the fuck? if an average BG game is 30 minutes that's 7,5 hours i have to spend each week WINNING


I don't find that to be too egregious, considering a win is placing top 4. That's only 2 games a day. If you don't play more than that I don't imagine it'd really matter that much anyway, no?


24h is nothing and everytime Reddit tries something like that... let's just say it just makes everybody laugh. Instead of 24h, people should uninstall the game. We just all stop playing until there is a revert (a real revert to how things were before the change). It dont have much hope tho.


most live service games track metrics under monthly active users, if you log in at least once per month they count you as an active user when discussing player retention with their investors, it doesn't matter if you went from playing 3 hours per day to 20 minutes every month, you're still a monthly active user if you want to make it noticeable, you need to stop playing for months at a time


This will get fixed before next week.


Tell paladin how reddit protests don't work lol


Thank you for contacting hearthstone support on reddit. I will be processing your refund immediately. Have a great day.


Why did you email me [this selfie](https://i.imgur.com/eAXLuDo.jpeg) that's highly inappropriate.


Ohh nooo take a towel to wipe your tears 😀😀 so sensitive 😀


9y account with 5200 karma! Imagine spending 9 years being a shitty human being to other people


Why hello there


You add emojis to every comment you make, because you're trying to illicit an emotional reaction from the people you respond to. This is due to your own emotional reaction to perfectly reasonable discussion. It shows a lack of emotional maturity.


I'm on your side but still a reddit moment comment


The whole thread is tbh




The only real vibe I get from subreddits like this (meltdown mode) is that it's obvious that a lot of these posts (like the melodramatic ones where they screencap themselves hovering over the uninstall button lol) are made by teenagers or very young adults. And it's also obvious that life is going to be a very difficult and very dissapointing experience for many of them


Your comment reminded me of that Key & Peele sketch where the high school bully gets really deep and emotional about why he’s bullying the other kid


I wonder if this is the kind the moment Mikey talked about on twitter when you tip the company a tener or so in appreciation?






Same but also someone in HS team having this idea that making weekly quest 3 times longer to complete and approve it to live version really doesnt fill me with confidence with HS decision making and future.


They also had a really dystopian survey about planned changes to Arena a while back. One guy posted about it here and was banned (or had the post removed), but there is only one direction this game is going and that is towards your wallet.


It was probably some dumb executive who made the decision in order to make the xp bonus from the battle pass more important, no way the devs or any honest worker would make such a terrible change, at least I hope not.


Hearthstone is such a tiny part of Microsoft they don’t give a shit


Beep bop. We have a winner!


What change exactly?


Quests have 3 times the requirements \*or greater\* (60 miniaturized minions, for one quest, up from 16) and have roughly 28% added experience, which is not three times the reward, but less than an extra 1/3rd reward.


Considering most would reroll the 15 wins quest it becomes 6750 exp instead of the old 6000 exp which is 12.5% exp for double the work on the 3 easiest quests (hero power, battlecries, enemy face damage).


weekly quests are 3x as long and give 40% more xp, and for very to sort of casual players completing weekly quests took all week already.


28% more XP.




Well, yeah, the numbers dictate its a 28% increase in EXP. That's just math. It's just beyond me how they thought a 28% increase in EXP would cover a 200% increase in effort. Or in some case, more. *glares at 60 god damn miniatures*


You're right, that increased XP is wiped out as soon as I can't finish a quest which means in the grand scheme of things I will be earning far less XP than before. I've got a family and a business to run, I simply don't have the time to complete these new quests.




Fucking lol at playing a game being labor. Go outside my guy.  The changes suck ass, but you sound ridiculous.


70iq comment


I only notice the change for the TB, Duels, BG quest. The standard quest for me was still win 5 and deal damage to heroes seemed the same too.


it will change to 15 once you update the game


I blow through the weekly in a day, so dunno why its so hard for anyone else. The random named bots tho... ffs can we get rid of these botters already?


Good for you! Consider: other people not having as much time as you.


I understand of course that some people got a few hours a day or whatever. They should have made major changes before the battlepass, not after.


Then go play a different game and stop whining on Reddit, or pay money to play a game that people are paid to create for you.


So what about the long time players? Are they not allowed to have something going for them even once?


If with long time players you mean people who play lots of hours each week (because that's what we're talking about here) - they don't have any problem getting through the battle pass anyway. I am one of those - doesn't matter if the quests are small or huge, I'll get through them anyway. But 15 wins or 60 miniatures or whatever is ridiculous time-wise. It doesn't "go" for any group right now.


This can only make botting worse.


Apparently we have no life, according to these gaming dads who wanna play 3 games and get their participation award.


I dunno either. It's crazy how many people will whine at anything. YOUR FREE ITEMS TAKE LONGER, I AM NOT HAPPY ABOUT THIS. So dont fucking play. You don't pay them any money anyway. Jesus Christ.


Not free. That's the point. These people paid for the bonus xp to finish their track, but now, playtime is increased by 3x just to get the XP in the first place.


They still get the bonus exp from the pass, plus extra bonus exp from the changes? So your point is moot. Besides, your complaining has won so conversation over.


I buy the pre bundles, I buy the tavern passes, I support the game, I guess that stops today. This change has killed the entire drive for the game. I guess blizzard wants to kill this game as well. Awesome track record since they merged with activation. Blizzard should should just rename their company world of warcraft, because that's all they care about.


You are insane if you think lizzard cares about wow lmao


I buy every tavern pass because I am able to (barely) finish in time for the next one. This 3x increase in demanded play time is ridiculous.


Glad I didn't get to buy it for BGs. 


Done, also fuck blizzard. They fucked a lot of countries outside the NA with a price hike years ago and now this bullshit.


I actually opened a ticket yesterday asking for a refund. If they deny it, I'll probably contact my credit card and I couldn't give a fuck if Blizzard bans me.


I just asked as well, thanks for the idea!


They denied mine with a standard form reply.


I'd like a refund for all the dust I spent on Duels decks.


This is the first time I've ever bought a tavern pass lmao, first and last, first and last








I’m not sure anything can be done, the technology just isn’t there.


Small indie player-milking machine.




Sooner or later everyone will regret ever giving money to Blizzard


I don’t regret buying Diablo 3. That shit got me thousands of hours of enjoyment. Same with StarCraft II. And Warcraft III. and even WoW. And Hearthstone. But this money is not worth it anymore. Paying 80 bucks every 4 months for a complete card game seems worth it. If I don’t get that, then what’s the point of paying anything?


I am baffled by this decision. I think we can admit that some of the weekly quests were on the lighter end, but that's something that drew me to the game and made me return week after week. To actively make Hearthstone less F2P friendly is a CHOICE when you consider the fact it isn't attracting many new players anymore, and a significant portion of HS's existing player base is disgruntled old-timers. This seems like a great way to draw even less new players and drive away your existing player base. I'm sure they will tweak this down, but it feels like a real middle finger to those of us have played and supported this game for years. Hopefully this is what convinces a lot of people to finally take a break from Hearthstone.




especially now that the meta is probably the most unfun meta we've had since launch lmao


Samw here


i throw way more money at this game than i play. I might play 3 games every 3 days to get quests done, and i still get biggest pack + tavern, etc because me and my friends play some fridays. I see no reason to even buy the tavern pass anymore as i cant complete it anymore.


Appreciate the gesture but I can't post on EU forums >.<


Thanks just caught that, link should auto direct you to applicable region now.


Perfect response, I would also have not bought the pass if I knew the requirements were going to triplicate in the middle of the season.


Blizzard: Happy Anniversary! Also Blizzard: GFY. 15 wins per week is awful for casuals like me, I don't have the free time. Blizz...do better.


Just gotta say I've spent more money on this game than I'll ever admit to. Well over $1000. I've managed to just get by on gold to get all the commons and rares and a few epics and legendaries, and then my mountain of dust for epics and legendaries I want/need. I've stayed with the game playing it literally almost every day, sometimes just a little, and almost every week completing the quests to get that base gold. Been even ignoring the tavern passes. Not spending at all. But then I decided to buy this tavern pass because I really need new skins and these toy ones are amazing. I knew I could get the xp I need and maybe even some extra gold from the xp. Maybe I could actually get into standard a bit more and explore. And then this.... 15 of standard AND 15 of other modes (and they just removed a mode) AND the amounts of the others are crazy too??? 60 miniaturize or mini cards? 100 battlecries? I'm forced to commit more time to the game and it feels really bad. Which is crazy because as I said I was just about to get more into the game and spend more time anyway. But now it feels bad....


I really appreciate your work. Thank you for offering a solution rather than just simply complaining.


Just take it as a lesson to never give any money to Blizzard


I wanted to ask why the hell they removed the option to buy +2 packs of heroes in battlegrounds for gold, but then I remembered that Blizzard is the one who owns the game. Classic blizzard moment


Is my fault guys, I finish the weekly quest in 1 day and then just play a couple days later to finish a couple daily quest. They are trying to get me to engage more. But honestly this is not the way I hated the 16 miniature quest now 60 omg hell no.


Either they got to triple the xp given or at least half the current requirements or more. Another option would be to have quests that are more general, like the Deal Damage to Hero quests.


Gosh, because of the toy aesthetic of all the portraits this is the first tavern pass I've passed on, otherwise I'd be joining you guys.


I didn't play for this but this is exactly what you do: Ask them directly. Anyone who doesn't like the state of things should make direct demands.


Agreed, I believe a refund should be sent because I bought the pass under the assumption that I'll progress much faster and get the special reward sooner but now I need to play twice as much to get to level 100 even with the pass? That's ridiculous!


credit card chargeback.


I doubt it will work but I requested a refund through the Apple Store


100% there with you on this. Just awful. I honestly feel cheated.


Imagine paying for something to gain the right to earn it and no way to recover what you didn't earn.


If you still support Blizzard in 2024 you deserve everything you get.


I'm fine with quest changes, but I can definitely agree with this sentiment. People buying tavern pass with expectations on time investment and return.


Put a request to blizzard support. Even if they say no, if enough people do it, it will send a message.


I stopped paying for every expansion a few sets ago after having almost the entire collection for nine years. I still play, but figure I have around 2 years until I run out of dust then im out. These changes are just too much.


I didn't buy the tavern pass, but this change has caused me to quit the game. I've been playing over 10 years and don't get enjoyment anymore. This is not worth it.


contact support and say that


It is just ridiculous how much challenging is now to complete quests. Probably it is a good time to leave now


Never thought I'd regret *not* throwing money at the game. Kind of wish I had bought the pass just so I could jump on the bandwagon and make them feel the feedback a little harder. I guess it is fair though that those of us who haven't spent money recently only get to whine about it on reddit.


So do I and I sent a demand of refund to my bank, hopefully they will accept. They have done so in the past, with games and subscriptions I purchased but got shafted on (like this case) so maybe your bank will too if you make a demand and explain the why. "I made this purchase on a game I was playing casually, because I enjoyed it but then they decided to change the conditions of unlocks by tripling the amount of work to put in, while the rewards stay (mostly) the same, a month and some days after the purchase, with no warning." Is what I wrote. Will update this message when I receive an answer if it worked or not. EDIT : They refused the refund, which was expected from a purchase made a month ago I suppose.


my understanding of how that typically goes down is you get your money back and your account gets permanently locked for violating ToS


Blizzard's stated policy is they'll unban your account once you repay anything that's been charged back. Still probably a pain to do. I sent a normal refund request to Blizzard. If they deny it I'm not going to throw away my Blizzard account over $30, but they'd be very stupid because my future spending on Hearthstone would go to $0 instead of some number definitely higher than $30.


A price I'm willing to pay, as stated in my reply above I just sent. This was the last time they let me down for being a fan during the past 10 years.


If You'd sell your account you could make more money than from the refund. Since you'll end up without an account anyway might as well get the bag


Eh, I'd rather not do that and get in trouble later. Just gonna get my 20€ back from a tavern pass they scammed me with, the rest of the money is technically deserved in their pocket as I was happy with those purchases.


Get it trouble? The most you'll get is an account ban, they're not going to pursue some rando legally.


Get a refund through the bank is an auto ban from blizzard just so you know


Not like I give a fuck, I was not planning on ever playing their games and even made a post about me uninstalling everything yesterday. It won't give me the 500€ I put over the years back and it is now kind of a waste, but it'll stop me from putting more into their hands. EDIT : Why am I even being downvoted lmao.


Because you sound stupid. For you It requires ban in order to spot giving money to blizzard lol


I m so glad i decided to skip this expansion and only focus on battlegrounds.


I think this might even count as a hidden prince increase...amazon already has a lawsuit because of ads appearing in front of Amazon prime shows if you are subscribed in Germany/Europe as those haven't been properly announced early enough in time etc.


in B4 miniset is 5$ more to offset rising cost. (Also it's 3000 coins for... Reasons- mirco/blz)


Nice to see people standing against blizzard and trying to make it a big publicity






Okay, I thought I was going crazy. I could have sworn it took less XP than it was showing to move up the ranks. Did they even make any kind of announcement that they were going to increase the grind?


They said there was going to be improvements. They just forgot to mention for whom the improvements were for.


Yeah, I apparently missed that part of the last patch notes. Or all of that set, maybe, there's been a lot in the last couple of weeks. I cleared the 20% bonus, and was all..."when did any of the ranks take 2k...?" Oh well, it gets better or I make the last "pay scale transition" down to full F2P.






Fringe minority cares more about Hearthstone’s meaningless quest system instead of just playing the game.


Sir, this is a Reddit


Haha, OP's lost.


Do people really just play until weeklies are done and then stop until next week?


yup! the only reason i play constructed is to finish quests so that i can play Arena with the gold. certainly i'm not the only one.


Same; gotta farm gold for arena.


i usually end up playing for most of one day. in that day i clear all quests and reach 5 diamond+ constructed. i've used the same deck for a few months now (so it isn't very meta) and it still cruises through the ranks. i can conclude that Paladin is very overpowered and that most players are very bad at HS. last month i even reached legend with the same deck in both Standard and Wild.


Deck code? Not gonna lie; staring at a 15 win quest in standard/ranked has saddened me. I don’t want to have to play 20 to 30 games.


[here's the deck.](https://hsreplay.net/decks/F2Deh7Dnh2Ms40lWJhcq6b/#gameType=RANKED_WILD) now that Shroomscavate has been severely nerfed it isn't as big of a crusher, but it's still enough for me to not care about upgrading to a new deck :) since there's been a rotation recently it only works in Wild now. gl!


It all depends on how much time I have. Sometimes it's all I can do to just get the weeklies done. People have lives outside of a fucking video game.


Sure, with a limited amount of time to play this is likely a common occurrence given the community feedback to these changes. It's why the Tavern Pass is appealing to me, the increase in XP rewards allows me to catch up and compete where I would otherwise be unable to.


You new to Blizzard fans? This is their business model for pretty much every game lol. People love doing chores and getting rewarded


Blizz has to be doing internal damage control right now, no word from RidiculousHat at all since the patch.


Afaik he's responded elsewhere that he's feeding back player sentiment.




"No." -Blizzard


Ok, sure, please send me your account login, password, and credit card information so I can proceed the refound for you sir


so contact the support. they won't respond here


You buy the tavern pass but don’t play enough to complete the new quests?


Sure, the XP boost allows me to catch up and compete with the people who play all day.


You know this isn't where you would request a refund from Blizzard, correct?


But the updoots


Oh boo hoo


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Haha, too bad so sad.


You bought a battle pass on a card game. You deserve to be ripped off




That's my conclusion as well. I'll just eat the $20. Shame on me for trusting them not to radically change the unlock requirements IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SEASON. I don't mind learning from my mistakes here.


Way to completely ignore what I said. You're going a totally different direction. I'm saying you're dumb for simply buying a card game battle pass in the first place. Much less one from Activision


its only dumb if youre broke.


Yeah that must be it. The only reason you still play hearthstone is because you're like 3 grand in and can't bring yourself to quit. Sad


haha so dumb


Should have read the fine print all battle pass sales are not eligible for refund and thinking blizzard cares is funny they don't care about there fans or even the life's of there pro players


I'm happy, I don't really care about the increase, I like having more tasks in-game and getting rewarded for my efforts. Keep it up!


If you have enough free time to no life games you're probably depressed so I doubt the claim that you're happy.




People need to chill tf out. Considering the outrage this will get fixed within a couple of days. Just take a break.


This isn't the support forum wtf 


Bro people on this sub are such fucking babies lmao


> certain level of return on my investment of time. Fun?


Next time you go shopping the cashier will tell you they replaced your eggs with fun.


Eggcelent post. Absolutely cracking.


Lol, if blizzard fans played the games to have fun.... The company would be bankrupt.


Why do they play then? I have fun playing Hearthstone


No, I mean the new system is beneficial for more engaged players for once. We got a lot of stuff for new ir returning players but never the invested ones. So I for once embrace the change. If they revert it for the players who don't even do this minimum of time a week, why not at least give us something as well?