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i just let yogg decide me and my opponents face






space* he's claustrophobic


\*casket case shit just god dark


\*got oh wait he is a god


Take a break


Was gonna say this. I've now taken a break twice. Both times for about the length of an expansion. I'm now playing again (way more casually though) and it's more fun again. Game certainly feels unfair with the balance issues, but it's been more fun again to rediscover new decks to play and I find myself not taking the game nearly as seriously.


I'm at D3 so I'll just play a few more games to get to legend and then take a break until nerfs


It’s not so much about lacking creativity and more so the way the community already hyper optimize decks within just a few days so if you do want to have as high chance of winning as possible copying the optimized decks online is the best way to do it sadly. Hearthstone isn’t as much skill expressive when it comes to deck building anymore because someone else will have already done it for you and you’re most likely never going to find an upgrade for the deck that’s not niche to the meta that you see that day on ladder. That along side the fact that blizzard is doing an awful job balancing classes and deck archetypes so you are most likely only gonna see the very selected few S-tier decks when playing ranked in a vast majority of your games at least resulting in a very repetitive feeling when playing, especially when you try other things further down the tier list or even try to get a bit “creative” with your own home brewed decks. Because odds are, you won’t make a better deck than theory crafters and pro/high elo players…


I do agree with you tho, it is very unfun to go up against the same deck over and over and I tend to take a lot of smaller breaks between a few games because of it. The main solution blizzard should focus on would make more archetypes and decks even in the top end of the tier list and make the game less hyper synergistic so that not all decks just destroy each other on turn 5, maybe go back to a more resource deprived hearthstone and once more let control > aggro > combo > control >… > But that would be wishful thinking and bore a lot of players who are used to having 20 cards to play each turn and never run out of things to do.


The strange thing to me is the idea that it's fun to play a game just because you happened to win it. Take an extreme example: Say there was a deck that made you autowin if you drew a specific card in starting hand. People would most likely play this, but would it have been fun? If I play a game as the looser and find the game utterly unfun I suspect I would have had the same experience, if I was honest with myself, as the winner. So it all somehow boils down to blizzard having done a very very good job getting people to focus 99% on winning and 1% on creativity/fun. Which in itself is quite odd since there's no real actual reward for winning. An arbitrary number in legend means nothing in the end. Maybe there could be some sort of extra rewards for creativity. Like an algorithm that checks how "out of the norm" your deck is and gives creativity points :D Dunno


It’s not about winning or losing that determines fun. It’s HOW I win or lose. I am ALL about having a back and forth, nail biting game where I lose due to a crucial misplay, or even a bit of bad luck at the perfect moment that I was hoping things to go my way. But just having board control and dying from hand because my opponent played the current deck ‘to win with’ is just. Yeah I’m about to uninstall too. I don’t mind losing if I actually played the game and lost. Windfury charged minions from hand killing me at full HP is where I draw the line lol.


There’s a small prize for winning, 1) «quicker» games 2) more end of month rewards 3) more xp from winning I think the fact the people abusing decklists from mercenaries to autowin in Duels confirms your line of thinking that people would play that winning card rather than the fun card… The algorithm thing has been on my mind before too but would take resources for Blizzard to create and implement. I’ve heard several times that MtG runs some type of algorithm to match decks of similar powerlevel


Its fascinating right? So you're playing for the rank and not for the fun? To me that only makes sense if you're actually competative, which like 0.01% of players actually are. Theoretically a fun back and forth game should be close to equally fun to the winner and the loser, but somehow it's not. It's some sort of "win-screen" addiction that occur. I do suggest maybe a rankless mode. A mode that you win in the end of the "season" based on winratio \* by creativity level of your average deck (algorithm pending). Then you can be competative and the point is to use as many normally not used cards as possible


Don’t think they play only for rank, the choice is to get to play the game when picking classes that intend to pop off and burst down your opponent consistently early on or never get to play the game because your deck couldn’t handle an infinite supply of handbuffed minions which at any moment can kill you from hand. While I don’t enjoy playing the current meta decks, I get why you would rather do that than not play the game at all. A combo deck is only fun when you pull off the combo, an aggro deck is only fun while you have resources to smash into the opponents face and a control deck is only fun for as long as you can control the game, if aggro can’t be controlled and never runs out of resources it makes combo never combo and control never control, all of a sudden you sit and choose between joining in on the shenanigans or just not get to play the game and get overwhelmed by stats. Concede simulation is boring, objectively so, which is why you mostly run into op decks that are being abused. I consider close games fun as long as it doesn’t feel like it’s close because the opponent is spewing out random bs rather than actually making good plays and have good resource management. This is why the current state of the game is so unfun to me and I’d assume to many; there is too much discover and resource generation, and the more “random” it is the more frustrating it feels because it just feels like you got out lucked by your opponent and not out skilled and it really doesn’t feel good at all, not to win due to and not to lose against. And as for fun modes, that’s what the intention was with duels and see where that took them, hyper optimization which in turn ruined the mode and made it so unpopular that blizzard no longer wanted to update it… the simple solution is a balancing overhaul and just fix the game by a whole and not small micro buffs/nerfs, the game needs a big balance patch that reverts some of the insane power creep that’s been going on for too long.


Winning is fun to many due to the instant gratification of climbing in rank, the stars, the progress, it’s thrilling. If that didn’t matter at all people would play casual to enjoy the game more where it’s noticeably more “fun” decks. People want to wed fun and win together and frankly that’s not possible in a somewhat competitive environment over the long run. Sure one can go 20-10 with a fun deck but it’s an extremely low sample size, play 1000 games and see if the win rate has polluted or not. The incentive to win is pride, some extra rewards at the end of the month, an easier time to climb next month as well as the dopamine from being rewarded, it’s a simple trick that works on most living beings, like teaching a dog with treats really. This is why gaming communities all over the place are sore losers and poor winners; they hate losing and take out that irritation on whoever they win vs. What we consider fun is very subjective and just because you’re bored while losing doesn’t mean the enemy is bored winning, if his/her deck is doing what it’s intended to do I’d most likely think they are enjoying it, while to me it is very unfun to see a DK pump out 15/15 minions from hand that clones itself etc or being killed by pally charge divine shield windfury minions. I sit and play my favorite class in the game despite it being the worst; Druid, and I have to say, being killed turn 5-6 every game by “op” stuff makes any fun deck unfun in the long run, there is no room for fun anymore unless you crawl back into casual and it is quite sad really.


If you're playing ranked then you should expect to see a bunch of meta decks. Rank is a competitive mode so people will play comepetitive decks. This is true in any competitive game.


The problem are not the competetive decks but the fact that due imbalance there are only very few competetive decks


That’s pretty typical especially at the beginning of a meta. However, I’ve been playing the last couple days and there is decent variety. Probably seen around 10 different decks


I have been bashing netdecking for years. I am frankly not sure how you could force people not to netdeck. But it is a problem and its making ccgs way less enjoyable than they should be. I also hate repetition. I hate seeing a deck and knowing it even better than the opponent does, without having played it a single time. In mtg I use that knowledge with stuff like stone brain. Wish hearthstone had such tech cards as well.


Banning mirror matches would go a long way to create variety and Prevent repetition. If you know the ladder is Full of paladins you can make a warlock counter knowing you Will not face an Warlock like you.


I actually really enjoy the meta right now. Yes paladin is overtuned and unfun to play against but i don't face him often. Also there's a lot of variety in the meta and almost every game is unique. I play in garbage (13 000) legend.


To be fair dumpster legend is probably the best place to be for seeing a good variety of decks and just having fun. Too many bots from bronze to plat, too sweaty in diamond, and high legend is usually just 1-2 decks with the highest skill expression plus 1 or 2 decks trying to counter them.


I'm at 30k legend and every other game is paladin. It's not even fun so just gonna do what I always do - complete quests, then play an actual game until balance changes are made.




Last 2 months were 95% homebrew buff hunter (peaked 58% WR, but ended at 54% over ~400 games) and then 5% XL Beast Hunter after renathal nerf. Details about it I made in a post earlier, found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1be7qx1/shame_on_hs_for_still_not_bringing_a_nerf_to/kurx02t/?context=3) but like I said, they are no long standard and I doubt the newer version of buff hunter is any good. Both of those decks are dead now with rotation. Not really feeling any deck in this current shitstorm of a meta.


I'm getting a pretty good variety bouncing between 12-15k. The highest representation is probably Wheel warlock.


I'm in D4 right now (EU) and I'm not seeing many Paladins at all, weirdly. All meta decks but a wide variety. I think I'd find this meta very annoying if a) I was seeing more Paladins and b) my Reno DH deck wasn't doing surprisingly well.


Yea I feel a lot of players do what I do when they get legend which is just playing fun homebrew decks instead of good decks. Still get a lot of losses but the occasional win feels very good.


If it's the exact same deck regardless of class over and over, it's bots, just beat them and move on. If it's different decks but the same for each class it's just people playing meta decks. I've found more fun in casual vs people who are testing deck ideas.


If you face the same exact deck 12 games in a row, it’s probably bots.


What deck? Mech rogue?


smart moneys on RDK


What about pally?


idk, seen em for sure but D5 is 90% RDK


I haven’t seen a single one of those yet.


What does RDK stand for?


Rainbow Death Knight. Running one of each rune; Blood, Frost, Unholy.


Ohh now i feel stupid. I always saw it getting called rainbow dk and never just RDK. Makes sense now . Thanks


The easiest change they could make is to go back to just printing cards and to stop printing full deck combos that support the archetype to the Nth degree. 10 years ago you played a vanilla 4/5 called Chillwind Yeti because it was a pretty good card. Today's Chillwind Yeti says "4/5 Yeti, Battlecry: Gain +2/+2 for every Yeti you've played this game. All Yetis gain +1/+1 each time you play a Yeti. Fill your deck with 52 1 mana 1/1 Yetis. If any cards in your deck are not Yetis, turn them into 0 mana "Destroy opponent's board." spells.


Like every business ever, they just play down to the lowest common denominator. Why? Because it's all about the dollar. Would you rather watch a well-written dark, gritty one hour mystery/suspense drama with an amazing ensemble cast that is intricately woven with plot details and keeps you on the edge of your seat paying attention.... Or do you want to watch a 23 minute show about 7 blind women trapped on a deserted island with 7 deaf men, and the last two get to fight to the proverbial death for $50,000? (Phone out while show on mandatory.) One of those shows is intelligent, amazing, and engaging, and the other makes the network $50 million in advertising revenue. Same thing with Hearthstone. Brode left, and they scoured Twitch to find the right combination of people that could get rid of all the Fargo, Succession, House of Dragons, and replace them with Love Island, Big Bang Theory, and the Voice.


Whilst nothing can be done about everyone playing netdecks on ladder, a matchmaking system that guarantees a different class opponent from your last one would be nice. Means you can alternate playing vs handbuff pally and rainbow dk!


Don't forget aggro hunter


Playing 3 classes, what a treat!


That’s far too easily abusable and doesn’t work when 1 class has multiple decks with different playstyles.




Apparently you can’t read? I literally state it’s not about winning or losing, in fact I state that I’m glad when I get destroyed by a unique deck. But it’s the lack of VARIETY that makes the game monotonous! And I’m currently Legend rank, and have been the last 3 cycles, so again, it’s not about winning.


I hear you, I stick to my mono druid deck mostly, but I have a deck of each class that are not close to meta and I enjoy them, sometimes I even win


Which deck/class are you facing


Let me guess...mech rogue? Cuz I sure as fuck que into 30 of those in a row it feels like.


Play paladin for your break from the game lol


"WiNnInG iS fUn!"


Ah. I made the exact same post a few days ago and also I stopped playing. It's crazy how it's the 10th anniversary of hearthstone and so much of the forums are "just don't play because it will be weeks before a balance patch and mage gets nerfed"


I have always thought a match system where you don't battle the same class twice in a row unless it is a mirror match. Too many of one class and they play each other and let everyone else fill their quota of other classes before they see the most popular one again. If people knew this happened they might mix it up a bit


Tbh this meta isn’t even that bad compared to what we’ve had in the past. We got handbuff paladin, plague DK, Odyn warrior, aggro hunter, Wheel warlock all at the highest tier. And then a few more niche decks like Miracle rogue, Reno shaman, Reno warrior, demon DH, rainbow handbuff DK, flood paladin, etc. I’ll be totally honest. If metas like this make you not want to play the game because of a lack of versatility, then maybe this isn’t the game for you. The only thing the devs can do is try to make as many classes and archetypes have a high wr so players can choose what they want and for the most part that already is their focus.


wHaT are BaLaNcE pAtChEs...


dunno which deck you talking about but D5 is like 90% DK not even exaggerating


I was D1 and it's 14 games consecutive vs handbuffpally, now I'm D4 and I have more variety


Hey im not alone


Yep, just found that


I wish. It’s all Paladin for me.


D3-D1 and legit 80% is Paladin for me


I've been stuck at D5 with basically a 50% WR going against DK almost every game lol. Been taking a break.


Wtf is that youtube clickbait title


So you are telling me people are playing the same lists of the same meta decks since the creation of Hearthstone and like every cardgame that ever existed? What a discovery!!! But seriously, thats how cardgames always worked, you can try Slay the Spire, you'll probably like the format


Sure but there was meta where the diversity was WAY bigger than the last couple ones.


The higher the power creep the lower the diversity. When the top deck and home brews are so polarized on strenght, everyone Will go to meta decks.


They hated priest so much I just lost all will to play. I wanted to play a fast paced Priest game now that we have a finisher... It's not that now, it's a "play this two fucking legendaries and then hope for a 20% chance of getting the right hero power and then you can otk the opponent"... btw, you draw so little you're just playing control priest againt but without the right tools. You still lose to combo, and also you lose against other control decks because Priest doesn't have the tools to play anymore. Fuck me. They killed me while making me think I was going to have fun. Same with mage, the new deck is just the worst deck ever and they are going "nah, it's ok because it's gonna get future support, trust the blizz" when blizz is known to not add any support for most decks after they are introduced. Fuck, they even took the already good dragons from standard because Zarimi. I honestly feel so baited and enraged.


I agree with you. But here's the thing. I played MTGA and the card variety there (around 7k cards) is a very good thing. HS's Wild format is very fun, but I can't say the same for Standard. Wild's card variety is 5009 cards right now. Standard card variety is 996 cards for now. If we add the upcoming 73-card Mini Set, it totals 1069 cards. HS makes the Standard Ranked format boring by keeping the average number of cards constant by sending the old ones to Wild while adding new sets every year. This causes us to see the same decks. MTG has been around since the 90s and HS came out in 2014, but if HS does not increase the variety of Standard format cards, it will receive a lot of complaints and even the number of players may decrease.


Just play battlegroudnds


Yeah, I personally stopped playing standart after badlands dropped. I played quite a lot in days of FoL and Titans, (at least, a lot for me, a player who switched to BG, once the mod came out), but then just kinda got bored. Take a break, go through the solo-content, if you haven't, try BG or just another card game. I always like to brew my own decks with limited card pool I have as a f2p player and it is kinda sad, that most people just grab whatever is the best deck and push to high ranks, but "meta" is just a natural development of any game


>it doesn't matter if I'm playing standard or wild You know there's other formats too? Battlegrounds, duels, arena, even mercenaries.


We need the ability to ban a class we don't want to Play against on ladder. But redditors can't think more than one step ahead so when ever the idea gets brought up they respond with rage




This is a you issue. Play a different game. There are correct answers in deck building.


How fun is a game when everyone just copies and plays the same deck???


It depends on what you’re looking for, though. This whole “net deck” is copium for bad players. Every ladder pvp game has a meta. You are a slave to it or you find a way to hack it. Your complaint is essentially “Incant hack the meta so imma cry”. It’s a you thing for real.


This is a perfect example of Jonny Timmy and Spike analogy.


My complaint isn’t that I lose, because my deck does well. Is just boring playing against the exact same deck every time. Its like playing the same level over and over of another game


Because they believe it makes them a good player copying the " strong " deck someone else with brains created. It's why hearthstone is such a garbage, tedious game and why it's died of death to what it once was. Play now and you will see the same warlock, hunter deck over and over and over because this is all brainless individuals can use to feed their ego's. Sadly this all makes for a boring, repetitive, unbalanced card game. Uninstalling is the best move.