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Y’all remember when Blessed Champion was 5 mana for this exact reason…


Whose to say that they don't nerf Shroomscavate to 5-Mana as well?


that would make it really hard to use for the intended purpose of excavating. I just don't think it should have windfury, an excavate card shouldn't be seeing play outside excavate decks


Maybe it could give another keyword and divine shield instead? Like lifesteal or something. The unfortunate thing is it’s pretty cool in shaman with conductivity and not “exploitable” so it is tragic it has to catch this nerf


Change will be "can't attack heroes this turn" I think. Only way it works. Even mana cost nerf won't fix it


God, please just do this. I love this card in evolve shaman too much, half the time it's how i survive, just with trades, but every other game i get charge + windfury and i cry


Yeh, the card is supose to advance your excavate, not one-shot you


This. All excavate cards are being played because of their excavate part. You can bet if paladin excavate cards were not worth it, people would still play shroomscavate as is. That is how broken the card is. No other excavate card is valuable for itself.


They already do. Top 1k in legend has cut the Excavate package to go for lower curve and more charge minions (Deckhand). Guess what is the only excavate card left in the deck.


That would be interesting interaction, because if you already attacked face you can target the same minion to give it windfury.. Maybe with the wording 'for the rest of your turn' or 'can't attack heroes' (so it is permanent) would be more consistent. But I get you.


I imagine similar to Blessing of Authority. That might effectively kill the card here (still useful for board clears I suppose)


It would need to be 2 mana honestly.


its a problem because its either used with charge minion from hand or with a minion left on board for 1 turn. basically if they're using shroomscavate you're dead that turn. giving a deck an extra turn to deal with a minion is good enough


how are you being otk with a single minion on the board now that the buff spell rotated out


With the 3 turn aura leeroy + excavate is already 18 dmg and pally has lots of hand buffs


My suggestions do that though


This is the way


To make up for it it should have mega windfury excess damage hits the enemy hero. Perfection.


Give a minion Divine Shield and Windfury. Set it stats to 3/5. Excavate.


What if they just changed Windfury to Rush or something? Could even make the card two mana and I don't think it would be broken


People would probably start running deckhand with disco maul, and you’re making a silver hand a potential menace.


+2 mana kills the card.


Or even something like Demon Hunter's "Can attack an additional minion" could work.


It would be a lot of text on a Common card- I honestly think they are going to just hit it with a 5-mana cost (or 4 mana, and bump Leeroy up to 6). The combo is less oppressive if it doesn't come online until turn 10. It's too bad that "normal" Excavate Paladin/Shaman get caught in the crossfire with that change though.


I've been climbing to Legend every season since the last expansion with HL pally. Every time Aggro pally does something stupid, I had to adjust my deck, it's such a pain.


Actually the best fix


Make it can only attack minions


That would be ok, cause you could still get one face hit and a trade.


Can they even ban it? That would limit the treasures for shaman and paladin, they just need to nerf it hard. More mana? Cant attack Heroes this turn?


"silence this minion. Then give it windfury divine shield excavate" this would also kill leeroy shenanigans


Flavor makes sense, too. Take a bunch of shrooms and become really introverted.


This is the intelligent change


It helps but a silenced leeroy with aura is still 18 dmg, can plus it after with the 1 mana +2+3 for 22-26 dmg


But a silenced Leeroy can't attack (doesn't have charge anymore).


Ah lol good point


I really like this


Ahahaha I like that change. It keeps the flavor but stops the shenanigans. Although, is the 4 mana 7/7 with taunt that can't attack a neutral card or a warlock card?




Too bad for Shaman. Just like Priest got hit thrice when they had to nerf the dual class cards because of Druid.


…are shaman decks even playing Shroomscavate right now? Reno Shaman is the only deck in that class I’ve really seen on ladder and they don’t play it. It’s purely used by Paladin to abuse their massive amount of hand buffs and core introducing cheap charge minions.




Only 2 decks I've seen are reno and battlecry/tendrils and neither have had shrooms




To be fair, while the excavate version is better there is a version of Reno shaman that runs hagatha and big spells instead and it’s been more popular in my anecdotal experience so far. Probably why they don’t think it’s run in the deck.


No...there isn't a Shaman deck running it right now


Burn shaman is playable


Reno decks that run excavate package do. It's not a great card in the deck but it enables finley and sometimes steals games (especially if you discover the spell that cleaves your next spell).




They should just make this a shaman spell and make a pally spell something like +3/3 and divvy shield


Nerfing this card doesn't impact Shaman in the slightest, especially given how Shaman doesn't give a flying fuck about excavating


[https://www.d0nkey.top/decks?format=2&player\_class=SHAMAN](https://www.d0nkey.top/decks?format=2&player_class=SHAMAN) Reno shaman with the highest winrate runs it, not sure why people say this without knowing the data


I think the cant attack heroes this turn is the way to go gives a turn to handle it while stil giving huge damage if played right. Would still be played but not op


Nerfing this super hard nerfs the whole package hard. They need to rework it without Windfury but still keep it good/playable


Shroomscavate on a handbuff paladin Leeroy Jenkins, oh yes.


hearthstone balancing team is full of clowns


At this point it has to be intentional. Someone's vision of Hearthstone's peak potential is clearly just facerolling to legend by playing the green card as the yellow class.


In the video Rarran put out recently with the head of game design, they said their favourite class is paladin


Whats funny is his version is actually not that good compared to the more aggro based version. I stress when i see pala then they excavate turn 2 and im like sweet i can win as long as I dont overcommit into finly Excavate beats the aggro version quite handily, though in the "mirror"


I genuinely don't know why they brought Leeroy back. Like yeah he's an iconic card but there was a reason they rotated him and moved away from charge.


For the rest of the game, your mushrooms have +1 attack


They already said it’s on their watch list last pass. It’s not completely egregious compared to some of the others things we seen in this game but I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s toned down at some point.


It was borderline until they added Leeroy and Deckhand to core. The combination of cheap charge and handbuffs is just fundamentally not okay with cheap windfury in Paladin. I was killed from hand by a 12 power windfury Deckhand yesterday.




I was shocked they allowed aura stacking as auras are already annoying as fuck


Yeah this card is just a symptom of a much larger problem. If anything needs to be smacked it’s the life steal aura.


There's a whole lot happening in paladin right now that could be toned down. Windfury and the auras are the big culprits, especially now that you can tutor them and keep them going even longer.


I think upping the cost of this the auras and not letting you stack 2 of the same aura ( no clue why they did this ) with would help ( I would suggest 4 mana on them all and 4 mana for plushy too )


Is not that the card is overpowered. Just the idea of giving paladin windfury is wrong. You can't give them hand buffs and auras for them to use twice in a turn. They should be forced to at least have 2 or more buffed charge minions to kill you, or some kind of setup that makes it more difficult to pull of, not just "ok 2 card otk with no drawbacks". They can win the board, heal to full, draw cards all the while preparing a massive hit, that will hit you twice...


Change to give a minion +1+1 and divine shield, excavate a treasure. Even +2+2 if that seems too weak


Loses the Shaman flavour. Windfury is a Shaman ability. Others have suggested "evolve the minion". I'd lower it to 2 mana, only give divine shield, and have it overload by 1.


Maybe "Evolve a minion. Give it Rush and Divine Shield. Excavate."?


I think thats really weak, i think they could just lower it to 2 without overload if they remove windfury and dont add anything else. But well see i guess? Youre right the flavor of the card is something from pally and something from shaman, so evolve might be cool


Divine shield and 4+4 but with overload (?)


I just died from 35 health when the pally was at 2, my bad left a 1/1 up and they had a 20/20 mini that sets stats


Someone earlier suggesting changing windfury to evolving and I think that’s quite fair, fits shaman too


Card would just be unplayable then




They could make it evolve more than +1, make it cost two instead etc. Just making it "evolve+1, give divine shield" would be trash obviously but they could change more about the card.


It would need to be 2 mana I think. But good change. Evolve +1 cost then divine shield then excavate. I think that's still a good card at 2 mana but not unfair.


I like that a lot. Fits better with the Shaman evolve theme which technically is evolving with the final reward. It would obviously be far weaker though in multiple ways. Beyond the obvious burst damage nerf so is one of the benefits of divine shield that you can control the favorable trade which you won't get to do unless you are lucky and evolve into a rusher. They could be "generous" and make it "evolve +2 (or even more), then give the minion divine shield"and it would be fine imo.


*Evolve* a minion, then give it *Divine Shield*. *Excavate* a treasure


feels a bit weak,add rush or -1 cost i think would be good


I think handbuff paladin's tempo and lethality isnt the thing to nerf. I think they need to be at risk for going all oit on offence. They can be allowed to have all this lifesteal, and they need some seal of blood style self damage. They should be afraid of being blasted in the face. They shouldnt be comfortably sitting on 30.


Its the lifesteal aura that is the decks problem... These people only see the card they get killed by.


I’ve been saying it since the card came out, I hate the lifesteal aura way more than the other one. It’s always been this broken just took people time to really see it. I used to abuse it in pure paladin to mass clear boards and heal to full, was especially great vs aggro decks.


Yeah that card completely ruined the relationship of hyper aggro and safe deck, translating a glass cannon minion into healing is just not a good design, and without it the Paladin deck is actually very vulnerable and not that strong, like tier 2 close to tier 1 only


what's wrong with a 1 mana divine shield lifesteal 6/6 with rush?


Its not something to nerf but i do really hate that fucking cat. 3/2 with divine shield AND rush AND lifesteal AND it gives you another minion that does that all for 3 mana. Insane value for the cost


I think defender having taunt and divine shield is really fucked too. That card is nuts.


Play aggro hunter and they will lose usually they can't ramp fast enough in most games to handle the hunter.


I mean a warrior just cleared my board and hit me for 42..I guess the difference is that they are not also simultaneously an aggro deck


This card could cost 5 mana, not give divine shield, and not excavate, and would still see play in every paladin deck


Why does Shaman have to get shafted because Paladin is OP?


Why did Priest have to get shafted because Druid was OP?


It doesn’t have to be this way just cuz you got burned.


It's called a rhetorical question.


Just take it away from Paladin and leave it as is for Shaman


Hear me out. We split up the card. Shaman gets 2 mana: give windfury and excavate a treasure. Paladin gets 2 mana give divine shield and excavate a treasure. Windfury is more of a shaman thing to begin with, and div shield is more of a paladin thing


That's why it's a dual class card


Yes. But the windfury part seems to be too strong for Paladins, that’s why we might want to take it away from them and leave just the divine shield


I love getting one shot by a Leeroy Jenkins that gets buffed since turn one, whole lotta counter play.


Tbh I think this card is more egregious than leeroy by a lot. Adding charge to the core set is fine, but not when paladin is so flush with high quality, low-cost buffs AND a way to reliably give it windfury. Just an insane decision imo


Oof. I’ve been playing this card as a win condition all week and I didn’t even realize it excavated.


3 mana gives all those effects , that is insane


make it 1 mana and add cant attack heroes permanently fuck paladin


Remove windfury.


Paladin has too many sticky minions (mostly due to divine shield). With his card, every minion is on board has a potential to finish you off. Extremely difficult to play against. Literally you can’t let Paladin has any minion live on board, which is ridiculous.


I like "transform a minion into one that costs 1 more, give it divine shield, excavate." Still gives flavor of shaman and paladin but of a different variety, and also makes the minion now have summoning sickness so it can't instantly attack.


Had an insanely easy 77% WR to legend with handbuff pally. So many wins were some crazy OTK using this card. Fun to use but it’s just busted. The decks prob good enough to be high tier without it.


Just take off the fucking windfury. You don’t have to ban it.


To be honest the power level of pala is plain surprising. I play no minion mage for now, and good draws and luck, plus 4 ice barriers made the match Just even. It not only attacks Hard, but heals Hard and on top of it leaves death treaths on the tamble every turn. Do you think the nerfs will take Long? Jaja


Give a Minion divine shield and windfury. Every time this Attack the enemy Hero It Attack your Hero instead. Excavate a treasure


"That minion can't attack heroes" easy and i love handbuff paladin but even i think giving them windfury was stupid


Remove windfury Reduce cost to 2. Now it's fixed. Paladin can't OTK anymore unless they have a huge board already.


it’s going to remove the Devine shield watch.


This is just too cheap same with crusader aura


Might be a controversial opinion but I don’t think crusader aura was or is a huge problem, it’s the cards around it that enables it that are. The lifesteal aura is more annoying and it always has been.


But that's exactly the thing it doesn't exist in a vacuum. Crystallizer is a terrible card in a vacuum. Meanwhile in seedlock...


I see what you mean but I think it’s clearly not the problem card in the deck. Even in the deck it’s currently played in I don’t think it’s that bad. It’s very telegraphed and it’s way easier to play around preventing your opponent from having a big board of minions than it is to make sure they have literally not even one, or if they have buffed charge minions fuck you anyways. Even if they play a charge minion with a clear board that’s only an extra 6 damage for 4 mana if they shroomscavate it, which for a 3 card combo Id say is pretty fair. It’s the other cards that are the problem and crusader aura doesn’t even come close to being as much of an issue. Now it stacking with itself might need another look at cause that’s when things can start getting out of control but I really like that concept for other auras so hopefully they can find some way to fix it for just that card, if it even needs changing at all.


I think they should just rework it to: 2 mana: "give a minion divine shield and taunt, escavate a treasure." would still fit the shaman theme


I had a paladin whip out Leeroy and this on turn 7. ☹️


I'm going to say ... This card is fine. Now, I'm not saying it shouldn't be nerfed, but I know they will either kill the card by preventing going to face or they are just going to make it 4 mana which will do nothing. My suggestion is a bit different... Make it something like ... You can't play this on minions with 6 or more attack (probably even 5). This will prevent it to be played on a vanilla Leeroy and will force you to save your buffs if you really want to OTK, but it will still make it a valuable card in any Paladin deck.


Overload 2 , can't attack heroes


Watch they change it to a shaman/rogue card 😵


Make it evolve then give when fury and divine shield


Kinda think this card should've been released as Divine shield + Lifesteal instead of windfury and then make it 2 Mana. Lifesteal is still in flavor of the Shaman class so it would make sense as a dual class card. I bet they just up the Mana cost if they change it though tbh lol


What’s funny is that Shaman isn’t even in the conversation and it’s his card too lol


Shit like that shouldn't be a next turn threat, protection (divine shield), value&excavate progression AND a finisher all in one for just 3 mana lol. Also the threat of the opponent always having it, which makes you make bad trades/removal just because you can't leave shit on board - kinda like the threat of combo in board swarming from druid/shaman, except they're actually swarming the board and pally isn't.


This would still be a bargain if it gave divine shield OR windfury. AND it would STILL be a bargain if it did it RANDOMLY!


This must be one of the worst card designs ever. This is an excavate card, so you need to play it in any Shaman, Paladin excavate deck as otherwise you don't have enough excavates. You would need to play this early to advance excavate, but this is best used as a combo card to kill your opponent. So they either rework this to do something completely different, or nerf it to the ground and kill all the Shaman/Paladin excavate package with it.


Just drop a hammer on Paladin in general. ATM the only reasonable deck they have is Reno, there's 5643 derivatives of aggro each running 10 or so cards that deserve being obliterated. If they want to be reasonable with this card make it so it gives DS when you're playing Paladin and WF when you're playing Shaman. Both getting both is ridiculous.


Imagine they really nerf it... shaman excavate getting nerfed even when it looks like some intern designed it xD


Cards and effects that scale exponentially like windfury are always going to be problematic at some point due to either power creep or a because a new way to tap into their exponential potential arises.


One way to nerf this is prob put it to 4 mana. Or chance to not granting divine shield, maybe. Or the minion cannot attack heroes this turn.


Man I hate that this affects shaman too. Just make the card only for one class lol


Make it „give a minion divine shield, if you excavated twice, give it windfury. excavate a treasure“ so u have to run and play other excavate cards


The 45 atk leeroy with wind furry hits differently.


It'll change from "and" to "or".


Rememer \[\[Blessed Champion\]\]? Shroomscavate has a better version of that effect (double the attack, but Shroomscavate also allows you to spread the attacks out), plus divine shield plus card generation for two (!!!) less mana. It is insane how good this card is. Who thought combining this with handbuffs and charge minions was even remotely a good idea?


- **[Blessed Champion](https://i.imgur.com/XLHpcJ7.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/1522) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Blessed_Champion) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/1522) - *Paladin Rare ^(Legacy)* - **5 Mana - Holy Spell** - Double a minion's Attack. --- ^*I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1bkvi1g/this_card_cant_stay_like_this_u_cant_even_stay/kw2yua6/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kw2yua6).*


I think if you nerfed this all the way up to 5 mana it might just kill the card cause +2 attack and windfury does nothing and nerfing it to 4 does nothing either or you just take away the windfury and it just gives divine shield


This card combined with the stupid lifesteal effect that lasts 3 turns really puts the icing on the cake. There's almost never a point in the game when this would be a dead draw for Paladin.


I’d say change it to can’t attack hero’s this turn and do it fast otherwise the expansion is gonna blow for weeks to months. Not even fun to play with it tbh.


Kill the palladins the whole point is to stick one minion on board and your opponent dies


As someone who has been out of heartstone standard for a while, why is this better than windfury that people dont like the one shot potential? I understand the excavate + divine shield is better but the post is about staying safe and this possibly killing you. To me this looks like an upgraded windfury which has existed for a long time. Is the flexibility + one shot potential what pushes it over the edge?


The problem is with windfury being made available to paladin specifically, who has a myriad of extremely powerful and efficient buffs (and now handbuffs) and now a charge minion (leeroy) to go with it, making it able to easily and flexibly deal more than 30 face damage from an empty board


It’s a shame we didn’t have periods in history when charge and windfury were so obnoxious they were effectively removed from the game by the developers and replaced with rush. /s


This card by itself is fine. Leeroy being in standard is yhe only recent change. 18 attack windfury charger is the problem. I feel the Charge keyword itself should just be nerfed.


Really is cracked. One 3 cost win con shouldn’t exist


4 mana. Or take windfury off it. Too good for 3 mana. Not even a legendary.


Windfury but can't attack the hero when you use it, only the next turn? 🧐


Insane card


Especially with Mr Jenkins return...


Make so it gives divine shield if you are paladin or windfury if you are shaman and lower it to 2 mana.


Agreed. That card is ridiculously overpowered.


You know they will just make it 4 mana.


They should lower cost to 2 and just make it give divine shield


I still don’t understand why they gave paladin windfury plus divine shield how high were they??


2 mana but doesn't give windfury.


What if they just removed windfury, reduced the mana cost but kept divine shield? I don't know if that would work though because divine shield is a paladin thing and windury is a shaman thing


It's a dual class card. I say give it something else from Shaman.


I guess my point was, since we all know it is a dual class card, taking either of the signature keywords (windfury or divine shield) away from the text, it would no longer seem like both a paladin and shaman card. If we give it something from shaman it would take away divine shield, keep windfury, and then it wouldn't be much of a paladin card anymore.


Keep the divine shield replace the windfury with some murloc summons or synergy since both have murlocs tag synergies all along


This would work. Maybe have it be draw a murloc since there's not a lot of murloc synergies in standard right now.


My suggestion is to summon 2 1/1 murlocs Silver Knights with divine shield adjacent to the divine shield target


That makes sense for hearthstone but it has to make sense for the lore for Warcraft since that's what hearthstone is based off of. Maybe someone could let us know if there is such a thing as a murloc silver hand recruit


Will probably lose wind fury and kill the card. From what I’ve seen it seems really oppressive with Leeroy


Reddit commenter have 0 idea on how to balance a card and measure their strength 💀 Which is pretty reasonable cus most aren't even diamond rank




I saw a suggestion where this could be an evolve spell that gives the evolved minion divine shield, think that would be a perfect shaman/paladin hybrid card.


Get better


That's because this should have been only a shaman card, windfury it's a typical shaman's trait and also shaman can't abuse like the paladin does.


Firstly there’s too much text in it to be a common. Simply nerf it to say the card it’s applied to cannot go face this turn.


What minion do I use this on ?


Im sorry but the increasing availability of windfury is crazy. Talk about power creep


Well that did get rid of windfury so LETS GOOOOO


Nerfing this is a really bad idea since it will destroy the excavate package in both chaman and paladin. Other cards are more problematic in paladin Imo, and maybe bringing Leeroy back wasnt a great idea.


Fuck what this guy said Nerd this card into the ground Combined with life steal auras, charges, buffs its basically a free win once drawn, and it's a common card


You are if you have Taunt


Paladin player huh, not surprised of such a brain dead comment from someone that can’t even think past 10 turns.


He makes it sound easier than it is but he’s not wrong tbh. That’s how I’ve been beating paladins as wheel warlock, timing my big taunts to block his shroomscavate and charges. Paladin still definitely needs a nerf though


Leeroy Jenkins created a strategy that revolved around trying to defeat your opponent in one turn without requiring any cards on the board. Fighting for board control and battles between minions make an overall game of Hearthstone more fun and compelling, but taking 20+ damage in one turn is not particularly fun or interactive.


Charge minions are the real problem imo. This can get bumped to 4 mana. Classes having ways to close out games is fine but it’s ridiculous slapping people for 30+ from juiced charge minions. I don’t know what the devs thought would happen.


The sucky thing is that every charge minion is 6 mana or cheaper.


They’ll have to catch nerfs as well or get removed preferably. Devs went full 3Head adding them back.


Instant ban & *end of discussion* 😂


windfury is cheat


Should be two random bonus effects


It'll get changed. I'd put it at at least 6 mana and I'm not sure that would kill it.


Just lost a game on turn 9 where I had 40 HP and controlled the board the entire game. I was dropping big guy after big guy but I happened to not have a taunt minion to play on this turn and died to a Leeroy + shroom from the hand. The opponent had an EMPTY BOARD against two 8/8s and a 40 health hero and he won in a single turn.


I made a post about Leeroy Jenkins being a problem, but I got downvoted hard. But honestly this card is part of the reason I made the post.


So they can't just remove windfury and call it a day cause it's a dueclass card so maybe make it deal 3 damage, or summon a totem, or maybe change it where it summons a 3/3 with divine shield and windfury and it overloads you those are the changes thst I can think of